Chapter 4: The Resolve (Turn) of the Younger Sisters. Candidates Rise - Part 1

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Now back where we left off. . .

Location: Leanbox, Zune District

Time: Midnight

The CPU's are still in the Anti-Crystal field struggling to get free and Arfoire is watching them perish inside it.

Arfoire: Once a god and/or goddess enters my Anti-Crystal field, their energy bleeds away, bit by bit.

Purple Heart (Neptune): What is it you want? Who are you?

Arfoire: The name is Arfoire, girly. I'm here to bring the gospel of chaos to this world, and eliminating it's bratty rulers should be a good start. *Laughs evily*

Warechu: And I'm Warechu! Ranked #3 mascot in the rodent world!

Arfoire felt slightly annoyed at Warechu's snarky introduction.

Arfoire: Come on, Rat.

Warechu: Hm?

Arfoire: This is my big scene here. Stop screwing it up.

Warechu: What the cheese, lady? I'm the one who dug up the Anti-Crystals in that cave in Lastation and in the Leanbox ocean. I think I deserve some time in the spotlight, too!

Arfoire: Hmph! There wouldn't even be a spotlight for you to hog if I hadn't found the first Anti-Crystal back on Planeptune and the other one in Landroid. And need I remind you that it was none other than moi who stole the stone from Lowee's Basilicom?

Green Heart (Vert): Lowee's Basilicom?

Green Heart then looked towards White Heart with a surprised look.

Green Heart (Vert): You knew? Why couldn't you stop her?

White Heart (Blanc): Don't blame me. I kept it under tight surveillance, but the damn thing went missing during the whole kidnapping mess.

Platinum Heart (Y/N): Blanc, if you hadn't kept it secret then we could have helped.

White Heart (Blanc): Sure, in hindsight, but I had no idea there were more than one of them!

Black Heart (Noire): Then. . . back in the cave. . .

A flashback came to Black Heart when she was all of a sudden weakened by an unknown force in the cave in Lastation not to long ago.

Black Heart (Noire): That's what it was.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Did you figure something out?

Just then Purple Heart unintentionally reverted back to her normal form as Neptune and is confused by it.

Neptune: Whoa! My transformation. . .!

After that, the rest of the CPU's reverted back to their normal forms due to the Anti-Crystal's power. Arfoire laughs at seeing the CPU's falling to their demise.

Arfoire: I told you your energy would bleed away. You shouldn't act so surprised. But don't worry there's plenty more suffering where that came from.

The cables started to tighten around the CPU's more in a painful grip hurting them.

Vert: Isn't there something we can do?

(Y/N): There's no one around to save us. There's nothing we can do to get out of here.

IF, Nepgear, and (S/N) were still watching the whole thing as (S/N) has tears pouring out of her eyes.

Nepgear: No, what happened?

(S/N): This. . . no . . .

Nepgear/(S/N): NEPTUNE!!!/(Y/N)!!!

Neptune and (Y/N) hear their younger siblings voice and see them in the distance.

Neptune: It's Nepgear!

(Y/N): (S/N)?!

Monsters then surrounded the three as IF knew that it was too dangerous for them to go further.

IF: We've gotta get out of here!

Nepgear: We can't just leave her!

(S/N): I'm not abandoning my big brother!

IF: Snap out of it, you two!

IF got them back on the bike and they decided to drive back to the Basilicom in Leanbox. IF took care of the monsters that got in their way by shooting at them.

IF: We'll come back with a plan!

Arfoire and Warechu were watching them escaping and Warechu was confused to why Arfoire wasn't chasing them.

Warechu: You're gonna let 'em get away?

Arfoire: Sure, why not? They can't transform. Why should I be afraid of three little girls?

Nepgear and (S/N) looked at each other and then back at the Zune District where their siblings are as they are both hoping to rescue them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Location: Leanbox's Basilicom

Inside of the Basilicom, IF was contacting Histoire about what was happening.

Histoire: Wait, could you explain this to me one more time, IF?

IF: I'm a bit confused myself, really. She mentioned something about "Anti-Crystals." I think they're used to steal power from CPU's.

