{6} Desires

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Malik Idris

I opened the door and came face to face with Sajdaa's friend. Her friend had dark skin. Her long black abaya touched the floor. Her black hijab wrapped tightly around her head. I could already tell that she was extremely religious.

"Take a seat," I instructed as I opened the door wider.

She mutely nodded and took the seat next to Sajdaa. I sat opposite to them on my leather chair. Sajdaa was looking everywhere except at me. Her brown eyes straying to the bookshelf in my office. I couldn't help but admire her beauty.

Her thick long eyelashes framed her eyes. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against her chair. She was deep in thought, almost as if she was in a daze. She bit her lip.

She was so fucking beautiful.

I didn't know why I was getting pulled to Sajdaa. She was a little fireball who took every opportunity to bring me down. It was so... refreshing. No girl had the guts to talk back to cops. No girl could force her case into the police department's hands. No girl could look right through my walls and see that I was hiding something.

She was different.

She was special.

She was unique.

"Well," started Sajdaa, annoyance dripping from her every word. "Are you going to question us or sit there on your lazy ass?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Sajdaa, I'm trying so damn hard right now," my voice was rough, husky.

Something shifted in her eyes. I knew she felt the tension I was feeling. I knew she was wondering why my interest in her started to heighten. I knew we wanted each other, but she was untouchable. She was out of my reach.

The stirring in my pants was getting uncomfortable as I shifted in my seat. The temperature in the room seemed to have gone up a hundred degrees. Her friend glanced between the two of us, confused at the thick tension in the air.

"Then maybe you should just ask the questions so I can leave," grumbled Sajdaa.

You're not leaving.

"Okay," I turned to her friend. "What's your name?"

"A-Alisha," she stuttered.

I wrote down her name. "I've been told that you have a video of the crime scene."

She gulped.

"May I see it?" I asked, gently. She was terrified of being in my presence.

She passed her phone to me. I quickly used a USB to transfer the file onto my computer. As the file loaded, I couldn't help but steal glances at Sajdaa.

The sexual frustration coursed through my blood. The banters we had, the sarcasm we emphasized, the smiles she gave me all seemed to push me closer to the edge. It has been so long since I had the comfort of a woman in my presence.

I shook my head. What the hell was wrong with me? She was only seventeen!

Focus, Malik, I reminded myself.

I opened up the video. Instantly, my previous thoughts about Sajdaa disappeared. My eyes widened as the face of the deceased girl seemed to haunt my mind of memories I tried to forget, the crimson color sinking deep into the soil. Her skin was deathly pale. Scars scattered over her body. My mind was whirling with the pain I fought so hard to suppress.

"Malik?" a sweet voice called softly.

My vision clouded with darkness as memories of what the terrorists did to my family burned me. Memory after memory, lie after lie, death after death continued to scar me. I felt a pounding against my skull. Make it all stop.

"Malik?" asked the voice again. "You're scaring me," she whimpered as I felt my shoulders shake.

Slowly, the darkness began to fade. A light beaming down. Her worried expression in front of me. Her delicate hands placed on my shoulders. I looked around the room, sighing in relief when I realized I was in my office. I'm okay.

"Excuse me," I said, softly as I got lost in her eyes. Her touch seemed to relax my racing heart. I didn't want her to move.

Alisha cleared her throat.

Sajdaa quickly let go of my shoulder, much to my disappointment. She sat back down, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks.

"That was awkward," said Alisha as she glanced between the two of us.

"It was nothing," replied Sajdaa after she pulled herself together. "Just wanted to make sure the cop didn't die before we had a chance to figure out who the real killer was."

Her friend stifled a laugh at Sajdaa's humor.

"Anyway," I started, completely ignoring her remark. "I want you guys to tell me how you found the body."

"Sajdaa and I were talking about her... um... uncle's death. I felt bad and we had a friendship moment." Alisha continued, "Sajdaa saw a body across the road and we went to investigate."

I nodded, motioning for her to continue.

"Well, then we found the girl. I didn't get a good look though," Alisha mumbled the last part quietly.

I turned to Sajdaa, "Well? No comments?"

"She looked like she had been tortured. There were scars all over her and she was still bleeding when I got to her," said Sajdaa with a slight tremble as she recalled that night.

"Is there anything else you remember, anything unusual?" I asked.

"The killer was present when the cops came," whispered Sajdaa.


"The killer knew I was going to be there. He put the body there because he knew I was near," she replied.

