xvi. returning home

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STEPPING OFF THE TRAIN TO LOUD CHEERS startles her slightly. Finnick's hand is grasping her's tightly, providing her that extra comfort she needs. Before she can move forward any further, a body crashes into her and holds her.

A soft sob forces it's way out as she hugs her younger brother, the boy now crying too. Finnick gently detaches their hands from one another so that she can greet her family properly. Asher walks over and wraps his arms around his younger siblings, the three of them standing on the platform as the Capitol camera films their reunion.

"You did it," Carter sniffles as he pulls away, his eyes staring into her's.

"I told you I would," Rosalie smiles tearily, using her thumbs to wipe away his tears. "I missed you guys,"

"We missed you too," Asher responds, ruffling her hair like he used to do when they were kids. "You kicked ass in there, little sister,"

Rosalie rolls her eyes and gently pushes him, moving past him so that she can see her parents. Magnus and Eloise Barton look so incredibly tired and worn out, it makes her eyes fill up with tears once again. She throws herself into their embrace and savours the feeling of being back with her family again. Her father kisses her forehead gently and smooths back her hair, looking her face over as if to see whether or not she is okay. Her mother grabs her hand that had been stabbed and runs her finger over the stitches.

"We're so glad you're home," her father breathes and she smiles at him, practically flinging herself back into his embrace.

"I'm glad to be back," she whispers in response, enjoying the comfort of her family around her. "I've missed you,"

She pulls away from him, her eyes surveying the scene around her. The people from District Four crowding the station in order to get a look at their Victor. Her gaze stops when she notices a family huddled in the back, one of them looking so much like the boy that was lost in the arena. Without a second thought, she walks over to them.

"I'm so sorry," She speaks quietly, her eyes once again filled to the brim with tears. "Zachariah was a good person,"

"Thank you," His mother croaks out in response, her hand gently finding Rosalie's cheek. "You did what you could,"

It's the small bit of closure that she needs right now.

Rosalie allows her head to rest on Finnick's shoulder as they sit on his couch. Her family had gone back to her old home to grab their items so they could move into her new home in Victor's Village, there is no way she'd let them stay in that horrible part of town. Until they have all their things, she has chosen to stay with Finnick. He doesn't seem to mind, opening the door to his home with a massive smile on his face.

"Does it get better?" She asks him quietly, her eyes staring out the open window. The District sounds a little more alive today, the children running around the streets with laughs and smiles. "Every time I close my eyes I see them all,"

"I'm not going to lie to you, it never gets better. You'll still see them all and the things you did, they will play on your mind. I hope that one day we will both just become numb to it but I cannot guarantee it in the slightest," Finnick responds.

"Hmm, maybe,"

"Rose! Rose! We're ready," A voice calls and a small smile appears on her face as Carter sticks his head through the window. Finnick chuckles beside her before getting up with Rosalie following after him.

The boy walks ahead slightly, jumping a little when Rosalie's hand makes contact with his, their fingers intertwining. He has to stop himself from smiling, his lips twitching up. She doesn't say anything either, neither of them wanting to make the situation awkward.

Rosalie's family are gathered out the front of their new home, their bags strewn across the front patio. Her younger brother has a giddy expression on his face, obviously excited to be moving out of the tiny house they once inhabited.

The brunette uses her free hand to stick the key into the lock and twist it, opening the door up. Her breath hitches as she finally takes in where she will be living. Beautiful wooden floors and the walls are slathered in a light purple paint that causes her to smile. Finnick watches her awe with a fond expression.

Before she has a chance to speak, her brothers have all but barged in, already calling dibs on which room will be their's. Her parents are a little more respectful, walking in together and looking around. Rose stays back with Finnick, happy that her family are happy.

"You good?" Finnick asks her as she stands still in the doorway.

"Yeah, I feel good,"

And she truly does, for the first time in a long time.


Yikes this is long overdue and not very good. Thank you for reading anyway!

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