Histoire: Huh. Doesn't ring a bell.

IF: Then could you maybe research them for us, Miss Histoire?

Histoire: I wouldn't mind, but I'm afraid it will take three days.

IF: Maybe try to use blast processing this time.

Histoire: I'll give it my best. Nepgear, you should come back to Planeptune with IF and Compa. Until we have an answer, the rest of you should probably head home as well. See you later.

IF: Well, you heard her.

Uni: Wait! I'm not going until you give me a proper explanation for this. Can't we do anything?

Ram: Usually Blanc takes down the bad guys with one punch, so what gives?

Rom: She's not gonna die, is she?

Compa: No, no, she'll be just fine! She's a goddess after all, so even if she get's hurt, she'll get right back up!

Uni: Normally! But you said their powers were stolen, didn't you?

Nepgear: I'm sorry.

(S/N): . . .

Both Nepgear and (S/N) were depressed as Nepgear was looking down at the ground and (S/N) had her back face towards the group as she still had tears flowing down her cheeks.

Compa: It's not your fault Ge-Ge. Or yours (S/N).

(S/N): *sniffs* It is though.

Both Nepgear and (S/N) had a flashback to where they found the Anti-Crystal on the ground that Warechu dropped.

Nepgear: The stone we found when we were shopping.

(S/N): We knew. . . *sniffs* we knew something was wrong when I picked it up. That must've been *sniffs* an Anti-Crystal.

IF: This is pointless. Playing the blame game won't help anyone.

Nepgear: You say that. But if we'd just stop to think. . .

(S/N): Why I got dizzy.

Nepgear: If we told our older siblings.

(S/N): *sniffs* This whole situation could've been avoided.

Uni: That's right, you idiots!

Nepgear and (S/N) faced the group as they both had tears going down their eyes.

Uni: Noire is strong! She would never get captured. Well, not on her own at least! You two did this to her!

Uni then yelled as she was also crying at this point.


Uni ran off sobbing as Nepgear and (S/N) were shocked by her words and Nepgear went to full straight tears and (S/N) got on her knees and started slamming her fist on the ground out of guilt as she was sobbing louder.

Location: Leanbox, Zune District

Neptune: Don't you have any video games? This is boring! I wanna party!

Noire: We could die here, and that's your complaint?

(Y/N): You are so damn immature.

Blanc: I finally know. This is what hell's like.

Vert: It's awful. I can't even post on the Four Goddesses Online chat room. I was supposed to do an end game raid with my guild tonight!

Noire: Are you loco roco?

Neptune: I'm still stuck on dialup, but I totally get where you're coming from. Okay! I'm gonna try making some demands real quick.

Neptune then tries to get Arfoire's attention.

Neptune: Hey, you! Uh, what's-your name! Arf. . . Arf. . . Arfy Warf?

Arfoire: You really think that's my name?

Neptune: Oh, uh, sorry, I mean, um, Awful Waffle?

Arfoire: You're getting colder.

Neptune: Okay whatever, Art Farts. Give us something to play with! You have, like, Wi-fi, right? We're gonna die of boredom here!

(Y/N): To be honest, I prefer that than dying of anything else, really.

Arfoire: Oh, yeah? Well, I assure you death by boredom is a lot less painful than what you have in store.

Neptune: Hey, wait! She didn't shoot me down. Does that mean she's giving me the okay to call her "Art Farts"?

Both (Y/N) and Noire sweatdrop at that question.

Noire: Just kill me.

Arfoire: HEY! I just handed you your death sentence! Can't you be a little terrified, at least?

(Y/N): If by terrified, you mean being strangled by these stupid cable things? Then, no. Seriously though, is this all you got? Clearly your all bark and no bite.

Neptune: (Thoughts) Hey, wait? Doesn't another character say that line in a future chapter?

Arfoire: Huh. Why don't you try looking down?

Beneath the CPU's was a pool of dark liquid that seemed to rise at an extremely slow pace.

Noire: Huh? What is that?

Vert: It's rather unsettling.

Blanc: Oh, great. It get's even worse.

