Chapter 1-Nature Runs Its Course,A Big First Step

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(Narrator P.O.V)

As the transport ship flies over the land of Gamindustri,a boy with brown hair,sapphire blue eyes and a high-tech samurai sword stored within a high-tech sheath,waits along with three other boys,each with their own weapons waiting in the cargo bay.

"Dude how long is this flight going to be?"asked the boy with a dark blonde mullet and crimson eyes holding a high-tech shield to a boy with sky blue short spikey hair,moderate yellow eyes with glasses,holding a high-tech assault rifle,

"Look we only had enough time to book a flight to Gamindustri.Not to pick which class we'd fly in,so we had to take the cargo hold of the ship."replied the short spikey haired boy,when the brown haired boy stepped in.

"Ark,Zero behave yourselves.Why can't you act like Storm and LQ-96?"said the brown haired boy,pointing at a boy with black hair,gold eyes with a pair of high-tech nunchucks and a modified LQ-84 unit with a blue visor and lens

"Oh and your not,Brake?"asked Zero,

"This again,you guys?You know that I've only made a few mistakes as of last year.Can't you cut me some slack?"replied Brake,

"Attention,All members of Team Raiden.We have reached drop attitude,you are clear for deployment."said the intercom,as Brake,Ark,Zero and Storm equipped wingsuits with parachutes while LQ-96 equipped a jetpack to himself.

"You heard him guys!Lets drop it before we've lost it!"shouted Brake,as the group jumped out of the transport ship at 250 meters high above Gamindustri and free falling.

"Uh,Brake?Don'y you think we should have learned how to use these"asked Ark,as Brake started to think about it while still free falling.

"Huh...Maybe we should have...I can't be that hard,all we need is to spread our arm and legs and-!"began Brake,as he felt the rush of the wingsuit start to make him glide.

"This is fuckin awesome!"shouted Brake,as he flew like an eagle.

"Well glad to see that your have having a blast while we're falling like a bunch of idiots."said Zero,

"Just spread your arms and legs like me and you'll feel like your own eagles."replied Brake,as they all opened their wingsuits while LQ-96 used his jetpack.

"See,this is awesome!"said Brake,while a mysterious pulse of energy dispersed the team to each country.Brake sent flying to Lowee,Ark thrown to Planetune,Zero to Lastation and Storm and LQ-96 to Leanbox.

(Brake's P.O.V)

I could feel myself regaining consciousness...I was falling almost halfway out of mid-air,almost 15 meters close to the ground.I then quickly flipped on my stomach towards the ground and spread my legs and feet out in order of the wingsuit to start gliding again...What happened?!Where did Ark,Zero,LQ-96 and Storm go?!They were with me just a few minutes ago.Where am I? 

I began to observe my surroundings...I could definitely tell that the terrain was majorly snow,ice and trees...Typical snow biome.At least that's what I thought until I crashed into one of these trees and snow falls on me...I should really keep my outward thoughts inwards.Not to mention I'm freaking cold.

I cleaned the snow off me and started to look around...The ice seemed to forge a path of some kind,could it be a route or road way...If it can lead me to a town or something,I'll take my chances.

I started to walk down the ice-like road in hope of finding out where I am...I could see a town not too far ahead of me.I was really freaking cold by the time I entered the town.So many places to see,but I need to keep an eye around for Ark,Zero,Storm and LQ-96.I began to ask around to see if anyone had seen them,but no one had seen them...I also asked around to figure out where I am and they told me that I was in the country of Lowee...Is that like french or something?

"Out of the way!"shouted a guy in a transport truck,as I quickly dodge in order to not get run over.Wait was that a Desperado logo on the side of that truck?

I began to purse the truck to a mysterious building at the center of the city.Some Desperado soldiers left the truck with a mysterious man in a cloak with a hood over his head not to far behind them.I got as close as I could without being spotted in order to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Make sure there is no one that interrupts our conversation.I have some business to attend to."said the man in the cloak,as he entered the mysterious building while the soldiers stayed to guard the entrance...What could they possible want with this country?

I decided to try and figure out what was going on.I activated my enhance radio receiver and set it for Desperado radio transmissions because the soldiers are very bright enough to shut off their radios. 

"So do you think that the boss will be successful in convincing the goddess to join our side?"

"Only if he treads lightly on this goddess here,I've heard she has a powerful temper and could snap a man in two.I mean come on!Have you seen that hammer she wield?!That thing could brake a limb in one shot!"

A Goddess joining Desperado?!That doesn't sound good at all...,what would Desperado want with this place?

