Chapter 8

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        Blaine's POV

          I couldn't bare to see her like this anymore, I had to do something. Although what could I do? We can't leave, we'll at least not now, as soon as anybody noticed we were gone, who knows what could happen? They could come after us.

      If we did leave, we both knew to much, and I didn’t want to put Raylen through memory wipe. I didn't want to go through it myself either, I didn't want to loose everything I had already known.

         Most of all, I didn’t want to loose the memories of Raylen. Her eyes were stunning weather they were that green I had just seen, or the pacific blue that conquered her features in the cave. Everything about her had me under some sort of spell. I knew there was something about her the first time I met her. She doesn't think she is strong enough for this place, but I know she is.

          It was scariest thing in the world when I swung that door open. I could feel my own heart shattering at the sight of her tears, and the way she way shaking. She was so close to the end of everything... and I didn't know what else to do, I just dived. Then I heard the bullet ring and I was holding her in my arms. My heart was pounding at that moment, I didn’t  know where the bullet was, or if she had gotten shot. All I knew was that I couldn't loose her, I loved her.

           I had my arm around her now, and I was walking slowly so she could keep up. She was looking better since she was taken out of the hospital, but she still was weak, and needed to rest. Although she was so stubborn and wouldn't  listen to any of us. It might have been irritating sometimes, but I didn’t care, I liked that about her. She took precaution to everything, but, I didn’t blame her after everything she had gone through.

         I didn't want to leave Raylen, but for what I was going to do, I had to. I was walking towards the training room knowing that Damari would be there still weather he had been working with someone or not. I wasn't going to leave Raylen completely  alone after what I had I just witnessed.

        I pushed the door open and Damari was talking, both Raylen and I became silent waiting for him to finish. "Okay since you have that step down I want you to try something else in out next training session, instead of water, try wind." He was rambling on about training. The person he was talking to had curly blond hair laying down there back and I noticed Raylen's grip on my wrist tighten a little. She leaned towards my ear.

           "That's her..." She whispered in a shaky tone. Images of the fight began to blur in my mind, Marley. "Please d-don't leave me here." She stuttered awkwardly.

            Damari turned towards us a bit annoyed that Raylen had been talking. "Yes?" He questioned in a irrated tone. Marley turned towards us slowly and as she caught sight of Raylen, and she was scratching her arm nervously. I thought that I had seen a flash of purple, although she pulled her shirt sleeve further down her arm. She looked back down quickly. Marley was never a threat in the group, she was the quiet one, and she never spoke.

          "Hey, I have to do something..." I stumbled the words, I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do, but I had to do something. "Can you watch Raylen for me."

          "What am I? Your personal baby sitter?" Damari responded in a irritated tone.

            Raylen held my wrist softly and looked down quickly. She than hesitantly let go of my arm and folded her hands together. I just watched her concearned for a second or two.

           "Damari." I said looking at him with a death glare. "Can I speak to you out in the hall?" I turned towards Raylen and leaned down to whisper to her. "It's okay, Marley is the shy one." I whispered just enough for her to hear. She nodded in responce still concentrating her eyes on the floor.

        Both Damari and I exited into the hallway I was crossing my arms glaring at him. "I found her..." I stated. "I'm not leaving her alone. There's a reason for that." I told him in a low tone.

             "That reason is?" He seemed irritated.

             I felt sick, I didn’t want to tell him everything that had happened. "Honestly you should know better than this, she isn't safe to be alone. She isn't in the right mind set as of now." I told him quickly.

           He continued to watch me confused. "What do you mean."

           "I so shouldn't be obligated to tell you this, but, when I found her, she was about to shoot herself..." It was a whisper, my voice began to wonder off.

            His eyes grew wide and he scratched his neck uncomfortably. "Sorry." He mumbled under his breath. "Okay, I'll  watch her."

           "Thanks." I replied and we both walked back into the room awkwardly.

        Both of the girls had there arms crossed over there chest and the were whispering things in a rush, well actually mostly Marley was, while Raylen just stood there listening to her with this confused look on her face. Then, Raylen did something I never thought I'd see, she hugged Marley as if comforting her.    Then Raylen pulled away from her and whispered something back to her, making Marley nod shortly.

      She walked towards me after a second, and was whispering in a rushed voice. "Nick is using her... She can't get away from him, her brother doesn't know what's going on. She's scared Blaine... We need to do something." Her voice was harsh but still a whisper and she was folding her arms over her chest.

             I felt my breathing become stale and my whole body was taken over with anger. Why would Nick do something like that to such a quiet girl. Although I took in a breath and thought for a second, I would not let Raylen do this. "No, I will, not we. I don't want you getting hurt again."

                "Blaine." Her voice was weak. She wrapped her arms around me quickly and I instinctively wrapped my arms back around her. "Don't do anything to stupid." She whispered into my ear as she slowly pulled away.

              I wasn’t going to do something stupid, I was going to do something absurb I was horrible for even thinking this. I just watched her, I couldn't say I wasn't going to do anything stupid... because I was.

            I wanted to feel her lips against mine again, but It wasn't the moment nor time for that. I just watched her for another second longer. "I'll try my best."

      I ran my fingers through my hair frustrated as I walked out of the room. My mind was buzzing loudly, he messed with Raylen, he was going to pay. He messed with one too many girls. It was time for me to get back at him, and I knew exactly what I was going to do.

