II. Another Side (Percy)

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Again, credit goes to 11QueenSupreme11 for letting me make a story based off hers.



It was finally over.

4 years of hell finally over.

Was the thought running through Percilla Jackson, the daughter of Poseidon, mind.

4 years of life or death situations, 4 years of pain, suffering, loss, betrayal, joy, kindness, friendships, understanding and companionship and camaraderie.

And at long last...she and her fellow demigods have done it.

She had fulfilled that accursed Great Prophecy that had hung over her head like a dam noose that tightened every year she was at Camp Half Blood. The closer she got to her sixteenth birthday, the tighter it became.

Metaphorically of course.

She'd rather not have people asking why she had a literal noose hanging around her neck.

'That'd be so weird.'

She thought to herself.


"Oi, short stuff."

The voice of the one and only Thaddeus Grace. Son of Zeus, her older cousin by more than just a few years despite looking a year or so older than her, due to some...interesting circumstances.

The black haired, freckled faced boy electric blue eyes started into the jet blacked haired, sea green eyes and Percy had to resist the urge to shudder.

Thad fierce gaze always did have a way of making people turn to jelly.

Anthonius Chase was a little embarrassed to admit that it sent more than a few chills down his spine as well.

Eh...she couldn't blame him. As embarrassing as it was to admit, Thad was the definition of a bad boy.

Messy hair, dark clothing with some small spikes on it, ripped jeans and ear piercings. A 'don't give a damn' aura.

Which was obvious with how he talked to his dear old father, Zeus.

Oh, he was respectful in his presence. Mainly because Thad doesn't trust his father or the Olympians not to kill him for being 'insolent' with how he talked and addressed them.

Especially back when the prophecy was in full swing, and it was unknown who would be the true child of prophecy.

But he was sarcastic as she was sassy.

A truly terrifying duo as described by Anthonius and Camp Half Blood.


She thought to herself.

See if she ever gives them any of her mom's delicious blue colored cookies again.

"What's up thunderstruck?"

Persi smiled at him. The male returning a hint of a small smile before his face became stoic again.

"They are ready."

Thad sighed, feeling annoyed about this.

So much has happened and yet so much has been left unsaid.

"Well!" Perci smiled. "Let's hope old thunder thighs isn't feeling edgy today!"

Thad scoffed at that, but not hiding the smirk on his face.

"Well, he better be in a good mood." He agreed. "I mean, you have fulfilled the Great Prophecy, sent our grandfather and his minions back to Tartarus, gone on MANY suicidal missions that would have killed anyone else, and REMAINED loyal to Olympus."

"Choosing to be their salvation instead of their destruction."

"So, YES." Thad glowered. "They better BE GRATEFUL."


Percy just nodded as she started walking, with Thad following in tow.

She knew that Thad still held resentment towards the Gods, especially towards his father and Hera because of the hell he went through and then the loss of his baby brother Jason Grace.

It was surprising how well they clicked and got comfortable with each other considering at the beginning they were at each other's throats. Mainly because they were the children of their rivals who always tried to one up each other.

But somewhere along the line they became closer than expected to the point that Thad willingly told her of his home life before he ran away.

Of his abusive alcoholic mother who suffered delusions of grandeur thanks to his father. Of his baby brother Jason, who was the only good thing in his life. Of him leaving after the disappearance/'death' of Jason calling it the 'last straw' and leaving his old life behind.

Percy truly counted herself lucky that her mother was never like that and is truly a kind, loving mother who would do anything to protect her.

'Even marrying that good for nothing Smelly Gabe.'

Percy thought bitterly to herself.

If there was one thing, she could...no, she WOULD never forgive Poseidon for. Is for forcing Sally Jackson to make the choice to marry a real monster wearing human skin to protect her. Even if it meant enduring abuse and being treated like a slave by him.

'All for me...'

She bitterly thought to herself.

While no, it wasn't truly her fault. Daddy dearest just had to be the one to be her 'biological' father.

Biological because the Gods did not have DNA. So even though he is technically her father...he is not as well?

Eh, whatever. While she might be dumb, delving too deep on that subject would make her brain explode.


The doors to the throne room opened as Percy saw not just the Gods, but her fellow demigods, Grover, Cyclopes, spirits, mystical monsters from Greek Mythology that serve the Gods, and many more.