Alisha was completely still. Her facial features frozen as she heard her friend remember that awful night.

"Do you know anything else, any leads?" I questioned.

She took my computer mouse and fast forwarded the recording. Then she hit play.

The hair on my neck stood up.

It was faint, but the laughter was definitely there. Not just any laugh, it was an evil laugh. The type of laugh that holds a promise of malicious plans. I glanced at Sajdaa.

Her expression was grim. There were creases on her forehead as she rubbed her temples. The idea of anyone just laying a hand on her made my blood boil.

She'd already been through so much. She doesn't need a killer who stalks her. Sajdaa deserved to be happy, but I guess that wasn't what God wanted after all.

"Sajdaa, I'm going to have to interview your entire family."

"Why? My family isn't trying to kill me and they definitely didn't kill my uncle," she glared, offended at the fact that I even assumed her relatives killed her uncle.

I sighed, "I am taking very cautious steps. Your life is at risk. Not just your life, but many others."

"If anything, you should be questioning the bloody people that can't stand my presence for a mere second," she hissed.

Alisha chose to stay quiet as our argument escalated. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere that wasn't my office.

"You really think I want you to die, just because most Muslims get on my nerves?" I could feel the fire ignite within me. Sajdaa knew how to push all my buttons at once. "You honestly think I'd enjoy to see you die?"

Alisha got up, "I'm gonna go to the lobby for a bit." She scrambled off.

Sajdaa did not back down. She got up and scoffed, "Right, because that's totally the reason why your team of officers always think I'm a liar."

I slammed a fist onto the hard table. It stung a bit, but not as much as her words. "Do I think you're a liar? No. Do I think you're a terrorist? No. I have to take precautions. This is my job," I emphasized while I also stood up.

"You know you say you don't hate Muslims yet I feel like you'd be the one to shoot me first when it came down to it," she said, bitterly.

I clenched my fists at my sides. I took slow predatory steps towards her. She backed up against the wall. Her glare never faltered one bit. My breathing heavy as I felt the rush of lust and anger pump my veins.

I leaned in close, placing my hands on the wall. She was trapped. "Why do you always manage to get under my skin?" I whispered.

"Because you're a closet racist," she seethed.

"Would a closet racist be this close to you?" I murmured near her hijab. "Would a racist try this hard to get you to trust him, my dear Sajdaa?" I drawled out in a seductive tone.

She turned her face away from me. The urge to kiss her and get these stupid thoughts about her out of my head were so strong. Her lips were begging to be caressed with my own. I could have her against this wall right now, yet something was stopping me. The look on her face halted my movements.

"Move," she said in a firm voice as she pushed at my chest.

I didn't budge. I moved a hand to her hip, "Your eyes tell me a different story," my voice was strained as I tried to control myself.

She was telling me to move, but the longing in her eyes made me keep the position.

"You committed zina (unlawful sexual intercourse) didn't you?" she whispered.

I smirked, "I told you I don't associate with Muslims."

This time she kneed me. "Holy shit! Sajdaa, what the flying fuck was that for?" I yelled as I cupped my balls.

She had a blank expression painted her perfect features. She brushed imaginary dust off her clothes, "If you wanted a girl to play around with, find another. I'm not here for you I'm here for the safety of my family."


"Go ahead and interrogate my family. Allah knows they're innocent. Allah will help me," she said softly. She turned towards the door. "I'm done here."

"Sajdaa come on. Can we at least talk about what just happened?" I asked, desperate to keep her here.

She shook her head, "This was a mistake."

I winced as I walked to grab her arm. She flinched at my touch. "You know damn well we have something between us," I growled.

"Let me go, Malik. I have a killer to find."

"I'm not letting you do this alone," I countered, my grip tightened around her arm.

"You committed zina," she whispered to herself as if not believing it.

I sighed, "Is that what this is about?"

She glared, "How can you even act so casual after knowing what you did? You don't have any regrets?"

I pulled her closer to me, "I have a lot of regrets in life, Sajdaa."

"Let me go, you pervert!"

I let her go, my eyes narrowing, "Stop judging me for something you can't even begin to understand."

"Does Allah really mean nothing to you?" I didn't even get to answer before she turned the door knob. "Never mind. I'm sorry I asked."

She slammed the door shut, leaving me stunned. Sometimes I didn't even know the answer to her question.

Assalamualaikum guys!

THIS CHAPTER IS NOT PROMOTING ZINA! That was just to add more to Malik's character because he's honestly just a lost soul who needs love :3

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