Then I heard the doors of the building open,so I quickly jumped into the bushes.The mysterious man with a cloak walked out alongside a young girl with short sandy-brown hair and dull blue eyes.

"..and are you sure I can't convince you to join us right away?"asked the cloaked man,

"I know you're business proposal is very interesting,but...I still need more time to think it over before I can make a decision on this."she replied,

"...I understand.Thank you for your time."the cloaked man said,as he walked down the steps to the Desperado truck.I was still listening on their conversation.

"So how did it go with negotiations,sir?"

"She needs time to think about our business proposal,but we are on a strict time schedule.So she has no time,I'll send on of our units to deal with demolition and capturing the children here.Then we'll salvage the major item we need to complete our current objective."

"Hold on.Why send in a whole unit when we can send a Metal Gear in their place,sir?"

"Hmm..You maybe on to something.Very well,we'll send a Metal Gear to handle this.It will be either us or them.Kill or be killed."

"Yes,Commander Monsoon!"

Monsoon?!How is that possible?!Monsoon's been dead for several years!How did he comeback from the dead?!...That not my top concern right now.Whatever World Marshal wants with this place,it can't be good.I have to get inside that building because I think that is most likely the center of this city.

I quickly raced to the main doors to try and get inside.However the guards blocked the entrance preventing me from entering.I tried explaining my case to them,but they refused to listen to me and told me to comeback when I had an appointment scheduled.

"Well if I can't get in the normal way,then I'll do it my way."I said,as I threw a red phosphorous grenade on the ground,blinding guards in front of me so I could sneak past unnoticed.I still had to find out who's in charge here,so I began sneaking around to find the girl I saw early taking to Monsoon.Maybe she knows who's in charge here.However I didn't need to find her because she found me just as I tried to sneak around a corner...Not my finest moment.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my Basilicom?"she said,...So she's the one in charge here,but she looks young for a goddess age...if they did age.

"Listen I only want to talk.It's important which is why I didn't bother to what to wait to schedule an appointment."I replied,as she gave me a warning swing with her hammer.

"This had better be worth my time or I won't miss on my next swing!"she said,as she took me to a room where we could both speak without any interruptions.

"So what is so important to discuss with me that you had to barge in here?"she asked,

"Well do you remember you business discussion with a member of Desperado,Miss..umm?"I began to asked,but my mind wandered because I never even bothered to learn the girl's name.

"Blanc.It's Blanc,my name and what does my business discussion have to do with this?"she asked,

"Well Desperado is actual a part of World Marshal,who have once tried to secretly create a war with the Americans by not only assassinating a prime minster,import children brains to be transformed into cyborg soldiers and convincing the entire country of America that the country of Pakistan was trying to kill the America president."I replied,...It sounded a lot better in my head.

"Was any of that suppose to make any sense?..This is just a waste of my time.I'll have my security put you behind bars for braking and entering."said Blanc,as she was about to leave her seat.

"But this isn't something I just made up,what I have told you here is the truth!Why don't you believe me?!"I shouted,as she sat back down.

"Because you don't have anything to back up your case.Though your story might be somewhat believable in the part where Desperado is part of World Marshal,but the rest...It sound like if you were insane and have gone completely mad.Do you even have an proof or evidence to support your case?"she asked,I was at a breaking point,I didn't know what to do.I had gotten this far on my own,but..what am I to do now?...Wait it's not over yet,I still have the designated files from World Marshal first and final attempt at war.

"Actually I do have evidence to support my case."I replied,as I pulled the file from my backpack.

"This should be more then enough to prove my case."I said,as I passed Blanc the file of World Marshal's attempt at worldwide war.Every last detail from their attempted war effort and every historic heroic events that my mentor,Raiden did.

"Well is that enough proof for you?"I asked,but she seem more focused on the file that I showed her.If it was my imagination,I thought that could see her hands trembling.Maybe giving her those files wasn't a good idea.

"Are you feeling alright,Blanc?"I asked,then she dropped the file in shock when I spoke up.Was she scared of something?

"I-I'm fine.I've reviewed the file you've gave me...and perhaps there is some reason to your case about Desperado's war attempt,but I still can't believe that I was about to join forces with a terrorist group!Why did they try to make me combine Lowee's forces with theirs?"asked Blanc,

"That what I was about to ask you...Does Lowee have anything of value that could possibly possessing the power to destroy anything?"I asked,

"No,not that know...Well they could have possibly been after-."began Blanc,but she was interrupted by the sound of an explosion.