Percy body groaned, creaking as she forced herself to continue walking. She, like her fellow demigods, had not recovered from the war against Kronos and his army. Her more so due to fighting a possessed Luke that Kronos was using as his vessel.

But Hestia warm, soothing and welcoming smile gave her life and her body felt invigorated as she walked to the center of the throne room. Head up high as she stared and faced the gods that governed all of Greek Mythology.

Sighing as she was now (technically) facing them alone, Thad having rejoin the group and standing next to Anthonius.

Slightly begrudging, she bowed to Zeus first (if only so her cranky uncle didn't try to kill her for being insolent) and then knelt to her father's feet.

"Rise, my daughter."

Poseidon spoke.

'What is this, Star Wars?'

Percy thought to herself as she indeed did rise.

Once she tilted her head, her eyes locked with his. She could see the pride in his eyes, beaming as she had survived and fulfilled the Great Prophecy and saved them all. But behind them...

She could see pity.

Something that she didn't want, especially from HIM now after everything that she and countless other demigods went through.

She could translate what his eyes were conveying as he looked sadly at her bloodstained body. At where there should be scars, but thanks to her Achilles Heel her body was practically unscathed.

I am so sorry.

His eyes seemed to be conveying.

You shouldn't have had to be put through at such a young age, but you were. I'm sorry.

While a little too for apologies, Percy accepted it regardless.

Ignoring, whatever else he was trying to convey to her. After all, an apology right now does not amend all the wrongs he has done to her. She lost her childhood the moment he broke the vow and doomed her to a life of peril.

'But at least the Great Prophecy is over.'

She thought to herself.

Now that it was over, she could finally rest. FINALLY! After having to fight for her life for several years, now that the Great Prophecy was completed, she could retire and live her life in relative peace!

Poseidon voice interrupted her monologue as he began speaking and bringing her back to where she was.

"A great hero must be rewarded." Poseidon started, and Percy had a sinking feeling going into her stomach. This could not be good. "Is there anyone here who would object to this or deny my daughter is deserving of an award that we Olympians can give?"

Unsurprisingly, no one said anything. Her fellow demigods agreeing with Poseidon, not much of a surprise to Percy. But what WAS a surprise was the fact that even the Gods themselves were agreeing with him! And one thing that Percy knew full well about the gods.

Was that they never agreed on anything.

The fact that they did meant that this must have been something discussed before the summit meeting.

...Though what concerned her more was that all of them, even kind ones like Hestia, expected that she would accept it wholeheartedly and that scared her.

"The Council agrees." Zeus said as he rose up and looked at his niece in begrudging respect. "Percilla 'Percy' Jackson. In recognition of your deeds and accomplishments, you will receive one gift from us."


"...Any gift?'

Percy cautiously asked as the audience started chattering amongst themselves.

Thad had a bad feeling about this, and he could tell Anthonius did too from the way his eyes widened and his breathing slightly quickened.

"Yes." Zeus nodded grimly. "I know what it is you will ask."

...Did he now?

Was the thought running through several people's heads.

Cause something told them he was going to be going off the rails with whatever he said next.

"The greatest gift of them all." He continued on. "One that has not been bestowed by the gods for centuries. But in light and recognition of your accomplishments you Percilla Jackson -should you accept- shall be made a god. Immortal, undying. You shall serve as your father's lieutenant for all of time."

He finished with not even missing a beat.

Percy stomach felt like it was being twisted.

Zeus seemed to think it was a good offer and apparently so did the others. Probably the greatest honor one could have to serve their godly parent.

But to Percy, it made her sick.

Immortal? Undying? Outliving all the friends she has made and went through hell with? To be her father lieutenant for all of eternity?

To be honest, that sounded like hell to her. To never die, to always have to fight. The never-ending battles, the weariness that she had accumulated over time since 12 seemed to be screaming in every fiber in her body.

Despite what most people thought.

Immortality was not a blessing, but a curse.

But embarrassingly enough, what came out was a rather broken up question: "A...A god?"

Zeus rolled his eyes, already regretting this.

"Yes, a god (and apparently a dimwitted one) Percy."

Zeus said, while muttering part of it under his breath but everyone heard it.

"With the consensus of the entire Council, I can make you immortal. And thus, having to put up with you forever."

...That sounded more like a punishment to her than a gift.

Stuck with her overly paranoid uncle?

She'd rather live life as a tree like Thaddeus had been once.

Thad twitched.

'That's weird...' He thought to himself. 'Why did I have a reaction like that?'

