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The moor, was now covered in blood. Stars shine brightly as ever to reveal the blood. The attack had been simple. It was easy too. Just because cheetahs are swift and keen doesn't mean they are good fighters.

The tiger sank its claws into the last remaining cheetah. It's eyes held full terror. It let out a whimper of pain before dying. Her eyes filled with happiness. She felt wonderful, her plan to this revenge story was over.

"Sharpflower, please..." A male voice was sounded. She turned around to see her former mate, Thistlespot mewed and took at step to her.

She hissed in anger. "I knew I should've killed you when I had the chance. And the names SharpFANG!"

Thistlespot flicked his tail, "Please, I still love you and so do the cubs." He looked over his shoulder to see their cubs.

The female tiger shook her head. "No, I can't. I made a oath that I would kill all cheetahs and other big cats." She hissed again, this time she lashed her tail.

One of her kits stepped forward. "Mama! Please be mercy to us. We are kin!" She mewed and unsheathed her claws.

"I'm sorry but I must go. Take care of my, I mean our cubs Thistlespot." She mewed and nodded to him. She looked back and decided to run away. It was not her time to be a mother now.

I must continue my journey of my revenge. Was her last thought as she ran away from the moor, her old home and most importantly: her family.

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