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Next day..
3rd Pov.

Silver woke up and remembered what happened the other day, then he noticed that all the girls were sleeping whit him, Miia was wrapped around him nuzzling her face to his, Suu and Papi were on the top of silver sleeping peacefully, Mero and Rachnera were hugging both of Silver's arms ( which was the only free part of his body besides his head) and Centorea was stroking his hair whit his head on her stomach as she was smiling.

Centorea: morning Silvy . She said softly making silver blush

Silver: morning centy

Centorea smiled and kissed his head, that made Silver blush even more then the other girls wake up and smiled at Silver

Miia: hmm morning my silvy~

Suu: senpai !

Mero: morning my prince

Rachnera: morning little kitty ~

Papi: morning kitty !

Silver: m..morning girls

They giggled and kissed his cheeks making him smile and purr

Girls: awwww that's so cute

Silver: (blushes) t..thanks

Rachnera: (giggles) let's get up and go for breakfast

They nod and got up from the bed, after that they went to the kitchen and found a note of kimito saying that he will be off for a few day,

Papi: yay!!!! We'll have the house all for ourselves !!!

Suu: yay !!!!

Mero: oh I can't wait to be alone whit my kitty ~

Silver: (blushes )

Then silver made breakfast for the girls and himself, the 7 of then sat down and began to eat after that Silver got a call from miss. Smith

Silver: (takes the call) hello?

Smith: hello Silver how have you been

Silver: oh hello smith, I've been good and you ?

Smith: good, now we need your help here okey?

Silver: uhh okey I'll be there

Smith: thanks kitty~

Silver: (blushes ) w..what ?

Smith: nothing !!! (Hangs off)

Silver was a bit confused but shrug it off and looks at the girls

Silver: girls I'm gonna be in a mission whit Smith take care okey?

Suu: okie senpai !

Papi: bye kitty

Miia: (hugs his arm) be carefully my Silver I don't want you to be hurt

Rachnera: bye kitty ~

Centorea; take care silvy

Mero: I'll be waiting for have fun whit you ~

Silver blushed and smiled at them then he flies up and goes to the city

Then he got whit smith and lands in front of her

Silver; hello smith

Smith: hello silver thanks for Coming

Silver: no problem, what do you need smith ?. Silver asked

Smith; I need you to look for someone

Silver: okey

Smith: (nods) Lala you'll be working whit silver

Lala: (blushes ) o..okey

Silver: hello Lala glad to see you again (smiles )

Lala: (blushes more and smiles back ) h..h..hello s....s....Silver-kun

Smith: well take care you two. She said and left

Silver waved at smith and then looks back at Lala smiling, that made Lala blushed redder

They past some time walking around the city

Time skip after the mission

Silver was walking whit lala smiling, Lala was blushing all the way as her head accidentally fell off

Silver: (chuckles) here let me help you
He said and reach for her head

Lala: t...thanks silver-kun. Lala's head said blushing madly as her body was just playing whit her fingers nervously

Silver smiled at her and picks up her head and smiled at her, she blushed even more and made her body put her head again and kiss him softly, that made Silver blush madly, eventually Silver relaxed and kissed back, Lala wrapped her arms around his neck and silver wrapped his around her waits..

After some minutes they pulled away panting

Silver: l....Lala w..why do you did that !? ( blushes madly )

Lala: I..I love you silver-Kun !!!!(blushes madly )

Silver froze by her words but after thinking some things her smiled at her

Silver: I love you too Lala

Lala: r..really!!?

Silver: of course but we'll have to talk about this whit the girls

Lala: okey!!!

Silver: let's go to home but first I have to get some vegetables whit a friend

Lala: (nods and hugs his arm)

Time skip

They for in to the forest

Silver: kii, I'm here

Silver said as Lala hums in confusion

Lala: ( who's kii?)

Then kii shown up in her adult form and smiled at silver

Kii: hello silvy 😊

Silver smiled back then kii noticed that Lala has hugging his arm and frowns at her

Kii: Silvy who's her?. Kii asked and pointed at Lala

Silver: well she's..but Ikara was cut off by Lala

Lala: I'm one of his girlfriends and futures wives !!!!!

Silver: 0///////0

Kii: what?!

Silver: u...uhh I can explain

Kii: a want to join !!!

Silver: wait what ?

Lala: wait what?

Kii: of they get to marry you then I gonna join too !!!!!

Silver blushed and looks at her

Silver: (blushes madly) o...okey...

Then kii got super happy and kiss him in the lips, he kissed back after a few..

-time skip-

Silver got in home whit Kiia be Lala both hugging his Amrs

Silver; girls we need to talk

Papi and Suu: okey!!!

Mii: silver, why are these two hugging your arms?

Silver: t...that's what we have to talk about

After a long talk and Lala almost tried to kill Rachnera, they all agreed that Lala and Kii cloud join and be whit Silver

-time skip to 7:00 PM-

Most of the girls were sleeping on their rooms, Silver just finished washing the dishes and smiles...

Mere: oh Silvy~, some here my kitty ~

Silver just followed the voice and found Mero laying on his bed naked ...

Silver: (blushes madly ) M...Mero ?

Mero: just come and take your princess my prince ~


End of this part and have a good day

Also next will be a lemon whit Mero

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