Shaking his head, he continued watching with trepidation.

He was worried for the Kelp Head because she might reject the offer in a way that would offend the Gods.

...Well, mostly Zeus. But still.

"I'm all for it." Ares, the God of War nonchalantly said. "The brat as an immortal god? That means I can smash her to a pulp as often as I like, and she'll just keep coming back for more. I like this idea!"


Nearly everyone in attendance thought to themselves.

"I approve as well."

Athena said, though her eyes seemed to be directed to her son, Anthonius.

Leaving Percy to wonder if Athena was only agreeing so that she and Anthonius would be kept apart?

She knew Athena didn't like her much due to her being the daughter of her most hated rival. Poseidon. But even then, she wasn't sure if she believed that she was only agreeing because she wanted her away her son.

Percy turned to face her closest friend (and possibly more) who was avoiding meeting her gaze. His face pale as Thad placed a hand on his shoulder as a silent expression of support. Percy then thought about everyone she loved and cared for.

All growing old, having families, dying while she remained the same.

Never able to help them anymore if she became a God, the Fates would never allow that to happen. And the Ancient Laws would make it even worse.

She thought about her mother, the one person she cared the most about in the world. And her passing on, leaving her alone.

She thought about her fellow demigods, her friends, those who have fallen now rest in Elysium. How she would never see them again in Elysium because her duties as a god would take up all of her time.

Her sea green eyes made contact with Dionysus violet eyes. She could see the turmoil, weariness, and exhaustion in his eyes and not because of his restriction. He had eyes that were like hers in this situation.

Perhaps there really was more to Dionysus bitterness towards the demigods than he wanted to reveal.


And then her mind turned to them.

Luke, Ethan, Bianca, Charlie, Silena, Nico.

And then to the reasons why Luke had betrayed them in the first place, why he was able to get many demigods to his side and against the gods, why the Chaos forsaken war happened in the first place!

Mind made up, she resolvedly said.



The room was so quiet that if even the tiniest of noise could be heard then it would sound like a movie theater.

'Did she just?!'

The audience was so in shock that they couldn't finish their thoughts.

"...No?" Zeus repeated, completely shocked and taken aback. "You are turning down...our generous gift?"

Though it sounded more like a threatening warning, especially with that dangerous edge in his voice. Zeus was actually more in shock than anger that the most coveted gift that mortals have been seeking for centuries had just been turned down!

Percy quickly started explaining after hearing that tone in his voice.

"It's not that I'm not honored and everything." Percy explained. "I am. But don't get me wrong...I just have a lot of life left to live before I could ever possibly think about such a huge commitment. I would rather not be stuck as a teenager for the rest of life, still in high school."

The gods weren't really amused. But Percy didn't care, all she cared about was Anthonius. The look of painful longing shown in his grey eyes as Percy smiled at him and at everyone else. 

"Then what can we grant you?"

Hestia asked.

"You have done many a great deed to not go unrewarded."


Percy thought about it for a sec as she realized she might be able to do something.

"There is one thing I want as a gift." She admitted getting their attention. "But do you promise to grant my wish?"


Zeus pondered this for a moment before saying.

"So long as it is something within our power."

He agreed.

"It is." She admitted and nodded. "And it's not something difficult...so long as you don't make it difficult. But I will you to swear your promise on the Styx."


"WHAT!?" Dionysus could help but shout in surprise as he stared at the reckless girl. "Do you not trust us?"

"Call it a precautionary method." Percy said. "Besides."

She turned to Hades.

"Someone once told me; you should always get a solemn oath."

She said, smirking at Hades.

Hades shrugged and gave a little smirk of his own. "Guilty as charged."

"Very well." Zeus growled as his eyes crackled with lightning dancing in them. "In the name of the Council, we the Gods of Olympus swear upon the River Styx to grant your request so long as it's both reasonable and within our power to grant."

The rest of the Gods swore upon the Styx as well. Thunder booming all around as the room shakes for a moment before stopping. A sign that the deal was made.

"Thank you." She smiled as she turned serious. "From now on, I want you to properly recognize the children of all gods."

She said as she finished.

"All the children of all the gods."


"Did she?" I can't believe that she said that!" "Such boldness!" "How is she still alive!?"

'That girl.'

Thad just crossed arms and shook his head in amusement.

'Always making the life changing decisions to throw everybody for a loop.'

