homeschooling hint

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(AN: this chapter will be kinda brutal and may have triggers)

E!Papyrus p.o.v:
It has been nearly a month sense everything has gone down and I knew I would have to set up a way to home school Error as I refused to let him go back to that school. The first week he returned he had become the center of everyone's mean words and threats. The principle said he did what he could which is b*llsh*t. Error came back with burns from the kids that smoked despite the rules and was always getting new bruises and letters on his back saying things like 'kick me', 'push me', 'purposely bump into me' and two threat ones that read "die in a hole or I will make you GLITCH" and "nobody cares for you go off yourself".

To say I'm not pissed is a understatement because they targeted Error's friend as well with notes saying "die with the glitch traitor" and "Your little friend is in a world of trouble paint stain!!" With all of this both were in very low spirits and needed to move. The same group knew where they lived and busted out their windows with yet more notes this time on rocks and egged the house almost everyday. Error started simply collecting the stones and burned the notes at night as some of the stones happened to have fossils in them which were revealed on impact. They would take turns sleeping to ensure nobody messed with them and when they both slept I took watch. There was no way I could head back to my own home knowing my brother and his friend which gave him a chance and protected him were in danger so one evening I decided to buy them a nice house far away from the school and bought them a security system. I payed off the house in full as I got a major discount after explaining the situation to the homeowners and they chipped in to help get new laptops and some basic essentials.

Today was moving day and everything was already packed and sent over to the house and set up. The boys think they are going to a apartment but they will soon find out its not. I hope I got the right house warming gifts for them they both deserve it after how the last school treated them. With them here mine and Error's parents can't get to them either, the minute the security camera catches them anywhere near the house without notice it will send a message to the police force and they will be dispatched quickly. I'm no longer messing around and not going to be oblivious towards everyone that hurt Error and his friend and luckily my house was only five minutes away so when I wasn't busy I could protect them and they could come to me just in case. Its my turn to protect them and I won't back down. They will be safe here and if it gets more intimate between ink and error there was room. Hope you love everything you are getting and no more negatives will befall you both.

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