Chapter 8: Dive into the mind. The Realm of Memories - Part 6

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Third point of view

Date: January 9th, 20XX

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Planeptune Basilicom, Inside MRS, Snow Lodge.

Time: Frozen

Up in the snowy land, sounds of thunderous punches could be heard as columns of snow rose up with each sound made. The fight between F. White Guardian and the new P. Iris Guardian continued where it left off. Every punch made, actually missed with the maneuvers P. Iris Guardian was making. The smirk on P. Iris Guardian's face in effortlessly avoiding the attacks. P. Iris Guardian had put his weapons away to mock F. White Guardian with his evasiveness.

P. Iris Guardian: Ha! You call those punches? Even Abby could dodge them if she wanted~

P. Iris Guardian soon dodged another strike and proceeded to strike the gut of F. White Guardian, causing him to cough up spit and a little bit of blood. A glare could be seen on P. Iris Guardian's eyes when he spoke next.

P. Iris Guardian: But the moment you began hurting her more, you pressed the "Protect Little Sister" button. Ya shouldn't'a done that~

F. White Guardian focused his energy and caused a small explosion to push P. Iris Guardian away from him.

F. White Guardian: Grrrr!

P. Iris Guardian: What's the matter~? Touched a nerve~? What am I saying, you're basically channeling Loweean energy right now. Of course, you'd have Blanc's anger as a result in that form~

F. White Guardian: What mockery is this that you're pulling with me?!

P. Iris Guardian: What? Are you talking about this?

P. Iris Guardian gestures to himself while summoning out Black Viper. Like before, P. Iris Guardian had a different look much like Purple Guardian, but with its own differences. Iris Guardian had darker purple hair along with darker armor. Magenta decal lines were seen as it gave detail to the armor. Iris Guardian's eyes were colored with a magenta with the power symbol in them, much like Purple Guardian would have or F. White Guardian. Although the hair only got a darker shade of the original self, the hair had become wilder along with growing out slightly to have more of a wild look.

P. Iris Guardian: Not quite sure how I obtained this form, but I'm gonna be real honest, I like it~ Had all this pent-up anger and then when seeing you hurt Abby, POOF! You busted the damn walls down on me~ Guess I have you to thank for that~ But what better way than displaying my new form of power~?

A malicious smile could be seen on P. Iris Guardian while making a loud cracking sound with Black Viper.

P. Iris Guardian: I know~ I'll beat the everlasting shit out of you and make you repent for your actions~ Niiiiiiice and sloooooooow~

P. Iris Guardian flicked his blade to wrap it around F. White Guardian and decided to begin flying into the sky. Abby focused on healing herself as to recover from any damage she sustained. Getting up slowly, she began to make her way towards Neptune as she seemed to be in a bad shape from the attack and soon was getting healed. When opening her eyes, Neptune woke up and began to look at Abby.

Neptune: Please tell me I'm right and that you really are Abby!?

Abby looked at Neptune as she couldn't hide it anymore and nodded her head.

Abby (Future): I am...

Before Neptune could say anything, the sound of something slamming down could be heard as F. White Guardian was getting up with some damage to him while P. Iris Guardian sat on a rock nearby with his leg crossed over the other. Resting his head on his hand while leaning forward to look down where F. White Guardian is.

P. Iris Guardian: Well~ Had a nice fall~?

F. White Guardian: How do you have such a form!? I didn't even unlock it!!

P. Iris Guardian: Then something is different from your time that I experienced then~ Because if you have all these forms, then I would think you had this as well~ Guess not~

F. White Guardian began to get angrier the more he was taunted by P. Iris Guardian. Jumping from his rock, P. Iris Guardian landed on the ground with a yawn and smirked at F. White Guardian.

P. Iris Guardian: Come on. Show me what else you got. Unless you want to revisit some previous forms to see if I have a weakness you can exploit~? Because if you keep using that slow body of yours, you'll never beat me like this~

F. White Guardian began to grow furious as the insults kept coming out of P. Iris Guardian's mouth. Channeling energy to form another Share Crystal, the crystal turned green as F. White Guardian looked at his past self.

F. White Guardian: Fine!! You want to change it up once more!? I'LL GLADLY SHOW YOU WHAT I'M MADE OF!!!

Thrusting the crystal into him, F. White Guardian was going through another change once more. The armor began to shift again as tech was replaced for the armor as with a special visor in place that completely blocked any view of F. Guardian's eyes. Holographic displays could be seen on his arms as they seemed to be running programs. Armor was still apparent, but did not look very sturdy to take much damage. F. Guardian's hair had changed to being green as he floated in the air softly.

P. Iris Guardian: Given that you have multiple forms, I'm just going to assume that you're now Green Guardian. Green hair and everything. Kinda curious what the displays you have can do~

F. Green Guardian: Trust me. You'll be in quite for a surprise...

Touching the display, F. Green Guardian brought it up to be in front of him as he began to touch a few things here and there. Behind P. Iris Guardian, the rock he was just sitting on began to levitate with a green glow around it. Abby saw this as she yelled out to her brother in seeing the intention.

Abby (Future): Onii-Chan!! Behind you!!

F. Green Heart: That little-!!

Looking behind him, P. Iris Guardian saw the rock begin to fly towards him. Flinging Black Viper to a tree, P. Iris Guardian pulls himself to quickly dodge out of the way of the attack as the rock crumbles against the ground. P. Iris Guardian frees his blade and gives some amusement to what he experienced.

P. Iris Guardian: Ooooo~ You can make things move with your mind~? Quite cool really. Can't wait for that when I get the chance.

F. Green Guardian: It's not telekinesis. This form is one of my more for support, but if used correctly, can make the field to your weapon.

P. Iris Guardian looked at his future counterpart and had a blank look on his face.

P. Iris Guardian: In English terms that isn't more... Cryptic like how you're talking???

F. Green Guardian: For the love of- No.

Pressing a button, the tree that P. Iris Guardian was next to, began to bend and wrap itself around him tightly.

P. Iris Guardian: What?! Even the tree?!

Abby got up quickly as she was going to say something when a blast hit her out of nowhere. Looking to where it came from, Abby could see that it came from a hologram that looked exactly like her.

F. Green Guardian: DO NOT INTERFERE!!! You already made a mess as it is!!!

P. Iris Guardian: Hey! Watch your tone when speaking to her! That's our sister you're talking to!

Channeling his power, P. Iris Guardian breaks the tree he was wrapped in and begins to fly towards F. Green Guardian.

F. Green Guardian: Let's see you handle this.

Pressing a few buttons, particles began to form together as it showed a hologram of Johnathan and Dionix. This made P. Iris Guardian look at the two holograms in front of him as he was about to say something before Abby slid against the snow with some damage showing.

Abby (Future): That's Green Guardian form! Using that form, Green Guardian can manipulate the land around him and build constructs! Think of it as he can make stuff move and create anything using this power!!

P. Iris Guardian looked at Abby and then thought about the tree and rock earlier before looking at the holograms.

P. Iris Guardian: That would make some sense of why things are just moving all of a sudden...

Abby (Future): Yeah. Not to mention being able to have data from who he's faced and can recreate how they attack too. Including mine...

P. Iris Guardian: Is that so? Damn talk about an ability that can summon armies. Literally!

F. Green Guardian: If you thought that's all I can do, you're sorely mistaken.

Tapping some stuff on his screen, more copies of Johnathan and Dionix could be seen with Abby's copies surrounding them both. Out of the group, there was even a Neptune hologram.

P. Iris Guardian: Huh. Did not see that coming one bit.

Abby (Future): You're telling me. He even copied more of me. And why is there a singular Neptune here??? Why?!

F. Green Guardian: Couldn't leave my dear "sister's" fighting data out. Not after what she did the one time. And the Neptune hologram, that's just for my amusement.

Neptune poked her head from behind some cover as she yelled at F. Green Guardian.

Neptune: Hey! I'm not a joke here! I am just as capable in fighting if anything!!!

F. Green Guardian: Then why don't you transform and come stand evenly with yourself in HDD then?

F. Green Guardian changed the Neptune clone into a Purple Heart as the real Neptune stared and chuckled.

Neptune: Can I get some help~?

P. Iris Guardian looked at Neptune and sighed and walked over.

P. Iris Guardian: You really need to learn when you can't goof around...

Neptune: Are you telling me that I can't defend myself at most?!

P. Iris Guardian looked at Neptune as he remembered the fight with Mira, getting caught by Dionix, every instance of needing him to transform, and many more.

P. Iris Guardian: Yes. Very much so.

Neptune could feel like something punctured her as she had a look like her spirit was leaving her body. P. Iris Guardian placed a hand on Neptune's head to give her energy to transform into Purple Heart and did the same to Abby into Iris Sister.

P. Iris Guardian: But jokes aside, we need to focus on taking care of this other me. I could have taken anything he could dish out, but he is getting more serious as this plays out.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Are you saying he isn't even trying???

P. Iris Guardian: That is what I indeed believe. He has all this power he can use at his disposal... So why toy with us if he can just use all his tricks???

Iris Sister (Abby): I don't even know. I just rather finish this fight before it keeps escalating...

Iris Sister said as she looked at her clones along with the stance they took. Clearly disturbed by them as she tried to ignore what her brother did. The clones getting prepared, Purple Heart got her blade ready along with Iris Sister getting Black Viper ready.

P. Iris Guardian: Oh yeah~ I'm getting fired up~ I'm getting so excited, I can't even hold my excitement in seeing all these clones I get to smash~!!

Holding Black Viper in one hand, P. Iris Guardian summoned out his other blade that had shifted to be another whip sword weapon, similar to Black Viper like before. Swinging both blades, P. Iris Guardian made them move in a way that showed rapid sword movement in the form of a sphere before retracting back to regular sword form. The area around P. Iris Guardian had slash marks around him while having a sadistic grin.

P. Iris Guardian: It's time to learn some punishment~! I'll show you why and remind you why WE don't HURT our friends!!!

P. Iris Guardian launched from where he stood and flew with great speeds towards his future counterpart. Pressing a button, the Dionix and Jonathan clones began to head towards P. Iris Guardian's location with intent to kill. Smirking, P. Iris Guardian twisted to his right and then began to spin really fast.

P. Iris Guardian: Sadistic Tornado!!!

The spin P. Iris Guardian started to gather wind towards him as the clones changed tactics to try and avoid him.

P. Iris Guardian: Oh~ Don't even dare try to run~ Not like you will anyway~

Feeling slight pulls, Iris Sister began to feel herself move slightly. The spinning P. Iris Guardian was making that began to pull anyone light enough towards where he was. One of the holograms attacking was unfortunate to get caught into the suction of the skill and shattered upon reaching the blades of P. Iris Guardian. The closer a being got, the more they were pulled and flew right into the blades of P. Iris Guardian.

P. Iris Guardian: The holograms even make a shattering sound like broken glass when defeated~? Music to my ears~

F. Green Guardian seemed disturbed by how P. Iris Guardian was acting as this form was entirely new to him. When the tornado began to die down, the snow around where P. Iris Guardian stood showed the grass for the area.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Unbelievable... I know (Y/n) just got a new form and everything, but this is crazy...

Iris Sister (Abby): The stranger part in all of this, I don't know anything about Iris Guardian... In fact, I saw traces of this, but my brother never really unlocked it...

Purple Heart (Neptune): Huh??? But you go by Iris Sister, I would think that-

Iris Sister shook her head and looked at Purple Heart.

Iris Sister (Abby): I go by Iris Sister because of being (Y/n)'s sister, but in this form, I have a close resemblance to my mother. Hence the name that was thought up for me.

Purple Heart held a hand to her head and looked like she was having trouble even comprehending this.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Time Travel is really weird...

Iris Sister (Abby): You're telling me it's complicated??? I'm having to see my own brother fight himself from two different timelines. How do you think I feel being the odd sister in this fight having to aid one brother and face the other. This book is just getting weirder by the second...

Purple Heart (Neptune): You're telling me especially when Soejammy-

Purple Heart stopped talking and looked at Iris Sister.

Purple Heart (Neptune): You know we're in a book!?

Iris Sister (Abby): Um, considering I was exposed to your 4th wall breaking a lot??? Of course, I developed the sense of an audience looking at us. Who wouldn't?

Purple Heart looked at Iris Sister and looked at the two Guardians. Iris Sister followed this and seemed to figure out the confusion.

Iris Sister (Abby): Ah... Yes... (Y/n) doesn't learn about the 4th wall.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Phew... That was-

A rock came flying in with a note attached to it as it impacted against Purple Heart's head. When taking the note and opening it, it read "YOU MADE ABBY AWARE OF THE 4TH WALL?! HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN?!" Purple Heart stared at the note before crumbling it up and tossing it away. Another came flying in as it hit her with another note that read "DON'T JUST IGNORE ME LIKE THAT!!!"

Purple Heart (Neptune): Jammy has been relentless recently...

Iris Sister (Abby): Considering the fact that this is happening? I wouldn't blame him for it.

Purple Heart (Neptune): What do you me-

Before Purple Heart could get her question out, she was interrupted by a hologram of Abby as she had to defend against it. Iris Sister was also defending as their backs were pressed against each other.

Iris Sister (Abby): We'll talk later!! We have to deal with (Y/n) and his holograms first!!

Purple Heart nods her head as to focus on the fight for now. P. Iris Guardian was busy dealing with multiple enemies as his smile was wicked with each slice he made.

P. Iris Guardian: This is quite fun! Sending our hated enemies at me like this. Could make this a game out of this kind of power~

F. Green Guardian: Stop taking this as a game!! Your life is being threatened!!!

P. Iris Guardian: Well now, if we're going to get angry~

P. Iris Guardian vanished before appearing behind F. Green Guardian as he whispered into his ear.

P. Iris Guardian: Then I'll get serious then~

Focusing power to a hologram, a shield was formed to block the kick P. Iris Guardian tried to send.

P. Iris Guardian: Going on the defensive now~? Where did all that bravado go~?

F. Green Guardian: Tch!!

P. Iris Guardian smirked as he did a front flip into an axe kick to send F. Green Guardian to the ground. The impacts caused the ground to shake. In the smoke, F. Green Guardian was trying to think of how to proceed, but gets interrupted when his shield was being impacted against by other holograms being slammed into it.

P. Iris Guardian: I didn't like what you sent for me, so I think you should take them back!

F. Green Guardian gritted his teeth as he let out a yell as he switched back to F. Black Guardian to send energy blades at P. Iris Guardian. With Green Guardian being deactivated, the hologram enemies disappear as Purple Heart was trying to attack herself, but the hologram vanishes too.Smirking at the chance for a rematch at a previous form, P. Iris Guardian began to dodge the incoming blades and to even block some. With so many blades trying to surround P. Iris Guardian, even then it proved troubling for F. Black Guardian to maneuver the many blades to attack P. Iris Guardian. Reason why was because P. Iris Guardian was using the environment this time to his advantage. Making the blades lodge themselves into the trunks of trees, making both of his blades disappear to dodge and grab the blades to block at the same time to defend more effectively. P. Iris Guardian smirked in seeing F. Black Guardian struggling in keeping up with sending multiple blades. Trying to add insult to injury to F. Black Guardian, P. Iris Guardian flips to dodge the many blades aimed for his back as P. Iris Guardian twists his body to turn himself to aim at F. Black Guardian and throws the blade. The blade P. Iris Guardian threw was one of F. Black Guardian's blades as it flies by his face and leaves a scratch on his cheek and surprise F. Black Guardian. Seeing how he had taken damage by his own attack, F. Black Guardian couldn't let the same mistake happen as he canceled his blades to make them disappear. P. Iris Guardian smirked as another glow happened to show F. Black Guardian had reverted back to the Purple Guardian form and began to move rapidly.

P. Iris Guardian: Come on!!! Show me what you got!!!

P. Iris Guardian began to move fast as well as he brought out his blades now to begin clashing with F. Purple Guardian. Both versions of Guardian moved fast while one moved fast, the other had better reflexes. P. Iris Guardian had one blade in a normal handle, while the other was held backwards with the blade loosened for wide attacks.

P. Iris Guardian: Come on man~ Show me what you got!

F. Purple Guardian appeared to the side of P. Iris Guardian with a serious look on his face.

F. Purple Guardian: I plan on it!

Quickly swinging both blades, the two Guardians began to push against each other while P. Iris Guardian still had his other sword to attempt on hitting F. Purple Guardian. Jumping back, F. Purple Guardian felt the whip blade barely scratching against his skin while looking at the smirk on P. Iris Guardian's face. During this time with F. Purple Guardian distracted, Iris Sister and Purple Heart went to heal Vert while IF and Purple Sister went to thaw out Black Heart and White Heart from being frozen in ice. Both Iris and Purple Guardians were slashing and blocking each other's attacks to not give the other an edge in battle. P. Iris Guardian would soon get the advantage as he did a leg sweep to knock F. Purple Guardian down and kicked him in the stomach to send him flying into a tree. Using the whips, P. Iris Guardian began to tie up F. Purple Guardian to then deliver rapid punches at his opponent in a defenseless position.