As the audience were losing their minds the Olympians were now shifting uncomfortably.

"Percy..." Poseidon carefully spoke up. "When you say that, what exactly do you mean?"

Percy resisted the urge to roll her eyes. That would have looked bad and possibly caused them to try to reject her wish.

Instead, she explained her reasoning.

"The main reason Kronos was able to raise and almost come back was because of the neglect and practical abandonment of the demigods." She pointed out. "They were angry,  resentful, hurt, scared, unloved, and they had good reason to help bring Kronos back from his imprisonment."

She remembered her own feelings when she was forcibly brought into Camp Half Blood at the tender age of 12. How she felt unwanted, like just another burden to deal with. She remembered how cramped the Hermes cabin was. The kids sleeping on the floor.

Unwanted leftovers

That's what those poor kids called themselves. Believing that they were never wanted anywhere. Only here because that is the only place that was safe for their kind.

She remembered the sadness and happiness in their eyes when she was revealed to be the daughter of Poseidon.

Happiness that she was claimed. But sadness because they were still waiting for their Godly parent to even show them an ounce of love by claiming them as their own.

She understood them, even if it was for a short time. She understood them and why they were betrayed the gods.

Zeus expression flared at that.

"You dare accuse us of—"

"No more undetermined children." Percy continued on, ignoring her uncle furious expression. "What I want from you is to promise that no later than when they turn 13, that you will have claimed them by then. ALL OF YOUR DEMIGOD CHILDREN."

She put more emphasis at the end of her sentence.

"No more unclaimed children being left out and abandoned. Forced to defend themselves without knowing why and being left at the mercy of monsters that were only told in stories. I want them claimed and brought to camp so that they can be trained right and survive."

"Now hold on just a moment!"

Apollo tried to interject but Percy steamrolled him as she refused to bow now.

"And the minor gods as well." She continued on. "Nemesis, Hecate, Morpheus, Janus, Hebe. They all deserve amnesty and a place at Camp Half Blood for their children. They shouldn't be left without a place to call their own at camp. And Calypso and the other peaceful Titan kind should be pardoned too for not fighting with their kin against the gods. And Hades –"

"Are you calling me a minor god?"

Hades ominously said.

"No, my lord." She quicky said, hiding her fear well as she continued. But your children should not be left out as well. They deserve a place in the camp as well. Nico prove that with his actions."

Said boy flinched as he remembered the dark path he had been on for a while before helping Percy and the others.

"They should all have their own cabins. All of the Gods." She stressed out. "And no more pact of the Big 3. That was a spectacular disaster and didn't work out that well for you in the end. Stop trying to get rid of powerful demigods just because they might pose a small risk to your reign. If you train them and teach them and treat them with respect, they will fight for you and not abandon you."

"This is my wish that I choose as my gift."

Zeus snorted, both incensed and amused at the girl audacity.

"Is that it?"

He sarcastically asked.

"Percy..." Poseidon frowned. "You are asking too much. You presume too much."

Percy wanted to rip out her hair and scream:

It's not even that hard!! She wanted to say. You are all-powerful beings! Why can't you show even the slightest hint of care for your children?! The ones you had a part in creating and then abandoning!?

But she didn't have to.

"With all due respect, Lord Poseidon."

Thaddeus Grace did it for her.

"Why are you being so stubborn on this matter?" He asked, his blue eyes staring into Poseidon sea green eyes. "I thought you wanted to make it up to Perci?"

"Was that all a lie just so that she would save Olympus from being destroyed?"


Many gasped in shock as the son of Zeus laid such a serious accusation at Poseidon. Whose face contorted in anger at that.

"How dare you?!" He shouted. "I love my daughter with all my heart! I would never use my daughter in such a manipulative way!"

"Then why are you refusing to support her in this endeavor?"

Thad said unfazed.

"If you truly cared about her, then you would be helping her, by either supporting her or by offering her advice and alternatives. But right now, you're just trying to keep the status quo the same as it has been for eons."


Poseidon tried to speak but Thad continued. Even as Anthonius looked at him in shock, worry, and fear.

'I knew he still had his grievances against the gods.' Anthonius thought to himself. 'But I didn't think it would get this bad!'

"For all your talk and wanting to make things right with Persi. It would seem that you only care about your own selfish wants and not what Perci truly wants herself."

Thad finished.


Poseidon tried to get out.


Zeus shouted.

"Your points have been made."

Zeus said as he turned his head.

