The King..?

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"Lilly!" The blackette stole Taylor's bicicle. "Come get it Taylor, Horror~!" Lilly teased them. Horror rolled his eye and teleported behind her, easily snatching the treat. "Thanks, Bones." Taylor winked at Horror who blushed. Dust wrapped his arms around the girl. "that's enough teasing, flower." That caused her to blush. Izik smirked. "Kiss already, would you?" He called while Error passed a doll to him. "w-wh-at do y-yo-u thi-in-k i-zi-k?" He gave the glitchy skeleton a easy-going smile. "Looks great, Erry."
"love ya, rane.." Rane turned to Killer in surprise. "Hello! I'm Sidney. Nice to meet you all." A voice cut through their fun and made them jump. They all turned to see a wavy haired brunette with blue eyes and a Skeleton with purple clothes and blueish purple eyelights walking over. Taylor, naturally, was the first to speak up. "Uh, hi. Um... I'm Taylor, this is Horror. Don't let the hole fool you, he's a softy. That's Killer and Rane, Dust and Lilly, and Error and Izik." Taylor introduced. "Who's your friend?" He pointed next to her where the Skeleton had reluctantly joined her. She smirked at him. "Yeah, friend, who are you?" The girl teased, failing to boop his nose as he parried her arm away. "har har." The Skeleton stated in unamused nervousness. Rane could understand him. "you all know me by name... i am nightmare, the king of negativity."


Rane blinked as the group immediately became defensive, moving to protect the humans. Nightmare didn't look all that bad, but he supposed looks could be decieving. "If your THE Nightmare, why do you look different? What are your intentions?" G asked skeptically. "i have no negative intentions, i've been purified which is why my appearance is changed." The Skeleton claiming to be Nightmare replied. "d-dr-eam f-fin-nally di-d it, h-uh?" Error asked, relaxing a little. "no." Nightmare replied. "He purified himself through the power of love." Sidney teased, to which Nightmare shrugged, blushing. "queenie's not wrong." The boy's sockets widened. "queenie...?" Horror started. "as in..." Killer continued. "you're married to her?!" Dust finished. Yes. Yes we are." They replied in unison. Lilly's smile widened. It seemed she got what she wanted after all. "Well, welcome to loving the enemy club! I'm Dust's girl." She heald her hand out to Sidney. Sidney took it, shaking. "Queen Sidney, wife to King Nightmare." Lilly snorted as the Taylor, Izik, and Rane all dramatically bowed. "Your majesty." Rane joked in his best servant impression. Killer got nervous but Nightmare and Sidney only laughed. "no need to tease. it's more of a self proclaimed title than anything." Nightmare waved off as he hugged Sidney close with one arm. "That gives EVERY REASON to tease." She snickered. "He's got a point, Nighty."
"then by all means, tease away. so, you guys are doing good, i assume?" Nightmare asked. Error nodded. "y-yea-ah. m-ad-e pea-ce wi-th the squi-id."
"as i should with my brother... let's end this. once and for all." The King of Negativity stated, opening a portal.


As soon as Nightmare and Sidney disappeared through the portal and it closed, all heads turned to Error. The glitch ignored them though, choosing to think on his observations of the Negative King rather than the staring eyes of literally everyone. "a-a-ama-are... h-ow woul-d y-ou li-i-ike t-to see ou-r ho-me?" Error turned to Izik slowly. "I... don't see why not. I trust your judgment, Error, and Nightmare obviously isn't as he was before. The Queen had changed him for the better. So let's go see that castle." Rane was curious about the castle himself and looked at Killer. "Will you all be joining us?"
"go home? hell yeah we are!" Dust was already sauntering over to Error, awaiting the portal to the Castle. Lilly was right at Dust's side while Horror and Taylor were also getting up to join the leave group. Killer was the most reluctant. Nobody could blame him, he'd been the most loyal to Nightmare before his change. Rane was there to comfort him though, and eventually, they came over too. "You guys are grown adults. You don't need a babysitter anymore. Have fun and whatever." G waved the group off, ready to have his au to himself again.

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