(Y/N): I had to open my mouth.

From each of the CPU's, it looked like Share energy was pouring off them and turning into a dark liquid that dripped from their bodies.

Arfoire: It may look benign for now, but you'll feel it soon enough. Enjoy what little time you have left. Au revior, and writhe in your cage of torment, my friends.

Location: Leanbox's Basilicom

Time: Early Morning

Nepgear and (S/N) were gazing out in the night sky on the balcony on what to do about their sisters and Rom once again came out and got them out of their thoughts.

Rom: Miss Nepgear? Miss (S/N)?

Ram: C'mon, hurry!

Uni: Ugh, I know.

Ram was guiding Uni towards the two as Uni had tears in her eyes of what she said to both of them earlier. Nepgear and (S/N) were partly confused, but Rom spoke up.

Rom: Let's be friends, okay?

Rom held her hand out towards the two and Nepgear then held it. (S/N) smiled and put her hand on top of Nepgear's. Uni and Ram then joined in and did the same.

Uni: I shouldn't have said that. I'm really sorry.

Nepgear and (S/N) looked at Uni and smiled at her apology.

Uni: It's not either of yours fault. I know that, but. . . I'm just so angry right now. Why am I so helpless?

Nepgear: I know. It's all right. I feel the same way.

(S/N) then put her opposite hand on Uni's shoulder which made her look at (S/N).

(S/N): We're going to get Noire and the others back Uni. That's a promise.

Uni smiled as she still had tears in her eyes and she hugged both Nepgear and (S/N) in a group hug. As they were all comforting each other, the sun rises and it is now the next day. After a few more minutes go by, the sentiments ended and Uni decided to start up a conversation between everyone.

Uni: I thought my big sister was unbeatable. That no one was stronger. I always felt as long as she was around, everything would turn out fine, no matter what.

Nepgear: That's sounds like me.

(S/N): Me too.

Nepgear: Neptune may act silly sometimes, but I'm so lost without her. Now, I'm just standing here like a fool. I don't know what to do at all.

(S/N): I always look up to my big bro. He's been by my side my whole life and he's always there to help me when needed. It's hard for me to try something new when he's not around.

Ram: What do you mean? It's easy! All we gotta do is go and save 'em ourselves!

(S/N): That's true. . . but. . .

Rom: Miss (S/N). We can win this. If we all work together, I know we can!

(S/N): Like I said that's true, but we lack one thing in ourselves.

Nepgear: Yeah. None of us have CPU forms yet.

Ram: Then let's learn how to get them!

Rom: I bet we can figure something out.

Nepgear: I suppose so. Yeah, it's worth a try.

Uni: I think I might actually have a clue.

(S/N): What's that?

Uni: It was something that Noire told me a while back. She said I can't transform because I put a limiter on my heart.

Nepgear: I don't get it. Just what does that mean?

(S/N): I think I see.

Nepgear and Uni turn towards (S/N) who had a serious look on her face.

(S/N): There's something inside us that they see and we don't. Something prevents us from knowing what our true potential is. Like we're afraid of something.

Rom: I'm afraid of monsters.

Nepgear: I think we all are.

(S/N): I'm not!

Nepgear: Really?

Uni: (S/N), what makes you so confident?

(S/N): Let's just say that I didn't spend training my archer skills for nothing. Plus, if you saw me when we were at Lowee I was able to take that bitch who knocked me out with a single blow.

Uni then sweatdropped at (S/N)'s slight arrogance.

Uni: Well, to be honest I think you had way more adrenaline inside of you than she did.

(S/N): Well, either way I can take anything that throws at me, and that's why I'm going to save my big bro no matter what!

Ram: Then let's train together so everyone can be like (S/N) then! Okay?

(S/N) pumped out a fist and turned towards Nepgear and Uni.

(S/N): Well, what do you two say?

Uni: Count me in!

Nepgear looked at both of them and then she put on a determined face as she was ready to train to rescue the CPU's.

An hour later. . .

IF: Uni! Rom! Ram! (S/N)! Your attendants are here to- ah!

