A day to help the eye

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3rd Pov.

The next day

The sun raised in the morning , hitting the window. Silver woke up some minutes later, finding himself in the bed with Mero hugging him close still both naked , Mero woke up some seconds later and smiled at him

Mero: morning my prince ~

Silver: o...oh morning mero
Silver said blushing softly

Mero: last night was amazing

Silver: y...yeah it was

Mero: I can't wait do it more ~

Silver: y...yeah

Mero; could we go to take a shower ?

Silver: sure Mero

Silver smiled and got up carrying Mero, he took her to the bathroom and set the water for her, then he got in the water with her and helped her to wash her body, which eventually leaded to him blushed deep red in many moments and Mero giggling.

5 minutes later they got out and dries off before putting some new clothes on after that they went to the kitchen where everyone was waiting for them.

Miia: morning darling !

Lala and Centorea: morning master

Papi and kii : morning silvy

Suu: morning senpai

Rachnera: morning kitty ~

They all said smiling making silver blush softly and smile back at them

Silver: morning girls, glad to see you all

Then he started to make breakfast for all, after 10 minutes he finished and set all the plates on the table using his psychokinesis

All the Girls : thanks darling ~

Silver smiled brightly and sat down

Silver: no problem girls let's eat

They nodded and all of them stayers to eat, after a bit later silver and the girls finished their food, and silver started to wash the dishes with the help of Lala and kii..

After they finished with the dishes silver smiled then took Lala's head and kissed her forehead softy

Silver: thanks for helping me here kii,

He said and then gave kii a sweet peck on the lips making then both blush

Lala: no problem master. She said as silver set her head back in her body

Kii: thanks silvy
She said smiling softly

Lala: oh also, Manako said if she could hang out with you on the center ?

Silver: oh? Well sure , I'll go please take care of the house

Kii and Lala : sure
They said and kissed silver's cheeks making him blushes softly and smile, after that he left the house and flied to the center where Manako was waiting for him with this clothes

Silver landed in front of her and smiled brightly at her

Silver: hello there Manako

Manako smiled happily and hugged him tightly

Manako: y...yay! You c..came !

Silver blushed a bit and then hugged back

Manako then blushed darkly and let go of the hug

Manako; t..thank y...you f...for coming

Silver: no problems Manako, where do you want to go?

Manako: c...can we go to the pa....park ?

Silver: sure !

Manako took his hand blushing even brighter and they headed to the park, silver blushed softly as they were walking..

And all the day was they taking and hanging out with each other, every time that Silver seemed to smiles of have any touch with Manako, she would blush like crazy and studded  every few words

Silver: uhhh Manako are you okey? You're a bit red . He said as he touched her forehead

Manako: y...yeah I...I'm o...okey don't worry

Silver smiled ad they got up, after that they headed out of the park

Silver: it was a really fun day Manako, thanks

Manako: t...thanks you silvy, n..no problem, I...I want to give you something b...but c...close your eyes

Silver tilded his head and closed his eyes then he felt something soft on his lips, silver opened his eyes to see Manako kissing him with her eye closed and with her arms around his neck , that made silver blush deeply but after some time he kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her waist

After some seconds they pulled away for air and looked at each other in the eyes/eye panting softy

Manako: I..I....I lo...Love you s....silvy

Silver: o..okey b...but we'll have to talk to the g...girls about this ..

Manako nodded shyly and they headed to the house

A/n: I'm so sorry for not updating

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