Chapter 5 || Ocelots and Insults

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The screen came back on to Axel talking, enthusiastically, his grin back on his face. "We know what we're building, we've got all the stuff for it - we are so ready."

"This year, it's gonna be different," Olivia said, more optimistically than before. "I'm not just ready to build- I'm ready to win."

Some random guy wearing a hat walked by. "Nice pig... losers."

Harper raised her eyebrow. "Well, that was... rude."

"This is why I don't like people," Soren grumbled quietly, although it was loud enough that the rest of the Order heard it.

The group came to a stop, Jesse sending a glare in his direction and Axel and Olivia looking away awkwardly. The entrance to the building competition came into view, where four people in black leather jackets with ocelot heads on the back were signing in.

"Oh, great. It's Lukas and the Ocelots. The rivalry continues," Axel groaned.

Lukas raised his eyebrow while Aiden's face darkened. "I thought we were just Ocelots..." the blonde mumbled, sounding genuinely surprised at this.

The screen moved over their backs, giving them a good view of the ocelot heads on the back.

"Man... they've got matching leather jackets and everything," Olivia murmured.

"So cool..." Axel said wistfully.

The Ocelots all grinned at each other smugly, snickering. Olivia glanced away, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. Axel rubbed his arm awkwardly and looked at the ceiling.

"Well, that's true... they are cool." Jesse leaned over backwards to see the Ocelots, Jace tittering at the awkward backward bending she was doing to see the group. "Nice jackets, you guys."

The Ocelots all blinked at this- they seemed genuinely surprised by the comment.

Onscreen, Aiden turned around, a smirk coming across his face. "Well, well, well," he sneered, making Maya and Gill turn around with grins. Lukas kept talking to the woman at the booth. "If it isn't the Order of the Losers."

"That's... not a very creative insult," Mevia said, arching one eyebrow.

"Great," Maya smirked, "the fail squad's here."

Onscreen, Jesse let out a low sigh, her arms dangling at her sides.

"Lukas," Gill sniggered, "get a look at these losers."

Lukas glanced at Jesse for a moment, before looking away again. "Let's go, guys," he said quietly. Gill and Maya followed, Aiden giving them one last sneer before following. The woman at the booth smiled pleasantly at them. "Name, please."

The burly green boy picked at his sleeve awkwardly. "Axel, and, uh, how do you do?"

This prompted a couple snorts from the audience.

"No, your team name," the woman said, after a moment of looking at him to make sure he wasn't messing around.

Jesse's eyes were faintly glazed over, her arms fidgeting at her sides, and she said mildly, "We're the Bureau of Amalgamology."

Immediately, she, Olivia, Axel, and Lukas, who was still in earshot, went perfectly rigid, eyes widening at the sound of the name. There was a pause before Jesse slowly relaxed again, blinking. "Um- yeah, that's- that's our team name," she continued, eyes still slightly wide.

"I wonder what the 'Bureau of Amalgamology' is," Cassie mused.

"And why it caused that reaction," Isa hummed thoughtfully.

Olivia shrugged it off, her shoulders relaxing. "It's an interesting one... and it's not really like people can make fun of it."

Axel nodded with a "yep", Jesse quickly nodding afterwards. "E-exactly why I chose it."

"I get the feeling you're fibbing there," Jace said to Jesse. Jesse let out a bark of laughter at this.

Onscreen, Jesse sent Lukas a look as he regained his composure and followed after his team, but didn't press it.

"Okay, Bureau of Amalgamology," the woman said perkily, "you guys are in Booth 5!"

Axel went first, but he got stuck in the gate and struggled before he was able to make his way through.

"Aww, man," Axel mumbled, rubbing the back of his head and wincing slightly. Petra winced sympathetically at this as well.

Olivia followed after that, then Jesse and Reuben, ignoring the way the Ocelots were sniggering at this little mishap. They made their way over to Booth 5, where Axel was already standing, practically standing on his tiptoes to see what was happening. "Is that a beacon?"

"Are you jealous?" Gill mocked, grinning at him. Axel glowered back. "You wish, pussycat."

"They have a freaking beacon?!" His voice was rising in both volume and pitch again. "Freakin'... beacon?!"

It had just reached hysterical pitch when Olivia groaned. "They're not just building a beacon... they're building a rainbow beacon!"

"You're totally jealous!" Maya shot back.

"We're gonna lose," Olivia finished after a moment.

Jesse thought for a moment, before responding at length, "W-we got this, guys."

