xii. death follows

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ROSALIE STARES UP AT THE SKY AS ZACHARIAH'S PICTURE APPEARS after the images of the two tributes from District One. Fallon, who had awoken an hour or so prior, gently rests her head on the girl's shoulder as she grieves. Neither of them say anything as his face disappears and she's left with the image in her mind.

She'd thrown the knife away, unable to keep it as its doused in the blood of her District Partner. Instead, she has one of his knives that he had been carrying in his pack. Along with it was a bottle of water, some rations and some ripe. The boy from District One had nothing but his sword on him and she left that with the two bodies, unable to look at the thing that had practically killed Zachariah.

"You should get some rest," Fallon speaks softly.

Rosalie looks at her ally who is now looking up at her.

"I can't sleep anyway, possible concussion," the girl from District Seven points out. "You need to be rested up for tomorrow. We're nearing the end now,"

"Y-yeah. Okay," Rosalie stutters lightly before closing her eyes, thinking of anything but what had occurred hours earlier.

When she wakes up the following morning, Fallon is still seated beside her. She is fully awake and watching the clouds, peacefully examining her surroundings. Rosalie sighs and sits up properly, stretching her arms above her head.

"There was another one whilst you were asleep," Fallon comments quietly. "Not sure who,"

"We will find out tonight, I guess," Rosalie croaks in response, her throat still sore from the previous evening. Her eyes still feel heavy with tears, her being awake meaning her thoughts are running at a million miles an hour.

She killed somebody yesterday, technically she killed two people. It was her knife that ended Zachariah's life, she killed him, not the boy from One. Zach's blood is on her hands and she will have to live with that.

"It's not your fault," Fallon interjects into the silence. "Just how James' death wasn't mine. That's what you said remember,"

"I killed him," Rosalie's voice is weak, full of hurt.

"You ended his suffering,"

"If I had just left when he told us to —"

"He would be dead anyway. He was too hurt, Rose. He wouldn't have been able to take on the other boy by himself,"

Rosalie can see the sense in that but thoughts continue to swim around in her mind. He died by her hand.

"Now, let's get moving. We cannot sit around all day," Fallon stands up, clapping her hands together lightly. "We're practically sitting ducks,"

Rosalie slowly gets up, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She grips Zach's knife with her hand, clutching it tightly. In a way, he's still with her, her protector in a way. He's probably the only reason she's currently still breathing anyway, if he hadn't of warned them, her and Fallon would probably be the dead ones.

"There's only two careers left, the two of us and two others. We will probably have to part ways soon," The last part is a mumble and Rosalie looks over, she knows it's true.

"Today?" She whispers and the girl from District Seven nods her head.

"Later this afternoon or tonight,"

The two of them head to the water, filling up the bottles of water. Rosalie fills up Zachariah's too so that she can have some extra. Fallon moves away to put the water in her backpack.

"I don't think it would be wise to—"

Rosalie's eyebrows scrunch together as Fallon stops speaking and she turns her head to see the girl collapsed on the floor with a boy standing over her. Her blood is splattered across the grass and her eyes are open, staring at Rosalie who is shaking. The canon sounds.

The boy gives her no time when it comes to processing her shock, running at her. She clammers about and grabs her knife, slicing his leg as she crouches down. He hisses and lunges for her, managing to grab hold of her ponytail and yank her towards him. She screeches as he manages to scratch the surface of her skin, her cheek bleeding.

Rosalie is thrown to the ground and he stands over the top of her with a spear in his grasp. He thrusts it down as she just rolls away, using her foot to kick at his shin and knock him down. However, he is back to his feet rather quickly.

"Time is up, Four," he hisses.

His spear slashes the side of her abdomen and she yells out in pain, falling back down once again as the blood seeps from the wound. He doesn't waste any time moving closer once again, aiming the spear for her heart.

She's exhausted, unable to find the strength. Fallon is to her right, still staring at her with those dead eyes. Zachariah is gone as well. She's about to join them.

"Mellie wanted to kill you but I'm sure she'll forgive me," His eyes are bright with malicious intent.

Mellie? The girl from two. The one who had taunted her in training and made fun of her. Told her she wouldn't go home to her family. Her family.

She can only imagine how they're feeling right now. Carter in tears and afraid, Asher trying to hold it together. Her parents would be unable to watch. Finnick. Finnick.

The boy lifts the spear and readies to shove it downwards when she quickly leans up and stabs him in the thigh. He falls to the ground beside her as everything begins to spin around her. He tries to put pressure on the wound after she pulls it out, her knife then entering his other leg. He may be more powerful but it will be hard for him to overpower her if he cannot stand up.

The sounds of pain haunt her, echo in her ears. The knife, now dripping blood, lays shakily in her hand.

"I'm sorry," She whispers before stabbing him in the chest. "Please forgive me,"


The canon signifies his death, the boy from Two now joining the rest of the fallen tributes. Rosalie stumbles over to Fallon and gently closes her eyes, placing a kiss on her forehead. She was the closest thing you could have to a friend in here.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry, I'm going to do this for you," She whispers. "For my family and for your's. I promise,"

The girl hisses as she sits in the small building, her hand pushing against the gash on her side. If she's not careful, she will bleed out. She cannot do that, not when she promised Fallon. She is going to win this thing.

A chiming noise is heard around her and she sticks her head out the window. A small parachute is attached to a package and she sighs in relief. Sponsors. Finnick has gotten her a sponsor.

She reaches out and grabs it, pulling it inside. Opening it up she reads the small note.

"For the wound, sunshine.
— F"

Rosalie smiles and lifts her shirt slightly, applying a thin layer of the cream to the wound. She winces, the stinging sensation anything but pleasant. She closes the small container and puts it away, just in case she needs it again.

The theme of the Capitol starts to play and she takes a deep breath, Fallon's face will be up in the sky and she cannot bring herself to look. Her ally and friend is gone now and she will do everything in her power to win for her.


Double update! Thank you for reading!

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