Mood Shift

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It was the next morning and both ink and error were still asleep. Error had switched positions in the night and instead of him on ink's shoulder ink was now on Error's shoulder and error had him in a sort of sideways hug while ink's left arm was hanging over the couch. The blanket had been left forgotten on the floor as the first rays of sunlight came into the window and had caused error to use his free arm to shield his eyes as he tried getting a bit more sleep. Soon enough both ink and error's alarms on their monster phones decided to go off at the same time which caused ink to sit up quickly and hit against Error's chin which in turn woke error who ended up falling off the couch with ink following soon after.

As the two groaned from their rude awakening they managed to get themselves untangled from the heap they ended up in and sat on the floor till the slight pain faded and after a bit error got up to go make some food for them while ink went to see when their online classes started and was legitimately surprised that the school was still closed due to the gym repairs going on.

When ink told error about it he seemed just as surprised and did question why they didn't just do online classes like before which ink seemed to consider as well though shrugged his shoulders unable to think of a reason. Knowing they had the day free the two worked on making breakfast together and got into a sort of synced rythem avoiding colliding with each other without issue as they worked in the kitchen.

*Error's P.O.V*

While me and Ink worked together I found it strange that we seemed to know each other's moves and were able to avoid any mishaps despite the two of us just recently living in the same home because of my brother and toriel. It was nice not worrying about colliding with Ink as I wouldn't forgive myself if he got badly hurt because of me. Despite knowing I could trust him there was a few things that I wanted to keep to myself for right now till things calmed down enough to where I could trust myself not to break down in front of him.

I haven't even told him everything that my family had done to me throughout the years and was still debating on telling him so I knew how he would respond and see if he still wanted to live with me or leave to find his own place far away from me. I would be devastated if our relationship status of boyfriends would be destroyed if he found out but, I knew I'd better tell him everything I've been through soon so if things got deeper then boyfriends he'd know my triggers to prevent a ptsd attack or think of ideas on how to help calm me before I did something that could have lasting consequences.

While I stewed on those thoughts we plated breakfast after turning off the stove and went to the dining room with our food of some toast and eggs and a cup of orange juice each and ate.

*Ink's p.o.v Midday*

After me and error had finished breakfast we had gone to work on our homework. Despite school being closed Error had meantioned we should still work on our various homework so it was done when school was in session again though as we worked on our homework I could tell something was bugging error. The telling sign was that he wasn't able to focus on one of the things he was excellent at and was making small mistakes which were making him get increasingly frustrated.

I didn't want to get snapped at but, the way he was getting was a definite sign there was more going on despite him saying he had simply had a nightmare before we ended up on the couch to rest together. With this in mind I went over to see if he wanted some help with his homework only to get a growl and him shaking my hand off his shoulder before snapping slightly saying "I'm fine ink go back to your homework I got this. My teacher just made the phrasing more complex then usual and I want to try figuring it out on my own."

At this I was getting slightly frustrated but, only because of how stubborn error could get when he didn't want some help from others even if they could summarize the prompt a bit easier for him to understand. It was one of the traits I figured out even before everything that happened lead up to this. Despite not wanting to let him be I simply said "ok error but please ask for help if you need it on your homework I can do my best to help."
With that I went back to my own homework and continued what I was doing.


It was around four in the afternoon when error finally came to me for help and with some explaining in easier terms error became frustrated at himself for not asking for help sooner because with the new explanation he had finished his homework within twenty minutes. I had finished mine a few hours ago and had decided to keep near while getting started on dinner for the both of us so error didn't feel like he was alone.

It was two hours later after we were finished eating when error started acting slightly weird. He was pacing anxiously despite finishing his homework and seemed to be a bit more alert then normal though the next thing I knew error had bolted out of the living room and into his own room which didn't settle right with me and caused me to follow on instinct though before I could get even five feet from his door to ask him what was wrong he had slamming the door in my face and locking it. In doing that something in my mind told me to contact toriel quickly and tell her what was going on. I just hope she is fast enough to get here before something really bad happens.

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