Creepy facts about the story

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Hi thank you for reading my one-shot story!! I'm really sorry if its quite messed up since this is my first time writing a horror story:')

And just to let you know the word count of the previous chapter went until 7,213 words.

So seems like I'm being so bubbly hehe, so without further a do here are the creepy facts about the story.

The main character Yumi, was inspired by Miyuki Ishikawa a japanese midwife which is a serial killer that murdered 169 infants. And as you can see the name Yumi was also inspired by her name. I just switch its position "Mi-yu" and that's how I created the name Yumi.

Just to clarify things, Yumi was always with Rosette all this time. Her soul is trapped in that little doll that Rosette's mom gave to her along time ago. I also made her a child instead of a woman to emphasize, the lives of the infants she killed that never had the chance to become a kid. And yes, Yumi was also the one whose behind the car accident of Rosette's parents.

Creepy facts #2

Rosette Concepcion was inspired by the girl named Evelyn. The disappearance of Evelyn Hartley is straight out of a horror movie. The teenager was babysitting one evening when she didn't call to check in with her parents at the appointed time.

This part is when Rosette make a huge mistake of not calling the cops right when tatay Romano was murdered. If they only took action in it before time the killing would've been stopped.

Evelyn's father went to check on her and found a completely locked house with the lights and radio still on - and no Evelyn inside. Signs of a struggle and forced entry led to a desperate search for the girl, but she was never found. Pools of blood that may have belonged to Evelyn, as well as eyewitness accounts of a girl who might have been her, make this story all the more mysterious.

And this is how Rosette ended up being killed outside. In the woods while the cold rain still pours.

Creepy facts #3

Mary Concepion, Mateo's younger sister is inspired by the true story of Mary Moroney. Mary's family just simply trusted the wrong person.

And at this part the family they talking about is Rosette its because she trusted Yumi and even told her where she is hiding.

Moroney disappeared after her parents allowed her to spend a day with a woman who called herself Julia Otis.

And this part Julia Otis is Yumi. The one they shouldn't have trust.

That's all for the creepy facts! Tell me if you wanted more of this creepy facts. Because I might just make a part 2 of this creepy facts^_^

That's all I hope you had a nice time reading my one-shot story^^
May you all have a nice day♡

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