IF sees Ram yelling as she attacks a monster-like Compa with her staff and knocks her out of her virtual form back into her human form. The CPU Candidates were trying to train using Vert's virtual reality system to train.

Compa: Owie! You're a lot stronger than you look.

IF: Compa, are you okay?

Compa: It may be harsh, but this is training!

IF: What? Wait, you're in Lady Vert's game?

Nepgear: We thought it might help us to unleash the fighter within!

Uni: Obviously! This place isn't exactly dance central.

Compa: I volunteered to play the enemy, even though I get beat up a bunch. But if it helps Ge-Ge and the others transform, I don't mind. Somebody's gotta do it!

IF: Wait, transform?

(S/N): Yes, it's the only way we can save our siblings. Besides, if we can't then who will?

Nepgear: Exactly. But we have to get stronger first.

IF: Whoa, hold on a sec, Nepgear. We're dealing with an enemy who captured four goddesses and a god.

Nepgear: I know that. But this's our responsibility. Because we have the power to be goddesses, too.

IF was about to question Nepgear's words, but she instead sighs.

IF: *sighs* No point in trying to stop you. But I don't like you beating on Compa, so no more of that. I'll play the enemy from now on.

Compa: Thanks, Iffy.

IF: I'll avenge you.

IF then turns towards the candidates with a determined look.

IF: I sure hope you're ready.

However, just as IF was about to go and train with the candidates, an unexpected guest appears.

???: Ga-Thunk! Ga-Thunk! Ga-Thunk! Look who I found!

It was indeed the annoying and nagging news reporter, Abnes. Everyone in the room just stared at her with confused faces.

Nepgear: Huh?

Location: Leanbox, Zune District

Time: Noon

Apparently, to speed up the process of eliminating the CPU's, Warechu was going to send pictures of their captives to all of Gamindustri so their shares can decrease. However, it was taking an extremely slow process.

Arfoire: Haven't you uploaded those pics yet, Rat? What's the problem?

Warechu: In case you can't tell, we're on dial-up here. 56K and I keep getting booted. Kinda lucky there was a modem here in the trash heap, though. All things considered.

Arfoire: You knew this place wouldn't have cell phone reception. You should've planned ahead!

Warechu: You're the big cheese here, any onsite mishaps are on you.

Arfoire grunted at his back talk and was getting impatient.

Arfoire: Just hurry it up, all right?

Warechu: Chu. . . Why don't you try telling that to the modem?

Location: Leanbox's Basilicom

Back to where Abnes has entered the scene. . .

Abnes: Hmmm. How peculiar that only the little sisters are home and all five CPU's are mysteriously absent. I smell a conspiracy.

Nepgear: Um, Abnes, was it? I don't mean to be rude, but we-

Uni: Look, this is a private party, so get out of our hair, would you?

(S/N): And we're clearly busy too. This isn't some kind of playdate.

Compa: Should I know her?

IF: The noisy brat? Really into little girls for some reason? Got on Nep's bad side?

Nepgear: Like (S/N) said, we have a lot on our plate right now, so-

Abnes: Shut up! I don't want to hear a peep out of your half-developed un-little girl mouth!

(S/N) gave Abnes a stern look as she was offended by that.

(S/N): Excuse me?! Who are you calling half developed?

Abnes ignored her and kept talking out of her own free will.

Abnes: With the CPU's gone, this is my best chance to turn Rom and Ram back into normal little girls! Nice idea, if I do say so myself! Yes, it's just like splendor in the grass! Come on, you little cuties. Let's hold hands and play a game together!

Uni and (S/N) both gave unimpressed looks to each other.

Uni: Am I the only one who thinks that she's not only annoying, but a complete tryhard as well?

(S/N): Nope.

Rom and Ram both look at each other and giggled as they had the same idea.

Ram: Sounds great! I don't know about the holding hands part, but we do have a really fun game!

Abnes: Oh, for real?

Rom put on an endearing face to try to butter her up.

(A/N): You cannot deny the fact that Rom is absolutely adorable.

Rom: Pretty Please?

Abnes: Uh, sure. That sounds nice.

