Introduccion are in order

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Silvy was currently walking back to the house with kind of a somber expression on his face why was that, kii and his sister had agreed to take her to meet his other girlfriends without his concern, though its not like he had much of a choice since if his sister was there, he would have to introduce her to them sooner or later so there wasn't really running from it, still that didn't stop him from having feeling like he was going to get his by a truck.

Since the forest was so close to the house, I didn't take to long for them to get back over, so silvy took his keys and opened the house with them, letting both girls inside first and then walking in himself, closing the door behind them and took a small breath "alright we are here, they should be around the house "he spoke receiving a nod of his sister while Kii held into his arm making him blush slightly.

Himiko happened to be walking by when they arrived and noticed the 3 of them "oh hey silvy you're back, hey there kii.... And woman I have never seen before "he said politely as usual, kii waved with a smile while the blue-eyed woman looked over at him "I'm his sister, you must be the host of this house, the name is Ikiara it's a pleasure to meet you" she said and bowed, "oh nice to meet you miss" he said and smiled, Ikiara nodded in response, after that little interaction, they sat down on the couch waiting for the rest to come join so they get introduced.

Soon enough Miia slithered over to the living room, seeing silvy there and smiling widely "silvy!" she said as she rushed over to him, wrapping herself all around much to kii's jealously, making her watch with her arms crossed over her chest and a small huff, the white-haired male's face turned redder than before and the slightly purple "m...Miia I can't breathe" he managed to say, Miia noticed then and loosened her grip on him "oh dear I'm so sorry" she said rubbing her cheek against his.

However, Ikiara was still sitting there, so she cleared her throat to catch Miia's attention, and right on she blinked for a moment looking over at her "oh uhh who is this dear?" Miia asked looking down at silvy "Miia that's my sister Ikiara, Ikiara this is Miia she's – ""his future wife!" the lamia girl exclaimed interrupting him, making his cheeks grow even more red if that was even possible, Ikiara raised an eyebrow as a reaction to this, she was about to respond but before she could even say a word, Centorea galloped into the room seemingly out of nowhere "I do not think so! If anyone will be Silvy's first wife it's should be an honorable knight like me!" she told Miia while she wrapped her arms around silvy on his neck from behind, pressing up her fairly large chest against his head "and this is Centorea" he informed his sister, "they are most likely gonna keep coming like that" Himiko whispered over to her, making her hum for a moment "I see".

After a good amount of minutes all of the girls joined them on the living room, reach of them introducing herself to Ikiara and having a small talk so she would have a better idea of what kind of person, or well monster, was with her brother. At that point all of the girls were sitting around silvy on the couch barely leaving him room to move so he was basically stuck in a sitting position.

"hmmmm... so here we have a Lamia, centaur, mermaid, spider, harpy, slime, a cyclops, a reaper, and a tree girl" she said as she looked over at them with her hands on her back, "uhh, well yeah basically... there is no problem with that is there sister?" silvy asked her "of course not brother I was just intending to get the full information, it is important to me knowing in what is happening in your life so I can know if you are doing fine or not " she said.

"Aww that's so sweet of you miss!" Papi said with a wide smile on her face " yeah, being so caring must run on the family~" Rachnera said with a smirk on her face while she looked down at silvy rubbing his hair and chest a little making the poor guy go bright red with embarrassment, "thank, you all seem like nice people, at least for the most part so I think I am leaving brother in good hands, still I will be coming to visit from time to time to keep an eye on you, got it brother?" she spoke, "yeah I understand sister, thank you" he said and smiled a bit.

The tall woman nodded in response and smiled as she stood up, the girls let go of silvy so he could say goodbye to her, then they hugged for a moment, pulling away shortly after and smiled at each other, after that Ikiara bowed "thank you for your hospitality" she said and then walked over to the door, which her brother opened for her so she could exit the house, when she did, he closed it once more and took a small breath "well that was my sister"

"She seemed really nice" Manako said as she smiled with her hands on her lap, "for a moment I was worried that she would forbid our union, oh what a tragedy would that have been" Meru said with her hand over her head, making the other girls roll their eyes and her usual over dramatic behavior, "anyhow know that we have meet your sister are there any other members of your family that we should meet my dear?" Centorea asked curiously.

"Well as a matter of fact I have a lot of other siblings though they are not all on Japan so we would most likely need to invite them and wait for their response, so there would be a fair time before someone can come "he explained, "whoa.... A lot really? How much is a lot? "Suu commented as she looked at her fingers counting them out trying to figure out how much a lot meant, seeing this silvy just chuckled a little bit, walking over to her placing his hand on her head "don't worry about that Suu, I won't be a trouble" he said while rubbing her head gently making the slime girl blush a little but close her eyes happily while leaning her head against his hand "god you're so cute" , the other girls huffed a little "h..hey I want head pats too !" Manako said with a cute glare on her one eye, "oh, alright Manako "he said smiling using his other hand to rub her head, gaining the same response from her.

"Hey that's not fair love! I want to feel your hand on me too!" Papi said as she ran over to them, following by the others I need of affections as well "oh boy..." was all that silvy said.

So... hello, yeah, I really fell behind on this story but somehow, I people still read it? I'm not sure if anyone will see this update but if you do then I hope you enjoy it, I will try to keep on into this story but if you like my writing please check out my story parted ways, it's more of an original story but I put just as much work as in this one, anyways see you later guys, thank you!

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