Shining Deku part 2

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In this chapter, we are not going to pick up where we left off. Instead, let me take you back some way. 10 years before the modern day.

Izuku, when he was a young 4 year old, always had a big smile on his face. He had big dreams and the energy and drive to get it done.

Young Izuku: Come on mom! It's computer time!

Inko Midoriya, she was still young and very much in her prime in terms of looks and psychical abilities. He husband has currently working abroad in another nation. The job pays well, and he is able to support his family. So it may be hard on Inko to take care of a child alone, she can manage.

Everyday, she would allow a short time for Izuku to go on her computer. And every day, Izuku would spend that time watching the same video, over and over again.

Inko: *Giggling* I think you've added 10,000 views to this one yourself, Izuku. I don't know why you like it, I think it's scary.

Despite what she thought, Izuku's eyes we Shining brighter than any star known to man.

The video he loved some much was an old one. It was about a disaster that happened to Vale. It is unknown of whi caused the tragedy, either by cover up or the criminals hid there tracks too well, or just a mass Grimm invasion... Regardless... It's was the the very first recorded act, or the greatest Huntsman the world has ever known.

Man: Who is he?! The has already saved 100 people, at least, and it hasn't even been 10 minutes! This is-, This is crazy! I can't believe it!

A fire burns in the background, as people that injured start to vacate as much as they can. Cars and buildings have been destroyed and in the foreground, a bus has been flipped on it's side and has it's windows cracked and the sides of the bus has been burnt.

But straight out of the fire and the flames, their is a man. Carrying several people in his arms, and shoulders. He is very tall, and very muscular. A normal person is dwarfed standing next to him, and Izuku as 4 year old is even smaller then is forearm.

Man: HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!

Those were not the sound of an evil laugh, at was the sound of a man... Just laugh... In a very... Dad like way?

Man: Look! He's got more!!!

This was the man that they were talking about. This man was the Huntsman that was saving everyone is such a short time frame to do so.

All Might. The soon to be, #1 Huntsman in all of Remnant.

All Might: Fear not civilians! Help has arrived! Because I am here!

He says with bright smile on his face.

And that smile almost literally blew Izuku out of his chair! His young mind has never seen anything that he found more exciting and cool!

Young Izuku: He's the coolest in the universe!!!!!

Izuku said as he held up the All Might action figure that his mom brought it.

Izuku: And once I get my quirk, I'm gonna be a hero just like him!!!

And then he started to laugh. Doing his best to try and mirror his biggest hero.

But... The higher you shoot... The more likely it is you'll miss.

Doctor: Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen.

It... takes a minute for those words to have meaning to Izuku... What do you mean "It's not gonna happen?" His dream? You're just gonna out right say that it's not gonna happen? How could you be so sure? In fact the initial shock of these words caused him to drop his All Might action figure.

Inko: Oh dear! So you really think there's something wrong? Most of the kindergartners in his class have begun to show signs of there quirks already.

Doctor: My records show you're a 4th generation quirk user. What powers do you and the boy's father have?

Inko: Nothing too special. I can float small objects towards me, and my husband breathes fire.

She shows off her quirk by slowly elevating Izuku's dropped toy off the ground and into her hand.

Doctor: Izuku should have already manifested one of these powers, or a combination of both. But after viewing his X-Rays, I don't think he's going too. You see when quirks first started appearing, people thought that it was just semblances that appeared prematurely. But after these same people started getting semblance and still were able to use there previous abilities, we knew it was something different. Doctors found out about quirks and how they worked. They are genetic, and some how, were linked between the amount of bones in a person's foot.

He pointed to a picture of Izuku's foot X-Ray that he took.

Doctor: The one's with quirks only had 1 joint in their pinky toes. There bodies have evolved into a more streamlined version of the human form. And as you can see here, that Izuku has two joints in his pink toe, like roughly 20% of the population these day. Based on the research, it's safe to say that your son isn't gonna develop a quirk.

... This is what Izuku is felt with. No hope, no where to go, no dream left to dream.

