C●28 Midnight and Memories

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Little Jungkook was running across the staircase, his breath is heavy, eyes are swollen with tears which flicker fear. Just when he cross the last stair his legs totter ,he trip on the floor on his face .
His bruised hands ,press on the carpet to make him stand, however a strong grasp get some of his hair , and pulled him off the ground, the 10 years old Jungkook whimper in pain, his swollen eyes shed more tears , Jungkook's Dad held him firmly, his eyes are red with rage,

"Tell me brat ! Where is your mom !"

He growled, Jungkook hiccup, and refused to respond, His Dad got mad and threw him across the floor , making him get a cut on his knee , The 10 years old Jungkook groan,

"KOOK !!"

A loud shriek of a woman was heard from behind, Jungkook's eyes flicker more fear ,
however his Dad smug mischievously,

"There you are ! Dirty pig !"

Without wasting a time , His Dad grasp her mother's hair ,

"Mom !!"

Little Jungkook, stood up with tears and fear , Before his eyes ,His Father Dragged his mother and threw inside a room ,
Jungkook's heart thump with fear , he ran behind them , His mother constantly Instructing him to step aside, His father grasp her hair and slapped her ,making her land on floor, And shut the door before Jungkook,

The boy heard ,his mother's agonising screaming from inside, He sniffle and bang on the door using his tiny hands ,

"Open the door ! Dad ! Don't hurt mom ! "

Jungkook sob loudly, from inside his Dad's growl was heard too ,

"You bitch ,you dare to talk back!! How many times I've warned you not to talk with my concubines !"

Jungkook sniffle and bang more, his tears not stopping, Suddenly another warm embrace draped around him,

Jungkook found his nanny has picked him,

"Don't stand here , Young master , you need to leave before Master shifts his anger on you"

She advised, taking him away from the room,

"But , soojin ! Mom ! He'll hit mom again!"

Jungkook sniffle, his eyes not leaving the closed door from where his mother's screams were still be heard,


Soojin, Jungkook's nanny had made him sleep inside his spacious bedroom, however around midnight the door jolt open  , Soojin was dozing,  she gets  startled, her eyes widened finding Jungkook's Dad , she immediately bolt up

"Young master is sleeping, master"

She block the way of the bed ,  his Dad simply shoved her ,
Reaching near he pulled Jungkook from bed ,Jungkook's eyes flutter open and immediately squinted with fear ,he shrink himself inside the blanket,

"D-Dad !!"

His Dad glare at him ,then slapped  hard,

"Why you always cry like a woman?? Useless!!"

Jungkook's head hit the edge of the bed, he whimper, His Dad immediately grasp his throat

"Listen ! You're my son ! Mine ! The devil ,me , lives inside you too , so stop being a crybaby like your mom ! "

Little Jungkook struggle for air , throwing hands recklessly.
Nanny tried to separate them ,

Jungkook's Dad pushed his fingers on him hard ,

"This brat needs lesson"

Saying this his Dad pulled out a rod ,
Jungkook pant heavily, unaware of the upcoming terror,

His Dad raised his hand with the rod to hit him with a fiendish smug ,  Soojin cover Jungkook immediately, the rod land on her back ,

"Soojin !!"

Screaming this Jungkook's eyes flutter open, his hands were extended in air ,
He's sweating badly, breath ragged.

The warm sunlight peeking through the curtains, he's still in the couch,
Jungkook sat for a moment, the vivid memories of past conflicted inside him .

"You're my son , the devil ,I, live inside you too"

His Dad's words ,

"Never become like your Dad , Kook"

His mom's words , linger inside his head,Jungkook clutch his head breathing recklessly.


Cristina noticed, Jungkook exhale once again as he close the file , he's not in his right mind , he looks lost in thoughts , she didn't said anything and collect some fruits  ,

Suddenly the door of his cabin jolt open, his secretary entered with a horrific expression,

"Sir , a worker has collapsed from 6th floor"

Cristina bolt up , her eyes were filled with uncertainty and concern ,

"Let's go !"

Saying this to Jungkook she rushed outside,

Jungkook blink twice, however get up robotically then followed her ,

Reaching near they found a body lying on floor between the crowd, a red line has rolled down from his body ,

Cristina reach near and check the pulse , she turn towards Jungkook who just arrived,

"His pulses are still here ! Hurry ! Do something!"

Jungkook batted his eyes, still looking he's lost somewhere else , uttered

"Why ??"

Cristina bolt up and Reaching near she grasp his collar aggressively, she grumbled staring at him

"Because someone's dying, and you're capable of saving them that's why !"

Jungkook stare at her , his mind remained somewhere else , he ask his guards to bring an ambulance and take the injured body , soon an ambulance with some help arrived, they pick the body and left, other employees whispering something left,  Cristina and Jungkook stood only ,she again held his shirt,

"What's wrong with you ?? Where is your mind ??"

