Chap. 11

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{edited 6/14}

I slid out of the car and walked with Olivia to the 24-hour diner that we had all pulled up to. After checking on the horses, we all walked into the diner while the driver's requested food and cared for the horses.

"Ash!" I shouted when I saw him.

"Hey!" he shouted back. He walked over with one of his friends, Derek, and took a seat with me and Olivia, me and him across and Derek and Olivia across.

We sat awkwardly until a waiter came to take our order. I scanned the menu.

"I'll just take a plain cheeseburger please," I ordered.

"I'll have a hot dog with fries," Derek ordered.

"May I please have a small spaghetti?" Olivia asked,


"Um...I'll take a hamburger thank you," Ash said. The waiter nodded and went back to place our orders.

Ten minutes later, the same waiter came back with our food. We ate at a pretty cool pace until Anthony called for us to wrap it up.

"See you there, Ash," I said goodbye to him. He nodded and smiled. I hopped back into the truck and we were off again. Only a few more hours. I stared out the window the rest of the way.

Around 4:00 am, we arrived. Eric parked the trailer across from the stables, since no one else was there except for 2 other trailers and Hunter's Grove trailers. I hopped out and pet Tigger's nose, which was peeking out behind the trailer window's bars. Olivia did the same.

Eric came back with our assigned stalls and we started to unload. Olivia went first, then me, then Rebecca, and finally Scarlett. We unloaded quickly and we found our stalls just as easily. Mine was 42. I searched around and finally found it. I placed Tigger in it and I took off his boots. I fetched some morning hay for him and filled his bucket. I left his sheet and tail wrap on since it was colder up here and so his braid didn't get messed up. I arrived at the trailer and took out the trunk, wheeled to his stall and left for the tack. A few moments later, I was placing the tack on racks and hooks across from Tigger's stall and above my trunk. I went to go find Anthony to see where to sign in. But, instead, I found an extremely cute stable hand who looked to be sixteen.

No time to find some love interest, Roxy!

"Excuse me?" I asked, tapping his shoulder as he was grabbing a bale of hay.

"Hm?" He turned around.

"Um, do you know where I could sign in?"

"Yeah. Just go straight out and there should be a booth over there," he pointed.


I walked out, following his directions and found a booth.

"Name?" The woman said.

"Roxanne Matthews,"

"Ok. You're doing the Large Junior 15/U and Large Junior U/S 15/U," I nodded.

"Thanks. Um, what are the times for the classes?" I asked.

"The 15/U starts at 8:00 and the U/S 15/U starts at 1:00," she confirmed.

"Thank you," I said to her.

"Good luck!" She called from the window. I smiled and walked back with my schedule in hand.

"Hey, Roxy!"

I turned my head and saw Olivia running towards me with her arms spread like a bird. I laughed and started running, mimicking her. We collided with a hug.

"I'm so excited!" she squealed.

"Me too," I said, breaking our embrace.

"And I know I'm going to win!"

"Oh yeah? What classes are you doing?" I asked.

"Um, Large Junior 15/U and the Junior U/S 15/U,"

"Same! I'm gonna kick your ass!" I shouted and punched her arm.

"Oh, yeah right! I'm totally gonna win!" she bragged.

"Well, were gonna have to see bout that!" I ran off towards the stable, Olivia on my heels.

I slowed down once I got near and walked towards Tigger. Checking on his near-perfect braids, I ran a brush over his silky coat.

"Hey, boy. You alright?" I asked. He nickered playfully and I pet his forehead, where he liked it. I walked to my trunk and sat down, eating a granola bar. The rest of the morning was boring. Riders and horses filing in and out, some coming back with rainbows of ribbons, others, not.

When the show started at seven, Olivia and I went to shop for ten minutes before we both had to tack up. We stopped at a horse rescue booth and donated a few dollars and I bought new gloves to wear back home. I decided I would wear these a lot and would withstand better than my old ones.

"Hey, Rox, it's time to go!" Olivia shouted from outside. I payed the cashier and we walked back to the stables.

"Tiggy!" I called. He stuck his head out and I smiled. I reached for his halter and lead on my trunk and skipped it over his head. Clipping on his halter, I left Tigger in his stall to avoid show ground ruckus. I went back for my grooming box, took off his Rambo Sheet, and started grooming.

I curried him thoroughly until there was nothing else to curry. I swept the dandy brush across him and did the same with the body brush. I put those away and took out my hoof pick. I ran my leg down Tigger's leg and squeezed as he lifted his hoof up. I put the hoof pick away and took out my mane and tail brush. I walked around and took out his tail wrap and brushed the excess hair from his braid and brushed it.

