Chap. 4

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{edited 6/11}

Sebastian led me to a quiet spot, near the paddocks, and we sat down. It was a sunny day, causing small beads of sweat to form on my forehead. Ash sat down across from me and he smiled at me. I looked away when he asked me the first question.

"What do you need to know that's so important to leave my horse?" he asked teasingly.

"Oh please. Like you even like cleaning schools?" I replied, flipping my hair behind my shoulder.

"It's true. I do like mucking out stalls, but I guess this is urgent considering you dragged me out here after our lesson,"

"Ok ok. First question..."

"Shoot," he told me with an edgy voice.

"Why am I so important all of a sudden? Yesterday...I was just some nobody and now everyone wants to be with me? I don't understand," I asked.

Ash stared at me with his kind brown eyes and I realized that I've been staring for too long. I turned my head down and he answered my strange question.

"You see, one of the populars, Scarlett, saw you ride. And she really likes how you handle all of this and she wants you to be one of her, or else-"

"Wait, wait, wait. The populars? Who are they?" I asked, getting somewhat impatient.

"Well, hence the word populars, they are the ones who've been her for over three years. It's like their second home," he answered.

"Okay. But what else? I need more information," I shot back at him.

"Well, if you let me finish my first sentence, then I would've said or else they'll spill your secret," he said with hesitation.

"Secret? I don't have any secrets. I'm an open book. I bet you people know more about me than I know about myself," I said with embarrassment.

"Well obviously not this one,"

"Do you know what it is?"

"Sort of. I know parts of it but not the whole thing," he told me.

"Wait, is this a long secret? 'Cause most secrets are pretty short,"

"Uhmm..." he looked at his wrist, which had no watch and he stood up abrubtly. But, I grabbed his arm and yanked him back down. I slammed my hand on the table.

"Tell me the secret!" I shouted.

"I-I can't."

"Wh-what do you mean you can't?!"

"Scarlett said that if I tell anyone, then she'll have me expelled," he explained.

"Expelled? For one secret? That's insane. Who the hell does she think she is?" I asked with anger.

"Well, her dad is the owner of the school,"

"What?! B-but that's not fair! How does she think she'll get away with that?"

"I don't know but she has it all planned out,"

"Well, how do even know what the secret is?" I asked him.

"Um...she told me," he said, waving his arms in the air.

I stood up and smacked to back of his head with anger and he rubbed it.

"You know, you're pretty strong to be a girl," He said. I ignore the sexist comment.

"Thanks? But I need to know this! How? How does she know! Why does she hate me so much? What does she want?" I shouted even louder.

I turned around and saw horses galloping around their paddock.

"She overheard you and your friends-" he paused, lost for names

"Sophie and Olivia..." I correct

"Yeah. She lives in the same dorm as you. She overheard you while walking to her room-"

"Wait-wait does she have dark brown hair?" I ask, suddenly remembering a familiar face.

"Um yeah, actually. And She doesn't hate you she just wants vengeance. Vengeance for this," he waved his arms in circles around the barn, "She just wants revenge."

I was speechless. Vengeance? Vengeance for the barn? What does that have anything to do with me?

I stood up from the tiny picnic table where we were sitting, and walked away in anger, my hand formed in fists.

"Hey! Rox! Where are you goin'?" Ash shouted from the table.

"To find Scarlett,"

"That's probably not a good idea,"

I stopped in the dirt, "Why? How come she can do this to me and I can't do something to her?"

"Well, for starters, you look like crap. And you're already worked up! You should do this when you're not worked up. Like in the morning when you were nice and kind.

I walked over to him, "So you're saying I'm not nice and kind now?"

"Um yea. Look at you Rox! You need a deep breath! You're freaking out over this secret!"

"I don't care. I'm going over to her,"

I started walking, then running. I heard footsteps behind me and turned my head. Sebastian was a few feet away but I stretched my legs out and started running. My side started to cramp but I pushed that aside. I was getting near the quad when Sebastian grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

"Rox! Stop it! Can we at least talk about this "secret?'" Ash said with emphasis on the secret.

"Sure. When I know that I can be trusted by the one friend I have that will listen to me."

Ash looked confused, "What about Olivia? Or Sophie? Huh? What about them? Are they not important to you?"

"N-no. That's not-"

"Forget it. I can't like someone who doesn't even trust their roommates. That's just pathetic," he stormed off and I felt a small tear coming from my eye.

Wait, he likes me? Er-well, liked.

"Ash! That's not what I meant! Ash! Sebastian?" I started crying and I ran back to my room in tears.

I tore open the front door and stormed upstairs into my room. I slammed the door and locked it. I flopped onto my bed crying. I don't even know why I was crying.

"Rox? Are you in there? Can I come in?" I heard a small, weak voice infront of my door.

"No. Go away. I don't want to talk now," I barely said.

"Rox, please?" Olivia pleaded.

I managed to get off of my bed and unlock the door. Olivia ran and hugged me while I was still crying. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yea," I pulled away wiping tears away from my face, "Yea I'm fine. I-I'm fine. I-just nevermind," I took back.

"Rox. You know you can tell me anything?"

I sighed and shook my head. "No. You can tell me anything. i just can't tell you. I'm sorry Olivia,"

She gave me worried eyes and sat next to me, still wanting to talk about it.


"Olivia! Please. I'm dangerous. I-I don't want to hurt you. I've been through a lot thorughout my life,"

I walked out of my room and down the steps and out the door to the stables.

I headed straight to Tigger's stall. I saw his small star and his light head sticking out. I unlatched that door, walked in, latched it back and sat down in the soft shavings. He walked over and leaned his neck down. I hugged him and was crying in his warm coat. His neck lifted back up. A few minutes later, Tigger was laying down next to my leg. I smiled and tears were still streaming down my cheek.

"Thanks, Tigg. You always cheer me up," I kissed his forehead and he rested his head down on my lap, like he knew I was sad and I wanted someone to love me.

Footsteps were coming towards his stall, but he still lay there.

Sebastian and Olivia peered through the stall door and looked at me in the dark corner of his stall. They opened the door and walked in. I turned away but they didn't care, and neither did Tigger. Olivia's fiery red hair shimmered through the darkness. They started to walk over but I out my hand up. She gave me a worried look and Ash just looked down. I felt terrible.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly.

"W-we just wanted to check on you. You seemed pretty uptight before," Olivia said like an innocent little girl.

"Thanks but no thanks. I rather be alone with Tigger," I said. Ouch. That must've hurt them.

"Well make sure to come to lunch. It's at 1:15," Sebastian said cheerfully.

A smile crept up my face and I shooed them away.

"It's just you and me boy. I'll stay here forever if I could. But unfortunately not,"

I whispred to Tigger. He gave a faint neigh and a laughed. Tigger lifted up his neck and I hugged him. He wrapped his neck around me and I smiled laughing.

"Thanks, boy. I gotta go," I walked out of his stall and went to the picnic table by the paddocks, remembering our conversation, another tear falling down my cheek. But it wasn't sadness.

It was happiness.

✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒

hey guys! this was a pretty interesting chapter so I hope it made up for the last one.

also the picture, which disappeared, is Olivia Chambers portrayed by Bella Thorne


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