Jungkook remain silent only stare at her, Cristina understood his mind is still somewhere else,  somewhere conflicting with his conscience.

Both were unaware that an disguised man was approaching near them, with a sharp dagger,  fully aimed to kill Jungkook.

When he's too close, Cristina noticed that first,


Warning that , she covered him in order to protect him, Jungkook acknowledge the dagger.  His eyes widened, in a sudden the childhood memory flash before his eyes how his nanny protected him, Jungkook's eyes flutter open once again, Impulsively he stopped the dagger by his hand , fingers clutch the sharp blade .

The attacker is surprised by their actions, how Cristina blocked him and how Jungkook prevent the dagger,
Cristina look back ,and surprised finding Jungkook snatched the dagger, while his hand is bleeding, 

Jungkook's eyes flicker rage , he instructed his guards, They immediately caught the guards, Cristina with concern was about to separate while he held her tightly, 

"You're bleeding!!"

She protest,

"Why that's concerning you!! What's the need to save someone risking your own life !"

Jungkook asked sternly staring directly at her eyes, Cristina blink , then snap with  defence

"Cause I'm a doctor! .....now let me treat the wound"

Jungkook let go still staring at her , Cristina immediately pulled him inside the building.

She dressed his wounds carefully, Jungkook's still staring at her face ,eyes are dull and dead like usual.

Once done Cristina turn towards him,

"Don't kill the attacker ! I mean ...surely enough you've done something bad to him in past therefore....don't do something more impulsively"

Jungkook just nod as he shrugged, resting his head on couch,

"Well....why you saved me ?? I'm annoying enough...you could have let me die"

Cristina asked leaning into his side,
Jungkook closed his eyes , nonchalantly he expressed

"Cause you become the shield  first ,even after knowing this sacrifice might get you nowhere"

Cristina bolt up , with a victory smile she enlighten,

"Well , that means you're not selfish at least"

Jungkook open his eyes again, stare at her without batting lashes, Cristina smile and left the cabin .leaving him
with silence.

Later at midnight.........

Y/n's slumber disturbed, she needs to pee, turning around she discovered Granny is still sleeping in her bed, Y/n get off the bed,

While returning from washroom, her eyes noticed Kitchen room's light is still on , being curious she stepped near ,
A wafting spicy aroma of delicious food hit her nostrils, She peek inside,
Her eyes twinkle with adoration finding Taehyung, cooking noodles.

"What you're doing here ??"

Y/n's words ,made him flinch with surprise.

He sigh finding her, an awkward smile form on his lips as he said

"Midnight craving!! ......"

Y/n get inside, "What's in menu , chef doctor Kim"

She tease , Taehyung chuckle,

"Mmm...right now some ramen noodles...would my lady want some??"

Taehyung's eyes flicker with mischief.

Y/n feel a little flushed as she nod,


Finishing cooking, Taehyung serve in two bowl and clean the kitchen area , then handle her a bowl and chopsticks.

"Let's eat in Garden "

As he suggested, turning off the lights, they headed outside,
Sitting on the bench ,under the cold breeze of summer, they start to eat ,

Y/n's eyes close with satisfaction as she slurp the noodles, Taehyung chuckle finding her adorable.

After eating they set the bowl aside ,and sat in silence,

"Why you're up till now ?"

Taehyung asked staring at the moon, Y/n looked at him , under the moonlight his ethereal presence fluttered her heart , she forgot to response, Taehyung look around ,


Y/n snap her thoughts, her cheeks burn as she response,

"I don't know...I just woke up"

Taehyung nod, chuckle

"May be we have telepathy "

Y/n smile  ,

"Tomorrow's the first day of summerfestival "

Taehyung stated pulling his knees together,

"What happens in the first day ??"

Y/n asked, copying Taehyung's moves ,

"First day, you remember the temple...First day people pray and offer to the temple, then a campfire sets , villagers sit around , sing and dance circling.... many funny games were played....before the temple...people stay up till morning then washes their offering into the lake ...then return"

Taehyung narrated, Y/n's eyes glimmer

"Sounds fun,"

Taehyung abruptly ruffled her hair,

"Sure......people wear new and clean clothes before entering the temple "

Y/n's cheeks heat up , however hearing him she felt a little sad , she's still wearing clothes of Cristina's.  She doesn't have a new clothes, and she can't ask them to buy as well , these people are doing so much .

A yawn escape her mouth,
Taehyung chuckle chirping,

"Go sleep , Tomorrow's a new start"

(A short note : this is just a story ,so some concepts such as festival is totally created by me... I've made some rituals to make this  story interesting, no intention to disrespect any religion or culture.)

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