I went to his tack. I slipped his Fleeceworks saddle pad over his back, adjusted it, and went to fetch his Tad Coffin Saddle. Two minutes later, I was latching up his girth. I went to grab his bridle next. I lifted the noseband, allowing room for the bit to go in, and out it flat on my hand. I held it up to his mouth and he gladly accepted it. I put the crown-piece over his ears, tightened the noseband and tightened the throat latch. I put on some hoof polish and swiped a body brush over for a finishing touch. I went to grab my helmet and gloves, slid my helmet on and put my gloves on my cold hands. I reached for my helmet as I led Tigger out of the stables, Olivia following. I searched for my dad, but he was no where to be seen. I sighed, but, luckily, Anthony came over knowing I was missing my mom, my used-to-be-number-one-fan.

"You need something?" he asked, walking over towards me.


"Don't lie to me,"

"Can you just...wipe down his legs and my boots? My mom did that before my dad took over," I confessed.

He nodded sympathetically and went to fetch a towel as I was about to go.

"Thanks," he nodded and walked back to help other riders.

"Roxy! Hey!" I turned around and saw Olivia walking towards me.


"I just want to say good luck. I know you'll win," she said, forgetting about the silly conversation earlier.

I smiled, "Thanks. You'll do great too," She looked down in embarrassment.

"Oh come on, Liv," I grabbed her arm and she followed me. Anthony walked out with us to the warm up ring.

"Okay, girls. I'll give you a leg up. Tighten your girths first." Anthony instructed.

I tightened my girth and Anthony walked over, grabbed my heel and calf, and I bounced up, landing on Tigger softly as he shifted, getting anxious. I walked into the arena and started at a brisk walking pace. Olivia entered shortly after when Anthony was leaning against the fence. I squeezed Tigger into a working trot, posting up and down with his up-down rhythm. After two laps, I asked for a canter. He gave me his smoothy, flowing canter and we cantered for two laps. I switched direction and did the same thing. After me and Olivia warmed up over flat, Anthony walked in and set up a jump about 3'3". I cantered towards it and counted down my strides.

One, two, three, four.

I ran my hands up Tigger's neck and he tucked his knees. I turned at the corner and went towards a 3'3"-3'6" oxer.

One, two, three.

Tigger leaped over it as I folded into two point. We did that same combination three or more times and then I went over the course again, since I already studied it for half an hour earlier this morning.

"Entering the arena is number 182 Kara Seville riding Out Of The Blue," the announcer called.

"On deck is number 147 Olivia Chambers riding I Can See The Light," I looked over at Liv and her face turned pale.

"Liv! You're gonna do fine, don't worry bout anything! You rocked the last show!" She nodded and carefully nudged Beacon to a walk towards the arena.

You'll do fine, Rox. You've been to plenty of shows, this is a natural routine for you. Just trust Tigger, he knows what he's doing and so do you, I tried to reassure myself

"Entering the arena is number 147 Olivia Chambers riding I Can See The Light," Olivia walked up with Anthony. She hesitated before entering but gave Beacon a reassuring pa to the neck.

"On deck is number 242 Roxanne Matthews riding Full Of Optimism," the announcer announced.

I walked up to where Olivia was and waited, watching their round. It was pretty good, actually, but her nerves got the best of her and she knocked a rail. I smiled as she finished her ride, clapping the loudest and smiled. She looked my way and I gave her a thumbs up with a smile.

"Great job, Liv!" I exclaimed. She returned my compliment with a 'good luck'.

"Entering the arena is number 242 Roxanne Matthews riding Full Of Optimism," the announcer said.

I smiled and walked into the arena as Liv was exiting. I lifted my hand up and we gave each other high fives. My stomach did a flip. I turned around and saw Anthony patting Beacon.

I leaned down and said to Tigger, "C'mon, boy, we can do this," I pat his neck and he tossed his head. I smiled to myself and nudged him into a trot.

We circled in front before I picked up a canter. I guided Tigger towards the first jump: a three-three stone wall with vines covering it.

One, two, three.

I folded as Tigger tucked his knees neatly over the jump. I kept my heels down as I searched for the next jump: a white branch jump with hedges underneath and a matching panel and standards. I pushed Tigger around the corner and counted my strides.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

We cleared the jump nicely as the third jump was looming ahead shortly. The jump was a wooden block with a diamond panel and a cutout design on the standard with bright green trim.

One, two.

I leaped in the saddle and kept Tigger even and straight. I switched my lead so it would be subtle. The next jump, plain wooden standards and poles a top of a brush fence. It looked to be three-six.

One, two, three, four, five.