P. Iris Guardian: Come on!!! I thought you were supposed to be the more powerful one!!! You're supposed to be me from the future, right?! So, stop being a pansy and get serious!!!

Punching hard at F. Purple Guardian, the tree broke as he was launched from that punch into more trees before falling to the ground in a clearing. Retracting his blades, P. Iris Guardian began to slowly approach F. Purple Guardian as Purple Heart got in his way.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)! He's had enough! You won!

P. Iris Guardian: Oh, it isn't over yet~ I decide when the fight is over~ And that doesn't mean HE is done. He started this fight, I get to say when it's done.

Getting up slowly, F. Purple Guardian could be seen with cracks in his armor along with a piece breaking off the shoulder.

F. Purple Guardian: You think... You beat me??? You're absolutely wrong on that!!!

P. Iris Guardian chuckled as he pushed Purple Heart off to the side. Smirking in seeing F. Purple Guardian get up, P. Iris Guardian began to taunt.

P. Iris Guardian: So~? Finally realizing it's time to get serious~?

F. Purple Guardian: Oh, trust me... When I go all out, you're going to BEG I stopped!!!

P. Iris Guardian: Says the guy taking all this beating~ Come on~ I want your best! I'm not content with a one-sided victory!!!

Iris Sister soon jumped in and grabbed P. Iris Guardian by his shoulders.

Iris Sister (Abby): ARE YOU NUTS?! Don't you dare keep this fight going!!! Both of you!!!

P. Iris Guardian: There is no room for talking in this fight between me and him. Actions speak louder than words.

F. Purple Guardian: Oh, I believe that greatly indeed.

Crossing his arms in an X formation, F. Purple Guardian reverted back to his original form and gave P. Iris Guardian a confused thought.

P. Iris Guardian: (What the hell is he thinking??? He was stronger in his other forms...)

Iris Sister interfered again as she looked at her brother.

Iris Sister (Abby): Brother!! Both of you!! If you keep escalating this battle between you more, both of you are going to get the other killed!!!

P. Iris Guardian: Trust me~ I only plan to beat an inch of his life away~ I just want to make him submit for hurting you~

F. Guardian: Someone will pay. And it will be you that takes it all. You'll regret making me go full power.

P. Iris Guardian: Shut up already and do what you need to do! I'm getting tired of waiting for your slow ass to power up! I want to enjoy breaking your spirit and crush what hope you have of beating me!!

F. Guardian: Fine. Don't say Abby didn't warn you.

F. Guardian began to focus as energy was beginning to build up around him. Fearing what could happen next, Iris Sister began to fly towards F. Guardian to stop him.

Iris Sister (Abby): NO!!!

Feeling something wrap her leg, Iris Sister was pulled down as she was in the snow. The culprit was P. Iris Guardian.

Iris Sister (Abby): WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

P. Iris Guardian: I said don't get in my way!!

Iris Sister was in disbelief of what she was hearing. When looking behind him to see Vert, Black Heart, White Heart, Purple Sister and IF join where they are, she began to yell at them.

Iris Sister (Abby): RUN!!! YOU GOT TO GET AWAY FROM HERE!!! NOW!!!

Black Heart (Data): What is she talking about?!

IF (Captain): Kiyoshi, what's-

Before IF could ask her question, F. Guardian began to yell with his energy beginning to flash out. Share Crystals were forming around him as they floated in a circle while focusing his energy. P. Iris Guardian smirked in seeing something new.

P. Iris Guardian: That's it, show me what secrets you hold!

F. Guardian kept gathering his energy as the ground began to shake from the energy gathered. IF had difficulty standing up as she fell down into the snow.


At the snow lodge everyone there was huddled together as they didn't know what was going on outside that was causing this. Iris looked the most worried considering her son was in this fight.

Iris (Data): Jasper, keep an eye on everyone here.

Jasper (Data): What are you-???

Iris soon rushed to the door as she began to head to where the battle was. Jasper tried to chase after Iris and was able to grab her just in time.

Jasper (Data): Iris! No! You can't just-

Iris (Data): Our SON is out there!! AGAIN!!! Fighting out there and this time against his FUTURE self!!! I'm so sick and tired of not being there to help him!!! From the fight in the city, to the mall, the stadium, the school, and even now!!! I'm so sick and tired that I'm just me while my son is out there RISKING HIS LIFE!!!

Iris was crying as she covered her face with her hands. Jasper looked at his wife as he held her close to him.

(F/n) (Data): Sir, although I respect your wishes to stay here, I can't just leave my friend to kill themselves. Or each other.

Jasper heard as he looked at the door to see (F/n) and Emma getting their stuff on to head out.

Jasper (Data): (F/n), Emma! You can't go out there!

Emma (Data): (Y/n) is our friend and YOUR son! Both of them are our friends and we can't just ignore that they're fighting each other like this! We can feel what is happening out there from the vibrations. It isn't good!!

(F/n) (Data): So, you can tell our parents ground us for disobeying an order from an adult, but I'm not going to just sit here and twiddle my fingers and wait!! I need to see what is going on for myself!!

With that, (F/n) and Emma began to rush out of the lodge as Grif and Simmons looked at each other and nodded their heads as they went to get their weapons to go after (F/n) and Emma. Agreeing with them that (Y/n) could have done something much worse than leaving them bruised and beaten that one time, but left them alone or saved them when he didn't notice. Captain IF and Doctor Compa looked at each other as Compa was worried about her nephew. Seeing the look on her wife's face, Captain IF nods her head as they bring Young Abby closer to Iris and Jasper.

Captain IF (Data): We'll go with them and catch up. Since Compa can treat injuries and myself to protect the innocent, we're both under oaths to protect and serve the innocent.

Doctor Compa (Data): My oath consists of helping any patient that comes to my room for help. And if (Y/n) or the others are hurt, they're going to need a Doctor to help them heal from wounds.

Young Abby (Data): No! Aunt Iffy! Aunt Compa! Don't leave!

Young Abby was crying with how things were ending up like this as Captain IF crouched near the child.

Captain IF (Data): I know this is hard for you, but you have to stay here with your parents. We can't let any harm come to you...

Iris looked at them as Captain IF gave a nod to show that she will keep an eye on things for her. But it only hurt Iris more due to being on the sidelines even more. Captain IF and Doctor Compa got their snow gear on and began to chase after the others in an attempt to catch up. Back at the battle, F. Guardian was still charging up his power as there were three Share Crystals while P. Iris Guardian blocked everyone's path. Black Heart tried getting past in an attempt to attack F. Guardian, but P. Iris Guardian didn't let her pass no matter what she tried.

Black Heart (Data): (Y/n)!!! Let me pass!!!

P. Iris Guardian: And let you ruin what I want in a real fight??? Not a chance. I want to test my new strength, and beating it into myself seems to be the best way possible~

Trying to fly past P. Iris Guardian, Purple Sister and IF were trying to get closer to where F. Guardian was as IF felt the instinctive power to go into the Flame Awakening form once more. But before the two could reach their target, they felt their legs tied by something and looked to see that P. Iris Guardian had his foot on Black Heart's back and used both blades to tie their feet!

IF (Captain) (Awakened): Would you knock this off already!?

Purple Sister (Nepgear): You're just going to let him power up!?

P. Iris Guardian: Of course~ I want to make him at his strongest and beat him with an inch of his miserable life~ He went through so much to try and make ours troubling, it's only fair since I powered up with a new form he obviously didn't experience~

Everyone present was shocked by what P. Iris Guardian said as it enraged White Heart to charge in and swing her axe down on P. Iris Guardian. Though the attack doesn't hit him completely as P. Iris Guardian raised his arms to make an energy shield to block the axe.


P. Iris Guardian: Says the overpowered goddess swinging her giant axe down in trying to attack me~


P. Iris Guardian: I'm just feeling generous~ Could be my anger for him, could be my new power~ But one thing for sure is, I'm loving this power~ And I can see why my mother would like to cause pain to those that make her angry~ Makes me feel great~

Black Heart (Data): Stop acting like that!! You don't ever take risks like this!! You're letting an ego trip get to you because of new power coming to your own hands!!

P. Iris Guardian chuckled as he looked at Black Heart.

P. Iris Guardian: And how many times have you all had the chance to end your enemies? You all take your easy time just watching and seeing what someone can do, but when someone gets their back to a wall, you all just let them slide by to do what they want.

Vert (Data): But that's what makes you different!! You don't take those chances!!!

Purple Heart (Neptune): Look at what you're doing!!!

P. Iris Guardian looked at Purple Heart as he could see the worry in her eyes. Looking around him, he could see Vert's worried look in her eyes as well, and then to IF and Purple Sister trying to stop F. Guardian. Black Heart was trying to lift herself from the snow, but couldn't due to the weight of P. Iris Guardian and White Heart's axe. White Heart looked at P. Iris Guardian in the eyes as most were with anger, but looking carefully, at the very corner of her eye, even though there was much anger, a tear was escaping down her cheek. The more P. Iris Guardian was looking, the more some light returned to his eyes, and the sadistic smile faded away. With taking in what is happening around him and what he was doing, P. Iris Guardian looked back to see that a fourth share crystal was being completed around F. Guardian.

P. Iris Guardian: What have I-...

Pushing up against White Heart to throw her off him. P. Iris Guardian pulled on Purple Sister and IF to pull them away while retracting his blades to normal as he began to charge towards F. Guardian. During the charge, the fourth crystal was formed as F. Guardian began to chuckle and laugh. P. Iris Guardian raised his blades to his right with intent to finish the enemy off.

F. Guardian: YOU'RE TOO LATE!!!

Before anyone knew it, the four share crystals formed by F. Guardian made, instantly went into his body. When P. Iris Guardian tried to strike at F. Guardian, P. Iris Guardian was sent flying back as a terrifying bright glow began to shine as a multitude of colors filled the area. P. Iris Guardian crashed to the ground as he looked at what was before him before looking at the others. They too were all shocked to see what was happening as P. Iris Guardian had to think of something quickly. Gathering his energy, P. Iris Guardian began to create walls around his allies and pushed them to be into one spherical bubble made of his own energy.

Iris Sister (Abby): (Y/N)!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

P. Iris Guardian: Fixing my mistake! I let this happen... I let my power and ego get to me... Ki-

Stopping in mid-sentence, P. Iris Guardian looked at his sister as a tear shedded from his eye.

P. Iris Guardian: Abby... I'm sorry...

Widening her eyes, Iris Sister was going to say something before P. Iris Guardian used both hands to control the ball his friends were in to be sent flying away into the forest. Making them see P. Iris Guardian stays behind as the bright light shines with him still there with his form in the bright light.

Iris Sister (Abby): ONII-CHAN!!!!!

Iris Sister began to pound against the walls that kept her from flying back to where P. Iris Guardian was. As Iris Sister was still trying, the group looked at Iris Sister as many thoughts of who they were seeing along with trying to make sense of anything right now.

Vert (Data): Did (Y/n) REALLY just call Kiyoshi "Abby"???

Black Heart (Data): That can't be!

White Heart (Data): What was that idiot thinking!? Augh!! When I get my hands on him!!

Iris Sister was still trying to break through the walls of the sphere as tears were now falling down her cheeks.

Iris Sister (Abby): Come on! Break damn it!! Grrrr!!!

Purple Heart could see the effort that Iris Sister was trying to make as the sphere soon came into contact with a tree. This makes them stop and stay where they're at and not move from that spot any further. Iris Sister this up as her efforts were waning. Tears were forming in Iris Sister's eyes as Purple Heart gently pulled at her to move away from the wall. Iris Sister didn't want to give up, but with how strong the bubble was made, Iris Sister looked at Purple Heart and saw tears in her eyes too. With seeing only dents made to the bubble, Iris Sister thought back to her memories as one was made apparent as it seemed to break her resolve. Purple Sister looked at Abby and saw Iris Sister just let everything out. Crying as she kept muttering "Onii-Chan" over and over again.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): You really are Abby... Aren't you...?

Iris Sister looked at Purple Sister before continuing to cry. IF in her awakened state faded back to her original form as she looked at her.

IF (Captain): A-Abby??? Th-That isn't... How can-

Purple Heart (Neptune): I'm not sure, Iffy... But I can tell that this IS Abby... I'm honest...

The others were trying to contemplate what they were seeing, but before another question was asked, sounds of thunderous punches could be heard as lights in the distance could be seen over the trees. Purple Heart could tell it was coming from the location they were just at.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Come on. We have to think of a way out of here...

White Heart (Data): With what room to properly swing our attacks???

Black Heart (Data): If you don't realize, even "Abby" couldn't force her way out. What makes you think-

Purple Heart (Neptune): Would (Y/n) give up if he was in our shoes???

Saying that, White Heart looked away as she didn't make eye contact with Purple Heart. Vert was even trying to look for how they could escape from this barrier made by P. Iris Guardian.

Vert (Data): No. You saw how he came to rescue us. I don't plan on leaving him alone like he requests. He and Abby consider me part of their family. As their adoptive sister, I plan to help him.

Purple Heart smiled at Vert as she began trying to look around and feel the walls that kept them contained in.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Blanc, have you tried attacking this???

White Heart (Data): If I had a big enough space, I could use my axe. But sadly, I can't.

Black Heart (Data): So much for the "brute force" idea...

Purple Sister (Nepgear): There has to be a way out though!

IF (Captain): Right! I refuse to just sit here and wait!!

IF began to hit her shoulder against the wall as Vert kept trying to find a way out. Looking at Iris Sister, she looked at her as she had generated an energy field similar to the bubble.

Vert (Data): Abby, didn't you make a barrier using your energy?

Iris Sister (Abby): Yeah... When I fought against (Y/n) when he was going berserk during the dodgeball game... But that's because I knew the energy was attuned to me. (Y/n) wouldn't have gotten out of it because it was my energy made to make it.

Purple Heart (Neptune): And this Iris Guardian form... How did he even get it...?

Vert (Data): If (Y/n) was able to create this energy field, shouldn't you be able to make it disappear? "Iris Sister"~?

Iris Sister (Abby): Vert, what are you-

Picking up what Vert was saying, Iris Sister looked at the energy around them and began trying to focus. The bubble around them began to ripple before Iris Sister yelled to break the bubble they were in.

White Heart (Data): What?!

Black Heart (Data): We're out!?

Vert (Data): Looks like I was correct.

Purple Heart (Neptune): I'm not following...

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Vert???

Vert giggled before giving an example.

Vert (Data): Well, if we're led to believe that this new form (Y/n) acquired is made with a different energy, it would make sense that Abby here is able to counter that same power. So, with her control of energy as well, she forced the sphere (Y/n) made to disappear.

IF just looked at Vert with an expression on her face.

IF (Captain): That sounds like something in one of those anime shows that you kids always watch. Seriously, how does that even make sense?!

Purple Heart (Neptune): We can talk about that later, right now we-

???: Neptune? Where's (Y/n)???

Looking towards the voice, the group could see (F/n) and Emma as others had joined them.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (F/n)?? Emma??? What are you all doing here???

Emma: We came to check up on (Y/n), and we heard shouting over this way.

Simmons (Data): Is he okay?

Grif (Data): What about the copycat???

Before anything else was asked, a loud thunderous boom could be heard with trees falling down randomly.

Black Heart (Data): It's not good. Things have gotten more serious...

Back to where P. Iris Guardian was with his fight, he was sent flying into rocks nearby as a hand quickly grabbed him to slam him into the snow.

F. Guardian?: I told you that you were out of your league. Yet, you still jumped in to prove yourself.

F. Guardian tossed P. Iris Guardian up into the air and then delivered a punch to his stomach to send him flying with a thunderous boom behind it. P. Iris Guardian got up slowly from the ground as he looked at his future counterpart. F. Guardian had changed once again, but with a more serious tone in his voice with a deeper focused voice.

F. Guardian?: You wanted to see what would happen if I got stronger? Well, you're about to face not just one of my powers, but all FOUR of them!!!

Looking at F. Guardian, the armor looked to be an accumulation of different armors. Some being white, black, purple, or green. F. Guardian's hair was a mixture of colors as well as his hair floated with the energy and became longer down to the waist. The boosters on his back were purple, the gauntlets were white, the armor was black, and the visor was a dark green with hologram projectors near his upper arms.

F. Guardian?: I told you... You would regret letting me go at full power. But this form is no regular form that you would know.

The aura was a mixture of four colors as each step left a residue of energy with his step.

F. Guardian?: This form isn't used much. Takes a lot of concentration and discipline to even pull this off. With this form, it has no association to a singular form. A form that has ALL the powers of the Four Goddesses. I call it, Guardian Supreme.

P. Iris Guardian got up and was going to throw a shot of energy at the now named F. Guardian Supreme, but before it left his hand, an energy blade made impact against the ball and caused P. Iris Guardian to be sent flying into a tree.

P. Iris Guardian: Guh...

F. Guardian Supreme: Give up. And take your death like the man you portray yourself to be.

P. Iris Guardian: Haaaaa... Haaaaa...

P. Iris Guardian supported himself using the tree to get back up. Using one of the swords he uses, decides to keep himself standing using it as a cane.

