Hunting the Rathalos

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"BRRWURRN" Sounded the hunting horn signalling that the hunt was on. My party and I got the supply equipment that was given to us by the hunters guild and got to work. We traveled across the terrain to where our intel said the Rathalos would be and lo and behold the great Red Wyvern with it's dangerous poison talons, it sharp tail and of it's loud yet majestic roar. We started hacking and slashing away at it trying to tank any and all of it's damage however it was no use. Once the poison talons managed to get someone they would die in about 5 minutes after the initial strike. Sadly though I was at the receiving end of said strike, I yelled to my party "Cover me! I need to back off and heal!" And they nodded in response as our Bowgun wielding teammate shot a couple of piercing rounds to try and distract him. I somehow managed to get away far enough that I wouldn't be in range of either it's tail swipe or it's fire breath unless it got up into the air and started to fly, thankfully my party was doing a good job at keeping it at bay. I swiftly grabbed my antidote and drank it after that I grabbed 2 mega potions as I knew that health was in the red zone. After a few seconds I got back on my feet and back to the fight. I unsheathed my longsword and dived straight for the enemy! And dodged it's feet as it tried to stomp on me. As I did this I looked at my blade and thought to myself "SHIT! I forgot to sharpen my blade!" I then had to dodge another attack by once again rolling under it. Luckily however the shockwave from it has given me enough kinetic energy for me to roll away and get to a safe spot for me to sharpen my blade I managed to spot my party's insect glaive wielder use his glaive as a pogo stick and used the theory of levers and propelled himself upward where he had managed to pull off a 10 hit combo. The combo was so strong that it managed to knock the Rathalos over but not fully kill it. I seized this opportunity and, with my rage meter fully charged buffed my attack and unleashed my own 10 hit combo. The insect glaive wielder backed off, and I covered for him. As we continued on and on the dual sword wielding finally had built up his rage meter and performed another 10 hit combo! But unexpectedly, the Rathalos lunged for our insect glaive wielder and knocked him out. The Felynes took him back to base camp and helped him recover, thankfully though our Bowgunner had thrown a paint ball at the Rathalos before the fight so that we could follow him. Once we reached it's den we found it sleeping and without hesitation I pulled off a move that was so strong that it cut off his tail! This understandably woke him up and he was about to roar but the dual wielder was faster, he threw a flash bomb and the Bowgunner put a few paralysis rounds throgh the Rathalos' skull. We layed down a pitfall trap and let the guild handle the rest, as I was carving materials out of the sleeping wyvern's tail, I noticed something, something oddly peculiar that once again made me panic. Eggs. 6 of them. This was terrifying for me as this meant the this Rathalos had mated with a Rathian and she could be coming back anytime soon... I told my party to "Hurry up!" And then I grabbed 2 of the 6 eggs and ran off, my teammates carried the others. Luckily though our insect glaive user had caught up with us and I asked him to contact the guild to let them know of the capture. The insect glaive wielder stayed behind and called HQ as the rest of us hightailed it out of there. Once we got back I decided that we should keep the eggs and have ourselves some pets. The others just looked at each other, gave the pets to me and said "We don't want 'em, we have enough to worry about." And I nodded. When Insect Glaive finally arrived he looked at me and said: "The guild has been notified of it's capture, and will be sharing the carvings among us four evenly." "Hey," I asked "Can you do me a favor and not tell the guild about the eggs." He looked at me and smiled "Sure." He said "Anything for a friend." And thus we went home. I went back with 6 Rathalos or Rathian eggs and they went back to their homes.

So hey! I'm back! This story was just something I came up with when I had a fever dream about this. (Clearly the place where good ideas come from) and I hope you enjoyed! But I won't be able to update "Huntsmen, Riders and Ultras" for a while so this is my next project. Anyways thanks for reading! Bye!

Btw for those curious word count is '871'

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