           I found myself at my appartment and I opened the door quickly, as I walked in I closed it behind me. I looked around, and I walked to my dresser. I was watchimg the room paranoid making sure that no one was there.

       I quickly moved the dresser, and grabbed my own hand gun. I saw the bullets in the container, I loaded the gun with one. I made sure safety was on when I stuffed it into my pocket. I grabbed a couple extra bullets with my shaking hands. I also shoved those into my other pocket.

          I was breathing heavily now, I hated myself. I had never, and not even once thought about taking this gun for any reason. Now I was pushing the dresser back to hide the bullets. Yes, what I was going to do was normal here... but I hated myself for it.

         I saw my sofa which was messy with a blanket just hanging over the side. The intable near it had information papers all around. The walls were made up of posters. The appartment did look cozy, and like a home. That's because it was my home. I lived here, I slept here, and I when I needed to clear my mind, I was here. This was the first actual home I had ever had, but I was a mess. I didn't deserve anything, not a sofa to sleep on, not the caved roof to live under.

         The hard part was getting my gun out, the harder part was finding the idiot, and the hardest part would be when I had to kill him. I didn't want to take anyone's life, but what else could I do, the idiot will not listen. I didn't want someone like that roaming the halls just to go hurt Raylen, my own sister, or even Marley. I had to do this.

           Raylen's POV

           I knew what Blaine was thinking as I watched him exit the room. I stood there awkwardly crossing my arms over my chest. I turned towards the two not knowing what else to do as of right then. Damari was watching her concearned; they both were whispering, and his eyes wouldn't break sight from hers. His hands cuffed around her small hands and he was just watching her.

          I knew he wouldn't notice if I left right then, so I did the reasonable thing, I left without a sound or word. Blaine had to be crazy If he thought I was going to let him do this by himself.

         I dragged my tired legs throughout the hallways. My hair laid down my back and my chest burned, but I didn’t care. Sure Nick hurt me, bad, but it wasn't every single day like this girl. I had to do something, and I knew what Blaine was going to do. I agreed, no matter how much I hated what we had to do. We needed to get him out of these halls.

          I followed the hallways trying to find Blaine, and where he might go. I was watching the floor when I bumped into someone. I quickly backed up seeing her flamed highlighted black hair, it was Annora.

          "Oh hey! perfect, I wanted to know if you wanted to, like, order something for dinner and, like, just have a girls night!" She had this perky girl voice.

          "I, uh, maybe?" I stuttered.

            Annora looked at me for about half a second. "What's going on with you?" She whispered in a concearned voice. Her eyebrow raised curiously.

           "Nothing!" I said quickly looking everywhere but at her. "I'm just kind of in a hurry." I stated. I tried to walk away, but I felt her hand cuff around my wrist. I panicked, because I couldn't forget how Nick had done that, and my wrist was still bruised.

             "Raylen, you can tell me what's going on, you know that right." She said still holding tightly onto my wrist.

              I was biting down on my lip, because my wrist was sore. "I know, and nothing is going on okay, please let go of me." I was trying to stay calm.

              Her eyes were watching me worried, and she let go of my wrist hesitantly. "You're scared."

            "What?! No, I'm fine." I responded quickly, holding my wrist with my other hand.

            "Raylen, really, what's going on?" She crossed her arms and tilted her head in confusion.

           "Really, it's nothing." I told her once again.

          "Than why are you holding onto your wrist, as if, I hurt you, when I barley even touched you." She paused. "Let me see your wrist."

          "No, I just can't okay." I looked down and started to walk away, I was still holding onto my wrist lightly.

          "No." She said, making me turn towards her confused in response. "What Blaine was trying to tell me was true wasn't it." She started to walk towards me sympathetically.

           I looked down and I felt as if I had just gotten punched in the chest. I took in a deep shaky breath, as I looked up to her. "I have somewhere to be." I reminded  her trying to change the subject.

         "Raylen, I'm worried about you." She was crossing her arms awkwardly, while looking at me carefully.

         "I-I-Uh." I stuttered not knowing what to say and I could feel my chest becoming heavy, a single tear fell down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away from my face.

          "Raylen? Annora?" I heard his familur voice coming up from behind us. "I thought I left you with Damari." Blaine said looking at me confused.

            Annora looked from both of us carefully and a put her hands in her pockets. "I'll have pizza ordered by the time you get back." She told me and walked away.

           I turned towards Blaine trying to regain composure. "I know what you are thinking, you're  stupid if you thought I was going to let you do that by yourself."

       He looked at my carefully, "I don't want you to get hurt." He repeated.

         "Look at me Blaine," I said carefully. "Do you think I care if I get hurt?" I paused. "I'm  going with you. Stop sheltering me, this is also my fight, you know that."

          "Raylen..." He whispered.

          "Blaine." I said, crossing my arms.

           He let out a long breath and looked at me. "Fine, but if I tell you to do something, just listen to me."

          "Okay, what's the plan?" I asked as we walked side by side through the halls.

           "I have this, in my pocket." He pulled out a small held gun. "This is last resort." He paused as he put it back casually. "I don't want you to get to close to him, he will go crazy, that's a promise. When we find him, don't try to be his friend, but also do not intimidate him. We need to hear his story, for all we know, this could be a set up."

          "I don't think so, you should have seen Damari and her, this is not a set up. I promise that much." I responded, while we shuffled through the halls.

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