C●13 Hatred

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"You sure ?"

Y/n's words stammer with uncertainty,

Jungkook nod,

Y/n dropped the knife and caressed her belly , it's been only two months since she married him ,and this is the first time he agreed to something,her heart swells with victory, She succeed in saving her child.

Jungkook quietly left ,


Next day ,

There's seen a drastic change in Jungkook, it's not that he likes her, but he has instructed everyone to take a special care of his wife ,

Y/n felt immense happiness, she's sure ,he'll change with time , he'll love the baby .

Few hours later, a doctor arrived with equipment to ensure she's pregnant,

Jungkook was inside the room , during the whole process,

After a few moments, doctor turn around with a smile wishing,

"Congratulations, Mr.Jeon "

The words are enough to push  Y/n's happiness to it's peak , Jungkook just nod ,

Giving some advice, Doctor left .
Jungkook glance at her once before leaving,  Y/n cared less , she's totally into her unborn child ,

Imagining how she'll take care off , will it be a girl or a boy ? If it's a boy then will it look like Jungkook??

Many questions are roaming inside her head, heating up her cheeks more and more .


Next few days , all the maids taken a good care of her, even Jungkook didn't bother her too . He stays neutral, however gives instructions to his maids ,how to take care of her .

Y/n's following a diet chart , she can feel a presence inside now , doctor said it's just a 4 weeks pregnancy, however she's cautious.


One day , after meal ,there was pudding for dessert, because Y/n was craving for sweet , Jungkook doesn't like sweet , so he bolt up for his room, 

Y/n ate the pudding, and return to her room for sleep, around midnight, her stomach hurts , too badly that she groan loudly.

Hearing her groan , Jungkook along with maids enter inside, each of them carrying a worry in their faces including Jungkook.

Y/n groan holding her stomach, tears flow down with pain,

Jungkook instructed maids to check, they start massaging her belly,however Y/n's groaning isn't stopping,

Jungkook walk near , Y/n sniffle before lifting her eyes ,

"It's hurting!!"

Jungkook glance at his maid saying,

"Call the doctor  , say it's an emergency"

Y/n cried, the unwavering pain leaving her breathless,

"Don't worry , it will end soon ....so bear  few minutes"

Jungkook's words make no sense, however Y/n halt with skepticism,

"What do you mean by it will end soon ?,bearing it few minutes??"

She enquire between her groan ,

"The pain ...it's hurting you cause of the dead unborn child inside you ....doctor is arriving, he'll help you "

Jungkook answered shrugging his shoulders,

Y/n gaped ,

"Dead ?? What do you mean by dead my baby is -----"

Words stuck inside her mouth, her eyes move to him , while her heart crushing underneath.

"You- you killed the baby ??"

Words escape with uncertainty, she can't believe, He will go this far .

"No , it's your wish to eat pudding "

Jungkook answered, fixing his sleeves,

Y/n's emotions clashes with reality,
She jump off, while her stomach hurt like hell ,

"You - how could you do that !"

Her legs totter making her fall on his feet,

"I've warned you that I don't want a baby , still you're not Someone to listen, either way it's your fault, you shouldn't have been pregnant , see a baby died cause of you"

Jungkook taunt moving his feet,

Y/n sat there awestruck  , her mind is buzzing. She wanna wake up from this nightmare.....

Jungkook walk away,

Y/n could feel some hot liquid is flowing down her vaginas,  she still remain seated like a sculpture, heart wriggle, breath stuck in lungs.

A red line, soaking her clothes, ran on  the carpet.

Sweat popped on her forhead, pain is unbearable at this point,  Y/n black out.

After three days , her eyes opened again.
However she's nothing but a living dead,

Maids has treated her, doctor helped in aborting a dead  ,

Y/n after gaining a little strength has locked herself inside the room, not even letting anyone enter, dropped meals , even refused to take medicines as well
Her fragile body ,break down .


Yoongi wasn't aware of anything, he was out of town, upon returning when he heard ,Y/n has locked herself. He rushed towards her , convincing many times ,
Y/n finally revealed her devastated state.

She burst into tears, before him , complaining, blaming, crying.
Yoongi hearing everything was outraged,

He console Y/n , convinced her that he'll make sure , something like this never happens in future,

Feed her a meal and medicine,

"I promise, I'll make sure your life won't get any worse "

Promising that ,Yoongi stomped outside

Y/n doesn't sew hope , just stare at the door.

Jungkook didn't visited her till now, which is good , she doesn't see him a human now, he's a monster, a creature,
Worse than anything.....and however convinced herself, she's a naive woman who fail to protect her baby , how she gonna protect herself.


Jungkook was between a discussion, when Yoongi burst in ,

"We need to talk"

His serious tone echoed the conference room ,

"I'll be there after this meeting"

Jungkook answered, nodding

"No , come with me right now "

Yoongi remains stubborn, offic staffs fears Yoongi too, therefore they remains silent.

Jungkook with a pissed groan bolt up ,

"Fix another date"

Instructing that , Jungkook heads outside,  at a corner, Yoongi grasp his collar,

"How could you kill a unborn ?? Don't you fear the Deity!! Nothing goes under his eyes ! You're committing crimes one by one ,like it's a game!!"

Yoongi grumbled, shaking him

Jungkook held his wrist and yank ,

"Everyone, flushes their   eggs every day ,don't they ?? Does that not consider as killing the unborn?? Then why you're so frustrated over me ?? "

Jungkook smug,

Yoongi grit , growling

"You won't hurt her ! That's final ! And why you killed that baby , your grandfather will be too mad if he get to know this ! Stop being like your Dad Jungkook!! Grow up !! "

Jungkook roll his eyes ,replied scrunching his nose

"Who cares , I don't fear ,grandfather, moreover I don't want to handle responsibilities of a baby , those filthy creatures "

Yoongi sigh , grumbling

"You're behaving like a 5 year now , ugh ! "

"I'm not , that bitches words are haunting me"

Jungkook whince,

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed,

"Stop being so superstitious!, I warn you if you touch her ,I'll surely inform everything to your grandfather "

With that threat , Yoongi walk away, leaving a Pissed Jungkook behind.


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