Prolouge: Dust Problem

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Ahhh... Beacon academy, one of the four main schools to teach young teenagers how to become hunters and huntress's. Speaking of which one of the teams with the most potential was team RWBY led by Ruby Rose. Now despite her young age at 15 she was accepted into Beacon when she impressed professor Ozpin when she stopped a dust robbery. The young silver eyed girl showed a lot of potential to become a huntress and great skills of a leader.

Then their is her partner who was none other then Weiss Schnee the Heiress of the Schnee dust company. At first it would seem she and Ruby would never get along with each other but after a while the 2 became good friends. Evening though the 15 year-old leader would get annoying sometimes they are still good friends.

Then their is the silence but deadly one of the group and it was Blake Belladonna who was also a cat Faunas. She was the girl in the group that didn't really talk much unless she was being talked to. She also like to read books in her spare time and would occasionally bring up small talk every now and then.

And last but not least there is Yang Xiao Long who is the older sister to young Ruby Rose. Now most people would say that they don't look related but they are actually half-sisters as in having the same dad but different Moms. She was the boxing blonde of the group and never held back her punches. She was the type of girl that would make every boy in the whole school fall for her but never return their love. A fair warning that made everyone clear of her is that if you mess with her or any of her team mates, it will be your funeral.

(Here is a picture of team RWBY, From left to right: Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Ruby. BTW they were all be wearing their school uniforms.)

But as of now they were in Dr. Ooblecks for detention for some reason, oh who am I kidding we all know why they are here. The reason for them getting detention was because Cardin was being an idiot and picking on Ruby for being short and long story short Yang set him on fire in retaliation and the her younger sister pretty much let the whole thing fly which got them in trouble. Needless to say none of the girls were excited to have to spend the next 3 hours in detention, Weiss being the most annoyed.

"You just had to set Cardin on fire didn't you?" Weiss asked.

"He was asking for it when he made fun of my sister's height!" Yang retored. "And nobody makes fun of her as she is too adorable!"

"YYAAANNNGGG!" Ruby cried out. "I'm not that young anymore!"

"But I want you to stay this cute so I can always cuddle with you!" Yang said making Ruby even more annoyed.

"No! Not possible!" Ruby retorted. "Besides, I drink milk."

"So you have stated." Blake said as she read her book.

"Milk helps you grow up!" Ruby exclaimed.

"I swear you are 5 years old." Weiss complained as she pulled out a bottle of dust from her bag. This caught the attention of the young silver eyed huntress in training.

"Hey, what's that?" Ruby asked pointing to the dust.

"It's a new type of dust that was shipped to me from Atlas." Weiss answered. "I'm not sure what it does though."

"Oh! Can I see it?!" Ruby asked with stars in her eyes. She then tried to grab the bottle but Weiss then smacked her hand away.

"No! I would like to read the information about it before we mess around with it." Weiss retorted, but that didn't stop Ruby.

"Let me see it!" Ruby Exclaimed still trying to reach for the bottle. Weiss did everything to try and get Ruby to stop from getting the bottle to not try anything. But then the heiress suddenly lost grip on the bottle causing it to hit the floor spilling a little bit of its mixture.

"Ruby!" Weiss exclaimed. "You made me drop it!"

The heiress then reached down and picked up the bottle getting a bit of the mixture on her hands.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see it." Ruby apologized.

"You could have set it off!" Weiss added as she then noticed the amount on her hand and accidently went near Ruby. When that happened Ruby accidently inhaled a bit of the dust and now needed to sneeze. "Oh no, you are gonna hold that sneeze! I remember what happened last time."

"Ah...ah...ah......" Ruby started but then it seemed like she wouldn't sneeze but then it happened. "AAAACCCCCHHHHHHOOOOOO!"

Ruby's sneeze then caused a chain reaction as the dust around the group then started to form little blue lighting bolts around the team. Soon their were enough bolts of lighting that it blinded the group to where they had to cover their eyes to not be blinded.

"WEISS WHAT IS IN THAT DUST!?!?!?" Ruby asked scared.

"I DONT KNOW YOU DOLT!" Weiss replied back in anger. "YOU STARTED IT!"