Percy bit her lip.

Why couldn't they see it!?

She was so, so very tired. So tired of all this fighting and so were her fellow demigods! Even the children of Ares were tired as well. Why couldn't they understand that this wasn't Ancient Greece anymore?! The world has changed, and the gods were nothing more than legends and stories!

And yet, they still refuse to understand that it was they that were the cause of the war. Not her, not her fellow demigods, not even KRONOS!! It was all them because they set themselves up for ruin.

And it was not like she was asking them to suddenly be doting full on parents! They just needed to be there to at least let them know that they are recognized as their child.

She wasn't asking for the world; she was asking for the bare minimum.

As she looked at them, she resisted the urge to cry. Apathy, discomfort, anger.

She could feel it in her bones that another war would happened, and the gods would be demanding her to fix their mess once more.

It was an endless cycle that would never end. There would always be another Luke, another war.

They were just kids. Why did they have to bear the weight of their parents' sins?

But instead of saying that out loud. She managed to compose herself again and said once more in a firm voice.

"I hold you to your oath." She bravely said. "ALL OF YOU."

She got a lot of steely gazes at that.

But surprisingly.

"Perhaps I have misjudged you."

Athena had spoken up.

"I agree with Percilla Jackson." She started, getting a lot of startled looks at that. "She is correct in that we have been unwise to ignore our children. It has proven to be an unwise and a vital strategic weakness in this war and nearly causing our destruction."

Percy could hardly believe her ears and the same could be said for everyone else.

"Percy Jackson." She spoke as she looked to her. "I admit I had my abouts about you...but perhaps."

She glanced at Anthonius and then spoke the rest of her words with a sour look on her face as though she had sucked on a lemon.

"Perhaps I was mistaken to judge you too quicky. I move that we accept the girl's proposal."

"Hmph." Zeus scoffed. "To be told what to do by a mere child. But I suppose there is some benefit to this."

"All in favor."

Hermes said.

All the gods raised their hands.

A wave of relief washed through Percy as she felt a weight released from her shoulders.

"Thank you..."

She said.



"You did great cuz."

Thad smiled as he and Anthonius were standing by her sides.

Percy couldn't help but blush because it was very rare to see Thad smile. Usually, he would have a frown or a smirk. But when he smiled, and it was genuine.

...Well, let's just say that many have fallen under his charm, both males and females.

"Let's go back to camp."

Anthonius smiled and Percy felt butterflies in her stomach as they turned to join their fellow demigods.

But not before Poseidon shouted.

"Honor guard!"

And before they could even blink. The Cyclopes came forward and two lines from the thrones to the door. Standing at attention as Percy was encouraged to walk forward.

Tyson smiled a big goofy smile.

"All hail, Percilla Jackson." Tyson beamed. "Hero of Olympus...and my big sister!"

Cheers were thrown as Percy blushed and walked as fast, yet as properly as she could.

So embarrassing!

But at least it was finally over!

...Or so she thought...

"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.

To storm or fire, the world must fall.

An oath to keep with a final breath,

And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death."

If it wasn't for the fact that Rachel wasn't doing this intentionally, than Percy might have tried to strangle her Simpson style.

'Another Great Prophecy!?'

She mentally screamed as she, Anthonius, Thad, and Nico looked at each other with one thing running through their minds.

Here we go again.

Why did the universe have to hate them so much?

"Well then!" Apollo clapped, very excited about what had just happened. "I believe we just heard the next Great Prophecy!"

He cheered as though it was just another day at the office.

Ignoring the fact that the demigods had just finished winning one fucking war for them.

'If you weren't a god, we would kill you in the most violent way possible.'

Some of them thought to themselves.

Apollo just merrily hummed as though he wasn't feeling the piercing stare of many.

"What could this mean?"

Percy asked in fear that it involved her somehow.

"Don't look at me." Rachel groaned. "I don't remember what I say, remember?"

"That is correct." Apollo nodded. "The spirit will only speak through you occasionally. The rest of the time our dear Rachel will just be her jolly good self. No point in grilling her regardless that she has just issued the next Great Prophecy concerning our future."


Thaddeus sarcastically said.

"How fun!"

It wasn't.

No one wanted to be involved in another war.


Percy tried to get out.

"Percy." Apollo tried to soothe his cousin's discomfort. "The last Great Prophecy took at least 70 years to come into fruition and be completed. For all we know, this one may not even include you or happen in your lifetime."