Tigger and I rose in unison, as one team, and I urged him around the corner. I went through the corner, making sure I don't cut it. I turned my head to see the fifth jump: a three-six jump with barrels as the standards with panels and poles.

I pushed Tigger around the corner and looked straight ahead.

One, two, three, four.

We lifted, once again out of the saddle. I sat back once we landed and then rose into half seat again. We turned slightly to face the sixth jump: a stone wall with hedges and a fence like pole a top.

One, two, three.

We rose again and sat back down. I changed my lead and looked at the seventh jump: an Aspen-tree like standards and poles covered with hedges all over. There was a diamond cutout in the standards, which was filled with flowers of different colors.

One, two, three, four.

I fell into two point and Tigger lifted off the ground. I headed towards the corner and pushed around it to the with jump: a wooden panel jump with orange flowers on the ground and the standards cut with diamonds all the way up and down.

One, two.

Tigger tucked his knees as I rose out of the saddle. My eyes drifted to the next jump, a triple combination. The first two jumps were oxers and the last one was a vertical. The oxers were ascending oxers, three-three, three-six, and the vertical was three-six. The standards were decorated like castles and a plank with stones on it underneath stick poles. There was two strides between the oxers and three strides between the last oxer and the verticle.

One, two, three, four.

I rose out of the saddle and Tigger went into his jumping position. I sat down and counted my next strides.

One, two.

I rose again and so did Tigger.

One, two, three.

I rose again, maintaining my equitation. I fell back down with Tigger. Once we landed, I switched leads again. I turned my head to the tenth jump, and last jump, a triple pole jump. The standards looked like wells. The poles on top were branches and there were logs under it.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

I lifted up a last time, slid my hands up his silky coat, and rose into two point as Tigger leaped over, tucking his knees neatly. I slid backd down with him as we cleared the round. I smiled as we cantered around in a circle again. I asked Tigger to trot as I gave him a big pat. I looked up to see Olivia standing there, by the entrance, and waving at me.

The announcer was on the loud speaker again, telling everyone about my ride.

"Exiting the arena is number 242, Roxanne Matthews riding Full Of Optimism. Entering the arena is number 173, Scarlett White riding Daring Skipper,"

I walked out as Scarlett was trotting in. She slowed to a walk when she got next to me.

"Good luck, Scarlett," I said to her.

"Okay. I don't need it though," She fired back quickly.

"Okay," Is all I said.

I walked off when I heard Scarlett again, "Oh, and you're mutt won't win. I'm totally gonna beat you. You know that right?"

"You do realize that Tigger is a full Thoroughbred with little Warmblood bloodlines in him, right?"

She huffed, I'm pretty sure I could feel her eyes drilling burning flames and holes into my grey show jacket.

"You did amazing! I can't believe you! You didn't tell me you were this good!" Olivia shrieked me one after another.

I blushed in embarrassment, "Well..."

"It's true, Roxanne," I looked up and saw Anthony standing there.

I widenend my eyes, "I'm not that good," I backed up.

"You're not Olympic-ready, no, but you're pretty amazing, naturally-talented, and really advanced for my taste," Anthony complimented.

"Thanks," I said shyly.

"When we get back to Hunters Grove, I would like to talk to you,"

"Okay," I replied curiously

He nodded goodbye to rush to other show things and I squealed with Liv.

"Ohmygod Liv!" I said as she practically jumped out of Beacon's saddle.

"Oh, I know right!" She squealed.

"Okay, okay. We have to go eat something before out next class," I said, still amazed.

We walked back to the stables, still on our horses, and hopped off before we got there. More riders were filing in and out, some almost in their own little world.

"Sebastian!" I said loudly, but not too loud to spook horses.

"Roxy!" He said back, jogging towards me.

"How'd you do?" He asked.

"Um..." I said, looking at Olivia sheepishly and back at him.

She walked over briskly and we jumped up and down while Ash had a confused face.

"AnthonysaidthathewasimpressedwithmyrideandhewantstotalktomewhenwegetbacktoHuntersGrove," I blurted out.


I sighed, "Anthony said that he was impressed with my ride and he wants to talk to me when we get back to Hunters Grove," I said more clearly, watching Ash very closely.

"That's wonderful!" he said and hugged me, spinning me around. I tapped his shoulder, noticing that other riders were watching us.

"Whoops," he admitted.

As Ash walked away, Olivia whispered to me, "By the way, I totally ship you two together."

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Ok guys! So this is a long chap for ya guys! The pic of the horse is not really of Tigger, but it's close enough for him! The video is also not of Tigger and the video is also NOT mine! But hope ya love it!



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