Chapter 1 (A Strange New World? The Hybrid meets Planeptune's CPUs)

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That's all I could see...

I haven't felt this way since the day Eggman took over the world...

But eventually after what felt like an eternity, I started hearing voices...

???: She's gone to another level of laziness ever since the friendship treaty was enacted! Not to mention this hedgehog falling from the sky...

???: Don't take it too hard on Nep-Nep. Aside from me, she's been also tending to him and keeping him company.

Y/N: *Mentally* Nep-Nep? Never heard of that name before...

???: Even if she's tending to him, she's been leaving all of her paperwork to pile up while I have to pick her slack!

Y/N: *Mentally* Whoever this Nep-Nep almost reminds me of...*Sigh*

Y/N: *Quiet whisper* Aunt Carol...

Finally, I began to regain my senses as I tried to open my eyes.

???: He's waking up!

???: Thank goodness...

I then opened my eyes as I then see a woman in a sweater...

And then what looked like a small fairy that was sitting on a floating book...

???: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Umm...ok..I guess with all things considered.

???: Well you really stirred a ruckus with that crash you took.

I then looked over to see another woman with a blue and white trim jacket that made her seem like a mercenary.

This was when I looked at my surroundings and noticed I was in a room that looked like it belonged to a little girl.

But I then looked out the window from where I was lying and noticed we were pretty high like in some sort of tower.

Y/N: Where am I anyway?

???: After Nep-Nep carried you out of the crater you were in, she brought you back here to the Basilicom and I've been tending to you since.

Y/n: *Smiles* Well thanks for looking after me...actually who are you guys, anyway?

It was when the fairy in the book then spoke up.

???: Oh, my apologies for not introducing ourselves yet. I am Histoire, the oracle of Planeptune.

Then the woman with the blue coat spoke.

???: They call IF, I'm one of the top members of Planeptune's Guild.

Then the girl in the sweater gave me her greeting.

???: And I'm Compa. I'm training to be a nurse here in Planeptune.

I suddenly became confused about this "Planeptune" they keep mentioning.

Histoire: Planeptune is one of the four nations here in Gamindustri, ruled by our goddess Purple Heart.

This made me even more confused and I was about to retort when something in my mind clicked.

Y/N: I get the feeling I'm no longer on Mobius anymore.

IF: Mobius? Never heard of that.

Y/N: I don't think you'll believe me when I say this but...

Before I could finish, I noticed the door opening as two other girls walked in. Both looked similar to the white and purple trim outfits and the light lilac hair.

The only difference was that one looked older than the other.

???: Oh, you're awake.

???: Well it's about time the hedgehog star finally woke up.

Compa: Oh! Nep-Nep! Ge-Ge! You're back.

IF: I thought you were going to be out for a while longer.

Ge-Ge(?): We already got what we needed.

Nep-Nep(?): So what did we miss while we were gone?

Histoire: Aside from the paperwork you still haven't finished!

Nep-Nep(?): Ouch Histy.

Histoire: Our injured guest had regained consciousness.

I looked back to Nep-Nep as she had a smug look on her face.

Nep-Nep(?): Is that so? Well, let me be the first to welcome you to Gamindustri oh great alien.

IF: Damn it Nep! He's not an alien!

After hearing that, I wasn't so sure if that was entirely true.

Nep-Nep(?): Oh lighten up Iffy, I was only kidding.

Ge-Ge(?): Don't my mind older sister she's usually like this. Anyway, my name is Nepgear.

Nepgear politely takes my hand and gives a polite nod. Though I was confused about why she claimed the younger-looking girl was the older one, I didn't show it.

Nep-Nep(?): And I am the great Neptune! The protagonist of protagonists and the ever-loving goddess of Planeptune!

This confused me by what Histoire said earlier.

Y/N: Wait a sec, I thought Histoire said that Planeptune was ruled by a goddess named Purple Heart?

Neptune: Yep, that's me alright!

Y/N: Ok...

Neptune: And now that you're awake from that crash landing of yours, could you tell us who you are?

Compa: Oh that's right! In all the chatter, I forgot to ask your name.

I took a deep breath.

Y/N: Y/ name is Y/n.

Neptune: Y/N...what?

Y/N: Just Y/N.

Nepgear: Just Y/N?

Y/N: I used to have a last name but not anymore.

Neptune: Never hurts to know. So come on, what's the last name?

I sighed and took a deep breath as a tear went down my eye not going unnoticed.

Y/N: Lilac...if you must know...

Neptune: Y/N Lilac, huh? Well, that's a new one.

IF: Aside from that... what did you mean earlier by "No longer on Mobius anymore?"

Neptune: Are you some sort of alien from some galaxy far far away?

Histoire: Neptune! That's impolite!

Y/N: Actually, I think you're right on being far away, Neptune.

Neptune: Nep-What?! So you are an alien then!

IF: Neptune!

Y/N: Not exactly but with what you're saying about this Gamindustri and Planeotune. Then yeah... I suppose I am from another world or at the very least... another dimension...

Another tear rolled down my eyes as everyone in the room became shocked.

Compa: But how did you get here then?!

Y/N: Well that's something I'm a bit confused about myself...

I explain I was sucked into a portal during a fight to the death.

Neptune: Wow, that sounds intense.

Histoire: This is quite interesting.

I managed to get up and sit on the edge of the bed.

Y/N: Is there any way for me to get back home?

Histoire: I'm not sure. I'd have to look into this. This would most likely take me a minimum of three days to research this portal and search for other cases similar to yours.

Y/N: Three days?!

I was shocked to hear this but then sighed.

Y/N: Well I suppose beggars can't be choosers. But what am I supposed to do until then?!

Neptune: Well since you're new here. Why don't we show you Gamindustri and let you meet the other goddesses? I'm sure they would love to meet you.

IF: That's not a bad idea, Nep.

Histoire: Besides I did tell Noire you would come and help her with some work in Lastation today.

Neptune: Seriously Histy! Work is such a bore!

Histoire then starts lecturing Neptune on why she should do this as she needs to be a better goddess but this made me laugh which caught everyone's attention.

Histoire: I don't see why this matter is funny to you.

Y/N: Heh-heh...sorry it's just the way Neptune is acting right now reminds me of my...

Suddenly, my face fell as I remembered what had happened before I arrived.

IF: Of your what?

A tear ran down my eyes as everyone caught wind of it.

Y/N: *Sigsh*...Nevermind, it's not important anyway.

Neptune: Nep-Hold on! Helping Noire with her boring work can wait.

Histoire: Neptune...

Neptune: But I will not allow anyone in my nation to have sadness upon them and clearly you are sad. So, what is wrong!?

Neptune pointed at me after finishing that as they all looked at me with a worried look even Histoire did despite still being upset with Neptune.

Y/N: *Sighs* ...Alright, but this may take a bit.

So I started to explain not just what happened before I arrived in Gamindustri, but also what happened with my parents getting possessed by demons and started killing half of my family and friends leaving my cousins, uncles, aunts, and I.

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