"The hell was that?!"I shouted,

"It came from outside!"replied Blanc,as we headed out by the balcony of the Basilicom to see half of Lowee in ruins and at the center of that chaos,I saw a Metal Gear Ray.So they've already made their move.

"What is that thing?!"shouted Blanc,

"A Metal Gear.A combat robot design with artificial intelligence.Obvious World Marshal sent it to destroy this place,so their soldier can recover whatever their after."I replied,however as I turned to see Blanc,she was running straight for the chaos outside.I quickly caught up with her and grabbed her by her left arm.

"Where do you think your going?"I asked,as she tried to struggle to break free from my grip.

"Let me go!I have to get to Super Nintend-land!My sisters are in danger from that thing!"she replied,I was completely shocked,Blanc has sisters...I know that family is important,but I can't just let her go alone.

"Look,as long as that Metal Gear's out there wreaking havoc I can let you go alone out there.So I'm coming with you.Plus I know a Metal Gear inside and out,so that means I have the advantage against it in case we have to fight it."I said,as I let her go and the two of us began running to towards Super Nintend-land.

"Are you sure that this is the quickest way to Super Nintend-land?"I asked,

"Yes it is.The Market District is the fastest way to Super Nintend-land."she replied,but just as we were getting close to Super Nintend-land,the Metal Gear Ray jumped right in front of us,blocking our path.

"Ugh,damn it!"shout Blanc,as I began to look around for a way out...I found an alleyway that lead to the Southern Market District.That would work to get us out of here,but if we try and run away it will still try to hunt us down...

"Blanc...Please don't hate me!"I said,as I pulled her close,kissed her and the tossed her into the alleyway before creating a large electrical field to provide me a capable combat field for me to battle Ray.

"Go!Save your sisters!I'll handle this!"I shouted,as the Ray tried to escape,only for it to be shocked by the electrical field.I then looked back on the alleyway,only see Blanc running for the Southern Market District so she could reach Super Nintend-land.But before she left the alleyway,she turned back to me...If it was my imagination,but I thought that she looked a little concerned and...was she blushing a little?

The Ray's roar got my attention focused back on it,so I drew my sword and held my stance.

I charge at the Ray as it used it quad machine guns against me,but I deflected the bullets.Then I came at it left leg,but it swung at me with it's tail and hit me.However I held onto it's tail.

"Ugh!Man this thing hits hard!Looks like I need to use Blade Mode....How do that again?"I said,as I was thrown up into the air and I then remembered how to use Blade Mode.I then used my Blade mode to cut up the armor around the Ray's left wing rigid armor,then cut the wing off but I lost my balance and hit my right arm on the ground...I couldn't move it but it wasn't broken.It must have been temporarily paralyzed.

"This can't be good."I said,as the Ray got back up and began to charge it's plasma cannon.A plasma energy blast could have a powerful damaging blast,but I couldn't try and move without doing damage to my body even farther.So I waited for the blast to hit me...Wait how come I'm not dead?

I turned toward the Ray only to see a massive ice star in front of me,then a great ax hit it right in the neck.Whoever threw the ax obviously knew what they were doing,the central control matrix seems to be overloading from the impact.However it still wanted to try and destroy me,so it tried to attack me with it's plasma cannon but it start to overload in on itself.

"She's gonna blow!"I said,as I tried to clear the blast zone,but I couldn't get far enough for me to evade the explosion.However before the blast could kill me,a mysterious figure grabbed me and flew with me away from the explosion.

"Ok.Thanks of the save,but who are you?"I asked,to a mysterious girl with messy short light blue hair with long side strands that almost reaches her stomach and pink-red eyes.She was also with two young twins,one with long messy light blue hair draped over her right shoulder and pink eyes,the other had long messy pink hair draped over her left shoulder and light blue eyes.

"Brake,you should have seen this coming."said the older girl,

"How did you know my name?"I asked,as the twins began to giggle.

"Time for the spoilers!"replied the pink-haired twin,as they disappeared in a flash of light and I could see Blanc and a different pair of twins that looked like Blanc.It was hard for to understand at first,but then I started to put the pieces together.

"So that girl that save me from the detonation from and these two are your younger sisters...I guess that makes sense,but what's bothering me is how you managed to take down that Metal Gear while my barrier was up?"I asked,

"Barrier?..Oh you mean the electrical field you made earlier!We don't know.The barrier came down when we came to help you,but it looked like you didn't need any help...Oh right,where are my manners.These are my sister,Rom and Ram"replied Blanc,as she pointed to the little girl with shoulder-length brown hair and dark blue eye first and the other little girl with long brown hair that went down to her back of her chest and dark blue eyes like Rom...That's weird.My electrical fields have never failed before...It's not my top concern.What is my top concern is my teammates which were scattered over the other three continents that we saw while skydiving!...What am I to do now?

