New beginnings

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Raymond motioned me to proceed.

It was our first date and we wanted it to be special. Neither of us was cheesy and it influenced our choice of 'date ideas'. Eric and Rihanna choose a park for their first date but neither I nor Raymond was interested in lovey-dovey talks during a night walk. We did not want to walk hand-in-hand under the starry night sky or dance in the rain. We did not want to go on the mountain top and shout our names or kiss in a perfect moment. We wanted action.

I jumped from the 20 feet tall wall. It would be a lie if I said that I was not afraid because I was afraid. Raymond designed a shoe with some 'way too hard to remember' particles under it to ensure the safe landing of someone who jumps from high locations. It was the first time we were testing the working of the shoes. Raymond had a little too much of confidence in his inventions and that was why he jumped first. I landed on the ground without any noise.

Adrenaline pumped through my system as we walked through the royal garden. I felt euphoric as I walked beside Hermes, my Ray.

Stella was still in bed rest when we left for our first official date. It was two weeks after the incident. Aunt Lucia would have fainted if she ever found out that her daughter had lost her hand but Raymond made a robotic hand which can be controlled by others for time being. The artificial hand could be worn without harming the injury and that brought a lot of relief for me. Raymond said that he was already working on an artificial hand which would work in accordance with the impulses from Stella's nervous tissues.

Stella always despised the idea of being a professional thief and that must be why I totally supported her when she expressed her wish to quit.

Life was not completely normal after the day we met two kings. Rihanna decided to quit the field since she said that she did not ever want to be in a situation like that again. She said that she was going to work as an assistant librarian in the National Library. Eric pulled some strings in the 'high society' for this. I doubted if he knew about her previous job when Rihanna told me about his part in her new job. She assured me that he did not have a clue about 'The Nyx'.

"There," Hermes pointed at a window on the first floor.

We threw our electronic ropes and they anchored on the balcony on the 5th floor. We started climbing it. Our legs moved in sync as foolish grins adorned our faces. My heart beat started to quicken with each step closer to our destination. I was ready for it and I knew that he was totally ready for it. Hermes simply kept his thumb on the rightmost lower corner of the window and the window opened. Later, he said to me that he had hacked the security system in the palace and thus he had control to all the CCTV cameras in the palace. He also had access to the majority of the windows and doors in the palace.

We started to tiptoe to the major bedroom of the palace. It was only a few days after his return that we decided to meet him.

Raymond kept a cubical structure on the lock of the door. The light on the cubical gadget was red in colour when he kept it on the door. Once the light turned green, the door opened with a click sound. King Patrick was not in the room when we entered it. The room was what could be described as 'polar bear in the snowstorm'. Everything in the room was painted white from the curtains to the doormat. Hermes held my hand and we walked towards a portrait of King Patrick's mother. Hermes touched the eyes and nose of the portrait several times before it slid open to reveal our mission.

The King's crown.

I was about to take it when Hermes threw some powder into space. We proceeded to take the crown when the powder settled. Our hands touched the crown together and we lifted it together.

I looked into Hermes' eyes to see the ocean of emotions that I had always wished to see in his eyes. He leaned forward and so did I. We kept leaning till our faces were inches apart. We touched our foreheads and smiled at each other.

"For Yoyomia?" I asked.

"For Yoyomia," He said.

Our country was being ruled by a liar and that was why I felt no regret as we ran away from the palace with the crown in our hands. A nation lead by a criminal will eventually be filled with helpless and hopeless criminals. I knew that our country was not going to change in the near future. I knew that this country might have to pass through a lot of lying Kings. I knew that I was justifying my crime whenever I reminded myself that I am only harming him since he deserves it. I knew that the theft of the crown was not going to turn Yoyomia upside down...

What I did not know was that 'The Iris of Hell' was eaten by a clownfish when it reached the sea. The fishermen caught it on the same day and sold it. The lady who started to cut the fish realized that the stone was not leaving her hand even if she shook her hand several times. She was not a citizen of Yoyomia but she had heard a lot about the stone, good and bad. But she did not know which of the features she heard was right.

What I did not know also included the fact that Our Honorable King was setting up a team to track us down. He wanted the stone and he wanted it badly. Then again there were things that he didn't know either, no matter, what he tried he was never going to get a hold of us.

We ran side by side under the moonlit sky in a street that always accepted us.

The end

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