P. Iris Guardian: And if I do, what happens to you? Our friends???

F. Guardian Supreme: I vanish like your life will. But not before I kill them to help them meet a swift death and not face what trials are ahead.

P. Iris Guardian widened his eyes as he drew his blade out of the snow and readied it. His dark purple aura ignited to get serious.

P. Iris Guardian: You call yourself a "Guardian", but you're willing to just let your friends die!!

F. Guardian Supreme: And you brought it to them by letting me get to this power.

P. Iris Guardian: You're right... But that's why I sent them away by force to protect them from you!!!

Launching forward, P. Iris Guardian readied his sword as F. Guardian Supreme summoned his energy blades and sent them at his target. P. Iris Guardian spun while making his blade go to whip mode to have a protective circle while spinning to get past the onslaught of blades. Once getting through the blades, P. Iris Guardian focused on sending a slash of energy at F. Guardian Supreme. The slash was easily negated as an invisible barrier was made by F. Guardian Supreme.

P. Iris Guardian lands on the ground and tries to pierce the invisible barrier with his blade infused by his energy, but the blade stops right at the tip. Not even making an effort to go through the barrier to F. Guardian Supreme. P. Iris Guardian's eyes widened in shock of seeing the uselessness of his attack as F. Guardian Supreme grabbed his blade to lift him up and slam him down to the ground.

F. Guardian Supreme: How pitiful. You try, and you still fail. Your power has been surpassed by that of what would be four goddesses. Give up your power you desperately cling to. You have no hope of ever beating me like this.

P. Iris Guardian: Ngh... And let you keep doing what you want? Here you are trying to kill me, but you're also going after my friends... OUR friends!!

F. Guardian Supreme: And where I come from, it matters nothing to me. They'll die one day. I'm just giving them a quicker death.

P. Iris Guardian growled as he got up and tried to punch F. Guardian Supreme, but his right fist made contact with the barrier instead.

F. Guardian Supreme: When will you learn that-

Looking at the blade P. Iris Guardian was holding, it was being focused on with energy in his left hand. Though it was extended and going into the ground. Confused, it didn't end long until feeling a cut on his cheek as a blade had come up from under the ground and caused blood to land on the snow. P. Iris Guardian smirked in seeing some attempt had been successful so far. The barrier made did protect F. Guardian Supreme from all sides. But the fact the snow was left unchanged showed that it can't go around unless there was something blocking the rest from being a perfect sphere.

P. Iris Guardian: Guess your barrier isn't all that's cracked up to be. You are messing with someone that can pick up on weaknesses~

F. Guardian Supreme looked at the snow and felt his cheek and flinched from the sting. Seeing a little bit of blood, he growls and then blasts P. Iris Guardian pointblank instantly.

F. Guardian Supreme: You hit me??? YOU HIT ME!?!?!

Out of the smoke, P. Iris Guardian was on the ground and tried to get up. F. Guardian Supreme grabbed his target by the throat and slammed him into the tree.


P. Iris Guardian: Gah!! Well, then it's your fault...! You didn't notice that when you had all this time...!

F. Guardian Supreme: AAAAAAAAAH!!!

Gathering energy, F. Guardian Supreme blasted P. Iris Guardian as it caused a big explosion. The explosion's vibration could be felt as it reached the lodge. Iris held onto Jasper and Young Abby as she looked to see a smoke cloud coming from where the battle was coming from. Iris was growing more worried by the second as she frowned and looked at Jasper.

Jasper (Data): Honey, no! You can't go out there!

Iris (Data): And we're supposed to abandon our son!? I can't!! Not this time!! I can't let him fight a difficult battle on his own!!

Getting up, Iris rushed to go get her boots on and rush out the door to head for where the battle was. Jasper was holding Young Abby in his arms as he called out to her.

Jasper (Data): Iris! IRIS!

Iris soon ran toward where the battle was happening. With the group, they had just explained about Iris Sister being from the future as her version of (Y/n) had done the same in time traveling. The same (Y/n) that is fighting each other right now. This takes place minutes before the explosion F. Guardian Supreme causes.

Simmons (Data): Oh boy... I can't process this...

Grif (Data): No... No! We have already messed with time travel already, I can't deal with another crisis like that! Not again with the pizza!!

Simmons (Data): Whoa... Ever get the sense you already said that before?

Grif (Data): NOT NOW SIMMONS!!!

Captain IF (Data): Will you two shut the hell up right now!? For f**k's sake!!!

Doctor Compa (Data): Iffy!

Captain IF (Data): Honey, I'm sorry, but you know this is even too much for me... God damn it!

(F/n) was contemplating how things ended up like this as he looked at Iris Sister.

(F/n) (Data): My friend knows how to time travel in the future??? Can he help me fix some mistakes in my life?

Emma (Data): I hope one of those mistakes isn't me...

(F/n) (Data): N-Never hun! I promise that I'm happy with you!

Emma was staring knives into (F/n) as the same could be said for the real Emma and (F/n) in the real world. Iris Sister looked at (F/n) and explained to him about the use of time traveling.

Iris Sister (Abby): I was promised that I couldn't do anything to change the events of time where I came to... If I did, it could have dire consequences...

Grif (Data): Yeah, like being erased and causing paradoxes!!!

Simmons (Data): Oh, cruel fate... Why must you put us on paths of peril...?

Iris Sister (Abby): But from what I saw... Everything is being changed... From my brother having a new form, to the events that are happening here... Things that happened, SHOULDN'T have happened...

Black Heart (Data): What do you mean???

Iris Sister (Abby): With time already messed up like this, I don't know if it's safe to even tell you or not. I had an experience in time... But time travel is something I don't attempt due to my brother's note to me... But I never thought he would do this, go to the past to meet mother before...

White Heart (Data): Before what?

Iris Sister shook her head as she looked at White Heart.

Iris Sister (Abby): I can't tell you that... It's too sensitive...

Black Heart (Data): Why not!? And what do we do about YOUR brother that's beating up our (Y/n)!?

Iris Sister (Abby): It doesn't make sense... He's attacking his past self, and not even worried something will change the future...

Captain IF (Data): Grrrr! What the hell is going on!? What are Iris and Jasper doing in his timeline!?!? I know they would disapprove of this!!!

Doctor Compa (Data): Maybe they don't even know he's doing this...? Has this happened before, Ki- I mean... Abby...???

Iris Sister didn't look at Compa as she looked away.

Iris Sister (Abby): This never happened... I know this didn't happen... My memories don't remember any of this nor the power of Iris Guardian... All of this... Is new...

IF looked at Iris Sister and felt something was off. In her line of detective work, she would notice when someone would avoid a question given to others and try to answer with a half-truth. But trying to push further into this would not be good right now given the situation.

IF (Captain): What are we going to do? We were sent away by (Y/n)'s power and now he's all alone in the fight! I hear the explosion happening and I know this isn't going to end well! Abby! What are we going to do to save your brother from... What even is your brother's form???

Iris Sister (Abby): When he goes into that form... It is an accumulation of all the power he received... He calls it Guardian Supreme.

The mere talk about the name seemed to send shivers down everyone's spine as Iris Sister kept explaining.

Iris Sister (Abby): The Guardian Supreme form is not your average transformation he uses. Instead of just using one share crystal from a specific CPU, he instead takes all he has into one body. Doing this gives him the choices of how to augment his armor to focus on specific places to change his style drastically. Not only that, but having the power of not just one, but the strength of four goddesses in one body.

Hearing Iris Sister explain in detail of what the Guardian Supreme form is supposed to be, it doesn't end there.

Iris Sister (Abby): With the addition to getting all four crystals into his body, his powers even drastically skyrocket. Giving him access to specific moves to his techniques. Making this form the strongest out of ANY form singularly...

(F/n) (Data): Oh... Yeah... Just great... Not only has our friend gone coo coo crazy, but he's coo coo crazy that he's insane to kill us all!!

Iris Sister (Abby): MY BROTHER IS NOT INSANE!!! He... I don't know why he did this... He only came here to see my mother... OUR mother...

Emma (Data): If he came here to kill us, why didn't he just attack us by pretending to be our (Y/n) from this timeline??? Doesn't that strike anyone as weird at all???

As everyone tried to think about it, a loud explosion could be heard coming from the battle where P. Iris Guardian and F. Guardian Supreme is at. Purple Sister was the one to fly up and see the explosion as some trees were knocked over, but the entire area seemed to have been cleared of snow and the grass nearby.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Sis! (Y/n) could be in trouble right now!!

Purple Heart (Neptune): Then we wasted enough time. We need to get back there and fast!

Realizing who was still here, Purple Heart looked at (F/n), Emma, Captain IF, and Doctor Compa.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Go back to the lodge. I can't risk you four getting hurt.

Simmons (Data): Uh... By "you four", does that count Grif and I to-

Black Heart (Data): Are we talking to the men in armor to head back? No, I don't think so!!!

Grif (Data): God damn it! Why do we always get the shitty jobs!?

White Heart pulled Grif and Simmons close as she growled in anger.

White Heart (Data): Because if you run away right now, I will hunt you myself and smash the both of you with my axe, IF I don't lose power first!!! Otherwise, you'll get the hammer instead!!! YOU GOT THAT!?

Grif and Simmons were shaking in their armors as Grif raised a finger that was shaking with fright.

Grif (Data): I think I might've peed myself...

White Heart (Data): You're gross... But at least you understand, yellow.


Another explosion sound could be heard as screams of pain could be heard this time.

Purple Heart (Neptune): That voice!! (Y/N)!!

Black Heart (Data): That seems we don't have much time to dawdle here!

Before the others could go, a crunch in the snow could be heard with some deep breaths to regain air.

???: You are NOT going there without me!!

The others looked and saw that it was Iris.

Captain IF (Data): Iris?!

IF (Captain): What are you doing here?!

Iris (Data): I came here because I need to see how my son is doing!! Where is he!?

Another explosion could be heard as Iris had gotten the idea of where the real battle was.

Iris (Data): (Y/N)!!!

Trying to run, Captain IF and Doctor Compa hold Iris back to stop her from doing anything reckless.

Iris (Data): LET GO OF ME!!!

Captain IF (Data): ARE YOU NUTS!?

Doctor Compa (Data): Iris! It's too dangerous to-

Iris (Data): Don't tell me what is too dangerous!! My SON is over there!!!

Captain IF (Data): I know you're worried Iris, but-!

Iris looked at Captain IF as she yelled at her.

Iris (Data): You don't know what it's like to lose a son!! I lost him once already!! I can't lose him again!!

Iris used all her strength to break free from Doctor Compa's hold as she punched Captain IF in the face. The attack caused Captain IF to recoil in pain. The attack was enough as she began to keep running for where the battle was, but was cut off by Purple Heart.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Iris! You can't go over there! If you do-


Purple Heart (Neptune): Iris! If you go over there, you're going to distract (Y/n) more than help him!!

Iris (Data): I am NOT as weak and fragile as you damn know!! Don't you lecture me when MY SON is dying out there!!!

Purple Heart (Neptune): We're worried about (Y/n) as well!!! But you don't know what-

Iris soon grabbed Purple Heart by the collar and pulled her in close to whisper to her.

Iris (Data): I may be a human, but I'd take a sword to the stomach for my child to help you.

Purple Heart widened her eyes when hearing those words from Iris as the images of Iris being stabbed by Dionix the night of her death played in her mind.

Iris (Data)?: Now. If you excuse me.

Iris soon began to run in the direction the battle was at as Purple Heart was just left in a daze with her thoughts trying to process what she had just heard. The others noticed this as Purple Sister went up to her sister to shake some sense into her.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Sis?! Are you okay?!

Purple Heart (Neptune): That... That isn't possible... How does she... But why...?

As Iris was heading her way towards the battle, P. Iris Guardian was dealt with another attack with his leg being grabbed to be swung into a tree and then smashed through into a rock.

P. Iris Guardian: Guh...


Tossing P. Iris Guardian out of the rock, he was then tossed to the open clearing. P. Iris Guardian's armor was broken, parts crackling with electricity as cuts and bruises were made to his body. P. Iris Guardian was doing all he could to keep himself healed, but the pain kept getting worse the more damage he received. Being picked up by his hair, P. Iris Guardian grunted in pain as a punch was landed to his face that broke part of his visor due to the excessive damage.


P. Iris Guardian: Shove it up your ugly ass... You damn sociopath...

F. Guardian Supreme growled more as he lifted up P. Iris Guardian to his feet and began to deliver a flurry of punches. Punches that were faster than the eyes could follow. The punches kept chipping away at what armor was still there for P. Iris Guardian or left impacts to him as a result of the flurry of punches. When the last punch was thrown, it was sent to P. Iris Guardian's stomach as he began to cough for air, but coughed up blood as well. Opening his palm, F. Guardian Supreme creates a ball of energy and enlarges it to fire it point blank at P. Iris Guardian. The ball carried P. Iris Guardian backwards before exploding. P. Iris Guardian yelled with more of his armor breaking and exploding off due to the damage they were sustaining as more blood could be seen on him due to his wounds. P. Iris Guardian fell to the ground while breathing hard and coughing up blood still. F. Guardian Supreme looked at his past self and began to fly into the air and hover where he was at.

F. Guardian Supreme: You bring great shame to who you are and what potential you show. If this is all you can manage, then you shall die now.

Raising his hand, energy began to convene towards his palm. The more that was gathered, the more the ball of energy got larger. P. Iris Guardian looked at the ball before him as flashbacks to his fight with Dionix in the Hyper dimension. Instances of (Y/n)'s form and Dionix's form were playing out in P. Iris Guardian's mind as he was staring death in the eyes once more. This time however, the ball of energy was bigger than the last time. Big enough that it could destroy the planet.

P. Iris Guardian: Wh-What are you doing!?

F. Guardian Supreme: Ending this pitiful planet with everyone on it. Hope you said your final goodbyes soon. Because there is no escaping this one.

P. Iris Guardian watched as horror and despair appeared in his eyes. The fact the world was about to end with everyone on it left P. Iris Guardian frozen with his own thoughts.

P. Iris Guardian: Don't do this... Our friends, our family, and many more!! You're not just going to end my life and future! You're ending EVERYONE'S future!!!

F. Guardian Supreme: I know. And I will follow through with what I have decided upon.

With one movement of the hand, F. Guardian Supreme began to send the ball of energy down onto where P. Iris Guardian was at. Though, the density of the ball and accumulated energy made for it made it slow on the descent. Horror, disbelief, and terror surged through his body as his future self was going to go through with this. To kill his home planet along with everyone on it that did NOTHING to him. P. Iris Guardian got up and tried firing some shots of energy in an attempt to destabilize the attack, but all they did was just get absorbed into the attack. Seeing his own attack do nothing against the incoming threat, P. Iris Guardian just looked at it. Defeat in his eyes as he fell to his hands and knees to curse at himself.

P. Iris Guardian: D-Damn it...! Why did I let him do that?! Why did I just let him power up like that?! I messed up... But everyone on this planet shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes...!

Tears were now falling to the snow as he looked up at the attack still approaching and began to yell out.


The area was being blown away by the force of the attack while P. Iris Guardian still sat there. Blaming himself for bringing this upon the world.

P. Iris Guardian: Everyone... I'm sorry...

When P. Iris Guardian was about to let everything end like this, a familiar voice rang out amidst the chaos.

Iris (Data)?: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET UP!!!

Looking to his side, P. Iris Guardian could see that his mother, Iris, had arrived on the battlefield.



Iris (Data)?: NO!! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE LIKE THIS!!! Not again...

Rushing over to where P. Iris Guardian as she got down on her knees and took his shoulders to shake him up.

Iris (Data)?: FIGHT BACK!!!

P. Iris Guardian: WITH WHAT!? I'M AT MY LIMIT HERE!!!



P. Iris Guardian looked at the ball of energy that still made its threatening approach from way above.


A loud smack could be heard as Iris was the one to have smacked P. Iris Guardian to get him to stop freaking out.


P. Iris Guardian was about to look back at the ball of energy, but Iris placed her hands on his face to have him facing toward her instead.

Iris (Data)?: It's scary. Seeing something so intimidating like that, right? I can tell how scared you are right now.


Iris (Data)?: Then, you have to fix that. Right?

P. Iris Guardian just looked with fear and no will to stand up and fight.

Iris (Data)?: Think about what is going to happen if you don't do something right now. Our world will die, the people living here will die, your friends will DIE, and our family will DIE! Do you want that!? To let everything just end while you just decided to just let things end like this!? Think back to how you felt when Dionix made you feel when you had no hope left!!! What did you do then!?

P. Iris Guardian looked at his mother with wide eyes from her statements as images of him getting back up to fight against the unwinnable battle showed his resolve to not go down without a fight. But this time, a threat like this really was endangering his world.

Iris (Data)?: You showed me you have all this power, but you don't even tap into your fullest. You're always scared of letting go because your gentle soul won't let you do such a thing. But that gentle soul needs to be put aside.

Iris then stood up as she looked towards the ball of energy that was soon halfway down. Iris took a step forward as she looked at the ball dead on as she didn't care what happened.