Percy wasn't convinced but left it at that.

"It still doesn't sound good."

She added.

"No, it doesn't." Apollo cheerfully said. "And that's why she's going to make a splendid Oracle!"


Rachel was eventually sent to get some rest as the prophecy issuing drained her quite a bit and Apollo left for Olympus.

Thad and Nico also left, leaving it just her and Anthonius alone.

"You're still thinking about it, right?"

Percy said, reading the son of Athena like a book.

"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call" Anthonius repeated the first line. "Seems like the camp is going to be filled with new faces next summer."

"Yep!" Percy nodded. "And let's not forget about the part about the world falling in storm or fire."

"Don't have much to go on for that." Anthonius frowned. "So much for getting some peace for a change."

"Hey don't worry!" Percy bumped her shoulder into his side. "Maybe Apollo right for once and this might be something for the next generation to deal with!"

"Let's go eat!"

She said.

The rest of the day felt like a blur to her. Despite their hard earned victory, the camp was in mourning, campers burying their dead brothers and sisters. Silently praying for their safe passage to Elysium.

'While the Olympians are probably still up in the clouds celebrating their win.'

She thought rather bitterly to herself.

She honestly couldn't see anyone besides Hermes grieving for their kids. Well maybe Hestia if she has kids but that was it.

Still at the end of the day, she was still alone at the Poseidon table. Just like Thaddeus was alone at the Zeus table. And Nico himself was alone.

Most of the campers have gone out for the sing-alongs by the campfire. But she was too tired. There was a heaviness in her bones that might as well have been permanent now.

'Such a great reward for a hero like me.'

She thought bitterly to herself.



Suddenly, Percy was drawn out of her thoughts as Anthonius suddenly slid on the bench next to her. Offering her a cupcake with blue icing and a single blue candle on it.

"Happy birthday."

Anthonius said with a small smile on his face.


Percy blinked as her brain tried to process what was going on.

Chuckling with one eyebrow raised, Anthonius said: "It's your birthday, remember?"



Percy suddenly remembered that today was August 18th! Her birthday!

She was 16 now!

...What a great 16th birthday.

'Some people dream of getting a car for their 16th birthday or being reckless and losing their virginity or hitting the arcades or going to carnivals or something.' She thought sadly to herself. 'All I got was death, destruction, and pain.'


She said in a despondent tone, quite unlike her.

He frowned.

"Are you okay?"

He asked even though they both knew the answer to that question.

Percy shook her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Neither believed it.

"Well, make a wish."

He said, sliding the cupcake closer to her.

Percy just stared at the cupcake with a somewhat trouble expression as she made her wish:

'I wish for this to end.' She thought to herself. 'I just want to live a life of happiness and peace from this world. Is that too much to ask? I just want to be far, far away from all of this.'

A feeble hope, she knew. The Fates weren't going to let her go so easily. That was where their cruelness had always been.

But still, she had to have hope. Otherwise, she would be nothing more than a shell of herself.

Like so many have become a shadow of their former selves now.


Blowing out the candle she watched as the smoke softly faded out, one with the wind as it was carried away.

Cutting the cupcake in half, the two enjoyed their halve of the cupcake. Eating it with their fingers. After they were done, they let themselves be immersed by the movements of the ocean, the music of the crickets, and hearing the monsters prowl about in the woods.

Percy sighed as she felt oh so very tired.

Unbeknownst to her, Anthonius had been shifting slightly uncomfortably in his seat as he looked nervous. Like he was about to make a life changing decision.

"Percy." He mustered his courage and spoke up. "I..."

"I'm sorry, Anthonius..." Percy gave a sad smile as she tiredly got up. "I'm heading to bed. I'm so exhausted..."

In more ways than one, which she didn't like to admit.


Anthonius looked down for some reason.

"You going to go to sleep too?" She asked. "We can walk to our cabins together."

She offered which Anthonius shook his head.

"It's okay." He faked a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow...I guess."

"Okay." She nodded. "Night."

Turning around, she headed back to her cabin. Feeling his stare on her back as he said:


All right...Percy had to admit that while she wasn't an idiot despite her reckless stunts. She also knew she was the brightest demigod in the world. She was actually kind of dense.

'Kind of?'

Some of the demigods that knew her would think when she admits she's kind of dense.

Though a fact that Clarisse La Rue did not hesitate to 'gently' remind her about.


