Curse of the Lazarus pit chapter one

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The second Michael was gone Dean felt an intense sense of relief, there was no longer any archangel banging inside his head. However before he could thank everyone for their help with the spell, he realized that he couldn't move.
"Dean we did it, he's gone." Sam said with a smile. His younger brother gave him a tight hug so happy that he wouldn't have to send him into the ocean anymore. However Dean still don't move or speak he only made heavy breathing noises. "Dean what's wrong?" Sam asked. Dean gave no response as he couldn't seem to find his voice and fell on his back. The only sound coming from his mouth was heavy breathing mixed with a soft moan. "Dean!" Sam exclaimed.

"What's happening?" Jack asked.
"Something is wrong, he's reacting to the possession, Michael must have left him unable to speak or move." Castiel responded.

"What?!" Sam exclaimed. That gave him no comfort as Dean continued to breath heavily while Sam shook him to keep him awake. Everyone was terrified as they had no idea what Michael's words about leaving behind an empty shell fully meant. Dean's began to freeze up like he was a solid statue.
"He's gone...." Dean mumbled after a bunch of incoherrenat words.
"Dean don't you dare close your eyes talk to me!" Sam cried. He only shook his brother harder as after everything, there was no way he could lose him now.

"Sam shaking him won't help, he needs to be healed Michael most likely left him like that on purpose." Castiel responded. Sam snapped at him to not talk about Michael now as Dean needed help.
"He needs a hospital, I can feel his breath getting shallower!" Sam cried.
"He can't die I won't let him." Jack responded holding back tears. The next few minutes flew by as Dean was rushed to the hospital as he was unresponsive and had fallen into a coma. Dean's eyes and airways were checked but there were no signs of any blockage.

"There's no pupil response what happened did he fall hit his head?" The doctor asked.
"He went through a traumatic event and just collapsed, at first we thought he was just shocked because it was over." Sam responded. The doctor put Dean on life support as he was in critical condition, and there was no guarantee he would wake up the same.
"What does that mean not the same?" Jack asked. On any other day Sam would have pulled the nephilim back, yet he had no strength to.

There had been too many times where Sam had seen his brother die. First it was when they were in that car accident, when Gabriel killed him a hundred times, then ripped apart by hellhounds, shot by angry hunters, vanished to purgatory, and finally when he became a demon. Not to mention when he thought the only way to kill the darknees waa to become a bomb. This might be as bad as the mark of Cain since every day there was less of Dean that was there.
"What I mean is that he will wake up but brain trauma like this isn't something to just shrug off." The doctor explained. "All we can do is help him the best way we can." The answer only added more tension to the situation yet no one spoke up.

"Excuse me for a second." Sam said which broke the awkward silence.
"Sam..." Jack began but Castiel stopped him.
"We need to give him some space Jack, don't worry he'll be back." The angel said. In all honesty Sam wasn't sure he would come back. He had no idea where he was going as he walked through the halls. Maybe if he walked far enough he would find some hudo priest to lay some mojo on him. Tears slipped from his eyes and he ended up on the benches of the chapel.
"I'm sorry De but I'm going to find a way to fix you I promise." He whispered to himself.
"You look a little lost." A voice said followed by footsteps. Sam turned to see a young woman with long curly dark hair and Italian features.

"Sorry I was just..." Sam began.

"Its alright I get a lot of visitors they all have something on their mind." She responded. She had a gentle smile in contrast to her brown eyes and dressed in black and blue.
"I'm guessing you are the hospital Chaplin." Sam said. He furrowed his eyebrows when she laughed and took a seat next to him.
"Yes but I'm here for myself today, there was a death in my family." She responded. Sam watched her light a candle and asked who she was. "Well people normally just call me pastor around here, maybe if you're lucky you'll learn my real name." She teased which made Sam smile a bit. Whoever this girl was he enjoyed her company and felt he could trust her.

"My brother is very sick he might die if I don't do something." He said. Sam half expected her to laugh at him yet she only listened.
"I see will there's no way you can blame yourself in these situations, sometimes in life the most unexpected and hurtful thing happens." She explained. There empathy in her eyes and she told him a bit of her experience with loss. Sam still wasn't sure who she was but something about a Lazarus pit caught his attention.
"What was that about a Lazarus pit?" He asked.
"Oh I said if only the Lazarus pits were real.  It's said that the man Lazarus after he had been brought back to life. As his family tried to create pools of his miracle." The woman responded. She shrugged her shoulders and Sam got an idea.

"Yeah you're right its too bad." He said. Though in his head he was thinking of magic like that. While it might be only fiction how much of their life was meant to be fiction. Plus It would come at a cost but Sam was willing to pay it, if it meant Dean would wake up. He looked over to thank the woman only she had vanished. All that remained was a beaded bracelet. "Where did she go?" He asked. Sam was shocked but he had no time to dwell on mysterious woman. He walked out of a chapel and found Castiel and Jack in Dean's room. The angel had managed to heal Dean a bit, yet he was still asleep.
" I've managed to reduce the internal bleeding he will wake up now." Castiel explained.

"Is that a good thing?" Jack asked.
"Yes Jack its a very good thing it means that we have a chance to do more," Sam responded. "Cass something occurred to me have you ever heard of Lazarus?" He asked. The angel nodded and asked why as everyone knew that Lazarus was the man who came back to life.
"Wait Lazarus did that?" Jack asked.
"Its a long story but what are you implying Sam?" Castiel asked instead of answering.
" it's a long shot but I think there might be a way to save Dean, a Lazarus pit." Sam responded. 

"Sam that Lazarus pit is just a myth everyone who has looked for it has perished." Castiel cautioned. The threats of the witch that was said to guard the pit firecly wasn't enough for Sam to refuse. If there was a chance to save his brother he would take it.
"But there's a chance it could be real right?" Jack asked.
"Its possible but no one has ever seen it." Castiel said
"Then we will find it and deal with the consequences later." Sam declared. This made everyone in the room tense but no one argued further. Even if Michael was gone for now, there was still a chance he could come back. Plus his monsters were still running around with their increased abilities.

"I don't know about this Sam, you need to be able to separate fantasy from reality. The only record of the Lazrarus pit is from that legend." Castiel cautioned. Jack looked intrigued and looked down at Dean who was still unconscious.
"What is the story?" Jack asked. Castiel tensed up at the question and motioned for Sam to share the tale. As he had no desire to think about those dreadful pits ever again.
"In the bible there was a man named Lazarus who was brought back to life, which is where the name comes from. His sisters tried to use his blood to heal others who were sick or injured. It seemed to work but the more people used it.." Sam stammered off at the last part.

"What is it?" Jack asked. The room went quiet again and Sam ignored the stares the angel was giving him.
"They say the pits could heal anyone even bring people back from the dead but the pit had a terrible side effect. People were never the same after bathing it some went mad or vanished." Castiel responded.
"It doesn't matter the side effects we have to save Dean, and if we don't the world is going to turn out exactly like Michael's apocalypse world." Sam argued. His tone was desperate and it seemed that no was not an option for him. Castiel knew better than to try and warn him a third time when he had seen how far Sam would go for his brother.
"What if it doesn't work?" Jack asked.
"Then we keep trying until something works." Sam responded firmly.

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