Chapter one

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"This way!" Blaine yelled pulling my arm toward the next direction. I ran along with him, this room was white but it turned dull, and fire was coming from each side of the room. Flames were hot and round. They followed us around the room, they shot towards us. I ducked down trying to dodge them, the pain would be horrific if I got hit. My heart was Thumping and I couldn't think clear. "Use the power!" He yelled quick as he let go of my arm, I took a few steps back.

I tried to clear my mind and, I pushed the force away from my chest, right away it escaped my veins in a rush, I felt weak at first, then I felt my body collapse to the ground, but I managed to keep the force up. The numbing cold feeling was blinding. It made it hard for me to breathe, yet I held it that way, I didn't let it go. I noticed the rain pouring from the ceiling and onto the ground, right as fire had penetrated the back of my knee, I waited for the last flame to extinguish before I dropped the power. I then took in a deep breath.

Blaine watched me with his now darkened eyes. He wouldn't look straight at me, I felt as if he was disappointed.

His eyes used to be grey, but now that we have entered the "Cave", his whole reflection has changed. So has mine, I usually have green eyes but now they are pacific blue.

"Tell me I'm going to get used to this." I mumble as he grabs my hand and pulls me up gently. My knee was still sore and I could not stretch it out completely.

"Soon." He told me. I nodded slightly, and looked back around the room which has changed back into the hall we started in. So dark and Plain, and comfortable somehow. I knew that It's over for now, but soon enough I would have to come back.

I looked around the room feeling the sting against my knee still. The first person I noticed was Damari, because of his usual flamed hair. I breathed in and smile, first stage was done. At least I hoped.

"You did great. " Damari said looking at me casually. He walked toward Blaine, pulling him away from me. I watched them uncomfortable, tugging at my long sleeved white shirt. I knew that they were talking about... my reaction. I remembered the pain that the power brought to me. Was that normal? I had no idea. Today was the first time that I was able to bring it out.

I looked around trying to find Annora. She wasn't to be seen anywhere in the hall, she was probably in our booked apartment. I turned towards Blaine. "I'm gonna walk around by the cliff, meet up with me later?" I asked. I stuffed my hands in my jean pockets. Looking to him, I was unsure of his answer.

He smiled, "Of course, it won't be long." He answered. I nodded quietly and turned I away.

The hall was just a simulation area, It was narrow, but it changed for a certain situation. They were teaching me how to bring out my own power, Annora could do that already, she was quite the quick learner. Now that I was there, I need a way to protect myself. The Cave wasn't a safe place, people here were cruel. Yet I chose to leave where I was at, because... I couldn't take pain anymore.

Away from the Cave, you are taught that fantasy isn't real, there's no power, and no way to change that. Although down here, It's all different. You are taught to bring your power alive, not to in prison it the way most people do, but they have never known they have a power therefore how can the channel it? My whole life up there was a lie. I could've stopped my step father. I wouldn't have bruises and scars. I wouldn't have lived my life afraid.

I walked towards the cliff through the dark halls as I held a candle at my side, It was steep and, it was almost pitch black and I stood at the top of it, I hadn't noticed the steps leading down it before. So I climbed down. When I reached the bottom of the cliff I looked around at the roaring river beside it. It was so clear, almost crystal. I stepped closer toward it. I then cuffed my hand under the water and splashed it on my face. I was starting to believe I wouldn't get used to this place. I just hoped that I could, I didn't want to go back. I sat down next to the river and watch my reflection. My eyes were pacific blue, almost as clear as the river. My hair was dark brown but as it faded down my back It turned into flame red. I was not use to seeing myself this way. I looked at my sleeve hesitating. Eventually, I pulled it up to my elbow. My arm was bruised still, and scars formed all around it.

I took in a deep breath and rolled the sleeve back to my hand. I wanted to restart. I didn't want to remember my drunken stepfather and the days of abuse. I didn't want to hold in the past, I wanted to embrace the future. I wanted to forget those days of neglect. I left for a reason.

The past may have worn me down, but Blaine and Annora lifted me up. Looking at myself, I noticed the bags under my eyes, my weak reflection, and I was terrified. I came out weak, and I was.

The only person I had left there was my older brother, and he stayed up there, he told me that it would have been the safest way for me to escape. So I left him when he told me that he needed me to. He said I was going to he okay, now it was up to me to prove that.

My thoughts wondered as I sat there, Would I ever be able to see my brother again? I remembered waking up that morning in the hospital, that's when he told me I needed to get away from there. When I woke in the hospital that day I could barely open my eyes, everything had been a blur, and my brother was sitting In the chair next to me. His eyes were swollen and his skin was pale. He was shaken at a moment, and he sat back up. He looked at my face and he looked back down, as if even more afraid.