"Are you a fucking idiot!?"

Clarisse yelled at Percy the next day. Startling the confused girl greatly.


Was all Percy could get out before Clarisse continued her rampage.

"He was about to kiss you, you bonehead!"

Never had the daughter of Ares wanted to strangle the daughter of Poseidon as greatly as she did now.

She just held back because she didn't want to risk Poseidon wrath upon her if he saw her throttling his daughter.


Percy said...which made her look like an idiot.

Clarisse facepalmed herself so hard that Percy was glad that she didn't facepalmed her as she shouted: "Seriously, Seaweed head!? Anthonius was going to KISS YOU!! And you just indirectly rejected him when you walked away! Just how much dumber can you get!?"


"He—HE WAS!?"

Percy shouted in shock!

How could she not have noticed?! The signs were there!


Clarisse looked ready to rip her hair out!


Percy was now feeling even worse than before.

Before she realized an important fact.

"Wait...how did you know what happened last night?"

Percy was pretty it was just her and Anthonius last night at the dining pavilion and she doubt the son of Athena would go and tell Clarisse of all people what had happened.

Thad, yes. Clarisse? ...She kind of doubt it.

"We were all watching you from a distance you moron." Clarisse groaned. "ALL of us. Behind the trees, in the bushes, just waiting for him to finally make the first move and kiss you and you fucking ruined it by leaving!"

Clarisse was definitely showing proof that she is a daughter of Ares with how wild her anger was. Though to be fair it was justifiable in this situation.

Percy jaw dropped as realization hit her like a bus. "Ar-ARE YOU SERIOUS!? He was about to kiss me?! Shit! Now I feel terrible!"

"You should." Clarisse nodded with a scoff. "Because now you lost any chance no thanks to you walking off like that. Thanks to you, Anthonius now feels like crap and won't be trying that again anytime soon if ever! When you walked away from him like that it was as clear as day a rejection regardless of if you had never intended it to be."

"You know that boys' egos can be fragile depending on the person! It took him a long time to work out his feelings and realize that he has a crush on you! Even going so far as to take the risk with his mother disapproval and your father reaction!"

"After this, he's not going to be making any moves on you anytime soon!"

"I'll make it up to him!" Percy shouted. "I swear, I'll make the first move this time!"

She promised.

-End Flashback-

Only...she never did make the first move.

It was already December (the 12th to be exact) and still she had not made a damn move on Anthonius.

'Four freaking months.' She growled to herself. 'Four freaking months and I still failed to make a move!'

Though in her defense, she and Anthonius weren't year rounders like others were. With summer break ending rather fast (stupid prophecy. Ruining her summer vacation) the two were back in school again.

And that meant homework, exams, the additional monster attacks and of course stress.

Not to mention that no thanks to the prophecy and all the fighting and quests. She was super behind on the material. Not to mention Sophomore was extremely important for her!

It was the time of the PSAT, and while it might not be a concern for others. For her, who suffers dyslexia and ADHD and has had many absences due to being demigod. It was extremely vital for her to not pass but to pass with good scores.

Not only that, but now things were starting to look up for her! The second Great Prophecy didn't seem to be happening anytime soon. The war was over, the titans were defeated, there were no more apocalyptic quests that she could die on.

She could be a normal girl...well...semi normal.

She still got monsters to deal with,

But other than that, all she had to worry about were her grades. The normal things for teenagers. After all, she had to, no, she needed to do well for the next three years of high school if she wanted to be accepted to a local college.

She was intent on winning some scholarships because like hell she was letting her mom and Paul pay for her dorm and all that.

I mean yeah, Sally wouldn't mind. She wants her child to succeed. But Percy felt that Sally had done enough for her. It was time for her to pay her back for everything she has done for her.

Plus, she noticed that her mom and Paul were getting a little too close and she had a feeling she knew where that was going.

'How is it that I can see the signs between my mom and Paul, but I couldn't see the signs between me and Anthonius?'

Percy could only wonder.

But if she does get a little brother of sister, then they were going to need that extra money.

And she wants to at least be able to understand some of Anthonius fancy talk!

Anthonius was incredibly serious about his academics which wasn't surprising since he is a, you know, son of Athena? So, he was working hard to get into the school of his dreams.

And so, because of school they couldn't talk much, and Percy was unable to get a chance to take the step to further their relationship from friends to possibly more.