Iris (Data)?: But if I know you, you care for every living being. Regardless if they were bad. You rather give someone a chance than leave them to their own damnation. Out of everyone that rather causes pain and suffering, you see the good and joy of things you see before you. It might be disturbing, yes... But who hasn't done anything wrong in their life??? Everyone has. How you view your life should be decided on yourself, not by someone else.

P. Iris Guardian looked at his mother as he was just staring at her while being closer to the blast meant for him.

Iris (Data)?: If this is our last moments here on Earth... I would rather it be with my SON that I have raised since birth. And seeing you die again will only destroy what hope and reason I have left... Son, I love you. Promise me one thing? Never lose your smile that I love so much.

Iris smiled at P. Iris Guardian as pulses rang through his head as echoes could be heard with anger, sadness, and loss could be felt all at once. When looking at Iris, P. Iris Guardian felt absolute dread with his heart racing. Gritting his teeth, P. Iris Guardian began to surge with his energy and a glow in his eyes could be seen.


Taking flight, P. Iris Guardian flew towards where the blast was while charging energy into his own hands quickly, the energy built up fast with the growing surge of power in his need to defend his world.


Firing his own blast, the beam he fired was that of a dark purple to match P. Iris Guardian's energy. When F. Guardian Supreme saw the retaliation, he scoffed.

F. Guardian Supreme: Hmph... Still has power huh...? Worthless...

Throwing a hand forward, F. Guardian Supreme caused his attack to advance while the two attacks clashed. With the force of the attack P. Iris Guardian was making, it pushed him back down fast as his feet landed back down, but had slid backwards before finding proper footing to keep himself from losing balance. The two were evenly matched in terms of their current conditions, but F. Guardian Supreme wasn't even worried at all. With one thrust of his hand, F. Guardian Supreme's attack was making another advance. Responding to this, P. Iris Guardian pushed more energy out to make the attack even again.

P. Iris Guardian: NNNNNNNNGH!!!

The pressure of the attack was strong, but with the total damage done to his body, it was draining every energy he had fast. Even flickering images of P. Iris Guardian's form was trying to force a change back to (Y/n)'s normal form, but it was like something kept it from happening. In the real world, everyone was watching as the battle was reaching the final climax of this situation.

Histoire (Hyper): This is unreal... To think that (Y/n) would get this powerful, but to use it in the end in this confrontation...?

Washington: That just can't be... The guy we risked our lives for, will do this??? Just from meeting his past self???

Grif: That boy better save us after the many times we saved his sorry ass!!

Simmons: Grif!

Tucker: It's one of those days, huh...?

Caboose: Oh! Is it Taco Tuesday? I love tacos~

The CPUs were even on edge as they watched the battle, while Plutia was still holding (Y/n)'s hand and Shadow cuddling on top of his master.

Noire (Ultra): I know (Y/n) was scary when I first met him, but actually taking on Plutia's personality in being sadistic is just nuts!

Blanc (Ultra): At least he isn't OUR enemy...

Peashy: Onii-Chan...

Looking at Plutia, Peashy quickly went over to gain her attention and pull her away.

Peashy: Plutia! We need to help him!

Plutia blinked a few moments as she felt her head hurting a little.

Plutia: Owie... My head hurts...

After Plutia was taken away from (Y/n), the crystal began to flicker until it returned to a glowing blue like it once before. Shadow noticed this and could sense danger from that happening and began to bark. In the MRS, P. Iris Guardian kept focusing his power to his beam, but suddenly reverted back to his original form, and his power drastically decreased.

(Theme Pause at: 2:08)


Iris (Data)?: (Y/n)!? What's wrong!? Why did you change back!?

P. (Y/n): I didn't have a choice...!! I ran out of power...!!! NGGGGGGGGH!!!

P. (Y/n) began to feel his beam weakening and giving way to the blast heading for them. P. (Y/n) could feel himself slipping as he was being pushed back. The others outside began to freak out why this was happening.

Histoire (Hyper): No! This can't be!

Washington: Not good!!

Avdol: I-If he doesn't recover any power soon, won't what we heard mean that everything changes!?

Grif: Shit! Shitshitshitshit!!! We're all gonna perish in this timeline!!!

Simmons: Grif!! Children here!!!

Noire kept looking at the screen as her eyes were wide in seeing the balance being thrown off between the two.

Noire (Ultra): This can't be happening!

Blanc (Ultra): How did he lose his power???

Vert (Ultra): Could he have lost his power due to using too much???

Mirasashiro and Adult Neptune were trying to figure out how to give assistance to (Y/n), but they are coming up with nothing for commands to give (Y/n) an edge.



While the others kept trying to figure out why (Y/n)'s power diminished, the events inside the MRS were still happening. P. (Y/n)'s power was greatly being weakened due to having to keep up the struggle. Getting weaker and weaker in allowing more speed to the attack from F. Guardian Supreme. The attack was getting too much, so the push back on P. (Y/n)'s attack made him lose balance.

P. (Y/n): Wh-What?! No!!!

When closing his eyes, P. (Y/n) expected to fall over and his beam to lose focus on the attack, but the pressure was still there. Grunting could be heard as someone had caught P. (Y/n) from falling over. When looking over his shoulder, he could see Iris had gotten behind him and supported him from falling over.

Iris (Data)?: DON'T WORRY! I GOT YOU!!!



P. (Y/n): BUT-!!!

Iris (Data)?: ENOUGH!!!

P. (Y/n) stopped talking as he kept trying to keep pushing out power to keep the attack to a slow crawl towards him and his mother.

Iris (Data)?: (Y/n), you're still holding back.

P. (Y/n): Do I look like I'm holding back still!? I'm trying to give everything I have at this thing!!!

Iris (Data)?: No. You may think you are, but you're still scared...


Tears began to fall from P. (Y/n) as his voice became scared.

P. (Y/n): I'm scared because I've used up all my power trying to hold this thing back and running on fumes. I let this asshole power up and beat the shit out of me. I hurt my friends because they knew I was being out of my mind. And now I'm about to be crushed again by the same attack Dionix used against me!! If this isn't karma being the biggest bitch to me right now, I DON'T KNOW WHAT!!!

P. (Y/n) kept crying as he tried to focus his energy to push the attack back, but his power fluctuates. The beam gave out for a moment before fixing itself.

P. (Y/n): DAMN IT!!!

P. (Y/n) still kept focusing to keep the ball from growing closer to where he was as Iris looked up towards F. Guardian Supreme. Staring at him with a look of anger.

Iris (Data)?: (Y/n)... Calm yourself.

P. (Y/n): Easy for you to say when you're not the one keeping a gigantic ball from trying to come down on us!!!

Iris (Data)?: (Y/n)... You need to calm yourself.

P. (Y/n): Get angry, get sad. WHICH IS IT!?


Being quiet, P. (Y/n) decided to keep his mouth shut and listen to what his mother had to say.

Iris (Data)?: If you decide to buckle under the pressure you're being put through, you give up on your own confidence. Look at that other you up there. What is he to you?

P. (Y/n): My damn future self. Better than me in every way and has more power than I do. I've only just gotten used to using everything I learned about this year! For all I know, he probably has more experience than I do!! I don't have the training he had!!!

Iris (Data)?: True. You have a point there. But one mistake he doesn't have.

P. (Y/n): What's that? A mother that's dying from something meant to kill me specifically!?

Iris (Data)?: No. Because you're not the only one who wants to protect everything here.

P. (Y/n) was about to ask when another person gave pressure behind his back. When looking behind him, P. (Y/n) could see that the CPUs had returned, along with IF, followed by Captain IF, Doctor Compa, Grif and Simmons.

P. (Y/n): Not you all too!!!

White Heart (Data): Is that the thanks we get for being here???

Black Heart (Data): After what you did to send us away, why WOULDN'T we come back!?

Iris Sister (Abby): I'm going to KILL you for trapping us in that bubble. But for now, I need to help you fix your mistakes. Again.

P. (Y/n): Sometimes, I really hate when people say that to me. But... Thank you.

Iris Sister just smirked and focused on the objective at hand.

Iris Sister (Abby): Keep firing.

P. (Y/n): Been doing that for damn five minutes. Been losing ground lady.

Iris Sister (Abby): That ends now. Everyone! Give him your support!

Iris Sister placed her hands on P. (Y/n)'s left shoulder as a surge of energy was being pushed into him. This caused his power to transform himself into P. Guardian and have a better focus on his blast.

P. Guardian: What are you up-

Before he could ask that question, getting behind where P. Guardian was at, his allies began giving support in pushing against each other to give it toward P. Guardian.

Vert (Data): You may give energy to us when we need to transform, but there is something you seem to still not know.

P. Guardian: Can we get to the part where you tell me, and I understand??? On a literal clock of death here!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): The first time you fought by yourself, alone, you did it to help my sister and theirs. Even if you were alone in that fight, we couldn't stand on the side except to give you what support we all could.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n). Your Share Energy isn't just a way to make us stronger. With you having Share Energy to control and use yourself now, The people you make believe in you make you stronger too. Your kindness and actions give people hope. And with how much you've done, you deserve every little bit of our support.

Hearing those words, P. Guardian gasped as his energy began to fluctuate as his aura appeared in a rush of power. Feeling strength behind his attack became stronger as it soon began to push against the attack now!

F. Guardian Supreme: WHAT!?

P. Guardian: I-It's working!!

Black Heart (Data): Of course, it's working! Focus! Like Neptune said, Share Energy does work both ways. It's a symbol that people look up to you and recognize your power. How you use it influences their choice to believe who you are. For many of us, you're a friend, nephew, and a son to Iris.

White Heart (Data): You're also a brother to someone you know, but most of all, the love of those you cherish with all your heart.

Purple Heart (Neptune): So, don't just stand there. Give it all you got. GO!!

Gritting his teeth, P. Guardian began to push more energy out than before. The attack from P. Guardian soon made the ball that was thrown by F. Guardian Supreme stops dead in its tracks and soon begins going backwards slowly.

F. Guardian Supreme: You think that's enough to stop me? I'll have you know what the true power of absorbing power from four goddesses is!!!

Flaring up with four different colors of aura alternating, the ball enlarged once again as it soon began to push back against the beam again. P. Guardian felt his arms buckling under the strain as bursts of blood were shooting out from the strain it was causing.

P. Guardian: GRRRRRR!!! F-F**KING DAMN IT!!!

The force of the attack was pushing P. Guardian back as the others supported him by trying to push against him from flying backwards.


Purple Sister (Nepgear): His power has to have been years of training...! Making his skills and power more refined then (Y/n) of this current timeline...!

Captain IF (Data): This isn't just fair...! This is overkill!!

Doctor Compa (Data): Iffy! I'm scared!

Hearing all of the worries and facts that were being thrown around him, P. Guardian felt like there was a deafening ring in his ears as everything around him had gone silent with only his thoughts. His form returning back to being (Y/n) as fear and frustration showing with every second the attack from F. Guardian Supreme came back towards him.

P. Guardian: (D-Damn...! Even with the added assistance of needing power to fire this beam, it isn't enough!! Damn!! I can't!! I JUST CAN'T!!! Why does everyone all around me have to be in this mess because of me!? They don't deserve to die or get treated like this!!! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!!)

P. Guardian was about to yell out in frustration over everything, when he heard a singular voice reach him.

Iris (Data)?: (Y/n). Stop beating yourself up. This is not your fault.

Widening his eyes, P. Guardian looked back towards Iris with a calm expression clear on her face. Not scared of dying as she looked at P. Guardian in the eyes.

Iris (Data)?: You got to stop giving yourself doubt for everything that's happened. None of what has happened is your fault.

P. Guardian: BUT-!!!

Iris (Data)?: Son. Let me talk.

P. Guardian wanted to protest, but decided to listen to Iris while focusing to keep his beam from weakening.

(Resume previous music at 2:08)

Iris (Data)?: (Y/n). Do not beat yourself up for everything that was out of your own control.

P. Guardian: But-!

Iris (Data)?: You try to live your life normally, even with the constant backlashes from your own secret life. But because of the struggles you faced, you made choices that no one could EVER imagine making.

Looking up at F. Guardian Supreme, Iris kept talking as she gripped P. Guardian's shoulder.

Iris (Data)?: But you can't give up. Not when you're this close.

P. Guardian: What are you talking about...!?

Iris (Data)?: Did you give up when you fought by yourself? Did you give in when every odds was against you? When your back was against the wall, did you give in when you knew others were trying to cheer you on???

P. Guardian: I...

Iris (Data)?: Let me ask you something else. Do you remember what you PROMISED me when you first met your sister?

Iris Sister looked at Iris as she seemed to be confused. Seeming not to know what she was talking about.

P. Guardian: M-My "promise"...?

Iris (Data)?: When you were younger, what did you promise me about Abby? Your little sister?

Thinking about it, P. Guardian's eyes went wide as images of meeting Abby as a newborn infant. When remembering the promise he made to his mother about Abby.

P. Guardian: Mom. Whatever you're trying to tell me, just say it. Because this is harder than it looks keeping this back!!

Iris (Data)?: Then let me remind you. You promised me you would be there for Abby. To protect her and be there when she needed you most. Right?

Iris Sister was silently surprised upon hearing this along with Purple Heart. When the group had talked about the events that led up to where they talked about (Y/n)'s infancy death, there was no mention of the promise being made between the two in secret.

Iris (Data)?: Didn't you promise to her that you do everything you could to protect your sister? Think about her right now. What do you think will happen if you give up NOW!!

Feeling the dread of thinking of that thought, a burst of power surged in reaction to the need to protect his little sister. F. Guardian Supreme felt the impact of the attack as it forced him back slightly in the struggle.

F. Guardian Supreme: Wh-What?

Iris (Data)?: See. Look at that. You focus so much on blaming yourself for mistakes you blame yourself for, but your morals for those you love to make you strong.

P. Guardian: I-I can't break my promise...! Abby's future...! If she dies here...!

Thoughts of meeting his future sister vanished in his thoughts as it called forth more power stored in him. The power began to push the attack more on F. Guardian Supreme.

Iris (Data)?: You got this! Keep it up! Don't lose that focus!

F. Guardian Supreme: This pressure! Damn!

Focusing his maximum power, F. Guardian Supreme began to send more power as it made the attacks now even out in the middle. As the others outside watched, they were just shocked to see this all happen.

Noire (Ultra): I'm sorry, but if I was having to deal with an attack like this... In fact, I WOULDN'T know how to deal with this!!!

Blanc (Ultra): This attack is just going beyond what a normal person should be capable of...

Vert (Ultra): Histoire...?

Histoire looked at the screen as she gave her own insight depending on the (Y/n) she knew from her time before disappearing to Earth.

Histoire (Hyper): From what I know when I read reports from others... (Y/n) has a lot of love for those around him...

Washington: You have reports about his actions in battle...?

Histoire nods her head as her other counterpart seemed to be interested.

Histoire (Ultra): What did you learn?

Histoire (Hyper): You see... (Y/n) doesn't just act because of his training... What makes him react is from how those around him are affected.

Histoire focused as papers of reports from either Noire, Blanc or reports from Guild Halls about (Y/n) were in a pile.

Histoire (Hyper): The fights (Y/n) had been in would be impossible for any normal person to even attempt. But from these reports, (Y/n)'s actions would sometimes go back on how peaceful he tries to be, until someone he cares for is threatened... Even during the events that led up to the Chaos CPUs...

Instances of the Chaos Fenrir, Abnes, Neptune being weakened and many more from events that happened prior to this moment.

Histoire (Hyper): With how (Y/n) would fight, his fights would drive him to his limits at most. But what seemed to drive him to fight and draw out more power, was from the dangers his friends and family faced. Because of this, his emotions would run rampant if he saw them in danger or if something drove him out of control.

Looking at the screen now, she watched as P. Guardian was forcing himself to draw out more power to keep the attack going. The ground was crumbling around him and the group.

Histoire (Hyper): The connection (Y/n) has with his younger sister... The promise he made to her... It's strong enough that he can't let it go... A promise that he doesn't want to break with his mother... A promise even after his mother died...

The others looked at the screen as the battle was still going as F. Guardian Supreme and P. Guardian were still in their struggle. Iris held P. Guardian's shoulder more as she talked to him.

Iris (Data)?: If your promise to Abby means anything, what about all your friends, your family. You don't have to save the world. No one is asking you for that. You are only one person!!! But if you had to focus on one goal. One goal for yourself. Don't do it because you feel you're the only one that can do it. DO it because of the love you feel for your friends and family.


When talking, F. Guardian Supreme grunts as he feels pain and looks back to see Ivory was in the air with a bow and arrow as she had shot a few arrows behind him.

F. Guardian Supreme: Oh, no.

Feeling the right opportunity was now, Iris gripped P. Guardian's shoulder.

Iris (Data)?: (Y/n)!! There!! DO IT NOW!!!

Feeling a surge of adrenaline and power from somewhere, P. Guardian began to fire a bigger burst of energy as the beam soon pierced through the attack of F. Guardian Supreme and began heading straight for him. A smirk was on F. Guardian Supreme's face as he was engulfed in the blast. When it clears, it shows he has vanished. Having exhausted every spec of his energy, Guardian soon reverted back to normal once more and fell to his knees and passed out.

