Now and Forever chapter one

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A/n: man I have tried to rewrite this story so many times and I'm finally going to put my foot down and say I'm going to take the extra crossover ouch because that is just too confusing and not going to do it so for those of you who are excited for that sorry but I have a good idea for what to do with this one now this one probably won't be as long and it will seem very familiar for those of you who have seen the time for a wedding episode and an episode of MLP but I'm not going to say which one. Enjoy the story and this takes place after Hidden Enemy but before Circle of Four and Shot in the Dark.- Clato3

Kristina snuggled deeper into the warmth of Sam by her side. He seemed to protest when she kissed him on the cheek.
"Oh no I surrender." Sam teased. She smiled and kissed him on the lips.
"Impossible my Sam would never surrender after a surprise attack." She teased back.
"Oh you." Sam laughed. He stroked the brown curls in her hair as she lay on his chest.
"Do you really have to go tomorrow? I mean we've still got a lot of wedding planning to do." She said their conversation turning serious.

"I know you don't want me hunting but I really want to see if I can find Charlie. Dean and I want her to be a part of our big day." Sam responded.
Kristina nodded as she understood that he wanted family there. His parents were gone and so was Bobby, Ellen, and pretty much every other family member except Dean.
"I know and I'm proud of you both for that I just miss you so much when you are away. I worry about you." She responded.
"Hey beautiful you don't have to worry it's not a case and I'll be back soon I promise." Sam said.

He kissed her hair and she closed her eyes in satisfaction. Their wedding was only weeks away and not everything was done yet.

"I know just remember no cases on our wedding I'd like to have a day that I can just spend with you honey." She said.
Kristina yawned and fell asleep as Sam encouraged her to rest.
"Don't worry everything will be okay sweetheart I promise." He whispered in her ear. Sam followed soon after and looked at her with love and admiration.


The next morning it was chaos in the bunker yet wonderful that is if you weren't Marina. As soon as she heard the news that Sam and Dean had proposed, she immediately decided on being the wedding planner. Kristina and Shela wanted to help but she kept running around like a chicken with her head cut off.
"Hey Marina the wedding isn't going to be too big we decided to have a simple one." Kristina said. Yet her words were ignored.
"Forget it girl I've already tried, Although I say we take some weight off her shoulders and go shopping for wedding dresses." Shela responded.

Kristina made a bit of a face at her best friend.
"You know how I feel about shopping but I did always say that my wedding was the one day I wouldn't complain about shopping." She responded.
"Perfect because I got two gift cards and we are going to do some more shopping as well." Shela said. She smirked and grabbed Kristina's arm before she could run away.
"You totally tricked me." Kristina groaned. "You really got to let this hatred of shopping for clothes go." Shela responded. She wrote a note for Sam and Dean to find since they were both quite protective. "We are going out Marina!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah okay I need to make sure I write these songs for the reception, check on the flowers, then the guest list, get cake ready or wait did I do that already?" Marina asked. The two best friends laughed though they sent their sympathy to Marina. As they wanted the wedding to be special but it didn't need to be big. While Shela drove in her red jeep, Kristina texted Sam who was out hunting.
K: Hey 🥰😍So did you find out what the ghost wanted?
S: No shocklying there was no ghost activity in the house
K: Good that means we can back to planning our wedding 😉
S: 😂 Hey we were just out trying to get some stuff and we across the case.
K: Yeah sure just remember we agreed no hunting until after our wedding 😂
K: Oh hush you love me 😘
S: I really do 😊🥰

Because her phone kept going off Shela heard every single ding of Kristina's phone.
"You know silent mode is always an option." Shela teased.
"Yeah says the one who was up all night with Dean video chatting." Kristina fired back. She playfully stuck her tongue at her best friend.
"Hey I was worried that he would get overwhelmed looking for the flowers so I called him." Shela responded. The two engaged in playful banter until they changed the topic.
"You think the boys are going to be alright with all of our families coming? I really think we could just have it be close members only" Kristina said.

"Yeah I know what you mean but when I told Marina that she didn't exactly listen." Shela responded.
"We should probably have Cass help her. Those two have been spending a lot of time together since he accidentally agreed to be the officent." Kristina said. This made Shela laugh and Kristina had a worried look on her face. "Oh no last time you had that look on your face was when you tried to set me up with Sam."
" Exactly we have to make sure that Marina catches the bouquet when we both throw it that way it will give Castiel a push to at least ask her out." Shela responded.

"That does sound romantic you know how much I love romance but you sure he'll go for it?" Kristina asked. Shela insisted that he would she just had to make the right moves to push him. The two arrived at the bridal shop and both began looking for a dress.
"Oh this is cute." Shela said. All of the dresses from mermaid style to princess style were all beautiful.
"Oh I don't know which one I want." Kristina responded. The one in Shela's hands was a Halloween themed dress with black leaves and sleeves. It looked cute and considering the wedding was on Halloween that might work.
"Hmm lets both pick out three and try them on. This is going to be a double wedding." Shela responded.

Kristina nodded and picked out one black dress, one white one with golden laces, and a princess style blue one. She was so excited that she didn't notice the store employee and ran into him.
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry sir." Kristina said. She felt embarrassed and held her hand out to help him. Her whole body froze at the sight of her ex boyfriend Josh.
"Don't worry about it, here you go." He responded. He brushed himself off and offered her back the dresses, yet Kristina said nothing. She hoped that he wouldn't recognize her and she could just get on with her day. "Wait a minute I know you...Kristina and you're here."

She made an annoyed face at him, then took the dresses from him.
"Yes and I see you are still as indifferent as ever Josh." She said.
" I know you were mad but it's been awhile I've changed since then we can start over." Josh responded. She huffed and flashed her engagement ring in his face. Josh saw the beautiful ring on her finger and realized she was no longer available.
"Afraid I'm not interested in talking." She stated then began walking away.
"Wait wait you got engaged?!" He called out running after her. This made her walk away faster and didn't look back at him.
"Yes happily he is so good no if you don't mind I'm busy." She groaned.

Josh remained silent and the two shared a tense look until Shela came over.
"Sorry girl who is this?" She asked.
"Oh Shela this is Josh my ex boyfriend remember the one who dumped me." Kristina responded. Anger evident in her voice while Shela gave a look of fury to Josh.
"Let me at him I'll rip his lungs out!" Shela exclaimed. This made Josh back away even with Shela being held back by Kristina.
"Don't bother like you said he's not worth it, let's keep shopping and buy what we need. He was just leaving." She responded. The two girls left Josh in shock by the empty rack. His shock however quickly changed and he decided to follow them.

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