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Y/N's POV Location: L/N Household

I was in my room watching some cartoons with my little brother, Michael L/N, we were watching SpongeBob SquarePants. Mike had trouble going to sleep because he had nightmares about robots coming after him in his room, a bear under his bed, a fox in his closet, a chicken coming from the right door, and a rabbit coming from the left door.

(What Michael looks)

Michael: Y/N?

Y/N: What's wrong, bud?

Michael: Do you think Daddy is ok?

Y/N: *Sighs* I don't know Mike, he risked his life to protect a family from being robbed but he's strong so he'll be ok, I know it.

Michael: O-ok. Can you turn off the TV and play me a lullaby?

Y/N: Sure.

I turned off the TV and play a lullaby named "Afflicted Lullaby" to help Michael fall asleep.

After the song ended, Michael was fast asleep and I left his room to go to my room and watch some videos or play some games like Hyper Dimension Neptunia Re;birth until my mother walked in with tears in her eyes.

Y/N: Mother, what's wrong?

M/N: It's your father...He's gone.

When she said that, my world fell apart. I couldn't believe it, I won't believe it!

Y/N: No. That can't be true...

3RD POV 10 Years Later

Ten years have passed and Y/N has grown up. Right now he was seen sleeping on airplane with his best friend Keith Hatsune listening and younger brother Michael L/N awake.

(What Michael looks like now)

(What Keith looks like)

Announcer: All passengers, we're arriving in C/N (City name) airport, please stayed seated. 

Y/N: *Waking up* Huh? Home already?

(What Y/N looks like now)

Y/N looks at his friend and brother and wakes them softly.

Michael: *Wakes up* Huh? Oh morning bro.

Y/N: Morning, Mike.

Keith: *Wakes up*  Man, that was a good nap.

Y/N: Agreed.


Once the plane landed, the trio got off and gathered their luggage and waited at the entrance when someone called out to them.

???: Y/N, Mike, Keith!

This was Nya Kanade, close friend to Y/N and Keith, and the girlfriend to Michael.

(What Nya looks like)

Michael: Hey Nya. How have you been?

Nya: I've been well, how about you three, how was your trip?

Y/N: Could've been better, but I'm not complaining.

Keith: I can't wait to go home.

Y/N: me neither, so let's get my car and head there, alright?

Nya, Michael, and Keith walked to the parking lot to get to Y/N's car to head home.

Y/N: Anyone up for some music?

Michael: I would like that.

Nya: Me too.

Keith: me three.

Y/N went through the radio to find a song until I found a good one.

Y/N: Miles Morales was a good game, wouldn't you guys agree?

Keith/Nya/Michael: Hell yeah!

While the group were listening to the song, they arrived at Y/N's house which was actually a mansion. They got out the car with their luggage in tow, Y/N used his keys to get in and smiled. He went to his room which had a mini fridge, a collection of action figures, a PC, and a king size bed. Y/N laid down on his bed finally relived to be home.

Y/N: Man, it feels like forever since I've been here.

Y/N quickly got up and went to his PC to watch YouTube before noticing a photo of when he was younger.

Y/N: I'm trying my best Mom and Dad.

Y/N quickly got on Steam to play some games.

A/N: Sorry for the short prologue. I might make the next chapter soon but this week, hope you'll enjoy Hyper Dimension Earth.

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