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Sajdaa Taha

The kids bickering behind me was slowly pushing my temper, but I tried my best to focus on my driving, especially with a police car roaming the area not far behind. If I got another speeding ticket, I'd waste another fifty dollars for nothing. My young children's arguments only escalated.

"Thor is clearly the better superhero," huffed my eldest son, Esa. From my rear-view mirror, I watched his hazel eyes glare down at his seven year old brother, Kabeer.

Kabeer snorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "No way, you dork! Spider-man is the best."

Suhaib, the third child and only one year younger than Kabeer, quietly flipped through the pages of Rainbow Fish, his brown curls a mess on his head as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Out of all my sons, Suhaib was the most behaved, not as rowdy or obnoxious as the rest.

"Suhaib, what do you think?" questioned Esa.

"Um... I don't know."

"Spider-man or Thor. You have to choose," stated Kabeer, pulling at Suhaib's sleeves.

"I-I don't want to choose," he mumbled. "I just want to read."

"Suhaib!" the boys yelled simultaneously.

I sighed. Poor Suhaib was at the verge of tears from his older brothers yelling at him. "Boys! Quiet down. You'll wake Rahim from his nap," I commanded in my authoritative voice.

Esa and Kabeer frowned, choosing to look away from each other while Suhaib sent me a small smile, thankful for my interjection. I glanced at Rahim's sleeping body, making sure his nap was not interrupted by the bickering.

Within ten years, Allah had blessed me with four sons, not a single daughter. Majority of the time, I left my kids with my parents so I could work as a forensic scientist, occasionally helping Malik with his casework, but I was too much of a distraction for him.

Ridwan had moved out a couple years back, starting his own family and law firm. Hamza followed in his footsteps, believing that many Muslims suffered too much injustice and needed assertive lawyers to help.

Blue and red lights flickered behind my car, and I silently cursed under my breath, pulling the car over to the side of the road. The car suddenly became as quiet as midnight, each child holding their breath as we heard the police car shut close, footsteps nearing.

Suhaib hid under his book, while Esa and Kabeer held hands, hazel eyes widening, even Rahim woke from the thick tension. I swallowed, praying that the cop would have mercy on a tired mother. Please don't let me get another ticket, Allah.

I rolled down my window, dreading each step that the officer took. Judging from the heavy footsteps, I knew the officer would be a scary man. I closed my eyes, hand flying to my forehead to ease the headache from imaging the bill I'd get. Maybe he'd let me off if I argued well enough.

"Ma'am, do you have any idea how fast you were speeding?" asked the officer in an extremely deep voice that seemed surreal.

I winced, keeping my gaze on the steering wheel. "Not too much?"

"I'm going to have to write you up."

My shoulders slumped. I was far too exhausted to argue and get into more trouble with an officer. Sighing, I leaned against my seat, glancing behind at my children, who stared from me to the officer, bodies still as stone.

"Just give me the ticket," I said in a bored tone.

"I could let you off with a warning," he stated, putting his ticket machine away, "if you give me a kiss."

"Excuse me?" I hissed, turning in my seat to face him. I could only see his torso from my position, but the anger within me bubbled, the fire flaring in my eyes. "I am reporting you for unprofessional behavior, sir! How dare you?"

Suddenly, the officer bent down to my eye level, and Malik's playful hazel eyes came into view. His grin widened upon seeing my jaw clench in disbelief, and the kids began laughing hysterically at their previous fears.

"Dad really got you this time, Mom," smiled Kabeer, his black curls shaking as he giggled. All my sons except Suhaib had midnight silk hair.

I sent a cold glare over my shoulders, making Esa and Kabeer stifle their laughter. Suhaib shrugged, choosing to read his book again while Rahim merely blinked, confused.

"Daddy?" questioned Rahim, tilting his head. He looked exactly like me except for his pale skin. His thick black hair fell over his eyes, and big brown eyes gleamed with innocence. The three year old could get away with anything.

"Hey there, kiddo," grinned Malik, waving at his son. "You kids think Mommy will kiss me after that?"

"Ew!" the boys cringed simultaneously.

I huffed, turning away from Malik. "Leave me alone," I muttered.

He chuckled, fingers gripping my chin and forcing me to face him. Malik's heartfelt smile made my knees feel weak, body shuddering under his touch. My gaze fell on his lips just as he leaned closer.

"You still owe me a kiss," he whispered.

"I will do no such thing," I argued.

Without warning, he pecked my lips, chuckling at my stunned expression. I heard our children's bubbling laughter, making my cheeks turn red at the sheer audacity Malik had to steal a kiss after scaring the life out of me.

"Malik!" I exclaimed. "Go back to work."

"I still have unfinished business with you," he winked, walking back to his car.

Fuming with irritation, I stepped on the gas. My body ignited with a fire, and I wondered if it was because of his smile that still managed to make my head spin with fantasies. I wondered if it was because of his touch that soothed every imperfection. I wondered if it was because of his voice that still brought pleasurable chills throughout my body.