But before Weiss could do anything the bright light sudden made a vortex around the four girls and then after a few seconds the vortex disappeared with the girls. All that was left was a little pile of the dust on the ground where the girls once sat. Then Dr. Oobleck walked into his classroom expecting the team RWBY.

"Alright class, I am here, so pay attention to what I sa-" He said but stopped when he saw that the four girls from team RWBY weren't there. "That's odd, I thought they would be here now."

Transition to Savannah, Georgia!!!

Inside a car repair garage a young man was sitting in the break room eating a sandwich for lunch as he was taking a break from armoring up a truck to drive out of Savannah. But while he was eating the scene then cuts to outside where a vortex portal of sorts suddenly formed above the shop and out spat Ruby falling towards the roof of the building. The scene then cuts back to the young man still eating his sandwich, then sudden something crashed through the roof smashing one of the tables in the breakroom. The young man then dropped his sandwich in surprise at what just happened and stood up.

Before he decided to walk over to see what fell through the roof he then heard groaning coming from the debris where the roof fell in. Then a small teenage girl then rose up dusting herself off from the wreckage. She the felt someone watching her and she turned to see a young man wearing a blue tow truck hat, a yellow t-shirt that said "Bull shifters" on it, a black mechanic suit with the top half tied around his waste, and dark shoes.

(this is Ellis...)

"Um...hello." Ruby greeted with a small wave.

"Wassup!" The young man greeted back.

"Uh... sorry about your roof, hehe." Ruby said.

"Ah that's no problem, I was planning on leaving her as soon as I'm done armoring up the truck." The man said. "My name is Ellis by the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Ruby Rose." Ruby said as she stuck out her hand for a handshake. "And why are you armoring up a truck?"

"Oh that's simple Miss Rose, there's a zombie Apocalypse going on outside and instead of evacuating like everyone else, I'm driving out of here myself." Ellis explained and that earned him a surprised look from Ruby.

"Your joking right?" Ruby asked thinking the man was kidding. "Zombies aren't real."

"Oh yeah?" Ellis said as he then pointed to a window. "Just take a look outside."

Then the young huntress in training then walked to the window and was horrified at walk she saw. She was looked regular people but their skin was very pale white with a lot of blood stains on their cloths along with a few of them with missing limbs. They were also dripping blood from their mouths and that were walking around almost like that of a zombie. Now Ruby was no stranger to zombies as she had seen a few zombie movies by her older sister so she had a little knowledge of the undead.

"Oh my Oum... Zombies are real." Ruby muttered while turning away from the window to face Ellis again.

"Yeah, that's what I thought when I first saw them." Ellis said. "But don't worry I just need to bolt on a few more parts then we can drive out of here."

"Well, since I'm stuck here with you, think you could use an extra pair of hands?" Ruby asked.

"Sure if you know how to use tools and all that." Ellis replied.

"Oh don't worry I built a combat sniper rifle scythe." Ruby replied with confidence.

"What?" Ellis asked confused by what she said.

"It's basically a gun." Ruby informed.

"Oohhh, that makes a whole lot more sense!" Ellis Exclaimed. "Well, we better not waste anymore time, help me with the truck and I'll drive you to safety."

"Deal." Ruby said as the two then shook hands and then went into the garage to work on the truck.

'I hope the others are alright.' Ruby thought.

At the same time with Weiss...

When the young heiress final hit solid ground she then felt the need to scold Ruby for messing around with her dust. But when she looked up from the ground she saw that she was no longer in the classroom and none of her teammates were to be seen anywhere. She then looked at her surroundings more and saw she was in a hallway of sorts with a white tile floor and the walls being painted purple and yellow. It had a sort of school building feel to it as she then saw a small trophy case display right next to her.

"Okay, what is this place?" Weiss asked herself as she stood up. She then started to walk down the hall to see if she could find anyone who could help her. After a few minutes of walking and having no luck she then came upon a crossing. But as she was about to keep going forward she then her some gagging to the left hallway. She then looked in the direction of the sound and saw a man dressed in a white button up shirt and tan pants, he was leaning forward throwing up. She then decided to see if the man was ok. "Excuse me sir, but are you alright?"

