Chapter 6

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        Silence creeped around the rooms, and my waste still bled with pain. Blood was seeping through Blaine's blue shirt, although it had been barley noticeable. I held onto my waste trying to conceal some pain around it.

           Silence used to be my only comfort, it was one of the only things I had known too well. Although now it seemed different, it wasn't home to me anymore, it always seemed to hold dangers withen the future.

          The door creeped open and Annora slowly walked towards me. She seemed angry, but still worried. "Raylen! Don't ever scarce me that that, ever!" she yelled at me, her voice sharp. Blaine's figure was in the doorway. It was shadowed, but also able to be seen through the candle lights. "I'm going to let you stay here, but, I don't  want you ever leaving in the middle of the night, it's  to risky, for you and myself."

            I nodded quietly, still silenced by my thoughts. Then Annora left the room, with nothing else to say. Her face was still as hardened with anger. Her eyes had also seemed furious.

          Blaine shut the door after her still silenced. As he turned towards me. He had a look of sympathy on his face. "I'm sorry about that." He whispered. "I didn't tell her about what happened, she wouldn't give me a chance, she was just to angry to listen."

             I nodded my head, "I'm used to it..." I whispered.

             "You shouldn't be, no one should be used to being treated like that." He was nodding his head. "She just worries alot."

               I was silent and I watched him tiredly. "We both now why I'm used to it..." I didn't let the sentence lingure to long. "I don't blame Annora, I just wasn’t thinking at the moment. I should have thought about how she would react, but I didn’t."

                "Everyone has to take chances." He said with a smile and sat down beside me. I curled up beside him and laid my head on his chest silently. I then turned my head up to him, my eyes completly dull.

                "But, not if it's going to put someone else in danger." My voice mumbled with exhaustion.

               He wrapped his arm around me cautiously, as if it would hurt. His arm rested a little above my waste, then he removed it quickly looking towards his hand. "Raylen?" He questioned. "Did he cut you? Are you bleeding?"

                "I'm bleeding..." I stated. "He must have reopened a scab in the process."My voice mumbled out the words. As I still tried to cover the memories up.

              He sat upright and looked around. "I have some rubbing achohol, and bandage." I pulled myself up so that he could get to where he needed to go. He walked towards the dresser and pulled another shirt out, this one was white. He turned towards me, "Just so I can make sure your not bleeding to badly with out having to check to much after this." He explained. Then he pulled out a first aid kit under the dresser and walked towards me. "I need you to lay on your back, and lift your shirt up enough for me to clean up your wound."

         I nodded slightly as I layed onto my back and lifted the dark blue shirt up a bit. I watched the ceiling in silence. I trusted Blaine enough, but someone actually helping me was far from normal. I wasn't used to it.

         Blaine's eyes seemed to widen as he saw whatever was making me bleed, he opened up the first aid kit quickly and grabbed some goss as he poured some type of liquid onto them. "This is going to burn." He warned, as he patted it onto my wound. I sucked in a breath at the burning sensation around my wound. Then I was used to it and I waited from him to finish. He looked toward me putting the goss down. "The cut is pretty deep, I'll take another look later in the morning and see if I need to bring u to get stitches."

         "Okay." I mumbled, and he looked back down to the wound, wrapping it in some type of white wrappage that stuck onto my waste easily.

         "Finished, here's the shirt, I won't look, just put it on." He told me.

           I grabbed it from him and he turned away. I slid off the dark blue shirt and put on the white T-shirt. It was also very baggy on me. I folded up the blue shirt, and I noticed the coldness of the shirt from being bleed onto. "I'm done." I told Blaine.

       He grabbed the blue shirt and picked up his first-aid kit.  The blue shirt was thrown into a hamper and The first-aid kit in the same place as before. We watched each other for a second or two, untill Blaine shook his head and looked down to the ground.

         His shoulders slumped and he held his head with frustration. "I can't believe him." His eyes were full of hatred. "He had to have seen them."

          I didn't awnser, I just slumped farther down into the sofa. Noticing that, Blaine's eyes and face grew soft. He sat down with me grabbing the soft blanket from the side of the couch, and wrapping it around me. I dug my head into his shoulder still silenced. In responce he wrapped his arm back around, still cautious not to hurt me.  

        Sleep didn't come to easily for me, every time I had drifted I'd jolt right back up. My breathing wouldn't steady to quickly. I would look around the walls trying to find some type of intruder. Well that would be untill I felt his arms softly wrap around me and pull me back towards him carefully. "Hey, hey,it's  okay." He would mumble tiredly. Although this time I couldn't sleep, so I just laid back with his arms around me.

           "Blaine."I whispered looking to the clock that read 9am. The hallways should have been lit up by now.

            "Hmm?" He mumbled.

            "It's nine." I told him as I pulled out of his arms carefully. I stood up and looked around the room. Blaine was to tired to care that I had gotten up. "I need to go somewhere."

             I knew what I had to do...Where I had to go, and what I'd have to get. I watched him, as he triedly shifter half alsleep. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but this was for me, not for them. I had to put everything behind me, but if I couldn't, what other choice did I have?

              "Hmmph." Blaine mumbled tierdly.

               I watched him for maybe one seconed. "Bye Blaine." I whispered, my voice seemed to be cracking. A single tear dropped from my eye and down my cheek. Quickly I wiped it away from my face.  I limped towards the door and opened the door handle quietly, careful not to wake Blaine up. The halls of the cave were now lighted by the candles that hung by the concrete ceiling.