Olivia threw her hands in the air. "Who are we kidding? We've got nothing."

Jesse tilted her head thoughtfully for a moment. "We've got... a... mascot," she finally stated, making Reuben perk up with a squeal of pleasure.

"A mascot would be kind of cool," Lukas hummed mildly, "like a trained ocelot or something."

"You're agreeing with them?!" Aiden practically shouted. Lukas gave the brunette boy a weird look. "What? I'm just saying."

Olivia rolled her eyes with a grin at this. "All right... we should probably stop staring," she stated, just as Gill sneered, "Oh look! It's the Order of the Losers- again."

"Too late!" Jace joked feebly.

"Good one, Gill!" Maya chuckled. Aiden turned around, another sneer coming over his face.

"He's kind of a jerk, isn't he?" Em muttered so that only Nell could hear. The blonde nodded slightly and whispered back. "Totally, brah."

"We were just looking," Olivia deadpanned.

"There'll be plenty of time for you to look at it once it wins and gets shown at Endercon!" Aiden bragged.

"Pride comes before a fall," Ellegaard said mildly to nobody in particular.

Axel hissed at Aiden, eyes narrowing. "You're being unpleasant."

"Well, maybe not ALL of you-" and Aiden leered down at Reuben. "Endercon doesn't allow outside food or drink."

Reuben let out an offended squeal at that.

"Okay, that was NOT cool," Jesse said, twisting to frown at Aiden. The brown-haired boy blinked at her, once again looking surprised.

Jesse's hands clenched into fists, and she glared at him without saying a word.

"I mean, look at him! He looks delicious," and Aiden leered at Reuben, "I could eat him right now."

"Yeah, that wasn't weird at all," Petra muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes at this comment. This prompted several snorts from the members of the audience that heard her.

Jesse blinked, her hands slowly unclenching. "That sounded like a bizarre compliment," she told him, blinking in faint confusion at him.

Axel stepped in front of Reuben. "You're going to have to eat me first," he defended.

"Should you be encouraging them?" StampyCat wondered.

Olivia avoided either contact with either of them. "Let's, uh.. let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Cut it out, Aiden," and the blonde looked up from the chest, annoyance playing in his eyes. "We've got work to do."

Jesse shot Aiden a smug smirk. He smirked back. "You're lucky I'm busy."

Before anything else could be said, Petra strolled up to them, her pickaxe resting on her shoulder. "Hey guys," she said lightly. Jesse's faint glare relaxed into a grin. "Hey, Petra," she responded in greeting.

"Petra!" Jace cheered, making the redhead grin at him.

Petra rubbed her left arm a bit and arched her brow. "How's the build going?"

"Only time will tell, but, we're optimistic," Axel responded.

"You don't sound very optimistic," Jesse told him. This prompted several giggles, snorts, and sniggers from the audience, Axel smothering his incredibly amused grin.

"Hey, Petra-" and Lukas walked forwards towards the redhead, "I forgot to thank you for that Nether Star."

Petra smiled a bit at Lukas. "Hey, Lukas... not a problem-"

She was cut off by Axel, who blurted, looking rather displeased, "You HELPED these tools?"

Petra arched her eyebrow at him. "For the right price... I'll help anyone." She started walking towards the forest. "If you need me, you'll know where to find me."

"Uh, nobody knows where to find you," Olivia called after her.

"Exactly," Petra responded, vanishing into the trees.

A soft cough from Lukas drew the camera's attention back to him. "No hard feelings, guys... if you're cool with Petra," and he batted at his blonde hair momentarily, "you're cool with us."

"By 'us' do you mean 'you'?" Jesse asked, twisting to look at the blonde. He blinked at her in return.

"So why don't we just forget about all this and... make this about how cool our builds are?" Lukas offered tentatively.

Everyone automatically looked at Jesse. The dark-haired girl regarded him for a few moments, silently, before responding lightly, "May the best team win."

Lukas perked up a bit at that. "Careful what you wish for," he joked a bit, and grinned at her.

Jesse's lips twitched slightly, as if she was repressing a smile. "We'll see about that."

Gill's eyes narrowed. "Are you flirting with him?" he wondered aloud all of a sudden.

Jesse started so hard that her arms rammed into the coffee table, making several audience members wince sympathetically. "Wh-?! Where in the world d-did that come from?!" she exclaimed, her cheeks pinking slightly. "No! I literally just met him!"

Lukas coughed awkwardly, looking at the ceiling with his own cheeks a faint pink tint.

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