He looked at me, "You look terrible. " He said quiet, repeating his own thoughts. I didn't care because he was the only person that was there.Then he looked me in the eyes, "He isn't in jail..." He said coldly. I looked at him and pulled myself up to sitting position, I looked into his eyes trying to see his thoughts. I hoped he didn't know about our mom, or he would never forgive himself. It was my own fault though. I couldn't tell him, I just couldn't.

"Cole?" I questioned my voice wavered there, "What happened? "

He looked me in the eyes, " You passed out, apparently you haven't had enough fluid, and when they helped you take off your jacket..."His voice rambled off as he tried to explain. Right then I knew my bruises and scars had been visible, for the first time. I panicked. "He beat you Raylen, why didn't you tell me."

I look at him careful, he looked so pale that I barely recognized him. His eyes were tired. His dark brown hair was uncombed. "I was afraid. " I said weakly, then I looked back up again, "I am afraid." My voice quivered.

"If you told me," he started but I cut him off.

"I couldn't! Do you know how long I've been hiding everything! Since mom died! I was trying to keep you safe." He killed mom, it echoed in my head, but i didn't say it, my voice lowered "he could have killed us. He can tell when something is up, Cole." I look at him. The pain had already been Twitching down my bones, but I sat up because I felt I needed to. My head was spinning already.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly. "Lay down before you pass out again." He stood up and walked out of the room, all the mussels in his body tense.


I jolted back into reality when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, I noticed his reflection through the water, I first saw his wavy light brown hair that was almost deliberate, but you could tell it wasn't, his hair was natural. I notice his brownish-black eyes and tanned reflection. The water was still. I didn't turn to him I just sat there, feeling the cold air around me. I could see my own breaths in the air. Everything was silent, and that was how I liked it best. I felt like I belonged there in that moment, it felt like I was home for the first time In a long time. Of course though, those moments always end.

"Hey, you okay? " Blaine questioned, as he sat down beside me.

I looked at him, I was tired, and afraid. Why would I want to tell him that though? I looked down, "Just tired, I guess." Then I rubbed my arms with my hands and gave a small sigh, you could see my breath reaching the top of the rocks above us. Everything here is different, there isn't even the blue sky here. Above us are just rocks that stick everywhere. It was all dull here. The bright colors would be flame red , dark purple and blue, and the brightest of all... white. Candles light the halls when it is pitch black.

"So, Raylen, remember when you fell down after channeling your power?" He stayed in a low tone so that only I could hear him.

How could I forget it?The pain was horrible and yet, it was numb and freezing at the same time. Just thinking about it made my head start to pound again, my muscles got weak too. "Yeah?" I say confused. I turned toward him and watch his eyes that almost reflected the river beside us.

"You can't be trained anymore," he paused, "Raylen, listen, you remember how it hurt; how numb it felt? That's because your power is strong, and it should be used on other things." He stopped talking right when we heard people talking at the rail above us.

"We need to talk about this somewhere else... let's go to your apartment, annora should be in the training room for awhile." He grabbed my hand and gently lifted me up.

Blaine climbed up the railing landing onto the grown swiftly. He bended down to help me up.I grabbed his hand and climbed up the rail, not bothering the burning sensation it gave, at my side. I eased over the rail and stood on the concrete, my balance placed easily, and Blaine released his hand.

Three figures blocked the way out.

Blaine was frozen still, watching him I placed my hand against his back, and he turned his head toward me slowly. "What's wrong?" I whispered as he turned his head back toward the figures standing beside the exit. He swallowed a small breath of air.

"Watch out Raylen, be quiet, if something happens then I need you to run, you understand me?" He whispered under his breath, only I could hear him. I tasted something bitter in the air, everything felt... dry.

"No," I refused. "I'm not leaving." I shifted on my feet trying to understand.

"Raylen, listen to me." He whispered.

I raised my eyebrows, and I crossed my arms. I'm not going to leave his side. He would never do the same thing to me. I frowned at him and I could tell he got the message.

Blaine took steps forward, and I followed him. He looked tense, and angry, but mostly unsure. "Blaine," I said following him slowly. "who are they?" I whispered pulling his arm back so that he was beside me.

He looked at me, and did a slight frown, he was not going to tell me. Not here. Not right now.

One of the figures stepped forward laughing, he was tall with straight up, jet-black hair, and his jaw was angled, He wore a dark blue hoodie, with grey jeans that tore up by the knee. His laugh was twisted, almost deliberate. It was like he was forcing himself to laugh. He was staring straight at Blaine. I saw how Blaine stood up taller and how he looked tense, but ready to attack.

"You going to introduce me to your, girlfriend, here?" His voice was dark, scratchy, and deep.