            I was walking, or limping carefully , down the tangle of halls. I didn't  know where I was but, I continued to follow through the halls. Finnaly finding my feet to a familiar place. I was near the pond. Looking around I saw the lantern still on the cold floor, broken. I bit at my lip and walked away from the scene quickly. I soon found myself by the man-made pond centered by different stores all around it.

            I found my eyes lingering on the one store, that I thought I would never, ever walk into, more or less even lay one eye on, but for some reason I was drawn towards it, my feet were pulling me to the store, willingly. My hand was right above the door, and my breathing felt strained. I pushed through my thoughts and opened the door quickly.

             Rifles, bows, daggers, knifes, and almost any type of weapon that couldn't be imagined hung around the large room. I gulped, I had to do this... I would follow through. I heard loud steps coming up from behind me, and, I turned around frightened. Although I didn't show it.

            "Hello ma'am, may I help you?" A medium sized male asked standing bordley, crossing his arms.

           "I, well, uh, I need a small gun..." I said looking around the large store.

          "Are you talking, a hand gun?" The man asked curiosity, looking around the room.

          "Well, any small gun will work." I said quietly still limping through aisles. I stopped and looked at a small bow on the wall, nothing like that would help me here.

            "I have some of those at the front, follow me." He said turning and walking through the aisles. I followed him, still slowly, because I had been sore on my waste, my ribs were burning, and my legs felt shakey. I crossed my arms and stood on the opposite side of the counter. 

            He took out a small handheld gun, "These aren't bought as often as anything else here." He stated putting it on the counter.

            I stared at it for a seconed, the black medal shone, and it was, just, perfect. "I'll buy it." I said still not braking sight of the gun.

             "Alright that will cost 157 dollers, not including aimo." He paused as I shifted to find my wallet. "A pack of bullet will he about another 20."

             "I, uh, I only need one bullet." I said uncomfortably.

             He stopped talking and looked straight at me concerned. His eyes wide and he moved the gun away from me. "Why?"

             "I need to put a certain animal out of misery, okay." I said still trying to keep calm but my hands were clasping into a fist.

             "An animal, like a dog?"

            "Yeah..." I lied.

             "Alright, than." he said taking one bullet out of the container.

            I pulled the money out and handed it towards him as his scanned the items. He slowly count the money and put it into the register. He nodded, and I picked the gun up, making sure it was still on safety. I then tucked it into my sweats and let Blaine's white shirt fall over it.

            "Thanks." I said shyly, and I exited the store quickly, concentrating my head down while watching the ground. I looked around the stores, standing there, just watching. People went on with their lives, in an out of different stores. With smiles wider than others, some holding hands with their young children, others clinging to the one that they love. I had neither of those.

             I walked through the halls towards the 'graveyard' I didn't know what they called the place here, it didn't look like a cementary. Soon I ran my feet along the trace of it, and I began looking for the last name Clover once again.

                Once I found it I stood there, tears welling at my eyes. I placed my hand onto the porcelain table and took in a deep breath. "I'll see you soon mom, very soon, wherever you are." I cried in between breaths, my voice was shaking, I could barley breath.


             Blain's POV

            I woke up, my arms were empty, her fragile body wasn't near me. I looked around my room, there was no sighn of her, and my door was still cracked open as if it had tried to have been closed.

           I pulled myself up, still sitting on the couch, looking around the messy area, something different was in the air...Where was she? I didn't worry to much as I stood to my feet and ran my fingers through my hair. She had to either be with Annora or Damari.

           I grabbed my black lether jacket beside the door as I excited into the hallway. The air was stale, and it seemed not to move. Something about it made me feel alarmed, something was going to happen, but what? I followed the hallways towards The training room to find Damari.

      "Hey... Do you know where Raylen is?" I asked Damari as I crossed my arms around my chest standing naturally. Damari turned toward me tilting his head in confusion,and Annora entered the room from the other door.  My head bounced from both of them, and I began to feel worry aching at my chest.

        "No... Annora said she was with you this morning, she wasn't there?" He questioned still looking towards me casually. "Don't freak out she is fine, I promise you, she's strong-" I cut him off.

        "Stop saying that! She wouldn't just up and leave for no reason Damari!" I looked around worriedly. "I need to find her, and quick, I can just feel it." With that I watched them still furious, and my eyes were widened with fear.

   Raylen's POV

       I pushed my appartment door open, my head was screaming at me. As I wobbled towards my bed I grabbed a piece of paper, and a pen.

      I don't know how to say this...

There's only one thing that kept me going, the perfect guy, and I don't want to hurt you Blaine. I do t want to hurt any of you... But, please realize this was for me, not any of you. I can't do this anymore...

      Sorry Blaine, I love you.

       I wrote it onto a white sheet of paper and layed it on the bed stand beside me. My hands were shaking as I pulled the gun out, I was still holding it with caution.

      I flipped the safety off of the gun and I began lifting it to my chin. My hands were shaking vigorously. I remembered Nick forcing it into the same spot. Quickly I pulled it away and just watched the gun for a second or too. Tears were welling up at my eyes.

        I can do this, I reminded myself holding the gun up to my forehead. I closed my eyes and began to apply pressure to the the trigger, still shaking and afraid. Whatever would happen had to have been better that this...





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