The thing Rom and Ram had in mind was to use Abnes as a practice dummy for their training as she was now a monster herself in a more skeletal-like figure and the candidates were surrounding her with their weapons out.

Abnes: S-Say, are you sure this is the game you want to play? How about something a little more. . . girlish?

Uni chuckles and readies her gun and (S/N) puts on a sinister smile while drawing her bow as she has fire in her eyes to show how she will enjoy this.

(S/N): Seems girlish enough to me~ What do say Uni~?

Uni: I completely agree.

Abnes: Eep.

Ram: Okay, guys, attack!

Everyone then charged at Abnes as she was screaming for help. IF and Compa were sitting by a tree reading the manuals for Vert's virtual game system.

Compa: Iffy, look. It says here you can fight against an AI character instead.

IF: It figures. Most games have that option now.

They then look at the candidates as they were torturing Abnes with their weapons.

Compa: Seems like we should tell them.

IF: I dunno, maybe later. Hate to ruin their fun, after all. I mean come on, (S/N)'s enjoying it.

The girls knock Abnes back as she then tries to charge at them.

Abnes: Now, girls, leap into my arms!

Rom and Ram swung their staffs at Abnes and she went flying in the air. (S/N) then shot an arrow at her and it exploded when it hit contact with Abnes.

Time: Afternoon

After giving Abnes a huge beating, the Candidates then decided to fight an AI Ancient Dragon in the game while Compa was trying to heal Abnes' wounds as she was back to her normal form. Nepgear charged at the Ancient Dragon with her sword.

Nepgear: It's my coup de grace!

Nepgear then slashed the Ancient Dragon and it disappeared into bits. Nepgear had a determined face as she felt like she had a lot of energy to fight.

Compa: So awesome! An Ancient Dragon, and you guys beat it all by yourselves!

Abnes felt pain in her arm as Compa accidentally pulled on it.

Abnes: That hurt! You dumb quack nurse!

Compa: Sorry, I was distracted.

Uni: No, good. We may have won, but if we still can't transform, it's all for nothing, y'know.

Nepgear: Yeah.

(S/N): But we still need to keep trying. We'll get there eventually. We just have beat as much monsters as we can until we can transform.

Both Nepgear and Uni nodded, but IF intervened.

IF: It looks like we don't have time for that.

IF then shows them a picture of Purple Heart being captured on her phone.

Nepgear gasps at seeing that it hit the public.

IF: Unfortunately, the entire world is about to find out that the five CPU's have been captured.

Abnes heard that and got an excited look on her face.

Abnes: The five CPU's have been captured!? Then it's time to party!

Compa then shut her up by putting a bandage around her mouth.

Compa: Your nurse says you need to take it easy.

IF: If the citizens get a peek of images like this, then any one of your Shares could take a serious nosedive. And you know what that means.

Nepgear: If our Sharacites start sending us less power, then there's no way we'll be able to rescue our siblings.

Uni: In other words, even if we can't transform yet, we have to give this a shot now!

(S/N): Then what are we waiting for?

Everyone turned to (S/N) as she had a determined look on her face.

(S/N): Our siblings are in trouble for all we know and the only ones who are willing to save them are us! Come on! Let's do this everyone!

(S/N) held out her hand to see if she inspired the others and Nepgear was the first one to her hand on hers.

Nepgear: Right.

Uni, Rom, and Ram then join in as the were also ready.

Uni: I'm ready!

Ram: Me too!

Rom: We can do this.

Location: Leanbox, Zune District

Time: Night

The CPU's were still captured in the Anti-Crystal field and the dark pool below them was getting bigger.

Noire: The pool's getting rather large.

Vert: What do you think will happen when it get's deep enough to overtake us? (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I don't know. But I can't say anything good will happen.

Vert: Blanc?

Blanc: Me neither. I should've researched countermeasures against the stone from the start. All I did was hide it away and try to forget about it.

(Y/N): Blanc, don't blame yourself. Besides, none of us could've predicted this either. Still though, there were chances we didn't take.

Neptune: Aw, c'mon, guys! Let's cheer up! Sure, this kind of sucks, but on the bright side, we're not dead yet!