My thoughts were then interrupted Blanc tapping me on my left shoulder...I just noticed it now because I was lost in my thoughts.

"Yes?"I asked,

"I need to talk to you in private."she asked me,as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a large room that lead to a white crystal that looked like the symbol on a power button.

"What's that thing?"I asked,as I pointed at the crystal.

"It's Lowee's Sharicite.It is all the followers' faith in a crystallized form,it where I gain the power to transform into a goddess.But that not why I brought you here,I brought you here to discuss what you in the events before you battle that Metal Gear."she replied,Please don't tell me that she still remembers what I did.It was a one time thing and I don't want repeat it again.This is not going to end up like the 933 incident all over again!

"Ok,so what is it you wanted to discuss with me?"I asked,as I felt sweat roll down my neck.

(Blanc P.O.V)

We haven't even started our discussion and already Brake looks like he's going to crack under pressure.I know I'm not one to try and pry for embarrassing information like this,but I need to know why he did that.I already feel weird thinking about it...I can't just stand here like this!I drew in a deep breath and I secretly gave myself a confidence boost.

"Brake...I'd like to know why you...kissed me?!"I said,...Why did I just say that?!That sounded stupid!

"...Wh-why do you want to know?!Did somebody tell you what I did?!Was it that random weirdo in the hallway?!!"replied Brake,why is he being so defensive?...I can't figure that out if he's tensed up like this.

"No that's not it.It's just...You just...Ugh!You just kissed me out of the blue and I want to know why!"I shouted,...What's wrong with me?!I don't understand why I'm acting like this,I'm usually not like this around other people.

"Blanc...Please!I'd rather not discuss this,so I want you drop this.I don't want to hear this topic again."replied Brake,as he started walking toward the exit...I don't understand it.Why don't I feel like hurting him?It feels like I've lost all my anger...Why do I feel like this and why does my heart feel weird around him?...I can't think straight right now.

"Blanc..."said Brake,he seemed to standing there in front of me and I didn't even know that he came back.Is he some kind of ninja or something?

"I'll tell you why I kissed you before,but you have to promise me that whatever I tell you here and now,it never leaves this room!"said Brake,he had a serious look in his eyes and he wasn't joking.So I nodded and he did a deep sigh.

"The reason I kissed is because...I've never actually found a warm heart to help heal wounds I've had.I've lost so many friends and loved ones before I came here,without them I didn't know what to do!When I meant you...I-I didn't think straight,I just didn't know what came over me.It was like a burning feeling coming from my heart and I just went with it!...I'm sorry...I should probably get going now.My friends are probably lost right now."he said,as he started walking towards the exit.He's most likely not going to last in a battle with a paralyzed arm,he needs to rest and recover from the previous battle.But there are no possible housing after that Metal Gear ripped up some of Lowee...Wait,I have an idea.

"Hold on,Brake!I don't think that you should be going after your teammates in your current condition."I said,

"Well what am I suppose to do?I know that most of the housing districts were damaged after the Metal Gear Ray attack."replied Brake,

"If you don't mind,maybe you could stay here in the Basilicom until you've recovered."I said,

"Wait,are you sure that OK with you?I wouldn't want to be a bother."replied Brake,

"Oh n-no!It wouldn't be a bother if you stayed here and beside if you went out there to find your teammates with a paralyzed arm,you'd probably be Ancient Dragon food."I said,

"Your probably right...Alright I guess I can stay here until I've recovered,but what about my teammates?How am I going to find them from here?"asked Brake,

"You said they landed on the the other three countries?"I asked,

"Yeah,what about it?"replied Brake,

"I happen to know the other three goddesses that reside in each country,I could contact them to keep an eye out for them.What do they look like?"I asked,as I pulled out a notebook to write down a description of Brake's teammates.

"Well Ark has a blonde mullet and crimson eyes and a high-tech shield,Zero has sky blue short spikey hair and moderate yellow eyes plus glasses and a high-tech assault rifle,Storm has black hair and gold eyes and a pair of high-tech nunchucks and LQ-96 is a UG with the appearance of a dog with a blue visor and blue lens.That all you need?"asked Brake,as I jotted down the last piece of information into my notebook.

"Yes,that's all I need to know.It may take me a while before I can get to it though,I have other duties to deal with first but I'll try to get in contact with the others about your teammates."I said,as where went in separate directions.So much to do and so little time.

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