Exploring The New World Part 2

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3RD POV Location: Lastation

Y/N, Pico, Lucy, and RED had arrived in Lastation and Y/N was stunned to see the difference between Planeptune and Lastation. Lucy was eyeing the cosplay stores while Pico was eyeing the gun stores.


Lucy: Calm down, Y/N. I get that the difference between Planeptune and Lastation is very major but you need to calm down.

Pico: *Looking at the gun store* Yeah, I agree.

Y/N: I see some cool arcades so maybe we can-*Bumps into someone* Oh, sorry about that.

???: Oh, it's okay. It's my fault for standing still.

Y/N: Yeah, I've been there. *Extends hand out for a handshake* I'm Y/N. Y/N Hatsune, what's your name?

???: I'm K-Sha, nice to meet you Y/N. New to Lastation?

Y/N: Kinda, my friends and I are exploring Gamindustri to get used to this world. You see, my friends and I are from a different world and we ended up in this world. 

K-Sha: Seems you've had a rough time.

Pico: It's nothing, Lucy and Y/N went through worse heck they even fought a humanoid bomb.

K-Sha/RED: *Shocked* Really?!

Y/N: Yeah, it was tough but I managed to pull through.

Lucy: Y/N's stronger than he looks.

K-Sha: *Mentally* He does look cute and strong...wait, did I call him cute?

RED: *Mentally* I've made up my mind, Y/N's going to be my groom.

Y/N: You know, I'm getting kinda bored. K-Sha, do you know a good hangout spot?

K-Sha: *Smiles* Of course, I'll even bring a friend of mine.

Y/N: Thanks!

RED: *Grabs Y/N by the arm* Can we go get Ice Cream?

Y/N: *Sweat drops* I wish we could but we don't have credits-.

Lucy: Oh, Histoire gave Pico and me some credits in case for food, new clothes, or to entertain ourselves.

Y/N: Oh, alright. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get some Ice Cream!

Y/N, Pico, Lucy, and RED went to a nearby Ice Cream shop while K-Sha went to get her friend to hang out. Y/N ordered an F/C (Favorite Ice Cream) while RED, Lucy, and Pico got a strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. They sat down at a table enjoying their Ice Cream, RED kissed Y/N on the cheek surprising him.

(Like This)

Y/N: *Blushing and confused* Wha-? What was that for, RED?

RED: That's a secret. *Sticks her tongue out*

???: Y/N?!


When I heard someone calling my name, I turned my head to see Noire and K-Sha. At first, I was confused about why Noire was here until it hit me, she could be the friend K-Sha mentioned. Noire was shocked and seemed a bit angry that RED kissed me.

Noire: *Angry* Why did you let RED kiss you, Y/N!?

Y/N: How was I supposed to know she was going to kiss me?! 

K-Sha: Wait, you two know each other?

Y/N: Yeah, we met a few days ago, why do you ask?

I see that K-Sha's face is covered in shadows as she activates a form that I'm not aware of. She had two weapons that appeared out of nowhere and had two machine-type pistols aimed at my head.

Y/N: Woah woah woah! K-Sha, let's calm down before doing something brash, OK!

K-Sha (Gold Form): You met my Noire...and you let someone kiss you...

Y/N: *Mentally* Soul? A little help?

Soul Y/N: *Mentally* Nah, you got this.

Y/N: *Mentally* Only one left to do is... *Out loud* Catch me if you can! *Runs off*

K-Sha (Gold Form): GET BACK HERE!!!

Lucy's POV

When K-Sha chased after Y/N, Pico and I looked at Noire who was smiling a bit.

Pico: *Confused* What was that about?

Noire: How can I say this... Even though K-Sha and I are very good friends... She's very protective of me as well and has feelings for... So, when she holds her guns, her personality changes from a sweet girl to an unstoppable killer.

Lucy: Oh, so like Pico.

Pico: Hey, I've never done something like that.

Lucy: Remember when my father hired to kill Y/N because he beat him in a rap battle?

Pico went silent while Noire was shocked to hear me say that.

Noire: Wait, what!?

Lucy: Yeah, my father is very protective of me and tried to split Y/N and me apart many times. Even throwing us into my favorite video game.

Noire: How did he do that?

Pico: Lucy and her family are demons. Trust me, don't get on her bad side, you won't like it.

Noire: It can't be that bad-.

Pico: Her father can take someone's soul and put them inside a video game and curse them as well.

Noire went silent by what my father can do to people and I already knew what she was going to ask.

Lucy: No, I don't do those kinds of things because I just want to live like a human.

Pico: Hey Noire, can you show your Basilicom?

Noire: Of course, I'll even introduce you three to my little sister.


Y/N's POV Location: Lastation's Basilicom

After Noire was able to stop K-Sha from killing me she apologized to me. Right now, Pico, Lucy, Noire, RED, K-Sha and I are in Noire's office and a girl with black hair like Noire's that reaches past her shoulders, wears a black dress, black gloves, black socks, and black shoes.

Y/N: Hi, I'm guessing you're Noire's little sister, right?

Uni: Yes, my name is Uni. Nice to meet you Y/N Hatsune, Lucy Dearest, and Pico Fulp.

Lucy: I hope we can be good friends, Uni. *Smiles*

Soul Y/N: Well this is going to be interesting.

Y/N: You said it Soul.

Lucy: *Looks at Y/N and Soul Y/N* You know, I'll never get used to see your soul, Y/N.

Soul Y/N and Y/N: *In unison* You don't say.  

Soul looked at me and started chuckling which also caused me to chuckle as well.

Noire: I suppose you three have explored my nation, correct?

Y/N: The difference between Lastation and Planeptune is huge! I wonder what the other nations look like!

Lucy: I agree with Y/N, I wonder if there's good food as well.

Pico: I saw there were some gun stores that I would like to check out.

Uni: Wait, you like guns?

Pico: Not exactly, you see, I have PTSD from an incident when Y/N and I were high school and I have a fear of being attack so I carry my Uzis around me.

I shiver remembering what Pico told about that day, I'm glad I wasn't there when it happened but Pico still hasn't gotten his trauma.

Uni: I'm sorry that happened to you, Pico.

Pico: Nah, it's nothing, at least Y/N didn't get hurt when it happened, so as long as he's ok, that's all that matters to me. 

Noire: I'll have some rooms prepared for you three, so get sleep...not that I care about you or Y/N.

Y/N: Aww, what's the matter Noire? You really are a loner.

Noire: I'M NOT A LONER!!!


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