(Y/N) looked at Neptune and smiled.

(Y/N): Well. . . you're not wrong. As long as we're still alive there can still be hope of people saving us.

Noire: Like who? Normally I can tolerate Neptune's optimism, but at times like this my patience wears thin.

Blanc: I'm afraid you're in denial.

Neptune: But hey like (Y/N) said, that's still better than giving up hope isn't it?

Noire: When the situation is impossible, then hope isn't terribly useful!

(Y/N): You say that, yet Nepgear, IF, and my little sister were the ones who saw us here, so for sure I can tell you that hope is definitely something that applicable here.

Vert: He's correct. It's not impossible at the slightest if they noticed. And speaking of sisters, all of yours are still out there, and who knows what they can accomplish?

Noire: Who, Uni? She's only fought with help from me, and not very well for that matter.

Blanc: My little sisters? They're far too young, and still need me to protect them.

(Y/N): I've taught (S/N) how to fight alone, and she can do it pretty well, but I don't think she's ready for a situation like this. She's always thinks I can one-up her at everything.

Neptune: Nep Jr.'s smart and all, but she's afraid to do anything on her own. I'm not sure she can hack it.

Vert: I wonder. Are you sure that's not your egos talking?

(Y/N): Huh? Say what?

Vert: They're all sweet girls, I understand that. And because they're so cute and innocent, I can see why you would want them to stay that way forever. But maybe that attitude is what's holding them back. Because it keeps them in the role of "cute little sisters who aren't strong enough to transform." Just food for thought.

(Y/N) thought to himself and she was indeed right that they were all thinking that they were too stubborn to realize that their sisters are always looking up to them and they want to keep it that way.

(Y/N): . . .She's right.

Everyone then looked at (Y/N) as he had a serious look on his face.

(Y/N): We always been like role models to our sisters, but it's time to see what they can own if they try doing their stuff on their own.

There was silence for a moment, but Neptune spoke up.

Neptune: Yeah. I'll believe in Nepgear, if she's our only chance.

Blanc: If Rom and Ram are willing to spare their lives to save us, then I'll be very proud of them.

Noire: *sighs* I guess if Uni is willing to come to save us, then I'll give her as much hope as I can.

Vert smiles at seeing that the four have realized that their sisters can indeed try and accomplish this.

Warechu: They're here.

Neptune and the others heard this and they gasped.

Warechu: It looks like there's seven of them, so the little chumps came back with reinforcements this time.

Arfoire: Hmph! Is this one of those "the power of love" things? I'll take them down without so much as lifting a finger.

Arfoire then turns towards the CPU's.

Arfoire: But here's that entertainment you asked for!

Arfoire then laughs evilly as Neptune and (Y/N) glared at her.

The CPU Candidates plus IF and Compa have arrived and they got their weapons prepared.

Compa: They still can't transform. Are they gonna be okay?

IF: Even if the CPU's were captured, seeing their siblings fight to save them should at least put the citizens at ease, and that should mitigate the damage to our Shares.

Compa: That's not reassuring.

IF: Don't get me wrong. I want to believe in them. Against all odds, I hope they can pull this off.

Compa: Iffy. . .

(S/N): Is everyone ready?

Everyone grunts affirmatively to show their sign of yes.

(S/N): Then let's save our siblings!

With that being said, all of the candidates rushed forwards at the monsters that were blocking their path. Nepgear sliced one monster and ran forward with determination inside of her.

Nepgear: I won't back down! I'm not afraid!

Rom used a shield using her staff to block some laser shots at them and Ram went on the offensive and used her staff to knock some monsters dead into bits.

Rom: You keep fighting, and I'll keep protecting you!

Ram: Sounds good! If you've got my back, nothing can stop me!

Uni was using her sniper rifle and reloaded it to shoot some monsters down.

Uni: I've got you now.

(S/N) was drawing arrows one by one from her quiver on her back and kept hitting monsters directing without even missing.

(S/N): Come on, you pieces of shit! Step it up!

Compa and IF then charged forward into battle as Compa used her syringe to take a monster out.