That night, right after they came home, it started rain. And as the rain drops came crashing down on the apartment building they lived in... Izuku could do nothing but watch that same video. Over, and over, and over again.

Inko, wanted to leave me alone after a while of watching the same video. Thinking that he should have some time for himself... But she could help but stand and stare at him, while he is in the chair watching the video...

Young Izuku: ... See that mom? ... There's always a smile on his face, no matter how bad things get... Even when things seem impossible he never gives up.

Izuku finally turns around and looks at his mother. He points to the screen... His little hand shaking and his glossy, ready to start crying his little head off... But he has to ask his mom... This one question. The one question that might change his life forever depending on her answer to this on... Simple question.

Izuku: Do you think... I can be a hero like him too?

He wasn't talking about a Huntsman, he wasn't talking about someone who can fight the Grimm and people who commit crimes... He was talking about someone who can make a difference. Someone that people look up too. Someone that people respect, admire and appreciate. Someone who is able to make people feel safe and help them in anyway that person can... That's what he wants to be... A hero... Not just a Huntsman... Of course, he wants to be one, but heroes come in a lot more ways. So... What he was asking to her... What he really ment was...

"Can I make a difference, and change the world like him"

... Izuku's mother stood there for a second... She walked over to her son... And gave him a hug... With tears streaming down his face, these are the words that haunt him to this day.

Inko: I'm sorry Izuku... I wish things were different.

Everything would have been fine if she had just said yes. Izuku may be without powers... But he could still achieve something. Be somebody. Make his life worth living... And yet she just shattered his whole existence right then and there. Even she knew that those weren't the words that he son needed to hear... But that is what she honestly thought... And this was something too important to him, and she had to tell him how she really felt about it.

Back in the present day... Izuku, Ruby, and Yang were taking the long way home this time. Izuku wanted to go alone, but his friends to way to stubborn to let him go after what happen.

And after what happen... Izuku's mind kept going onto that day...

"... I made a decision that day... No matter what anyone else thinks, I have to believe in myself. And I'll keep smiling, just like him!"

Izuku had made up his mind. His Notebook may be trashed, but it can still he used. He can still make his stand against the rising odds. He can still be a hero... Somehow...

He may fail at being a Huntsman, he may fail at other things... But he just has too keep moving forward.

While he was heading back home, he took a different route than usual. Still just trying to clear his mind of all the doubts and troubles he's currently having. This route had him under an overpass. The was nobody around, it was just him.

That was untill company came along.

The three heard a very... Unnerving laughter come from behind him. More curious than scared, Izuku turned around. Not thinking about the consequences of this decision...

He soon regrets his action as the man that was admitting this laughter was someone with a quirk that made their whole body look like a glob of slug. Towered over Deku, looking down upon him as he spoke.

Slug: You'll make a perfect meat suit for me to hide in kid.

Meat suit?! What does that mean? To give some context, this Slug man is a criminal. He had just robbed someone and was running from the cops. He has to skip town and with his... Recognizable look, he can't do that easily. So... his plan is to squirm is way into another human's body, and once he kills them from the inside... He can use their body as a disguise. Getting away with the money, and getting away from the cops.

The slime beast jumps at Izuku and wraps his whole body. Choosing the Male of the group on a quick wim. The girls wasted abosulty no time they started to claw at the Slug Villain, trying to free Izuku from his slimy prison. But this results in both of them getting blown back as a result of the slug villain's power.

Ruby, decided to try something else, brings out her weapon. Yang does the same. Ruby's weapon is giant scythe, even bigger than herself.

Yang's weapon are bracelets. Bracelets that morph into gauntlets, with built in shotguns at the very end for an extra punch.

They start to attack slug. Ruby swings her scythe around and cuts straight through him. Losing his grip on Midoriya. Now he gets mad. Yang charges up a punch with her quirk, but Slug uses Izuku's body as a shield. He holds up Izuku to Yang's fist and Yang, not wanting to hurt Izuku, missing her attack on purpose. Going for a swing rather than a slam. Ruby switches her scythe into sniper mode. She starts shooting Slug, doing her beast to hit the actual slug, and not Izuku. As one bullet, without aura would cut straight through his skin.