Iris Sister (Abby): (Y/n)!!

As Iris Sister lost her power as well, she went to her knees to pick up her brother while the others watched in amazement as the CPUs still transformed and went back to normal as well. The group just looked at (Y/n) as IF broke the silence.

IF (Captain): I know he's meant to be strong, but... Damn.

Captain IF (Data): I really couldn't have phrased it better than myself.

Doctor Compa (Data): Iris...

Iris soon began to crouch down and plant her knees in the snow as she placed a hand on (Y/n)'s crystal. Smiling at the effort that he made.

Iris (Data)?: (Y/n)... If you're somehow able to hear me from this sleep, know that I'm always proud of you, and I couldn't be more of a grateful mother to have you as my son. You make me proud.

With what had just happened, the group helped pick (Y/n) up as a person behind a tree smiled and vanished. The others on the outside watched all of this and were amazed by the feat (Y/n) pulled off.

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom

IF (Ultra): Okay... I'm so glad he isn't our enemy...

Avdol: If he is capable of stuff like this, I think I know why (Y/n) didn't dare go all out from the misunderstanding.

Noire (Ultra): Okay, but can we go back to the "Iris Guardian" form we saw earlier, please someone tell me they weren't creeped by the sadistic feeling and power he had.

Vert (Ultra): It reminds me of Plutia when she transforms... It's quite scary how those two are similar...

Blanc (Ultra): Speaking of Plutia...

Looking to where Plutia was, she and Shadow had stayed with (Y/n)'s body this entire time. Plutia holding his hand and Shadow pawing at him. With them was Peashy as she was scared from having to witness how close things had gotten before pulling through in the end.

Noire (Ultra): When you really think about it, (Y/n) really does seem to inspire the people around him.

Washington: And seeing why our friends went in, disregarding the risks, I can understand why now.

Histoire (Hyper): But something still troubles me...

IF (Ultra): What do you mean, Histoire?

Thinking back on a conversation that the others were listening to with the future (Y/n) with Abby, she wanted to know about something.

Histoire (Hyper): Mira.

Mirasashiro: Yeah?

Histoire (Hyper): Do a scan of this building. Look for any inconsistencies of transmissions.

Not questioning Histoire, Mirasashiro began to send four of his drones to begin scanning the building.

Tucker: Why the sudden need to scan the building?

Histoire (Hyper): Just wait.

When the group on the screen leaves, Abby soon begins to get a call and answers it on her own.

Abby (Future) (MRS): What is it, Oracle...

Oracle (Communications): How are you feeling? Having faced your brother again that is... Does it sound wrong when I ask that? Because I feel it does and if it does I am so sorry!

Abby (Future) (MRS): Oracle... Just... It's just been hard. SO hard... Seeing my brother again, and fighting him like this... Is he...?

Oracle (Communications): I mean... I don't blame you... After what happened... It has to be tough on you the most... Chronos and everything involved...

Histoire was looking at Mira to get him to find the signal, as a drone began to pick up a reading.

Mirasashiro: I got something...

Hearing that Mira is picking up on something, his gasp made it even more apparent as he looked at the others.

Mirasashiro: There's someone here! They're a floor above us!!

The others had shocked expressions upon hearing that.

IF (Ultra): WHAT!?

Washington: IF! You and Tucker are with me! Mira! You're coming too to track our mystery connector!

Nodding his head, Mira got ready as IF and Tucker followed Washington. While the talk happened, the four began quickly heading up to the room that Mira was detecting the signal from.

Mirasashiro: The signal is coming from this floor in that room...

Washington: IF...

IF (Ultra): On it...

Taking some keys, IF gently unlocks the door and opens it. The four quietly step inside as Mira sends a drone to quietly survey the area.

Mirasashiro: Nothing out of the ordinary...

Washington: Keep your wits... If they're here, we can get information from them.

Tucker: Lead the way, Wash.

Following Washington's lead, the others followed the drone as it had an infrared feature to sense heat through walls. Looking through the drone's eye, the group could see a figure walking around in a room ahead of them. The person in the room seems to be thinking of something as the group gathered at the door. Washington looked at Tucker to give the go ahead to break the door open as Tucker got in position and kicked it open.

Washington: GO! GO! GO!

Going in first, Washington and Tucker took point as Mira went in to give some protection to IF in terms of the lack of armor. In the room was a girl. A girl that looked to be 19 years old and a slim figure. The girl had long light-brown hair that reached to her back with a slight strand of hair hanging in front of her. For clothing, she wore a red sweater that was a regular fit with a golden necklace around her neck and a pair of jeans that didn't look too tight on her. Near her was a device and an earpiece as her mouth was agape in shock of the sudden intrusion.

Washington: Hands in the air! Now!

Mirasashiro: No funny business!

From the sudden shock of being found, the girl put two fingers to the earpiece on her right ear and began to talk into it.

???: Um... K-Kiyoshi...?

Talking could be heard coming from the earpiece, though only the girl could hear.

???: I was found by the others... Your idea didn't work...

There was silence in the room as Washington approached the girl while chatter could be heard on it.

Washington: Give me it. The communicator.

Not wanting to cause any trouble, the girl instantly took it off and handed it over to Washington with her hands up. Connecting to the device with his helmet, the audio feed soon went to Washington instead.

Abby (Future) (Communicator): -then you activate your cloaking on your wrist strap and-

Washington: Hello, "Kiyoshi." Or should we call you "Abby from the future"??

There was silence on the communicator as Abby soon talked to Washington.

Abby (Future) (Communicator): Where is Oracle? What did you do? Did you hurt her!?

Washington: Oracle is safe. We didn't come in here planning to fight. But you having a way to contact outside the MRS made us needing to know what the hell is going on. And before you even keep speaking, we're currently observing you on the MRS. Don't think you can lie to us. We know you come from the future, Abby. The battle you and (Y/n) went through with Guardian Supreme gave us all the proof we needed that you come from the future. It's time you complied and told us EXACTLY why you're here. I will not take no for an answer.

There was silence from Abby on the other end as Oracle tried to speak to her through Washington's mic.

Oracle: Abby... It's over... We have to tell them why we're here... Even with what (Y/n) knows as well...

A growl could be heard by Abby on the communicator as she began to yell into her device.

Abby (Communicator): And do what!? Just stop what we began!? Time is already being meddled as we talk!! Chronos has already messed with time as it is!!! From the moment we came here, EVERYTHING has been different!!!

There was silence as Abby was trying to catch her breath while Washington spoke up.

Washington: Take your time in answering. But this matter involves ALL of us. Not just (Y/n).

Contemplating with her decisions, Abby was hesitant before answering.

Abby (Communicator): Fine... But until my brother is safe outside the MRS, I'm not telling one thing about all of this. His safety is my priority along with my past self. If you've been watching and listening, foul play is at work here and events of what we know are at risk of major changes...

Washington: You're right. We don't have any business to ask right now when you all are in danger still. But be expecting me to interrogate you AFTER everyone gets out.

Abby (Communicator): That's fine. All I want is to make sure my brother is safe. That includes what Chronos does here of all timelines.

The call ended as Washington was going to ask something else, but sighed at the many things that's happened so far.

Washington: Now that we have something to contact the others again, we're bringing this equipment back down with us, "Oracle."

Washington looked at Oracle as she giggled to herself, but felt it wasn't the right time to be trying to laugh as she had a worried expression.

Oracle: I hope I'm not in trouble for anything Abby dragged me into... Mom and Dad would KILL me...

Dimension: Hyper

Location: Dionix's base, Chronos' office.

As the group began to work on transferring the gear Oracle had, it would take some time before proper setup could be done to ensure a good connection could be made. During that time, time accelerated once again as the MRS would go to a point in time of Chronos' decision. Knocking on a door could be heard as Chronos pressed a button to open it to reveal DCD.

DCD: How is the plan?

Chronos: Strangely satisfying.

DCD: May I ask?

Chronos began to chuckle before going into a full-blown laughter.

Chronos: To think my most hated enemy went to the past himself JUST to talk to his mother!!! I wondered why I sensed the energy of time travel coming from him, but it all makes sense now!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

DCD: Why did he go back in time to see her if I may ask?

Chronos: Probably to hint at a warning? To see his deceased mother? To have one last chance to hold her before I KILLED him in his time? I will never know now. But because of it, even HIS interference has sparked a new change in the timeline. Twice, if we count what happened during the previous events that have happened before now. Had I known he would attempt time travel, I wouldn't have done it. But I can't stop what has started. I always follow through to the end of my plans. Even IF I have to get my hands dirty to do so.

DCD: So, what should we do, Master?

Chronos got up and looked DCD in the eyes.

Chronos: Remember when I said that I would even get my own hands dirty to get my objective done?

DCD nodded her head as Chronos smiled under his helmet.

Chronos: Get your energy recharged before we go. Contact Johnathan in the system as well. We're going to wreck a party~

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Inside MRS, (L/n) Residence

Time had advanced that in the MRS, it was put to a point where it was nighttime at the (L/n) residence. For Future Abby though, looking at what day it was, it was the night of the dance. As she was with Nepgear, Neptune and Captain IF, they met in private to speak about what their plan was. They had even talked about this on some of the days that led up to this, but it didn't help talking about it.

Captain IF: Tonight's the night...

Neptune: The night everything changes for (Y/n)... The night (Y/n) lost his parents...

Nepgear: Even though this night is supposed to be the hardest part to face, (Y/n) has no idea what is going to be happening...

Abby looked out the window as she stared to see the snowflakes falling. When Abby didn't input her thoughts, her shoulder was tapped and surprised her.

Abby (Future): H-Huh?!

Captain IF: Hey, you okay? What's wrong? You okay, kid?

Abby (Future): I... I'm fine. And I'm not a kid.

Nepgear: But, Abby... You can tell us anything...

Neptune: What's wrong, kiddo?

Abby looked at Neptune from being called that by her of all people and sighed.

Abby (Future): It's... Hard... Hearing that in this timeline, my mother and father died... It's completely different from my own...

The three looked at Abby as they looked at her.

Nepgear: "D-Different"???

Captain IF: How different are we talking about Abby???

Abby (Future): Years... Years of difference... I have been watching you all for a while and every event has gone off course because of what you all are telling me... Our father and mother weren't supposed to die tonight... They were meant to live until I turned seventeen and after they risked their lives for me and my brother...

The three and others on the outside looked at Abby as Oracle felt her friend's sorrow in her voice.

Captain IF: Even if they survived, they would still die in the future...?

Abby (Future): From an attack on Chronos, yes... He has been by far our most difficult enemy... How everyone had their own abilities after awakening their power from the CPU Memories-

Neptune: Oooooooooo~! Origin story~!! I smelled that a mile away~

Nepgear: Neptune!

Sweating in being told off by Nepgear in a very difficult topic for Abby to talk about right now, Captain IF got closer to Abby to comfort her.

Captain IF: We're here for you kid. Even if some of us are gone. What were you going to say?

Abby looked at her Aunt as she sighed and continued, Neptune still geeking out while Nepgear did her best to control Neptune right now.

Abby (Future): You know how most of us have our own special abilities? Some being insanely strong, super-fast, or crazy strong but super sadistic?

Neptune: You just said everything that makes Plutia and then some for Sadie just now...

Abby (Future): POINT IS... When I got my abilities, things were... weird...

Captain IF: How weird?

Abby (Future): Where do I begin... At times, time would stop, slow down, repeat in certain moments, and so on and so forth...

Nepgear: Huh? I don't understand...

Abby (Future): Chronos... You know he can stop time?

Neptune: Yeah, you told us that during an off day here in the MRS by ourselves.

Abby took a deep breath and looked at Neptune.

Abby (Future): That isn't ALL he can do...

Captain IF: What?

Abby looked at her Aunt and sighed more.

Abby (Future): He can slow down time, rewind it, stop it to a halt and who knows what. During a fight that my brother had an advantage in, right when (Y/n) would strike Chronos down, time would just... restart before the fight began. Like it was redone in a matter of erasing what was written...

Neptune: Whoa... Spooky.

Captain IF: B-But wait! Then why didn't he just-

Abby (Future): "Restart time when I arrived to fight him?" Wouldn't have worked since I remember events that are repeated. Chronos is someone you can't fight. Because he'll bait you to attack with all your might, and once he reads it, he'll restart the fight and dodge everything you have and not get a hit in...

Neptune: Okay, I know villains in our series had OP powers that made them crazy freaking strong... BUT THIS IS JUST OVER THE TOP!! JAMMY!! WHAT THE HELL!?

Captain IF: Neptune, who the hell is "Jammy"???

Nepgear sweats as she tries to force a smile.

Nepgear: Please excuse my sister... She loves making references to many things... In fact, I think a pudding might straighten her out...

Captain IF: Anything to get her to shut up. Fine. Be right back.

Captain IF got up and began to head towards the where the kitchen was as Abby looked at Neptune and Nepgear.

Abby (Future): Being honest... Chronos wasn't even meant to be here... Not in this story...

Neptune and Nepgear looked at Abby as they were about to say something, when a note materialized into the room with them. It was in a handwriting Neptune was familiar with.

Neptune: Wait a minute... Jammy?!

Any mentions about the Author interacting with the group was cut off from the feed of the MRS from those looking in. When the talk on the note is over, it will resume communications of viewing the MRS. Looking at the note, the three began to read the note from Soejammy saying "This Abby is right. I don't know how to explain this, but I NEVER put this Chronos in my book. I had a future idea for a character name, but this literally goes beyond my capabilities... I'm even scared to say... Some time ago, one of my cameras I had placed in your universe was even modified... Like, it was the SAME camera. No... It IS, the same model AND drone I sent to watch Dionix's base and keep an eye on this variable... It TRIED to kill me..."

Neptune: NEP-WHAT!?

Nepgear: An Author being attacked outside of his own story!? How?!

Abby (Future): That's news to me. Also, hi, Jammy. Sorry I'm intruding into your time...

The note changed to fit new words to keep things fast saying "Nice to meet you too, Abby. I honestly didn't think I would see you here of all places. But when you think about it, my ideas have been forced to change... And it all began with the night of the dance... The night it changed everything for (Y/n)..." The three CPUs looked at each other as the note refreshed to continue saying "The night of (Y/n) going to the dance was to be peaceful. In fact, the attack from Dionix or rather, "Shalla" and Johnathan was NEVER meant to happen... Jasper and Iris died in front of my eyes, as I watched the words seal their fates... I can't express how painful, seeing those two die while I have no power besides using my thoughts and ideas to keep the story flowing and consistent. Even as we speak, you all are evolving the story due to the many changes. Even before I can add an idea, the world inside the book would go with the flow of what you all would do. It surprises me about this, honestly."

Nepgear: What?! Jasper and Iris weren't meant to die tonight!?

Abby (Future): So, I was right... Chronos changed time to affect everything...

The note then went blank with new words. They read "But this mistake of his evolved the idea of my MRS for the recovery of (Y/n)'s memories. As we know, it HAS turned into a Time Machine besides just recovering memories. The book used by (Y/n) to keep his memories in is constantly being rewritten due to the events that are taking place in the system. If those are being changed, I don't think I need to explain what that would mean for you, Abby." Abby widened her eyes as she looked at the note with tears in her eyes.

Abby (Future): You mean, we're going to save Mom and Dad???

The note changed to show new text as it read from Soejammy saying "Yes. With all that's happened, I felt guilty for what had happened to you and (Y/n)... The rage he felt along with the pain... It may have given him the means to open the portal between dimensions, but the cost was too great... With how things happened, I couldn't change what had happened... But I know how I can change this fate. To save Jasper and Iris..." When Abby read this, tears could be seen in her eyes as she looked at the note.

Abby (Future): Jammy...

Abby wiped her tears away as she smiled at the note.

Abby (Future): Thank you.

The note changed again to show new text saying "Thank me later when you all get out of this alive. Now, there is something wrong that I need to warn you all about that I need to-" The note stopped at that point as it began to spark before exploding in Neptune's hands.

Neptune: AH!!

Nepgear: Eek!

Abby (Future): Wh-What!?

The pieces of the note floated to the ground as the three looked at it. Seeing the charred remains of what was their one link to communicating with the author of the book.

Neptune: That... Wouldn't be like Soejammy to do that...

Abby (Future): Chronos... He has to be behind this.

Nepgear: Is he okay???

Abby (Future): He has to. Otherwise, where would we be if he wasn't?

Nepgear: Y-You do have a point...

The door then opens back up as it shows Captain IF coming back with a cup of pudding and a spoon for Neptune to eat.

Neptune: Ooooooo~ Pudding~

As Neptune began snacking on the pudding, Captain IF looked back at Nepgear and Abby.

Captain IF: So, what are we going to do about tonight?

Abby and Nepgear looked at each other as they had a plan thanks to Soejammy.

Abby (Future): We're going to be saving Mom and Dad from this timeline. We're bringing them back.

Captain IF was going to ask questions of how, but Abby held a hand up and smiled.

Abby (Future): We'll figure that part out later. But for now, I want to make tonight special if we can. And it starts with the dance.

Nepgear: How are we going to do that??? It's the night of the dance!

