Nightmare Jr.

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"Meeting.." Lilly groaned. "There's no way in hell I'm going." Dust chuckled. "you don't have to, queenie's staying too."
"Sorry Bones my babe, but I'll have to pass as well." Horror shrugged and kissed his mate. "I'm pretty sure I have meeting PTSD.." Izik muttered. Killer looked to Rane. "Sorry Baby Bear, its been awhile since it was just us humans." Killer nodded in understanding. "just be good, papa bear." Rane immediately blushed. That was a new one. "So where we off to?" Taylor asked as the boys portaled away. "Sidney's?"
"That would be wise." Everyone jumped, looking around in confusion. "I am the spirit of the tree, humans, you will not find me." They all turned to the tree of feelings. "I am Nim, mother to Nightmare and Dream. I was simply saying that it would be wise to accompany Sidney, especially with her special announcement~" The tree became silent once more. "Special announcement?" Taylor asked out loud. Nim didn't say anything more though.


"You all stayed behind?" Sidney asked as four more humans wandered in. "Eh." Taylor waved off. "The meetings are more of their thing. I get bored as hell in them." Lilly complained. "They're worse than the staff meetings I have to attend.."
"404 and King M are worse, but I'd still rather be here." Izik said. "So~" Rane purred suddenly. "Nim says you have a special announcement tonight~? Care to tell, human to human~?" Sidney shook her head. "Nope, you'll have to wait just like everyone else." Rane slumped. "Aw." Taylor grinned and Lilly gave him 20 G. "I'm.. not even going to ask." Sidney decided. "It's best you don’t.." Izik sighed at the display. "What else did Nim say anyway?" They shrugged. "Not much. She doesn't talk to us or the boys as much as she does you, Dream, and Nightmare. I guess because we aren't family to her?" Lilly shrugged. "I'll talk to Nim about that. Wanna help while we wait for the boys?" The boys came just as dinner finished up. "what's with the party?" Nightmare asked as the dinner was placed on the table. "Oh, they were just bored and helping me out. They were just leaving." Sidney replied. "We were?" Rane asked, earning an elbow to the ribs from Lilly. "We were."
"But what about-" Rane got cut off by Taylor. "Later." They all ushered out.


When NJ was born, Killer and Rane took readily to babysitting whenever the King and Queen were out. The kid enjoyed the movies that they put on and Killer realized very quickly that Rane was amazing with kids. He always seemed to know what NJ wanted the moment he started to make a face. Killer didn't know how Rane could do it. Read the child's emotions in a glance. He practically did the same with Killer, even now. "Oh, don't give me that look, Baby Bear, come here. Play with us." Killer walked over and sat beside his boyfriend, in front of the child. "what are we playing?" Killer asked. "A simple game of peekaboo. NJ loves it. Killer watched Rane demonstrate, covering his face with his hands. NJ looked confused. "Where's the Prince? Where could he possibly be?" NJ started to giggle, but jumped, eyes going wide in a face of shock at Rane uncovered his eyes, crying out "PEEKABOO!" At first the kid looked like he was about to cry, but Rane 'hid' again and NJ cracked a smile, giggling once more. Killer decided that he liked this view. His mate having fun with a child.

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