Slug: That's enough! If either take another step, he dies!

Slug wraps his whole body around Izuku, covering his mouth and restricting his ability to breathe. Izuku than starts to struggle, trying to claw the slug off of his mouth.

Slug: Now, now. It'll hurt for a minute.

Ruby: Let! him! go!

Slug: Sorry. This is the least painful way I can do it. Unless you want me to tear out his organs out while he's still continuous.

Yang grits her teeth. Trying to thing rationally, but she just can't get grip on herself. How dare this giant booger try to hurt her friend. Especially today of all days! She runs at the slime Monster again, and with all her strength, she uppercuts him with all of her strength.

This doesn't do much, if anything. It might have made it worse because she hit the part that hovered over Izuku's stomach. Knocking all of the air he hand left within him. Slug laughed at this failed attempt of trying to 'help' her friend. He slaps her away, sending her crashing into the wall.

Ruby, stands there paralyzed. Yang is out for the count, Izuku is about to suffocate to death... She felt so weak... She felt so helpless. She is just standing there while her friends and family were getting hurt... But she can't move a muscle. Her legs and shaking like crazy. She has never been overcome with fear when she's fighting Grimm. Yet this... Monster, has her shaking in her damn boots.

Izuku's eyes swells up with tears as his lungs start to burn, crying out for air. Izuku was at a complete and utter lose for anything. Could this really be the end? Is this how I die? A nobody? A loser? These are the thoughts that plagued Izuku's mind right before the last of his strength fades... And right before he gives out, and the light in his eyes burns out...

He sees his Notebook... One last time...

"... After everything I've worked for... After all those years of trying everything and working myself down to the bone... This... This can't be the end!!"

Izuku claws, kicks, bites, and yells. He struggles and fights... But he... Just can't...

"... Help."


That came from right outside the overpass. It wasn't a crash, per say. But a landing. The person that landed... He was very well psychically built. He was very tall and he had a very threatening presence to Slug... But Ruby was in a state of total on utter relief.

???: Have no fear citizens...

He walks in and stands proud. Eyeing down Slug, making she he doesn't try anything...

???: ... Because I am here!

You all know who it is by now... The Greatest Huntsman to ever have walked the planet...


A/N: And that was the joke out of boredom, of the chapter. And for those you who don't get it, Backdraft was the fire hydrant hero we saw in the first 1 and 2 episodes.

All Might... He is here... And he ready to save the day and protect the innocent.

The second Slug realizes how it really is, he swings his arm at All Might. But he is just far too far for Slug to lay a hand on him.

All Might, with his powerful gauntlets, ends the fight and saves Midoriya in one swift punch. One that doesn't even hit Slug, but the air pressure of it is so high that it takes Slug out.

All Might: TEXAS! SMASH!!!

And just as quickly that battle has started... It has ended... Slug has been knocked unconscious... But do to the air that Midoriya has lost, so has he...

"Wake up"

These words were the ones that were infecting Midoriya's mind before he regained consciousness. Like someone kept saying that to him over and over again....

But someone actually was.

To try and wake him up, they also were lightly slapping his face. Rapidly. When Izuku did wake up, it was huge surprise. Cause the one, that saved him, the one that he idolized for his whole... it was All Might.

All Might: Oh Good! Thought we lost you there!

Izuku, seeing his face, freaked out. He started to back up while he was sitting down. But in doing so he accidentally bumbed into Ruby and Yang, who were making she he was ok.

Ruby: Izuku! Are you alright?! I'm sorry we couldn't help you.

Yang: I'm sorry I couldn't do anything...

Izuku: Oh, no. I'm f-fine. It's ok.

Now that they made sure Izuku's ok... All Might is still right in front if them!!!

All Might: Glad to see that everyone's ok!