Compa: You better watch out, 'cause this'll hurt!

IF: Move it, creep!

IF pulled out her quatars and sliced a couple of monsters into bits.

Nepgear was still going forward and slicing each monster that came in her way. However, one giant-looking monster got in the way and fired a giant laser beam at Nepgear. Nepgear saw this and put up a shield to defend herself, but she was having trouble handling the pressure on it. Ram saw this and decided to go after her.

Ram: She's in trouble!

Rom: Hey, be careful!

Rom let down her shield and she got shot in the process letting out a yell.

Ram: Rom, no!

A monster then appeared behind Ram as time slowed down as she thought she was getting shot also. However, gun shots and arrows were flying past them at the monsters targeting Ram were destroyed. The people responsible for that were Uni and (S/N) as they were sliding down a hill.

Uni: We've got you two covered!

(S/N): Alright then, let's regroup!

Rom: Uni. . . (S/N). . .

Ram: Quick, behind you!

A monster appeared behind them as they both turned around and Uni tried to fire more gunshots, but she was out of ammo. (S/N) then tried to draw an arrow, but she was out. The scene then switches back to Nepgear as she pushed her shield up on the monster's laser and dashed towards it.

Nepgear: I WON'T LOSE!!

Nepgear slices the monster into bits and then another one appears in which one tried to fire a shot at her, but she used her beam sword to block and it cause it to disappear. Nepgear uses her shield to try and handle the barrage of shots thrown at her, but then she heard both Uni and (S/N)'s screams. She saw both of them try to fight a monster without ammo and they were both struggling.

(S/N): Damn it!

Uni: Stay back! Get away from me!

Nepgear was then falling into despair as she didn't know what to do.

Nepgear: (Thoughts) What should I do? I was wrong. We weren't ready to fight yet after all!

Compa: Iffy, this is starting to look really bad!

Nepgear: (Thoughts) Everyone's going to die and it's all my fault! I can't do anything. Help me Neptune!

Nepgear then gasped as she realized something.

Nepgear: (Thoughts) I'm relying on my sister too much again. But what am I supposed to do? We can't win this without her!

Nepgear then remembered what both Uni and (S/N) said.

Uni: (Nepgear's Thoughts) It was something that Noire told me a while back. She said I can't transform because I put a limiter on my heart.

Nepgear: (Thoughts) A limiter?

(S/N): (Nepgear's Thoughts) Something prevents us from knowing what our true potential is. Like we're afraid of something.

Nepgear: (Thoughts) My true potential? What am I afraid of? Losing Neptune? Of growing up and not being her little sister anymore? No. I'm afraid of her losing something.

Nepgear then puts on a serious face as she finally realizes what holding her back.

Nepgear: (Thoughts) I'm afraid of growing even stronger than she is!

Nepgear then has power symbols in her eyes as she then let's out a wave of energy which Compa notices and destroyed the monsters around her.

Compa: Iffy! It's Ge-Ge!

IF turned to see that Nepgear was glowing pink.

Nepgear: (Thoughts) I don't mind being weak, and I don't mind looking up to my sister. But if it means getting her back, I'll do anything! (Out of Thoughts) I'LL BECOME STRONGER THAN ANYONE ELSE!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nepgear was finally able to access her HDD form as her hair was now longer and pink with a white and blue hair clip. Her eyes are now more blue, and she is wearing a white skintight bodysuit with light purple designs and light purple N's on the backhand part of her gloves along with matching thigh high boots. She was now Purple Sister.

Purple Sister then pulls out a different weapon as she now has a gun-blade which she shoots to save Uni and (S/N). They both see her transformation and smile.

(S/N): Nepgear. . .!

Uni: Hey, you did it!

Purple Sister also saves Rom and Ram and they also see her transformation.

Rom: She's so pretty.

Ram: You rock!

Purple Sister chuckles and then turns to where the CPU's are and get's a serious look.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): No matter what, I musn't retreat. No looking back!

Purple Sister dashes forward and get's ready for what's coming.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): I have to keep going!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

To Be Continued. Chapter 4 End.

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