"Mommy, are you really mad at Daddy?" asked Suhaib, his voice quiet.

"I'm not mad, mildly annoyed that he scared us," I smiled, "but not mad."

"You seem mad," he mumbled.

"Suhaib, we're going to make Daddy work for my forgiveness by making him cook. Deal?"

Instantly, his mood lifted, and from the rear-view mirror, he gave me a toothy grin. "I like that idea."

"Classic Mom," snorted Esa.

I rolled my eyes, putting my focus in my driving. Although I had all sons, each one had a different personality, a blend of both Malik and I in their appearances, and smiles that were identical to their father, a man who saved my life not long ago.

* * * *

"Sajdaa, please talk to me," begged Malik as he knelt beside the couch where I sat.

I shook my head, trying to hide my smile. Payback, I thought.

He sighed, running his fingers through his brown curls, further disheveling his hair. I kept my expression neutral, keeping my gaze on my children, who stared at us with amusement. When Malik wasn't looking, I smiled in their direction, hearing their soft giggles.

"If I cook, will you forgive me?"


He raised a brow. "On what?"

"You sleep on the couch," I smirked, knowing that it would humble my cocky husband for another week.

His jaw dropped. "I can't survive a night on the couch! You know that!" exclaimed Malik, rising to his feet.

"Give me a proper apology and you'll get what you want."

From the corner of my eyes, Esa nudged Kabeer, both stifling their laughter. "This should be good," grinned Esa.

"Mom's really making Dad pay," whispered Kabeer, not bothering to hide his own amusement.

"Mommy scary," commented Rahim in his toddler voice as he played with his toy train.

Hearing our kids' remarks, Malik turned to them, his gaze annoyed at the fact that his own children were witnessing his humiliation, an action Malik never appreciated. But I never cared until I got my apology.

"Well..." I trailed off, examining my nails. "I'm waiting."

"Kids, go to your rooms," demanded Malik.

Esa, Kabeer, and Rahim whined, their voices jumbling together to create a chorus of disobedience, running circles around their father. I lightly laughed, witnessing my little monkeys drive their father insane.

Malik groaned when Rahim clung to his leg, my husband's body still dressed in his police attire, but the kids still circled around Malik with their mischief. Kabeer's small hands found the handcuffs and he pulled them off Malik's belt.

"Esa, I got it!" he yelled, triumphant in victory.

Malik stumbled over Rahim's body, trying to shake him off, but our little boy only held on tighter. "Hey, wait! Kids! Kabeer, get back here!" he shouted as he jumped around trying to catch the two troublemakers.

Kabeer stuck out his tongue.

"You little-"

"Malik!" I hissed. "He's your son. Don't give me another reason to be mad."

"Nice, Mom is on our side," grinned Esa, waving his hands in the air. "Quick, throw me the handcuffs!"

Kabeer eagerly nodded, laughing as Suhaib stuck a foot out to trip his father, before running into my arms, giggling. Malik peeled Rahim off his leg just as Kabeer threw the handcuffs towards Esa, who gracefully caught it. Exasperated, Malik turned to Suhaib with a disapproving glare.

"I thought you were the nice one," he scowled.

Suhaib innocently shrugged. "I had to stretch my legs."

Malik's scowl only intensified except when he caught my scorning eyes, he swallowed, suddenly terrified at the consequences I would give him. I had made him sleep on the couch once, only for a night, but by morning he refused to let me go to work because he missed my touch.


My eyes widened, feeling the cool metal of the handcuffs rub against my wrist, dread pooling at the bottom of my stomach. My head snapped to the boys, giggling their heads off after tying their parents together by a metal chain.

"Malik, get these off me."

He sheepishly smiled. "The thing is... it seems as if our children have taken my keys." At the sight of my cold glare, he flinched. "Please don't kill me."

"Kids!" I yelled. "Give your father the keys."

"No! Not until you make up," bargained Esa, being the leader of their crusading.

"Don't you kids have Qur'an to practice?" questioned Malik, his free hand looking through his pockets to see if anything else was stolen. "The kid who gives me my keys gets ice cream for a week."

Rahim excitedly stepped forward, before Kabeer and Esa pulled his arm.

"No, Rahim. He's trying to trick us," said Suhaib gently as his older brothers held Rahim down.

"Don't listen to them!" Malik countered.

"But my ice cream," mumbled Rahim, eyes watering. "Daddy gives me food."

"Yes, that's right. Now be a good boy and give Daddy the keys," I soothed.

Esa shook his head. "We can't be weak. As brothers we have to stick together," he declared, puffing out his chest.

"Yeah!" the boys yelled in union, fists in the air.

Good Lord, my kids are starting a revolution.