The truth of it all finally starts to sink into Izuku... His idol, his hero, All Might was right on front of him. Right in the flesh. Ruby was also geeking out, but to a lesser extent then Izuku, who was just completely speechless. Yang was taking in the situation better than both of them, but she couldn't lie. On the inside, she was squealing like a little schoolgirl at the slight of him.

All Might: But anyways! Thank you! You were a big help! All of you! I've captured the evil doer!

A/N: I still will never know how that works but ok.

The three still just stood there in awe, at him. The first thought that all three of them could get a grip onto first was...


Izuku's next thought was too find his Notebook and get an autograph! He quickly grabbed his Notebook off the ground and was about to ask him...

But when he opened too the page where there was free space... All Might already signed it.

Ruby: Yeah, sorry. We knew you would want him to sign it for you, so we asked him before he woke you up.

Yang: All of us got one! How cool is that!

Both Ruby and Yang showed off their own Notebooks with an All Might signature on them.

Izuku: Thank sir! Thank you so much! For the autograph and for saving my life!!!

All Might: It is no trouble young man! But now, I better take this one to the police so they can take care of him.

Ruby: W-Wait, you're leaving? Already?

All Might turns his back and gets get to use his incredible power to lep away.

All Might: Huntsman and Huntresses are always fighting time, as well as enemies. I apologize, but I must be on my way.

Ruby and Yang understood completely. He was a very popular, and powerful person. He had better things to do then hang out with a couple of kids.

But Izuku... Izuku has to ask him. One question... One simple question.

All Might: Now stand back! I'm taking off! Thank you for your continued support!

And with one big leap, he shot into the air... But All Might felt... Heavier than usual? All Might looked down at his legs... And he saw... Izuku?!?!? Hanging on for dear life as he clinged onto All Might's leg.

All Might: Hey Hey Hey! What do you think your doing?! Let go, I love my fans but this is too much!

Izuku: No way! We're flying! If I let go now, I'll die!

All Might: Oh! ... Good point.

All Might sighed at this. Did this nervous train wreak really have the guts to do something so ballsy.

However... All Might felt a small cough tickle his throat. And when he let that cough out... A small drop of blood slid through his teeth. He new his time was almost up, and he had to get rid of this kid fast.

All Might able to maneuver himself and Deku onto a building's roof top where Izuku was utter out of breath from that whole experience.

"My whole life just flashed before my eyes"

Was the only thing Izuku could muster. However, it was so weak and quite that it may as well been internal.

All Might: Not a very smart move. There is a door that lead to the lower floors. You go home, I must be off.

(A/N: In the English dub, he said "See you on the flip side" ... And I thought that was kinda dumb so I left it out)

Izuku: Wait! Not yet! One second!-

All Might: I'm sorry, but I don't have any time.

Izuku: But I have to know!-

This time, All Might didn't stop him... He stopped himself... Cause in this moment... He remembered every word that has been spoken to him out what he wants to ask All Might.

"Sorry kid, It's not gonna happen."

"I'm sorry Izuku, I wish things were different."

"You'll never be able to hang with the best of the best! You'd die in the exams! I'd bet you'd pissed yourself just looking a Beowolf in the eye! Useless Deku! This school's crappy enough as it, You really wanna embarrass it more by failing like a loser!"



Izuku... Is having a moment of pure and utter weakness. He is just greatful that the only person that could see him as his back turned.

"Some time I do feel like a failure... Like there's no hope for me... But even so, I'm not gonna give up... Ever!"

Izuku: ... Is it possible to change the world like you did, even if I don't have a quirk!?

All Might stopped on dime when he heard those words...

Izuku: I'm a normal kid, I have no powers, and I can't even produce any aura... Even so... Could I ever hope to be someone like you!?

All Might turned his head, without moving his body...

... This moment, was a chance meeting. This moment was a moment that changed Midoriya's life. Forever. And not just Midoriya's... But the very course of human history...

Think was the Chance that lonely little Deku... Was waiting for.

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