An Interview with a Hunter survivor

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[An Interview conducted by a news station with a man from Kentucky named Daryl Matthews on the date ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️. He shares his experiences with surviving an encounter with the Hunter, the only one recorded besides Hunted turners.]

Q: When did you first notice the Hunter when you were out there?
A: *his voice is a bit shaky, with a clear southern accent* Well, I was out in the woods on ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ when I sorta smelled some weird rottin' smell. I looked around and immediately I saw it.

Q: Could you describe-
A: No.

Q: What did you do to escape?
A: I'd say I got lucky, 'cause I did what them manuals say not to do these days - I turned and booked it. Dropped my gun on the way, never got it back, unfortunately. Found my truck, got in, drove away and never came back. Pretty easy, I'd say, but I wouldn't ever wanna do it again. I don't hunt anymore 'cause of it.

Q: How would you say you felt in the moment?
A: Nothin' less than terrified. An ungodly sight like that could make a grown man curl in a ball and cry.

Q: Do you have anything you would say on avoiding the Hunter?
A: Hm. If you smell somethin' rottin' without a source, get the hell outta there. And if you see it, run and pray to God or whoever ya worship for the best.

Q: Could you say there's been any long-term effects of your encounter?



Interviewer: Um, sir? Are you alright?

Daryl: I am fine. I need some fresh air.

Interviewer: W-wait, sir, I just would like you to answer the-


[there is a crash followed by a shriek of what seems to be surprise before the recording turns to staticky noises.]

[An Addendum: Daryl Matthews was reported missing about five hours after the interview. He has not been seen since. The interviewer, ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️, was fatally injured and died the following day.]

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