Abby smirked as she raised a finger and pointed to her head.

Abby (Future): I got an idea~

Telling her idea, Abby began to tell the others of what she had planned for tonight as they had to get started fast.


Location: Ohashi High, Gymnasium

After some time had passed, the dance at the school was going the exact same way as how the events happened last time. Talking to some students, Purple Heart teases Black Heart in slight moments, (Y/n) being flirted with by the girls and the boys asking him to join their groups. Of course, they weren't just your average groups that approached, the girls at school never gave (Y/n) a time of their day or even noticed him until the events that happened in the city. Thinking they could woo their way into his heart to get whatever they wanted. The boys were just only trying to get popularity due to what (Y/n) could do to get popular in their own way. No matter where (Y/n) went at the dance, he was approached by many groups of people as Green Heart, White Heart and IF, who was being controlled by the original Captain IF, moved him away from those groups.

(Y/n): Augh... Can't people just leave me alone...?

Green Heart (Data): It's saddening really...

White Heart (Data): Yeah. They approach you thinking they can just be buddy-buddy, or lovey-dovey with you after all you've done. They give no shits at all because of how popular you've become.

(Y/n): Which is the WORST thing I didn't want to happen. Everyone here is just a damn hypocrite...

IF (Captain): Hey, come on. Cheer up. At least your mother is here to keep them away.

Looking over to a specific area, Iris was with Jasper and young Abby as Iris was glaring daggers into the groups pestering (Y/n). Instead of staying home, Future Abby had requested they join as well to enjoy a party night with them. Shadow was next to (Y/n) as he nuzzled against (Y/n)'s leg. Arriving at the party was the Takasu family as they greeted Iris and Jasper while letting young Abby and Sophie play. Captain IF and Doctor Compa couldn't come to the party, but they wished the group a fun time with (F/n) promising to party hard for them. Although there was one question lingering on (Y/n)'s thoughts.

(Y/n): Hey, have you seen Abby? Her future self that is?

Green Heart (Data): No, I haven't. And I haven't seen Nepgear as well.

White Heart (Data): Where could they have gone to???

As the three were wondering this, IF was checking the flip phone she had for the time and began to chuckle.

(Y/n): Hmm?? What's so funny?

IF (Captain): Nothing~ Just, waiting for the show~

(Y/n) was going to ask when the lights suddenly went out in the gym.

Green Heart (Data): Huh???

White Heart (Data): What happened to the lights?!

As the people of the gym were wondering the same as some were concerned. That was, until the gym began to hear a melody beginning to play. A Christmas melody to be precise. When the curtains began to come up, the two singers could be seen as they were highly familiar to everyone. Abby, who was using her cover name of Kiyoshi and Nepgear, who had transformed into Iris Sister and Purple Sister forms like the other CPUS. Iris Sister was wearing a dark purple dress while Purple Sister had a pink dress on with a flower in her hair and pearls around her neck.

(Y/n): A-Abby?

Green Heart (Data): Nepgear?

The two CPUs began singing as they had gained an audience. The other students there were watching in awe of the singing coming from the two. From the two singing, Taiga had recognized the melody of the song.

Taiga (Data): Huh? Hey! That's the song the Chihuahua and I sang before!

Ryuuji (Data): Huh. I wonder how they know it too???

Iris and Jasper looked at Purple Sister and Iris Sister as they hugged young Abby in their arms. Black Heart and Purple Heart seemed to smile while taking a drink each to enjoy the song better. (F/n) and Emma were holding each other as they listened to the song as well to make their night better. Green Heart smiled hearing this as she giggled with White Heart of the wonderful tune. (Y/n) looked at IF as he asked her a question.

(Y/n): When did they have time to practice???

IF (Captain): It was more of a last-minute thing. It was your sister's idea to sing this.

(Y/n): Abby did???

(Y/n) looked at Iris Sister and Purple Sister on the stage as they kept singing. Smiling, (Y/n) looks towards IF in continuing the conversation.

(Y/n): You know, Aunt IF, I'm just... Glad to see her.

IF (Captain): Huh? Why's that?

(Y/n): I just... I feel safe. Knowing that Abby grows up to be... Strong, dependable, and still herself. I feel like I had to do a lot of growing up from facing my future self as his power outpaced my current... If I had to get all that power to fight Chronos with in the future... Some things had to have happened to lead to a form like that. I need to get stronger. But in my own way to beat this guy. I'm protecting everyone I love.

IF looked at (Y/n) and smiled as she took her cup and sipped from her drink.

IF (Captain): You're just like your mother. In every way, mind, strength, and will~

The two smiled at each other as the song was about to end, when disaster struck. An explosion behind the stage happened as the wall behind Iris Sister and Purple Sister blasted the two away from it. Debris flying and hitting a couple of people there at the party. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in seeing this as he saw Abby landing against the gym ground.

(Y/n): NO!! ABBY!!!

Dropping his drink, (Y/n) began to rush towards where his sister was at while a familiar person suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chronos: Hello, pest.

(Y/n): Chronos!?

Chronos grabbed (Y/n) by the throat and tossed him towards the hole where the explosion happened while Johnathan was there with a smirk and in his armor.

Johnathan: Get yourself ready (L/n)!!!

Jonathan followed up to Chronos' throw to a kick at (Y/n)'s stomach to propel him further out the hole in the wall and out to the school's track field. Seeing (Y/n) being forced away from everyone, the CPUs tried to get themselves ready, but Dionix suddenly appeared before the four.

Dionix (Data): Going somewhere?

Purple Heart (Neptune): Dionix!!

Black Heart (Data): Can't let us enjoy some peace?!

Dionix (Data): For scum Goddesses that can't hold their own in battle? Never.

IF rushed to where Iris Sister and Purple Sister were at as DCD appeared behind her. From the talk Abby had with Neptune, Nepgear and Captain IF, they were told that Dawn was the infamous DCD as to not be deceived by her.

DCD: Hello, IF. We meet again. How has your fun in the MRS been in having powers?

IF (Captain): DCD!? What is this!? A supervillain bargain sale going on right now!?

DCD: Call it how you wish. But the fact remains. (Y/n) (L/n) will become Dionix's new body. My master, Chronos, will see to it.

IF got angry in hearing that as her Flame Awakening activated and turned the blue dress she had on to be a crimson red dress instead.

IF (Captain) (Awakened): We'll see about that!!!

IF and DCD soon began their fighting as Chronos smirked in seeing the chaos around him.

Chronos: You watching, Soejammy? I'm wanting you to witness everything that happens while you can't do ANYTHING right now. Have fun watching~

In the world Soejammy is at, he was busy with his own problem that caused him to abort from his laptop as drones had invaded his space.

Soejammy: Of all the rotten luck!! What is with me facing drones!?

A laser shot flies by Soejammy's head as he yells and runs away with drones chasing after him. With him distracted by the drones chasing after him, back in the book, (Y/n) had transformed into Guardian as he locked blades with Johnathan out on the track field. The same place for the school festival for the race during that time.

Guardian (Y/n): Johnathan!

Johnathan: Hello, (L/n)!

Guardian (Y/n): Are you insane!? Why won't you stop!? You know by now that anyone affected here in the MRS, because of my memories here, are going to be affected in our future!!

Johnathan: And!? If anything, it's less idiots to deal with for me!!!

Guardian (Y/n): Bastard...!

Guardian lifted his sword away from Johnathan as he was going to attack, but soon got intercepted. Not by Johnathan, but the sudden appearance of Chronos in front of him.

Guardian (Y/n): Ngh!?

Chronos: We meet face to face~

Chronos kicked Guardian in the stomach to send him flying across the field as Chronos caught up quickly to intercept Guardian once more. Chronos kept moving fast as each attack kept being a setup for other hits before slamming Guardian to the ground. Guardian tried to get back up as Chronos appeared to smash his fist into Guardian's back, making him yell in pain.

Guardian (Y/n): AUGH!!!

Guardian tried to get up again as Chronos kicked Guardian in the stomach to send him rolling against the ground with some blasts of energy crashing into him during that moment. During the blasts, Chronos appeared behind Guardian as he picked him up and activated his power. Chronos caused time to stop as he then began to deliver various blows to Guardian's body. When time resumed, Guardian let out a scream of pain as he was getting hit by all the punches from the stopped time before being launched to crash into the wall.

Guardian (Y/n): GUH!!!

Being planted against the wall, Guardian began to cough up blood as his entire body was already near his limit. Chronos walked up to Guardian with Johnathan keeping his distance. Chronos grabbed Guardian by his chin to have him look at Chronos.

Chronos: You sure are weaker than your future self. Your future self would have had much better defenses, much better tactics, counters... Should I go on?

Guardian (Y/n): Ngh...

Chronos: Oh well. Guess I can either kill you, or stall for time to let Dionix have your body. Either way, I'm going to be winning tonight.

???: That's where you're wrong.

Hearing a voice, Chronos looked to his left before being plowed in the face by a punch as he was sent flying. The puncher revealed themself to be Mirasashiro from the memories. Mira began to distribute drones of his own to begin healing Guardian up. With Guardian and his family and friends at the party, Mira had no reason to be at the house, but to stay with them.

Guardian (Y/n): M-Mira...

Mirasashiro (Data): Save your breath, you got hit pretty rough out there.

Guardian (Y/n): Rough doesn't cut it with this guy... Please tell me you remember what we told you about him...?

Mirasashiro (Data): With him stopping time and Kiyoshi is from the future to be YOUR sister??? Yeah, I could even probe it more by doing blood samples.

Guardian looked at Mira and seemed to be telling him that now wasn't the best time to suggest something like this at this moment.

Mirasashiro (Data): You're right I should focus.

Getting Guardian out, Mira began to face towards their enemies again as Mira had to quickly raise his shield around Guardian and himself from Johnathan,


Mirasashiro (Data): I like to be the wild card when it comes to leading support.

As Johnathan got angry, Guardian looked at Mira with a half-faced annoyance on his face.

Guardian (Y/n): Oh great, the ego man blew his cap... Thanks a lot, Mira.

Mirasashiro (Data): You say that's my fault!

Johnathan sent a slash towards where Mira and Guardian are at as Mira kept his barrier reinforced.

Mirasashiro (Data): Any ideas?!

Guardian (Y/n): A few... But give me time if you can!

Mirasashiro (Data): Then hurry!

Pulling out the Share Crystal Generator, Guardian began to focus his needs on making a Share Crystal for the battle. Chronos saw this and was getting annoyed.

Chronos: A pointless effort.

As Chronos charged in towards Mirasashiro and Guardian, the camera shifted to show the fight inside the school as the CPUs were fighting against Dionix in a 4v1 battle. Dionix was dodging strikes from Green Heart and Black Heart as he surged with energy to keep up with the pace. White Heart flew in behind Dionix to attempt to crash into him, but expected that attack and dodged to cause her to ram into her own allies.

Dionix (Data): Even when you four have the advantage, you still can't work together properly...

Purple Heart appeared behind Dionix with her sword ready, but missed when Dionix stepped back and took her arm to toss her toward her allies. Dionix looked at the four Goddesses in front of him with a hint of disdain in his voice.

Dionix (Data): Look at the four of you. You four think you're so careful in fighting me, but you can't even handle me at all. Even if you four did have a chance, you will never beat me with your arrogance.

Dionix vanished and then appeared in front of the four to blast them with energy to send them into the wall.

Dionix (Data): You live in a world where your "hardships" never meant your lives were always at constant risk. If you NEVER had to struggle a day in your life, you don't deserve the power you wield!!!

The CPUs screamed in pain as a barrage of blasts caused them to crash through the walls of the school while IF was defending Iris Sister and Purple Sister. IF's crimson dress seemed to have slight cuts in it from DCD's attacks as IF struggled with DCD's attacks in being able to block anything imaginable while having counters for attacks. The (L/n) family and Takasu family could only watch as (F/n), and Emma were talking to each other of how to help. Shadow was next to the (L/n) family, closer to Iris as he growled at all the chaos around him.


Emma (Data): What CAN we do (F/n)?! Have you forgotten we don't have powers!?

(F/n) (Data): Don't remind me!

Iris looked at Iris Sister and Purple Sister as she looked at Jasper.

Iris (Data): Honey, stay with them. I have to help Kiyoshi and Nepgear.

Jasper (Data): WHAT?!

Jasper quickly grabbed his wife to keep her from going anywhere.

Jasper (Data): Honey, I know you have to do something, but THIS isn't one of them!

Iris (Data): You rather let them die out there without recovering first!?

Jasper (Data): No! But this is getting insane! The walls are coming down, and the fighting is shaking the building! It could come down on top of us!

Iris (Data): And it'll come down on Iffy, Kiyoshi and Nepgear!! I'm not risking it!! Jasper! Get everyone here out of this building! I'm helping make sure Kiyoshi and Nepgear get out of danger to recover!

Iris lifted young Abby into Jasper's arms and Sophie into Ryuuji's arms. Once the two girls were in the arms of their dads, Iris looked at Taiga and handed Shadow to her.

Iris (Data): Get them all out of here, show them what happens when we're ignored and give my husband hell just like yours.

Taiga (Data): Oh, trust me~ I'm going to enjoy this a lot~

Jasper and Ryuuji stared at their wives as they looked at each other.

Jasper (Data): Your wife gives you hell too...?

Ryuuji (Data): Yup... She was like this as well in highschool...

Jasper (Data): Yours too, huh...?

Iris then began heading towards where Iris Sister and Purple Sister were as Taiga began to order Jasper and Ryuuji to follow her. With the battle outside with Guardian and Mirasashiro, the two were being bounced around outside as Mirasashiro's shield was having a hard time keeping up with repairs.


Guardian (Y/n): I'M TRYING!!!

Getting kicked up into the air by Chronos, Johnathan was ready for the spike, sending both straight down as the barrier struggled to stay active. Chronos appeared as he began to plunge one of his dual swords into the barrier as Mirasashiro had to move his head to dodge the strike.


Guardian (Y/n): JUST WAIT A MOMENT!!!


Guardian (Y/n): AN ACE IN THE HOLE!!

Shining brightly, the generator opened up to show the Share Crystal as Guardian thrusted it into his chest. When Chronos was going to attempt to stab the barrier again, a burst happened inside the barrier as Chronos was being pushed away. This was the result of Purple Guardian as he grabbed Chronos by his leg and then began to spin him around before sending him flying to hit against the ground. Floating in the air, Purple Guardian looked down at Chronos with anger in his eyes.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You picked the wrong night to start this fight.

Chronos: No, on the contrary, I picked the right night to start this.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What is your problem with me??? You trap me here, make my friends come in here to save me, send someone to pretend to be a friend, and then you send Johnathan into my memories!! Now you're here!? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME!?

Chronos: EVERYTHING IS TO DO WITH YOU!!! What you do, will bring NOTHING, but pain and regrets!!!

Chronos launched himself to close in on Purple Guardian, prompting to raise his blade to guard. Out of nowhere, Johnathan crashes himself into Purple Guardian to move out of Chronos' path. The two crashes to the ground as both get up and clash blades with each other.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Will you stay out of this!?


Purple Guardian (Y/n): What did I EVER do to you to deserve this!?


In an instant, Chronos appeared in front of Purple Guardian and punched Johnathan in the face to send him flying into the wall of the school building.


Using the distraction, Purple Guardian began to get into a stance and begin to charge his Shadow Slice skill. Chronos saw this as he stood still and just watched.

Chronos: You really think a skill like that is going to hit me?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Well, we're going to have to see about that, won't we?

Chronos looked at Purple Guardian while Mirasashiro watched. When Johnathan was about to charge back, Mirasashiro quickly acted to seal Chronos and Purple Guardian in a barrier. This cut Johnathan off with him glaring at the robot in question.

Johnathan: Why you-!!!

Mirasashiro: Sorry, don't talk to me, talk to my little friends.

Drone (Data): Beep.

Johnathan: GRRRRR!!!

With Johnathan circling around to begin his assault on Mirasashiro for the few times he got in his way of his fights, Purple Guardian began charging his skill as Chronos humored him.

Chronos: Okay. Fine. Let's see where this goes. I'll go easy on you at first. For the first twenty minutes, I won't use my skills. But be warned, once you cross the threshold, you'll sorely regret it.

Preparing himself, Purple Guardian began to dodge the attacks Chronos threw his way. Back in the school, while DCD was busy with IF, Iris was able to get Purple Sister and Iris Sister to safety as she had a healing item on hand to give to each. Both began to stir as Iris Sister looked around.

Iris Sister (Abby): Ugh... What happened...?

Iris (Data): You two got attacked...! Some guy called Chronos attacked!

Iris Sister and Purple Sister widened their eyes as they looked around. Iris Sister could see DCD and Dionix fighting the others as she was about to ask about where Iris' group was.

Iris (Data): I sent the others outside. I wasn't going to let you or Nepgear get hurt without doing something to help.

Iris Sister (Abby): Of course, you-

Iris Sister sighed as she looked at Iris.

Iris Sister (Abby): Now that you've helped us, you need to get out. Get back to your husband and protect the others. We got it from here.

Iris (Data): Right. And Kiyoshi?

