Kurapikax sudical!reader

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Why do people go for sadness these days? I just don't get it but I'm fine with what your heart go with I'm like a genie I great what your hearts want'bows slightly since I was in chair and there a desk in front of me and go back up' this is just like the show after the ant arc! And they never left each other because u insisted with kurapika to help the boys and lerdio to say as well when his test was done!'smiles big'

well I due hope u injo-

Knock knock

Me-'stands up in shock and cunfusion 'What the? I don't think anyone coming at this late..'walks to door' why hello this is dinchi Mai I as-as-ask

'Steps back'hold up a min! Your your supposed to be gone! Diva lavender red alert!!'room turns red as alarms were set off' 

Diva-'jumps on desk with sword leaning on shoulder 'heh let's go!'pushes off it as she unsheathed her sword'

Me-gah! Sword sword!'doges sword thrown at me'wa-


U and the others watch as gon and killua fist pump and left I sigh lerdo is going back to his spot that is new seeing what he need to do and his doctor job killua going with his sister to see the world and gon going be with his pa for a while but what will kurapika do? That's oblivious of me of course he going see to it for his families his clan eyes I sigh from mine deep thoughts 

"What am I going do though?"I wonder outloud as I swing mine legs off the building since I didn't want them to know I didn't actually leave when gon, killua, and the rest met up 

"Man why did I lie saying I had something to do?"I sigh out loud falin on the shingles closing mine eyes"and I never got to tell him"I said depressed 

I shook mine head but it still lingers "damn I knew it I am weak" I said looking at mine self "I couldn't do anything right"I thought of all the past mistakes I made"I thought that maybe that maybe takin that hunters exams that maybe I can get mine depression over but but" I made mine hand into a fist" I can dissapper yah" I jump off building from building looking for something I saw one where wherei was looking around till I stop I saw a couple with a kid laughing and happy

I clutch mine fist more" why can't that be me?"I said angrily as I saw the bridge I jump over and landed softly as I watch the sunset I hop on the rail as I sat on it 

"If I let go will it be ok no one will miss me" I said as I I took mine shoes in mine hand and held on a beam that was on the bridge as I look forward as the sun hits the ground just right to make it looks like a painting 

"Lovely isn't it?"I turn mine head to the side in surprise to see kurapika leaning on it looking at the sunset I look back at it "it is " I agree with him as we sat in silence why is he here? I just want to go away I can't tell him I'm not strong I thought I grip the beam tighter kurapika must sense mine men diffrently because he looked at me I drop mine shoes down he look at me in cunfusion "why u drop those shoes? Didn't it cost a lot to buy them?" 

He ask me as I sigh "kurapika "he flinch I alawys called him Kira or pika or something other then his real name I only did it when I worry for him very much , when he hurt real bad because he did something stupid, or the first time we met

"Y/n ?"he ask in cunfusion I sigh and look at mine hand that was free"u been sighing since we seen each other lately what's up?"he ask me tilting his head I have haven't i? Maybe this I can tell him I mean I'll go when I let go I thought gathering the last of mine courage I had witch means after I tell him mine hand will let go due to the courage that was in me and I'm okay with it I'm okay with dying 

"Kurapika I need to tell u something" I told him he look at me as I face him and gave a light smile "I love u "and let go 


"Come on open your eyes come on" what ? Who that? I'm cold but I hear something or someone but who?"don't do this to me! Come on n/n remember when when we first met? U thought I was a girl !"ah kurapika I remember that 


I bouse on mine feet while walking with these boys and girl"so so what's your name girly?" I ask her as they stare at me in shock and weirdness I look at her waiting" heyyyy can u please answer me girly?" I said putting mine hand on mine hop she blink"I'm kurapika" she answer I smile"well kurapika-chan I'm glad to meet another girl!"I said wrapping mine arm around her shoulder she blush gon poke me I look at him"what's up?" I said "kurapika a guy"he stated I blink looking at kurapika"wait so....your a boy not a girl?"

I said he nodded killua cross his arms waiting for mine reaction "ehhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!??"

Flashback over

Heh that was a shock of mine life I kept apologizing to kura so much  "please u can't leave me remember the promise we made with each other?! Remember?"kura voice was soft but strong it sounded so distant and distraught but why? Promise?


I fell off the cliff as kurapika grab mine wrist I look at him as he held  onto a branch as mine eyes widen at him he look at me"n/n! Don't u dare give up on me!?" Mine eyes widen more  as he struggles to pull me and himself up"kura let me go! It's okay! It's fine"I said looking down his grip mine wrist tighter as he cause his chains to hit the ground pulling us up slowly as we pull up I can see him getting weaker as his skin color from his hand was a bit pail"kurapika! I said let me go! U can't carry us at the same time! Your going use your nen up! I won't be anyone problem anymore" I said as I made him let me go as I fall I suddenly felt warmth 

Around mine waist I look at him as our feet landed on the ground I fell to mine knees along with kurapika as he hug me tighter "never never say that n/n...you are not a problem "mine eyes widen as he look at me with ears in his face I cup his cheeks as I wipe them away mine eyes going back to normal and soften at him  "kura...why are u crying?"I whisper softly"I thought I thought I was going to loose someone close to me"he told me looking to the side mine eyes went wide again as I giggle a bit he look at me cunfused "oh pika-kun"he blush at that " I I'm sorry "I said threw mine little giggle fit as I calm down he hug me again

"Promise me that u won't do anything life threatening again?" I hug him"I will try to keep that promise kura I will try"I told him softly as he hug me tighter"I'm glad to hear that"he whisper to me in relief "as long as u stop crying over me as well"I told him softly"then I will try as well at that"he softly said we both chuckle at it

Flashback over

I remember it now I guess I didn't try hard enough I'm sorry I try open mine eyes but it's a bit hard since all I see is black "n/n listen to mine voice follow mine voice please please! I I can't lose u!" His voice grew louder as mine body felt warmth on it"please y/n" I felt like shivering because normally he called me by n/n or sometimes by y/n when where in work but never like that "can u hear me y/n please please u can't say that u love me and die like that!"

His voice was growing louder as I try open mine eyes when I did I flutter them so I use to the light but there was none but I wasn't sure its night I thought as I look down I saw kurapika laying his head on me holding mine hand crying 

I move mine hand wiping his tears away"wh-hat I said about c-crying o-over me?"I said softly mine voice a bit horse, his head shot up looking at him I smile a bit weakly at him as he pull me to him in a tight hug"y/n!! Please don't ever ever scare me like that again!"he said griping me tighter I tap him signaling him I couldn't breath he losses his hold on me but not by much since he still held onto me"what where u thinking?! U told me earlier that u were fine?!" He said to me I slightly wince hearing his tone of voice

"I'm I'm" the words wouldn't come out as I grip him I put mine head into his chest"kura kura"I cried out as he held me soothed me too calm me down "kura"he hummed "I'm sorry that I broke the promise we made back then"I told him"guess I wasn't trying mine hardest"I added he grip me gently but a bit tighter as he look at me"u were trying your hardest I should've been there to help u also....I never did keep mine end of the promise as well I'm crying"he said as I wipe the rest of the tears away"but that's what people do when there in love right?"

He said I blush "l-love?! U u "I stutter as he cup mine cheek silencing me " I love u as well y/n l/n I do hope u will be mine girlfriend"he said gently as I pull him down and give him a kiss


"So kura?"

"Hm?whats up?"

"So where are we?"


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