The man then turned around revealed blood coming out of his mouth mixed with puke. His skin was also a very pale white and his eyes looked blood red. He then looked at the young heiress with a look of hunger. Weiss then started to back up a little as then man then started to run at her and then she then ran as fast as she could to keep her distance from the man. He then made a loud shriek as he continued to chase the young girl.

"EEEKKK, Get away from me!" Weiss shirked as she ran. The man behind her was gaining ground on the young heiress. Soon the pale man grabbed her shoulder and the two fell to the ground with Weiss on the bottom and the man on the top. Then the man tried to bite off the heiress's face but she was pushing his face back with her hands careful not to get them in the mans mouth. "GET OFF ME!"

Then sudden the pale man was forcefully lifted off of Weiss and thrown back a little bit. Then the man got back up and tried to run at the young heiress again but his head was then knocked off with a baseball bat by the same guy who lifted him off Weiss. She then got a better look at her savior and he was a dark-skin man dressed in a purple and tan coach shirt with the letters "FHS" on the front and tan pants and black sneakers.

(This is Coach...)

"Are you okay miss?" The man asked as he extended his arm to help up the young heiress.

"Yes... thank you." Weiss said as she took the mans hand and he pulled her up. "What was wrong with that man?!?"

"Well, if you didn't hear the news, zombies are now a real thing and people are evacuating." The man explained.

"Z-zombies?" Weiss asked concerned. "Your joking right?"

"I wish I was, but I'm not." The man answered. "Anyways there's an evac station in a hotel not far from here, its our best shot out of here."

"Well, I would have said your crazy... but after seeing that man attack me, I think that's a good idea." Weiss said. "What's your name?"

"You can just call me Coach." Coach answered. "What's yours?"

"Weiss...Weiss Schnee." Weiss answered.

"Well Weiss, lets get to the motel so we can get out of here." Coach said as he then started going to the exit. "Stay close."

"Coming!" Weiss replied as she then started to follow Coach.

With Blake meanwhile...

Blake then opened her eyes to find out she was near a motel of sorts and was very hot and humid outside.

"Where am I?" Blake asked herself as she got back on her feet. She then started to wonder around the motel to see if anyone or anything looked familiar to her. Then she heard a loud 'thud!' followed by a famine voice complaining.

"Okay, how does Larry even carry these things around with no trouble?!" The voice exclaimed. Blake soon walked down a set of stairs to see a dark-skin woman in a reporter jacket, dark blue pants and black boots trying to load camera equipment into the back of a news van.

(This is Rochelle... just picture her with a reports jacket on)

"Need some help?" Blake asked causing the woman to jump a little.

"Sweet Jesus, don't startle me like that!" the woman said regaining her posture.

"Sorry, it just looked like you could use some help loading all that." Blake said pointing to the few boxes of equipment.

"Well, I don't know if you could lift...all that..." The woman stopped mid-sentence when she saw Blake lift up the heaviest crate into the back of the van with little trouble. "I suppose you could help, you from a school around here?"

"I'm from Beacon." Blake answered.

"Is that, close by here?" The woman asked.

"I don't know, I'm not even sure where I am right now." Blake said making the news woman even more confused.

"Okay, well for starters we are near Savannah, sound familiar to you?" The woman asked.

"No... It doesn't ring any bells to me." Blake answered as the two loaded up the rest of the camera equipment.

"Well, if you want you can come with me." the woman offered. "Maybe we'll run into someone you know."

Blake then thought to herself 'should she trust her?' of course she didn't where she was and she couldn't contact any because her scroll was taken away for detention. But this person was offering her a ride so she might well not pass it up.

"Well, I guess so, what's your name?" Blake asked.

"It's Rochelle but, some people call me Ro for short." Rochelle said. "What's yours?"

"Blake." The cat Faunus answered.

"Well Blake, lets hop in and I will drive you to our destination." Rochelle said as she hopped into the driver seat of the van and Blake in the passenger seat.

"Where are we heading?" Blake asked.

"A evacuation station at another hotel." Rochelle answered.

Meanwhile with Yang...

The blond bombshell of team RWBY found herself in a alley way of sorts between a number of buildings. She then picked herself off the ground and got back on her feet and started walking out of the alley way. The alley smelled of garbage and other dirty things nobody wanted to think about. Soon she came across a street and found herself near a four-way intersection with buildings on all sides.

