xiv. closed curtains

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ROSALIE IS ENTIRELY UNSURE OF WHAT TO DO. Mellie looks out for blood, her blood specifically. She has nobody to help her now, the machines deactivated and the last remaining tribute dead to their left. This is a battle she will have to fight on her own. The other girl is trained, she was literally brought up for something like this — Rosalie expected to spend her life fixing boats or fishing.

"I'm surprised you survived this long," Mellie hisses at the brunette who stares back.

The District Two tribute has blood pouring down the sides of her face from a cut in her hairline, completely wiping out Rosalie's theory that perhaps there were only three of those machines. Knowing the Capitol, they probably released them all over the arena so they'd have to run into one another. The finale always has some odd aspect to it, something to engage the audience.

"I'm not," Rosalie replies, trying to apply some confidence to her tone. In all honesty, Rosalie certainly didn't think she would make it this far. "Maybe you underestimated me,"

"No, I think you have incredibly good luck. Unfortunately for you, it's about to end,"

Mellie launches herself at the girl and the two of them tumble to the ground, Rosalie hitting her head against the ground rather harshly. She winces as Mellie grabs a knife and goes to hit her, using so much force it actually ends up embedded in the ground beneath them.

"Luck has to run out eventually," She hisses as Rosalie manages to dodge her again, rolling over and kicking out at the blonde's leg. "I've trained for this my whole life, Four. Your fishing isn't going to help you,"

The mocking causes Rosalie to sneer lightly, grabbing the bow from the ground and shooting an arrow straight at the girl. It nicks the skin of her exposed arm and Mellie laughs almost maniacally.

"Your aim hasn't gotten any better. You look like a child, like all the rest of the people I have killed in here. What about that boy from District Seven? I'm sure you heard about him," Mellie looks smug.

James. The boy who Fallon had talked about only days earlier. He was a child, and this girl was happy to do what she did.

"You're a sadistic bitch," Rosalie whispers with such venom that it even surprises her.

"Perhaps but at least at the end of all this, I'll be alive. Cannot say the same for you, that Fallon girl or your District Partner. It's a shame, really," Mellie speaks as she moves closer again.

"I wouldn't bet on that," Rosalie replies as she throws a knife in her direction but the blonde manages to move out of the way.

Mellie stalks over and grabs hold of Rosalie's hair, having more strength than the younger girl. She pulls her over to the water and dumps her beside it, the expression on her face absolutely terrifying.

"I think the water would be a fitting end for you," Mellie comments almost unbothered, her eyes surveying the area around them. Her fingers thread through Rosalie's long, brown hair which has since fallen out of its ponytail, and pulls her head towards the water.

Rosalie fights against her grasp, her hands pushing away from the ground. The blonde pulls out one of her knives and stabs it straight through Rosalie's right hand, the girl emitting a loud, pained scream. She chokes on a sob.

"You're weak," Mellie yells.

Rosalie kicks her leg out as her head nears the water, desperately trying to fight away from the strong hold. Her foot manages to connect with Mellie's ankle who falters as a result and her grip weakens just enough for Rosalie to spin around and launch her into the water. The small pond is not deep by any means but it gives her enough time to get up.

The brunette cries as she pulls the knife out of her hand and then walks into the water towards the other girl. The blonde is wiping her hair out of her eyes as Rosalie nears, the knife now in the grasp of her uninjured hand.

"You're only delaying the inevitable," The blonde's tone is still smug, even as the other girl stands above her with a weapon in her hand. "You don't know how to kill, it's not in your nature,"

"Who do you think killed your District partner?" Rosalie croaks, ashamed of her actions but knowing she has to use the situation to her advantage.

Mellie's expression changes to something that Rosalie cannot recognise. It's almost murderous and yet there is a hint of something else there, perhaps sadness. She can only assume that the two of them knew each other quite well, even people like her can have emotions.

A scream falls from Mellie's lips and she tackles Rosalie yet again. Rosalie manages to wrestle her way out and this time has a grip on Mellie rather than the other way around. Her hair sticks to the sides of her face, the water running down her cheeks and seeping into her clothes. The water, it's her strength.

"Who's weak now?" Rosalie whispers before she stabs the girl right through the chest. She lets go of her and Mellie slumps in water, the glimmering liquid now tinged with the red glow of her blood.

Rosalie collapses to her knees beside the girl and when the canon goes off, her eyes close and she starts to cry.

"The winner of the 68th Hunger Games, Rosalie Barton,"


The Games are over! I was just wondering whether everybody does want this story to venture into Catching Fire or not? Please let me know!

Thank you for reading!

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