"She's not my girlfriend, and no." Blaine said confident. Then he looked at me. "Please, listen to me, please" He whispered, and only I could hear him. I shifted under my feet but I didn't leave his side, I leaned in closer to his ear.

"No." I whispered back and I stood straighter than before.

"Oh so you're saying that she isn't your's?" He stepped toward me and laid his hand on my shoulder, "Maybe she realized what a wimp you are."

I tried to shake his hand off of me but he didn't budge. I stared at him without showing fear. I showed irritation, and anger. All I wanted to do was punch the idiot in his jaw, maybe break a few bones, whatever he had done to Blaine in the past, could not have been good.

"Don't touch her!" Blaine said loud and clear. His voice didn't even shake, and Blaine's eyes look dark and dangerous, It frightened me. I had never seen him this way before. I felt his hand drop from my shoulder. Blaine stared at him with his eyes dark, and furious. "Don't ever touch her." He said intimidating.

"Now, Blaine, don't get mad here, It's just a simple thing to say" He turned around toward the exit. "Hey guys, isn't that right."

The other figures stepped out, one was a girl, and another was a medium sized boy, they were both about Blaine's age. The girl and boy both had blonde curly hair that laid out perfect on their faces. They seemed to be siblings. The boy seemed to be older than the girl by a couple years. But all of us were near the same age. The boy had green eyes while the girl has bright, sky blue eyes. The had the same jaw, nose and most of the same facial features.

Blaine rolled his eyes at the sight of them, "You still got the whole crew here, how pleasant, for you." He spit it out like the taste of his words were bitter.

"Oh my poor friend Blaine, well you could still be our friend, but someone skipped out on the rest of training, and now they don't know how to protect themselves." He hissed.

"That!" He said loudly, "That was all a mistake I had no idea what I was getting into." Blaine said coldly. He stared at all of them, " I thought I could trust you, turns out I couldn't, none of you are real friends." He spat out. "You all turn on each other like dogs."

I raised my eyebrows at Blaine, he never told me anything about this. Now was not the time to ask though.

The tall one with Jet-black hair, lifted his hand out at Blaine. Then Blaine was lifted into the air, automatically I began to step back, but my head was pounding. Then I saw him curve his hand out and pull back his arm as if to throw something, and Blaine hit the rocks on the other side of the room. He landed and I heard him grunt as he hit the ground. The three of them began to laugh at him. No, no, no, they are not going to get away with this. The boy with curly blonde hair ran at Blaine, and he started to kick him in the stomach repeatedly. Blaine was slouched in pain holding his onto stomach. My head was Thumping, my heart was racing, and I could not contain myself when the tall one with black hair started to lift his hand at Blaine again.

"STOP!" I yelled at him and suddenly he completely dropped his hand and averted all his attention toward me. His eyes were full of, hatred and anger. He was staring at me as If I were not human, maybe I was just stone. Now he wanted to attack me. He started to step toward me, and he grabbed my shirt collar, pulling me as close to him as possible. I pulled my face away from him but he kept watching me. "You trying to kill yourself here babe?" I grit my teeth and tried to pull away from him. Well that didn't work because he was too strong, and I was so weak. I had no way to attack back at this distance apart from him. He placed his hand against my face. I felt the roughness of his hand stroking my face, like, sandpaper. "Never but in. Might get your pretty face broken."

"Don't, touch me." I spat out, I stared at him If I wasn't so close I would punch him under the jaw but I couldn't move.

"Oh come on now hot stuff, if you were not friends with that geek, we could be together."

I felt a strained laugh escape my mouth. "Never, get away from me." I growled under my breath at him. My eyes were stone cold, I wanted to kill him, no one ever messes with Blaine, no one.

I saw a flash behind him, it was Blaine. Blaine threw a punch at him, and he flew back unleashing my shirt collar. I felt unsteady under my feet, but I regained my balance. Blaine looked at me, then without thinking he grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him. I was afraid , but I knew whatever would happen I could handle it. So I loosened his grip on my arm. I stepped forward, there is no stopping now. I don't know what happened but all I saw was Jet-black hair and a fist hit my face. I stumbled backward, and I felt a stinging sensation. I didn't really notice anything else around me either.

Stumbling back I gathered my breath again. "Did you just hit me?" I growled under my breath.

"What you going to do about it princess?" He growled back.

"It's not what she's going to do, It's what I'm going to do to you." Blaine said in a dark tone before stepping between us. I heard a punch and I saw Jet-black hair landing onto the ground as if unconscious. Then I felt a blow from the back of my head knocking me to the ground. I could barely breath and I heard this loud ringing in my ears. Everything went dark and I felt my body lose consciousness.

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