"Hmm, well I didn't expect this." Yang said to herself. She then turned her attention to a shady looking bar. "Well, if you want information, get it from the shady areas of town."

She then started walking up to the bar's entrance but was stopped by the door man.

"Sorry miss, your too young to go inside this place." He said.

"Oh? Do you really want to stop somebody as pretty as me?~" Yang asked in a flirty tone.

"Rules are rules kid, now beat it or else." The man threatened as he showed off his pistol holster on his belt. But the warning only gave the explosive blonde a big smirk on her face.

Meanwhile inside their were a few black jacket bikers sitting around at the various booths a couple were playing pool and others were drinking at the bar. However as everyone was enjoying their time inside the front door sudden burst door revealing the doorman with a very bruised face and in came a teenage blonde girl wearing a school uniform of some kind. She caught the attention of all of the people inside who were very surprised at what happened. She then sat down at the bar next to a man in a white suit and a blue button up shirt who seem unfazed at what just happened.

(This is Nick...)

"Hmm, I think I'll have the strawberry slammer sunset please." Yang said and the bar tender went to work on her drink not wanting to end up like the doorman. The man in the white suit then turned his attention to the blonde teenager.

"Are you sure your old enough to drink kid?" The man asked in a confused and annoyed. Yang then turned her head to face the man in the suit.

"Well, are you old enough to be drunk all the time?" Yang mocked.

"Whatever sweetheart." The man muttered as he took another sip from his drink.

Soon the bar tender came back with Yang's drink but she noticed that there wasn't a little umbrella in it.

"Shouldn't this come with a little umbrella?" Yang asked as she pointed to her cup.

"Sorry, the man sitting next to you got the last one I had." the bar tender replied. Yang looked to the man again and saw the umbrella in the mans cup.

"Well blondie, Maybe you can have it when I pick my teeth with it." The man said in a mocking manner. This made the boxing blonde a bit angry as she clenched her fists. But before she could retaliate against the man their was sudden a loud shout and the two looked behind to see one of bikers biting into the shoulder of one his buddies. That cause most of the people inside to bolt out the door not wanting to become victims themselves.

Then the biker dude stood up and then turned his attention to the two sitting at the bar. His skin was as pale as ever and he had blood dripping from his mouth.

"What's wrong with him?!" Yang whispered to the man next to her a little frightened.

"I think he has the virus that's been going around." the man replied. "We should leave."

But as the two got up from their seats the man sudden charged at them and tackled them both behind the bar. He then tried to bite into the neck of the white suit man but, he was then thrown off by Yang and landed on the other side of the bar. The man then got up and then ran into the kitchen to see if there was a back door to escape through. Yang was about to follow until she was pounced on by a hooded man who then started to tear at her uniform then her. She tried to push off the dude but was struggling, then the man was then bashed in the head by a frying pan that made a loud 'BONK' and the hooded guy was dead.

Yang then looked up to see the white suit man with a frying pan in his hand and then offered his other hand to help her up.

"Need some help blondie?" The man asked.

"Sure, thanks for the save." Yang said as she took the mans hand and got back on her feet but, then realized her yellow bra was showing and she quickly cover up her chest. "Guest that thing tore up my uniform."

"Here, wear this for now." the man said as he offered her his white jacket which she put on of her uniform. "Just try not to get anything on it."

"I'll try not to." Yang replied. "But what do we do now?"

"I heard there is an evac station at a hotel nearby, that place is our best bet." the man said as he then started out the front door with Yang following close behind. "I'll take you there."

"Well, if we walking a long distance we might as well get to know each other a little." Yang suggested. "My name is Yang Xiao Long, what's yours handsome?"

"Names Nick, that's all you need to know." Nick said. "Any don't worry about learning too much cause I don't plan on sticking around long."

"Well, lets at least protect each other until we are in safe hands." Yang said. "Sound good?"

"That works for me Yang." Nick said. "But be on guard, those thing could be anywhere."


And that's it for the prologue for this story!

Let me know your guys thought in the comments!

I have been meaning to put this out sooner but it was just problem after problem and college and work!

But I got it out!

And as always stay tuned for more!!!!

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