Iris Sister was going to say something, but Iris leaned into whisper something into her ear first.

Iris (Data)?: Don't go dying out there. Your parents would be very upset if they lost you.

Iris Sister widened her eyes as Iris began to rush out of the gym to regroup with the others. Iris Sister was going to go after Iris, but Purple Sister had changed into her combat form to shake Iris Sister back to her senses.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Abby, we have to focus right now!

Iris Sister (Abby): Right...

Once getting their bearings together, Iris Sister and Purple Sister charged towards DCD as they sent her flying into a wall and joined IF in battle. With the CPUs, they were in the halls as Dionix was blocking and dodging their attacks. Green Heart thrusts her spear with White Heart swinging her axe. Dionix creates a shield of energy to divert the spear thrust to send it into a wall, and block the attack from the axe. Dionix then kicks Green Heart in the head to send her into a classroom, while using the shield he had on the axe to swing around and punch White Heart in the face.

White Heart (Data): AUGH!!!

White Heart held her face in pain as she dropped her axe in the process. Dionix picked it up and was about to use it on White Heart, but got dealt a double kick to his side by both Black and Purple Heart. The kick sent Dionix flying down the hall as he recorrected himself to land on his feet sliding backwards as he generated balls of energy to launch towards the two CPUs. Swinging their blades, Purple and Black heart slashed at the attack to deflect them and propel them down the hall instead. Dionix glared at the CPUs as Black Heart looked at her partner.

Black Heart (Data): Okay... What should we do?

Purple Heart (Neptune): You're asking me? I was just following your lead.

Black Heart (Data): Going with the battle as it comes... You really do know how to slack off...

Purple Heart (Neptune): Better than being disappointed with a failed plan.

Black Heart (Data): Guess you make a point on that...

White and Green Heart grabbed their weapons and joined the two as Dionix looked at the four.

Dionix (Data): So, here you four are facing me. How does it feel in fighting against the person that kidnapped you four back in the Hyper dimension?

White Heart (Data): I say it feels pretty damn good honestly. Because I'm going to mess you up for what you've done to us.

Dionix (Data): And I'm supposed to feel afraid of you because?

Dionix began to radiate an aura while clenching his fist tightly with the ground shaking slightly.

Dionix (Data): You mistake me for a commoner who has no chance in a 4v1 fight. But in truth, I am one of the strongest in my clan that I have slain. I, Dionix, who have murdered the Shinzuyaku Clan with my own hands, WILL BE THE END OF THE CPUS!!!

The dark energy around Dionix began to surge as an effect of Chronos' doing in messing with the timeline as it boosted Dionix's power. With boosting his power, Dionix charged towards the CPUs as they clashed. With the power increase Dionix felt, he pushed through and caused the CPUs to go flying.

Dimension: Soejammy's world.

Location: Soejammy's House.

Yelling could be heard throughout the house as he was running for his life around the Living Room, to the Dining Room and Hallway.

Soejammy: GAH! How long have I been running around for!? Let's hope it isn't a Dragon Ball Z shenanigan moment...

A laser passed by his head as he yelled in fright. While running into the hallway again, Soejammy saw a drone cut him off in front of the Hallway door to the Living Room. Soejammy had to duck a shot from the drone as he began to run up the stairs. Running up the stairs, a shot from the drones got him in his ass as he yelped.

Soejammy: OW!! MY ASS!!!

Stopping for a moment, Soejammy looked towards the drone in the eye with a glare as the drone stopped in front of him.

Soejammy: Why you little...

The drone was going to fly away, but Soejammy grabbed it by the sphere it had and slammed it into the wall hard in his anger. Seeing more lasers hit against the wall, Soejammy kept running until he got to his room. Getting his sword, Soejammy had to block and dodge shots at times, but either stabbed, sliced, or knocked the drones into walls to crush them with his foot when he could. When the fight began, Soejammy was trying to message his friends through the paper he had sent them. But being interrupted, there were about fifteen drones that had attacked him. Now, metal pieces and debris lie around the house. Soejammy took some deep breaths as he held his left shoulder.

Soejammy: D-Damn... F**k... My shoulder... Why does it have to be the one that I dislocated during college...? Ugh...

Dropping his sword, Soejammy began to rush back to his office as he looked to see the current situation.

Soejammy: Oh, you mother f**kers... You think you're so clever... Okay... I'll teach you... Time to put my plan into action. No one messes with me and my friends and threatens them while I'm here.

Soejammy began to enter some space to plan in for future planning to wait for the opportune moments to activate his plans. In the story, all groups fighting seemed to be having a tough time.

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Planeptune Basilicom, Inside MRS, Ohashi High.

With the fight happening in the gym, IF had changed into her combat attire once Purple Sister and Iris Sister got her attention. From there, when DCD tried to get close to touch either Purple Sister or IF, Iris Sister would intervene and shield them with herself in front of them.

DCD: You are most annoying to face. Out of many that can stop me is your brother AND you.

Iris Sister (Abby): And I wouldn't have it any other way. Having to deal with Chaos Energy is something we specialize in. Lucky for us, not so lucky for you.

Iris Sister got her blade ready as she began to fly towards DCD. DCD focused her power towards the front from where Iris Sister was coming from.

Iris Sister (Abby): Now!

Yelling out, Purple Sister and IF rose up behind her and fired a beam and a stream of fire at DCD to her back.


The attack caused her to be sent flying, but not before Iris Sister got a chance to wrap her sword around DCD's ankle and began to swing her around. Once building up enough momentum, Iris Sister soon launched DCD up to the ceiling and smirked.

Iris Sister (Abby): Now that's a home run if I saw one~

DCD groaned as she soon was freed from the ceiling and used her power to keep herself levitated.

DCD: You and your cheap shots...

Iris Sister (Abby): Hey! I don't want to hear it from you! You pretended to be our friend and Noire, Blanc, and Vert and it led to (Y/n) getting hurt!

DCD: It was never my intention to hurt him. His mother had gotten in the way and tried to help, and he pushed her out of the way to protect her. That was his decision.

Iris Sister (Abby): An incident that wouldn't have happened if you didn't interfere!!!

Iris Sister began to clash against DCD's shield. Trying to reach towards Iris Sister, DCD wanted to corrupt her form with Chaos Energy. Seeing for the grab, Iris Sister backs away quickly and looks at DCD.

Iris Sister (Abby): Huh. You reached for me that time. Why?

DCD: Plans are always adjustable. If I can make you use more Share Energy, the weaker your chances of keeping your sanity in Chaos Form.

Iris Sister (Abby): Clever little sneak~

IF and Purple Sister looked at them as IF just facepalmed.

IF (Captain) (Awakened): What the hell is this??? "Flirt with your enemy day"???

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Not really sure how to look at this myself...

Before they could do anything else, they heard a yell as Mirasashiro came bursting through a wall near them. Mirasashiro looked like he was beaten up, but not beaten enough that he was out of the fight. Thanks to some nano machines, his body was repairing as he fought to keep his systems in working order.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Mira?!

IF (Captain) (Awakened): What happened to you?!

Mirasashiro (Data): Gah... Johnathan. Who do you think?!

IF (Captain) (Awakened): Okay, fair enough...

Mirasashiro (Data): With me casting a barrier around (Y/n), he couldn't interfere with his fight... Now he's trying to get me to lower it by force...

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Wait, if Dionix is facing my Sister and her friends, DCD is here, and Johnathan is fighting you... Who is attacking (Y/n)?!

Before Mirasashiro could answer, he pointed out the wall he crashed into. It showed Chronos and Purple Guardian facing each other as Purple Guardian was dodging attacks and delivering kicks only to charge his sword. When IF and Purple Sister saw this, they looked towards Iris Sister.

IF (Captain) (Awakened): ABBY! CHRONOS IS IN HERE WITH US!!!

Hearing IF, Iris Sister looked to where IF was pointing and saw Purple Guardian facing off against Chronos. Gasping, Iris Sister grew angry from this.

Iris Sister (Abby): He dares enter my brother's mind...? He is SO dead!!

DCD shot a blast of energy at Iris Sister as it sent her flying a little to a halt.

DCD: Your fight is with me.

Iris Sister (Abby): Sorry. But you're not my problem anymore. Mira, take out DCD! IF, Nepgear, you're handling Johnathan!

Mirasashiro (Data): What about you???

Iris Sister (Abby): Where else?! I'm saving my brother!!

Looking at DCD, Iris Sister dashed in to kick at DCD's shield. Putting power into her kick, Iris Sister caused DCD to be sent into the ground of the gym. Iris Sister then leaves it to Mira to open the shield dome around Purple Guardian and Chronos until Iris Sister gets in. Rushing to go help her brother, IF and Nepgear face Johnathan while Mirasashiro faces his new target.

Location: Outside School

With the fight against Purple Guardian and Chronos, it looked to be evenly matched. Chronos would dodge or block the kicks sent his way by Purple Guardian and the same would be for Purple Guardian vanishing out of each attack thrown by Chronos. Purple Guardian vanished from an attack as he appeared behind Chronos. From there, the two would vanish and attempt to strike at each other from behind. During this time, Purple Guardian had been charging up his blade with energy due to his stance. Attempting to read Chronos' movements, Purple Guardian closes his eyes as to sense for the attempted area to be hit from. All sound, all thoughts leave him to focus. When focusing where he felt the presence from where Purple Guardian was going to be hit from, Purple Guardian backstepped as Chronos dived down from above to only punch the ground.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I have you now.

Planting his foot down, Purple Guardian got into his stance as he would then draw his sword. When it got close to Chronos, it-

The battle between Purple Guardian and Chronos was about to begin.

Dimension: Soejammy's

Location: Soejammy's House

Blinking his eyes, Soejammy rubbed them as he took another close look at what was going on as he tried to backspace that part, but it wouldn't go away.


Knowing what was going on, Soejammy had to act faster in trying to help them from where he was at.

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom

When watching the screen, the others blinked as they looked at what was happening as Washington was the first to speak.

Washington: Wait... That's not right... Why are they standing like that again?

While Washington said that, Oracle gasped as she knew what this was.

Oracle: It's Chronos' ability!! It's what Abby described!!

The others looked at the screen, the fight began just how it did before. This time however, Chronos was landing blow for blow against Purple Guardian and not allowing him to charge up his attacks.

Mirasashiro: Son of a-! This has to be one of the moves he used against (Y/n) from the future! Rewinding time to a point before he began fighting!!

Tucker: It's just like Wyoming's rewind trick! He just restarted when things didn't end in his favor!


Washington was trying to think when he looked towards Oracle's gear.

Washington: Oracle! How long until the communications are back up!?

Oracle: 15 minutes! But what would-

Washington: Let me handle the planning! Just get it up and running!

As Oracle kept working on getting the communications up, the others watched to see what was going on in the MRS.

Location: Inside MRS, Ohashi High

After Iris Sister felt the sensation of time resetting, she got up quickly and headed outside and looked at Mirasashiro. Johnathan was going to go in for the attack on Mira, but was soon kicked in the head by Iris Sister and sent into a sprawl against the ground. Before she had exited outside, she told Iris to get the others outside and don't worry about them before helping Mirasashiro and Purple Guardian.

Iris Sister (Abby): Mira! Get inside and help IF and Nepgear! Johnathan will have to follow you, but I need to go into the dome! Now!

Mirasashiro (Data): But if you do, you'll-!

Iris Sister (Abby): Just do it! Trust me will you!?

Not sure what to do, Mirasashiro was going to question why, but seeing Purple Guardian begin having trouble this early on began to worry him as he opened the passage into the dome for Iris Sister to slip in. Johnathan watched this as he growled at Mira.

Johnathan: You robot bastard! Let me in damn it!!

Mirasashiro (Data): You want me? Come and get me!

Retreating back into the school as instructed, Mira led Johnathan with him inside to help IF and Purple Sister against DCD. When Chronos was about to attack Purple Guardian again, a whip wrapped itself around his arm and instructed him to look back at who was the cause.

Chronos: Ah. We meet again, Abby. How are you enjoying revisiting a timeline like this?

Iris Sister (Abby): Oh, will you just shut up? You just don't know when to quit messing with people!

Chronos: And? By which do you mean?

Iris Sister (Abby): You know what I mean! You just resetted time for this fight! I should know because you did that when you fought (Y/n) in the future!!!

Purple Guardian widened his eyes in hearing this as he looked at Iris Sister.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What?!

Iris Sister (Abby): Drop your current strategy! He knows where you're going to be moving and attacking, Brother!

Chronos: Hmph...

Looking at Chronos, Purple Guardian breaks free from Chronos' grasp and gains some distance from him and stands next to Iris Sister.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Okay... If Chronos can stop time and restart it... HOW do we fight him?!

Iris Sister (Abby): Still working that kink out. But Chronos knows he can't pull his tricks while I'm here. He knows I remember every instance this happens. As long as I'm even here, Chronos wouldn't dare restart the battle unless he had the advantage. He only risks everyone getting their strength back to the point he began this charade.

Chronos: You do know how to always spoil my fun. Even when it means causing my chaos.

Iris Sister flicked the hilt of Black Viper to retract it and then pointed her blade towards Chronos with a glare.

Iris Sister (Abby): I'm not the same girl that you saw when you faced my Brother! I'm not that naive girl anymore!!

Chronos looked at Iris Sister and began to slowly chuckle to her.

Chronos: Ha... Haha... Hahahahahaha!!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What's so funny?!

Chronos: Quiet, (L/n). In fact, just stop talking altogether. Because this matter does not concern you.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What the hell are you going on about!?

Chronos: How about I tell you WHY your sister is so focused on trying to save you. It's a matter of fact that she was even a threat to YOU at one point as well!

Purple Guardian looked at Iris Sister who didn't look back at him.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): No. That's a lie! My sister would not-

Iris Sister (Abby): Brother... There is...some truth behind his words...

Purple Guardian looked at Iris Sister with a look.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Abby?? What do you mean?? Come on. We can talk about it after-

Iris Sister (Abby): No. He was going to bring it up at some point. Might as well make it known with my own words. Or rather...with what I can show.

Purple Guardian was going to question what Iris Sister was saying, but memories of what she knew flooded her mind.

Iris Sister (Abby): Brother... I didn't want to tell you this. I PRAYED I would never have to tell this to you... If Chronos and DCD keep having to tell you everything that I wanted to tell you myself... I better be the one to tell you what I have in store.

Iris Sister looked at Purple Guardian with a tear in her eye.

Iris Sister (Abby): In my time, I did something TERRIBLE... Something that I REGRET dearly. I was stupid, selfish, and WAY over my head at the time. Like you, DCD went with the same appearance and code name she used... She became my FRIEND in school. Getting close to me and filling my head with false statements to make me hate you...

Iris Sister looked at her brother as she trembled softly, not knowing what her brother would think.

Iris Sister (Abby): In an attempt to prove you wrong, she offered me something... Something you AND the others faced... Something that should have been gone a LONG time ago in my time. I hurt my friends, those that trusted me, and I hurt you with it...

Looking at Chronos, Iris Sister glared at him.

Iris Sister (Abby): But because of my mistake and how everyone was affected by it... I decided to only use that power when I deemed it truly necessary. That time... Isn't it right now...

Purple Guardian looked at his Sister as he could feel the burden she was carrying by talking more about her own past. Considering it was DCD that tricked her, he understood since it happened to Noire, Blanc and Vert.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Abby. I think I know where the story is going. You don't have to tell me right now. If anything, Chronos says that isn't from you, I won't listen. Let's make it out of here alive, and save our family and friends.

Iris Sister nodded her head as she smiled softly.

Iris Sister (Abby): Thank you, Onii-Chan.

Looking towards Chronos, the two could see their enemy as each gripped their blades tightly.

Iris Sister (Abby): Let's do this, together.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Took the words right out of my-

Iris Sister smiled and powered up to lead the charge. Powering up also, Purple Guardian began to charge with Iris Sister towards Chronos and clash blades together for a 2v1 fight. Elsewhere, the Takasus and their friends began to try and keep themselves safe as Emma, (F/n), Jasper, Young Abby, and Shadow worried about the others.

Emma (Data): The battle... It's causing the whole building to shake...

(F/n) (Data): Jeez... To think it would happen here...

Jasper (Data): Don't worry. We're going to get out of here as fast as we can. We just need to stay-

As the trunk slammed shut, Jasper looked to see Iris had changed out of her dress for the dance and into her standard clothes with her hair tied up into a ponytail. Something similar to a traditional samurai would keep their hair out of their eyes. What surprised Jasper the most, was when Iris had brought her sword with them.

Jasper (Data): Honey?! You brought your sword?!

Iris (Data): You expect me to stay out of this?

Jasper (Data): I'd EXPECT you to NOT throw yourself into danger!!!


Jasper (Data): He has his friends!

Iris (Data): Who is all separated from him!

As Iris and Jasper were talking, a police cruiser was blaring off as it suddenly came to a halt with Captain IF, Grif and Simmons pulling up to the school.

Captain IF (Data): Iris??? Jasper??? What are you all doing outside???

Iris (Data): Having a debate of TRYING TO HELP OUR SON!!!