But hey, they had already made plans to see each other on the next break with Anthonius flying over to see her. It was the perfect opportunity to confess her love to him!


'Then why am I so hesitant?'

She thought to herself.

'Is it because there is some guilt at being so dense I didn't see the obvious signs!?'

She didn't know why she was hesitating like this.

She liked Anthonius –love him even.


She would probably go to Tartarus for him!

'So, then...why!?'

She thought to herself.

Why couldn't she confess!?

Fear? She didn't know. But after being a demigod for nearly five years, fear was something that was not allowed. She reminded herself at just how short their lifespans were...no thanks to the gods.

It would be a miracle to make it to adulthood.

She needed to confess. But every time she tried, she would falter, hesitant, get all tongue tied and twisted, have something obstruct her throat and thus cutting off her attempted confession.

"How can I confess!?" She grabbed her hair in despair. "Hey, Anthonius, wanna hang out?"

She started pacing in her room.

"I just wanted to let you know that I always liked you! No...to aggressive."

"I love you!"

"Wanna make out?"

"Hey, so you know about how you tried to kiss me 4 months ago and I accidentally blew it by walking away without knowing? Can you do it now?"


Percy fell to her bed as she gave up.

"How the Tartarus does my dad get bitches like it's nothing but I can't make a single confession!? So embarrassing..."

Deciding that there was no point in trying to think of a good way to confess, she got up, changed, brushed her teeth and used the bathroom and turned off the light and went to sleep.

Perhaps she will find an answer tomorrow.

With that, sleep took her.


But while she was sleeping a peaceful sleep. Up in the heavens a certain (pain in the ass) goddess was scheming.

Hera, Queen of Olympus, was currently alone in her shared bedroom. Her husband, as usual, was off to harass the minor gods and throw his weight around as usual. Despite the fact that he should take more care as to not break a hip.

The palace was basically empty save for the wind spirits flitting about as they did their duties.

Her omniscient eyes gazing upon to the two sides of America: The West and East Coasts.

Hera knew that the Second Great Prophecy was at play. She has known for a while now about her dear old grandmother: Gaea, attempting to resurrect herself. And now all the pieces were on the chess board.

Now was the time to act now before the opportunity to save their world was lost forever. She needed to do this now before it was too late.

Her champion—Jason Grace, and her brother irritating and annoying spawn, Percilla Jackson, were both innocently sleeping in their respective beds and in their respective locations.

Unaware that they are about to be changed forever.

'I'll do Poseidon spawn first.' Hera thought as she looked at her niece sleeping form.

She refused to teleport down to the demigod bedroom, her nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought of that. The mortal world was so filthy! She refused to go down unless absolutely necessary!

So, instead, she opted to teleport her to the comfy little cave she planned on keeping her in for the time being until her memories slipped away.



'What the?!'

Before Hera eyes, she saw the demigod suddenly being covered in a myriad of colorful lights before...


Before she was covered in a bright light and when it died...

She was nowhere to be seen.

Hera reeled back as she could only stare in shock at the now empty that once held the now missing demigod.

Which wasn't part of her plan.

And now, Perilla Jackson was gone.

And Hera made a rather undignified comment that a Goddess of her station shouldn't make.

"Well fuck."



Percy shouted as she hit the floor and got a very rude awakening for that. It was a good thing then, that she bore the Curse of Achilles because that would have, at the very least, left her with a broken nose.

Too bad it could help with the pain.



The voice of Thaddeus Grace caught her attention as she saw the son of Zeus hit the ground.

"The fuck!?"

He shouted, angry and confused.

Before Percy could say anything.


A new, unfamiliar voice cauth their attention as they turned to see a tall brown haired, sea-green (though it leaned more to green with tints/hues of sea-green) eyes and a tan complexion.

An unamused look in his eyes as he got up and frowned.

"What in the world happened?"

He frowned as his eyes made contact with theirs.

But before any of them could say anything.

"Who are they!?"

They were interrupted by some other unexpected guests.

They turned to see some rather strange individuals. Strange because they did not look human. They had wings of all things poking out of medieval armor?

And not to mention the swords. The very sharp and obviously real swords.

"Where did they come from!?"

"How did they get here?!"


One of them shouted.


Percy shouted as they started charging towards them.

As Percy got up, there was only one thing running through her head.

I really should have listened to that phrase: 'Be careful what you wish for!'


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Votes will after the next chapter.

Have a good day/night!

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