"Now let's go practice Qur'an while they make up," offered Kabeer, leading the way to their bedrooms and leaving Malik and I behind.

I sighed, flopping onto the couch, and unintentionally dragging Malik down with me. His body fell over mine, lips inches apart with my chest firmly pressed against his own. His eyes darkened.


He hummed in response, fingers going under my shirt. My hair was sprawled across the couch, lips parted at the feel of his feather-like touch, igniting my desire like a flame to the heart.

Suddenly, I recalled my fury.

"Get off," I glared.

He groaned, head resting against my chest. "No," he said, "I've been deprived of my wife's body for three days, Sajdaa. Three fucking days."

"Malik, the kids are near," I gasped at his vulgar language.

"They said to make up. Let's start by that proper kiss you owe me for not giving you a ticket."

"Are you insane?" I hissed, attempting to push him off, but Malik settled himself between my legs.

"Sajdaa," he whispered, his voice void of arrogance. I stopped struggling and lost myself in the vulnerability in his eyes. "I missed you so much. Don't let this poor man suffer more."


He cleared his throat. "My dear queen, I humbly request your forgiveness to my sinister crime of teasing you. If you allow it, I would love to start making it up to you. Do you accept?" smiled Malik, bright teeth that gleamed down at me and lips slowly inching closer.

I nodded. "Kiss me," I murmured as I pulled at his collar.

With no hesitation, Malik connected our lips. He kissed me tenderly, his free hand rising to cup my cheek, deepening his kiss. My mind felt light-headed, yet I didn't want him to stop.

My veins pumped with a wanton desire, teeth biting down on his lower lip, an action that caused a low growl to escape Malik's throat. If we weren't handcuffed, I knew that Malik would have taken me right there on the couch, giving zero care to the young children in the other room.

He pried his lips away, panting against my ear. "Let's get started on baby number five," he murmured, nibbling on my earlobe as I held back any embarrassing sounds.

"Malik," I breathed in heavily, "I can't handle any more sons."

"Come on," he begged. "Just one more."

"You said that after Kabeer was born and look where we are now."

Malik pulled back, a grin forming on his handsome features. "How was I supposed to know Allah wanted me to have four sons?" he asked cheekily.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed him off. The chain jingled as Malik fell on the floor, yanking my wrist. A thunder of footsteps ran towards the living room, all four boys laughing as they ran towards us. Suhaib jumped on me while Rahim grabbed his father from behind, clinging to Malik.

"You kids want to give me my keys now?" he asked, sending them a knowing smile. "Unless you'd rather I not cook dinner."

Kabeer scoffed. "You didn't say please."

"Yeah!" agreed Esa, crossing his arms over his chest. "Or else we don't give back the keys."

A wistful look entered Malik's eyes, his smile growing as he pulled Rahim onto his lap, and ruffled his black hair. My arms held Suhaib closer to me as well. Suhaib rested his head on my shoulder, arms tight around my neck.

"You kids act just like your mother," whispered Malik.

"Mommy was a troublemaker?" asked Suhaib, curiosity clutching onto his mind.

Malik nodded, "There were serial killers after her."

The children gasped. Esa dropped the keys right beside Malik as the shock ricocheted off him and his siblings. Seizing the opportunity, Malik grabbed the metallic piece, quickly unlocking the handcuffs. I sighed in relief, feeling the cool air touch the tampered skin.

"No fair!" pouted Kabeer. "You cheated."

"It was a trick your Uncle Hamza taught me," winked Malik, stretching as he stood. "But your mother does have gift for chasing trouble. She marched into my office demanding I help her, but that's a story for another time."

"Dad," whined Esa, pulling at Malik's trousers. "Tell us."

Shaking my head, I said, "Later, go wash up for dinner. I'll tell you a story after your Islamic studies lessons."

Satisfied with my answer, the kids raced each other to the bathroom. Malik chuckled, safely putting the handcuffs away, and grinning towards me. Walking over to the table, he grabbed a cream-colored folder, offering it to me.

I raised a brow.

"Would you do me the honor of assisting me with another case?" he asked, a spark glittered in his eyes as if he already knew my answer.

I smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."

Over the years, I'd learned two things. One; people will do anything to drag purity and beliefs through the mud, coating it with their uncouth behavior and vicious crimes, but light stood conspicuous against all. Two; through every difficulty, with Allah and my family by my side, there was nothing I couldn't do.

For now, Malik and I had another murderer to bring to justice.


That's a wrap. The book has officially came to an end. Thank you all for giving this book a chance even though it's drastically different compared to my other books. Your support and belief in this story is what made me see it through the end.

There were times where I wanted to stop writing because this book wasn't a big hit, or wasn't gaining as much attention as my romances, or seemed like it was going nowhere, but you all stood by me. You encouraged me to finish, and this is the final product of that support.

I might come back and include extra scenes soon or include a Q+A with the characters that you're curious to find out more. Up to you guys.

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