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The hallway's darkness feels like a smothering blanket, far heavier and more menacing than in our room. The silence in the hallway is deafening. Just moments before, the hall was full of people heading for the stairs, but now it seems as if we are the last people. I keep a cautious distance from Caydon as we walk, yet the walls seem to constrict around me. Each door we pass emits a silent threat, as if enemies lurk behind them, ready to strike. Passing an open doorway, the hairs on my neck bristle. This isn't just paranoia; something is there. I halt, casting my flashlight inside. The emptiness reveals nothing, but unease lingers. Just my mind playing tricks, perhaps. Turning away, a glint of red catches my eye. Puzzled, I swing the light back—nothing. I just can't get over the feeling that something is there. Something is watching us. Almex starts chittering in my ear, again.

"You saw it too, didn't you?" I whisper to him. He responds with more chittering.

"Rayanna, you alright? You sound like you're struggling to breathe," Aceon's voice carries a gentle concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I respond, drawing in deep breaths, slowly exhaling. My heartbeat steadies, matching my calmer breaths. "We'll be okay." I whisper to Almex who grows silent. I can still feel his breath on my ear, but it seems to have calmed as well.

"Let's keep moving. We don't want to fall behind," he says, giving me a reassuring push forward.

After what feels like hours, but likely no more than five minutes, we reach the stairs. Caydon pushes open the door to the stairwell, and his flashlight beam sweeps over the narrow steps, illuminating cracked tiles and dusty corners. He gives a barely noticeable nod, a quick, reassuring gesture. "Looks safe," he murmurs. Silence drapes over us as we follow him, our footsteps barely a whisper against the floor. The door clicks shut behind Aceon, the sound echoing loudly in the confined space of the stairwell. A loud thud echoes through the stairwell. "Is everyone okay?" Caydon asks.

"Yes." I answer. "What was that?"

Aceon spins abruptly, the beam of his flashlight sweeping towards the small, grimy window perched atop the stairwell door. "Can't make out a thing through this... Downstairs! Quickly!" he barks.

"Aceon, what's—" I begin, but he cuts me off, urgently lacing his words.


Without hesitation, Caydon darts down the stairs, and I rush after him. The relentless, rhythmic pounding against the stairwell door reverberates through the confined space, a sinister echo in my ears. Caydon leaps the last few steps, yanks the door open, just as a thunderous crash rumbles from above. "Come on, Rayanna! Hurry!" My feet pound the steps, my heart racing, as I sprint through the door. Aceon slips in just behind me, Caydon slamming the door shut the moment he's clear. The deafening racket of something hammering against the first-floor door assaults our ears, filling the air with dread.

My eyes widen, and I double over, each breath a desperate gasp now that the adrenaline subsides. I've never been so glad that Aceon insisted on carrying my bags. If he hadn't... I shutter and push the thought from my mind. "What is that thing?" The question escapes my trembling lips.

Aceon's eyes dart around the room, scanning for more of the creatures. Worry etches lines into his brow. "I don't know. I saw something red, then it was racing toward the door."

I straighten and shift my gaze from Aceon to Caydon. "Something red? It sounds like what I saw near the hole, and what I thought I glimpsed in one of the rooms." My breathing steadies, but a tense silence envelops us as they exchange wary looks. Suddenly, the pounding halts, and the resulting quiet feels deafening. Unease creeps into my voice. "Do you think it can open doors?"

Caydon's lips tighten into a thin line. "Let's hope not."

"Let's head for the ship. The sooner we get off this planet, the better." Aceon says. We have just made it to the front door when another loud bang fills the air.

A furious voice erupts from my left, "What are you doing?! You will be made to pay the damages!" I swivel my light toward the noise, illuminating the face of an unfamiliar alien. The creature squints against the harsh beam and snaps, "Get that light out of my face!" I quickly lower it, revealing more of its bizarre features. The alien steps closer, its voice laced with frustration, "Now, what have you done? What's with all of the banging?"

The beam of my light traces his steps as he makes his way to the stairwell door. Panic surges through me as I shout, "No! Don't open that!" But it's too late—the door swings open. I don't see what happens because a large hand clamps around my arm, yanking me backward, and then turning me around.

"Let's go! We have to get to the ship!" Caydon's urgent voice cuts through the chaos.

I wrench myself away from the impending danger, my feet pounding against the floor as I race after Caydon. The alien's screeches rip through the air, slicing through the night. The cool breeze brushes against my face as we burst out of the building. My chest starts to hurt as I struggle to breath and run at the same time. The sound of shattering glass makes me glance back; the creature smashed through the glass front door; shards scattered like deadly confetti. All I see is a mass of tangled hair. What is it? Aceon's voice cuts through my thoughts, urging me to turn around and pick up speed. He is no longer lagging behind but running in sync with me.

"Come on, Rayanna, hurry up! We are almost to the station. It would be a shame to die, this close to our way out of here."

Up ahead lies the small metal shuttle station, but it seems so far away. My side starts to hurt as I gasp for breath. "I can't do it, Ace." I can feel my body start to slow down. I've pushed myself to my own limit, and now I'm about to be food for that creature. 

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