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Yata we got another request!! Hm nothing well I will do young and normal like the show welp lets do after the ant arc and u reader-chan and gon and killua been with each other for a while !!Oh and u never told them but kurapika that your also a assassin!!


Walking down as lerido gon and killua talk You went in secret to talk to pika-chan(kurapika) 

Ring ring

Ring ring

"Hello?"he answer"hey pika"You said "hey f/n what's wrong?wait did gon not make it?"he ask worryly"no he fine killua-kin save him with his sister or brother"You said as he took a breath of relief "thank goodness im glad" You smile as You turn mine head seeing them play around and talk

"F/n everything okay with u?"he suddenly ask you blus"w-what u mean? Pi-Kia n-nothing wrong w-with me"You stutter "n/n something wrong your stutters back "he pointed out You sigh still red sitting down"I still can't tell killua"I admitted "what!u still haven't told him?!?  N/n this got to stop your heart cant take it and what happens if your family finds u?i wont be able to help u " pika said 

And pointed out you u as u looking around checking if u saw any of your family members witch there were none you saw"u just had to bring mine family up pika "you said sighing felling depressed now

"Im a loner"You said"no your not"he said"yes I am I can't even tell killua"yousaid"Tell me what?"jumping turning red seeing killua with a lollipop in his mouth looking at me"I um erm"I stutter"good luck f/n don't screw up"you hear pika said hanging up"w-wait kurapika!"You try say in the phone but sigh "kurapika?he was on the phone?"killua said "um yah"u said messin with your fingers "was he worry for gon at all why didn't he come?"killua ask you"

h-he was very w-worryActually a-and he w-was too-ken by s-some people wh-ho had h-his family e-eyes"You told him stuttering a bit

"He out right?'You nodded"then u know where he is right"u shook your head no"he don't want me t-to race to help hi-Im"u said looking down"now for mine first question "you tilt your head questioning what it was"tell me what?"he ask I turn red as the color blood red

"U-um w-well "u try to said but your shyness kick in causing u to not finshed your sentice and gon seeing how u turn red like blood help u out! A little love from author-chan~

"you okay f/n?" Lerido ask you and u nodded still a bit red but not as the color red though

"Y-yah I j-just need so-ome air"u said walking away not seeing the look of killua worry for u~

Somewhere in the city

Sighing sitting down on a bench by the fountain "hello f/n"u turn around jumping up"b/s/n(big sister name) what u doing here"u growl she just tilt her c/h fell in front of her face"here to take u home of course"b/s/n said monotone"no!u said f/f/n(father first name or father name) if I had a boyfriend or a good goal that will help the l/n family then I don't have to go back!" U said trying to cover up your shyness but took a step back when your sister took a step forward towards u

"U know u cant excape me f/n I drill into your mind each and every thing u need to learn to be an assassin "she said montone as u start to shake when her c/s hand reach towards u"f/n mother wants u home since you will never be able to find no one and u cannot have friends like assassin need them anyways"she said the most important drill assassin's don't need friends

"N-no"u stuttertrying move but u were frozen in fear"I i I"u try to say right before she could put her hand on your c/h something moved u and u felt a warmth looking up u saw killua hugging u protectly "sorry but she not going home"he growl holding u close and u blushing redder now b/s/n pull her hand back"oh?who are u?"she ask motone"u know u be fitting for mine brother if me and f/n werent dating"killua said u look at killua wide eye"boyfriend prove it"b/s/n said as he smirk"of course f/n I love u  due to knowing your shy is it okay to kiss u?"killua said u gulp"u-um killu-a kin u d-don't have t-to ask "u told him"good to know that "he said as he gently press his lips on yours

(Omg omg omg omg reader chan god the killua! Diva-is that a thing? Lav-'shrugs ')

U close your eyes and lean into the kiss causing it to go deeper killua smirk licking your bottem lip u open a bit new at this he won the battle as he explore your mouth pulling back due to lack of air(damn u air damn u!!!! Diva-don't they have nen then can't they use that to expand there lungs? Lav-not litterly that hasn't been heard of as far as I'm know but it can happen me-nuuu'cries for reader chan') 

"Now s/n of f/n leave me and mine girlfriend alone "he growl as his nailed became sharper "fine fine I will tell mother and father"she reply walking away

Turning to killua still out of breath but shock he went with it and the kiss'oh mine god what if killua did it only to save me I got to apologize!!'u though a bit heart breaking but u didnt want force killua into anything right before u could say anything killua spoke"if u told me sooner u love me and u had to go home if u didn't have a boyfriend I could of help u ya know f/n"he told you causing u to blush in ebersment"u-um sorry w-wait u l-love me to?"u ask hopefully"well yah duh"he said in a weird tone"we may just met when I took the hunter exams again but I knew I love u "he reply 

"G-good ca-ause no o-other girls w-will touch u!"u said with a pout but a determination face on 

"Okay okay geez f/n your mine so don't go and be all weird on me or weirder then normal"u blush but giggle then laughed

"What's so funny?"he ask"u-u! O-oh ki-illua I love u"u said not stuttering at the end he wrap his arms around u"I love u to mine weird girlfriend"he said 

Extended ending

"Yah! I told u they get together!!!"u both jump turning seeing gon and lerido looking at u threw the fountain "guys!"u pout "pay up!"gon said to lerido as he did "now I will plan the wedding or when we meet each other again that is!"gon said nodding "onii chan got a onii-san,"his sister said "aw of curse aiukka!"u said picking her up and spinning her while the others laughed

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