Jasper (Data): IF, please talk some sense into my wife to NOT CHARGE INTO BATTLE RECKLESSLY!!!

Simmons and Grif looked at each other and decided to hide behind the seats to avoid any eye contact.

Captain IF (Data): LOOK! GUYS! STOP!!!

Getting out of the car, Captain IF rushed up to where the two were.

Captain IF (Data): Fighting each other on different arguments isn't going to help! All I heard from these two was that danger was supposedly going to happen tonight! With knowing you two were here, I had to rush as fast as-

An explosion could be heard as it came from outside where Mirasashiro crashed through a wall with Johnathan holding a sword.

Mirasashiro (Data): Ugh... Really getting tired of being sent through walls...

Johnathan: Trust me, I'm enjoying throwing your scrap ass through them!!! IT'S MY F**KING STRESS RELIEVER!!!

Mirasashiro looked at Johnathan and sweated.

Mirasashiro (Data): Yeah... You seem "less" calm than how we started...

Hearing the sarcasm in Mira's voice, Johnathan grabbed Mira by the leg and threw him back inside. Before he went inside, he noticed the group outside and smiled.

Johnathan: Oh~ Look what we have here~

Climbing out of the hole Mira was thrown into, he looked to see Johnathan walking towards Iris' group.

Mirasashiro (Data): NO!!

Mira soon ordered some of his drones to trap Johnathan into an energy shield and looked at Iris' group.

Mirasashiro (Data): LEAVE! NOW!!

Iris (Data): Not without my son!

Jasper (Data): This is no time to be an overprotective mother, dear!!!

Jasper was about to touch Iris' shoulder as she looked back at him dead in the eye with a glare.

Iris (Data): You don't understand why I have to do this.

Jasper looked at his wife with some confusion.

Jasper (Data): Honey?

Iris (Data): Go with Iffy and get our daughter out of here. Please for once, listen to what I say! You know WHY I have this sword! You know why my family has this! Why I decided to take it with me!

Jasper looked at Iris as he held Abby in his arms. Jasper looked carefully into Iris' eyes as they showed steadfast in the decision she was making.

Jasper (Data): You're serious about this...?

Iris (Data): More than you could EVER know.

Jasper looked at his wife as he groaned in disbelief before handing Captain IF, young little Abby.

Captain IF (Data): H-Hey! What are-

Jasper (Data): IF, get them AND our daughter to safety! We're staying here to help our son!

Iris and Captain IF were shocked to see Jasper act like this.

Captain IF (Data): ARE YOU INSANE!?

Simmons (Data): Uh, not to be rude, but we're in a battleground that could explode with anyone here... Especially Johnathan...?

Simmons pointed to Johnathan as he cussed with every explosion he made to try and break the barrier containing him.

Grif (Data): Not to be rude, but when and only WHEN he gets out, he is going to be a psycho nut out of hell and it is going to be nothing, but bloodshed in his wake. Trust us, we know power hungry assholes who tried killing us when we screwed their plans up.

Jasper (Data): If my wife is staying, I'm staying with her. Better two people to help each other than going alone.

Grif (Data): Dude, I'm telling you that-

Jasper (Data): Just... Just be quiet please. You're not helping.

Grif decided to shut up and then just stayed in the car. Hearing all of this, Captain IF was getting annoyed.

Captain IF (Data): You really want to do this? Do you???

Captain IF could see the determined look on Jasper and Iris' faces as she nodded her head.

Captain IF (Data): Just... Please be careful...

Captain IF looked at Grif and Simmons and blew her whistle.

Captain IF (Data): You two idiots!!! Get over here, NOW!!!

Grif and Simmons rushed to where Captain IF was and saluted.

Captain IF (Data): You better keep Jasper and Iris safe. If not, so help me I will MURDER YOU TWO MYSELF!!

Grif and Simmons salute in understanding the conditions as Mira looks at Johnathan.

Mirasashiro (Data): You're okay if I leave you here like this, right?

Johnathan: HELL NO!!!

Mirasashiro (Data): Okay, I'll be seeing you. Drones? If you will?

Drone (Data): Beep beep!

The drone then began to take Johnathan away as he then began to pound on his confined make-shift cell.


Drone (Data): -Beep!-


Drone (Data): -Beep!

Johnathan kept trying to struggle out of his cell while Mira began to help escort Iris, Jasper, Grif and Simmons. Iris soon gasped as she then decided to look at Mira.

Iris (Data): Mira. Go and help Nepgear and IF. They need you more than we do right now.

Mirasashiro (Data): But what about-

Iris (Data): Do you want me to show you why (Y/n) is fluent in combat just by having to deal with my patented mother locks?!

Mirasashiro was going to question what Iris meant, but he could see Jasper shaking his head in fear.

Mirasashiro (Data): You know... I'm just going to go help Nepgear and IF... If you will, please excuse me...

Mirasashiro began to run like hell in trying to get towards where he needed to be. Jasper looked at Iris as he was scared and surprised by her actions.

Jasper (Data): You scare me, you know that?

Iris (Data): And yet~ You still married me when I asked your hand in marriage~

Jasper (Data): How can I forget that...?

Grif and Simmons just looked at each other and dared not question anything that was going on. With everyone else, each was either struggling or fighting their hardest with their skills in combat or trying to keep up with their enemy. IF and Nepgear were both doing their best against DCD as they soon received help from Mirasashiro. With the CPUs, Dionix had some trouble in facing each of the Goddesses, but still had the advantage in fighting them.

Dimension: Soejammy's

Location: Soejammy's office

Typing on the keyboard, Soejammy had been able to set up some traps down the line as he only had one hand to work with due to his left shoulder being messed up.

Soejammy: Ngh... D-Damn it... Why the hell of all times does this happen to me...? What a damn drag... I'm hoping I can counter something to all of this. If I don't, who knows what will happen.

Soejammy kept working hard to keep coming up with plans to counter Chronos in his tracks.

Soejammy: Chronos... Who the hell are you?

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Inside MRS, Ohashi High

With the battle between Purple Guardian and Iris Sister vs Chronos, Purple Guardian had to predict where the two would keep showing up due to both going into stopped time to fight each other. When time stopped, Iris Sister did her best to keep her brother out of danger as she and Chronos fought in frozen time again.

Chronos: What's the matter? Don't want to use that form against me?

Iris Sister (Abby): That side isn't me!

Chronos and Iris Sister began to fly and clash their blades with each swing they made.

Iris Sister (Abby): You and DCD USED me to hurt my brother when DCD was pretending to be my friend!

Chronos: And whose fault is that? You didn't dare to think that there was caution to the power DCD offered you.

Iris Sister (Abby): That's because you and her knew I would lose control! Haaaaaa!

Iris Sister channeled her energy and swung her blade to cause Chronos to be sent flying into the barrier wall. When time resumed, Purple Guardian saw Chronos crash into the wall as he used Shadow Step to get in close and kick Chronos in the stomach. Kicking off against Chronos to keep him at the wall, Purple Guardian committed three quick-draws as each was a hyper sonic slash. The slashes cut against the armor and ground as Chronos growled with anger.

Chronos: Lucky shot.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Luck has NOTHING to do with this.

Iris Sister (Abby): We just have trust in each other to get through this alive.

Chronos looked at Purple Guardian and Iris Sister as he began to chuckle.

Iris Sister (Abby): What's funny?

Chronos: How you two fell right into my trap~

Purple Guardian and Iris Sister looked at Chronos as an explosion happened inside the school as the CPUs, IF and Mirasashiro soon came launching out. Mira was damaged as the drones lost power to release the barrier keeping them in. Dionix and DCD came out with dark energy having increased their power.

Chronos: Did I forget to mention that we have a bit of an advantage ourselves~? Surprise~!

Purple Guardian was about to grab his sword, but soon felt a barrage of blasts impact him from behind that knocked him down to the ground.

Johnathan: Now what I call lucky...

Chronos: Where have you been?


Chronos: You are just as useless as you are annoying.

Johnathan growled in anger as Purple Guardian stumbled to get up while Iris Sister helped him up.

Dionix (Data): So, what do you even want to do again?

Chronos: Since my friend here is carrying Chaos Energy with her, why don't we turn his friends into his enemies again? Even his current partner. Even though she has control over Share Energy, we just need her to use up her defenses. Once that is done, we can control her at will~

Purple Guardian, hearing all of this around him, grew furious with a glare in his eyes.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER!!!

Purple Guardian's aura ignited as he looked to see who he should attack first. Looking towards DCD, Purple Guardian soon vanished and reappeared in front of her with his fist ready to strike. But before he could, Dionix smashed his own fist into Purple Guardian's face and sent him flying back to where Iris Sister is.

Iris Sister (Abby): (Y/N)!!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Ngh...!

The four enemies surrounded the two with Iris Sister helping her brother up again. Dionix and DCD were nearest to Purple Guardian, while Chronos and Johnathan were closest to Iris Sister.

Johnathan: What are you going to do now, (L/n)???

Purple Guardian began to get angry as some of his armor shifted slightly, but reverted back to being the Purple Guardian armor. Iris Sister looked at her brother with a worried look.

Iris Sister (Abby): (Y/n), stop getting angry all the time.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And I'm supposed to calm down, how???

Iris Sister (Abby): We'll figure something out. We always do. Trust me on-

In an instant, Iris Sister was gone from Purple Guardian's side. With a panicked look in his eyes, Purple Guardian realized time had been frozen at that moment.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Hey! What the hell just-!?

Gasping when he looked, to see Iris Sister had gotten in the way of Johnathan's attack with a sword through the side of her stomach. Widening his eyes, Purple Guardian could hear the struggling urges to yell in pain from Iris Sister, seeing the smirk on Johnathan's face and even the droplets of blood falling to the snow around them. Looking at all of this, the subconscious mind of the (Y/n) that went into the machine sensed this feeling before. With such a familiar scene before him, seeing his sister in such a state like this. The image of Iris (L/n), being stabbed in front of him played out in his mind. With a single tear drop falling from Purple Guardian, something snapped as an explosion of energy caused Johnathan to be sent flying away past Chronos. Purple Guardian grabbed the sword by the blade, making his blood trickle down it as he growled and pulled it out and caused Iris Sister whimpers in pain slightly. Coming around the corner, Iris, Jasper, Grif and Simmons could see everything that happened.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): going to be okay...

Placing a hand on the wound, Purple Guardian began to heal the wound quickly. With the pain now gone for Iris Sister, she maintained her form, but struggled a little. When trying to move a barrier was created around her as she hit her palms against the walls. Purple Guardian stood outside of the barrier just looking at her.

Iris Sister (Abby): (Y/n)? Hey! Why did you lock me in here?!

Purple Guardian didn't respond as Iris Sister wanted an answer from her brother.

Iris Sister (Abby): (Y/N)! Tell me what you're-

Purple Guardian (Y/n)?: I'm going to need you to stay in there for a bit... I'm angry...

After saying that, something snaps again as Purple Guardian begins to yell with a dark aura surging around him. Purple Guardian held his head as he levitated slightly into the air with the energy surging around him. The ground and snow around him began to blow away or break apart from under him. Almost instantly, his armor turned dark with his hair taking a darker shade of purple. With him in a rage state, he was now known as Dark Purple Guardian. Opening his eyes, they glowed red with rage as he yelled out in an inhuman way. Almost that of a wild animal as he looked behind him to where Johnathan was.

Johnathan: Damn! The hell was that hit?!

With the glow of his eye, D. Purple Guardian vanished fast as he suddenly appeared behind Johnathan. Feeling the killer intent behind him, Johnathan looked like the energy surging D. Purple Guardian created energy claws in his left hand that then sliced off Johnathan's right arm maliciously. What had happened was, time had been stopped by Chronos and alerted Iris Sister. When Chronos began to charge towards them, Iris Sister had to leave her brother to stop Chronos on his tracks. But halfway through the time stop, Iris Sister noticed that Johnathan had moved in a blind spot behind Purple Guardian with intent to stab him from behind. Having witnessed this, this had led to Iris Sister being stabbed by Johnathan. Having to protect her brother to keep him safe.

Iris Sister (Abby): Brother! No! Stop!!

D. Purple Guardian (Y/n): RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

In the rise of his rage, D. Purple Guardian soon vanished and appeared in front of Chronos suddenly and punched him in the stomach hard. Following up, D. Purple Guardian then delivered a rising knee into Chronos' stomach. Following up, D. Purple Guardian grabbed the leg of Chronos and began to slam him against the ground repeatedly before vanishing to slam Chronos into the wall.

D. Purple Guardian (Y/n): AAAAAAAAAUGH!!!! NGH!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

Purple Heart, Purple Sister and Captain IF looked at this situation as Purple Heart was the first to speak.

Purple Heart (Neptune): D-Damn...! (Y/n)'s gone berserk...!

IF (Captain) (Awakened): How the hell do we get him to stop?? The school will be destroyed at this rate!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): This is my first time seeing this happen! I don't know!

As Chronos was being slammed, Dionix formed chains of energy with his power and launched his attack at D. Purple Guardian. The chains wrapped themselves around the wrists and legs of D. Purple Guardian as they soon pulled on him. This forced D. Purple Guardian to let go of Chronos as he then crashed to the ground.

D. Purple Guardian (Y/n): RAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

D. Purple Guardian began trying to pull on the chains to break them, before he could however, Dionix motioned his hands to force D. Purple Guardian to get down on his knees with his arms out wide.

D. Purple Guardian (Y/n): NNNNNNGH!!!

Iris Sister (Abby): BROTHER!!!

Iris Sister began trying to find a way out as she worried about not only her brother. Holding the chains, Chronos made sure to keep D. Purple Guardian situated as he looked at Dionix.

Chronos: Take what is yours. Give nothing back.

Going towards D. Purple Guardian, Dionix got close to the captured Guardian, struggling, and glaring at Dionix with all his fury.

Dionix (Data): Rejoice. You and I will soon be one again.

Dionix was about to place a hand on D. Purple Guardian, but then a gun shot rang out. The shot hit Dionix in the hand and made him flinch in surprise by what happened as he looked towards where the shot came from. Coming from around the school building, it was Iris, who held Grif's assault rifle in her hands with a glare being shot at Dionix.

Iris (Data): Don't you DARE lay one hand on him!

Grif (Data): Lady, you are nuts, give me back my gun!

Chronos looked towards Iris as Jasper and Simmons looked worried that their cover had been blown.

Chronos: What a momentous moment~ I never thought I get to see this family all together again~

Looking to DCD, Chronos motioned a hand to order her.

Chronos: Kill them all.

DCD: Yes, Master.

Channeling her energy, DCD began to levitate as IF gasped at what was going to happen.

IF (Captain) (Awakened): Ngh...! No, you don't!

Getting up herself, IF channeled all her energy for a fire attack and aimed it right at DCD. Suddenly, IF is slammed into the wall and is punched repeatedly by Chronos.

Chronos: Don't forget! I'm still here!

Chronos kept punching at IF as she yelled in pain with each punch delivered to her. Though, suddenly by magic, IF was teleported safely to a different area to the roof of the building of the school.

Chronos: What?! Where did she go!?

Soejammy, on the other side of the screen, looked and smirked at his quick thinking.

Soejammy: Damn... Might make things hectic in the story... But IF had to be saved... (Y/n)'s gone berserk, Abby is trapped, everyone is even damaged... Crap... We're going to need a BIG miracle at this point...

Trying to think, Soejammy continued to think on how he could help the rest of his friends. Back in the book, Chronos tries looking around for IF, but then realizes something and looks to the sky.


Soejammy: Says the guy interfering with the safety of my friends!

As Chronos growled, the chains on D. Purple Guardian snapped with his anger and roared out. In the admits of him breaking out, Dionix had to take his chance and latch onto him as a glow began happening to the two. Chronos looked and smiled at Dionix trying to take D. Purple Guardian's body, what he didn't expect though, was that Mirasashiro had repaired his body secretly. When getting up, Mira aimed towards Dionix as his arm launched to fly and punch Dionix away. Mirasashiro rushed up to D. Purple Guardian and began to shake him softly.

Mirasashiro (Data): (Y/n)! Are you okay!? Answer me boy!

Opening his eyes, D. Purple Guardian looked at Mirasashiro with a dazed look.

D. Purple Guardian (Y/n): Mira...?

Mirasashiro (Data): Yes! It's me! Come on! Get up, we need to-

D. Purple Guardian (Y/n)?: Don't order me around like you know me, traitor.

Iris Sister widened her eyes as she yelled out to Mira.

Iris Sister (Abby): MIRA!!! GET AWAY!!! THAT'S-!!!

Before Mira could move, the robot was hit with a blast that sent him flying and impacted against the wall.

Mirasashiro: GUAGH!!!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): MIRA!!!

A chuckle could be heard as Purple Heart looked at D. Purple Guardian.

Purple Heart (Neptune): No... It can't be...!

Looking at Purple Heart, a smirk formed on D. Purple Guardian, but it wasn't the same D. Purple Guardian.

D. Purple Guardian (Dionix): Oh, you better believe it is. Because now, I OWN (Y/n) (L/n)'s body!!

Iris Sister looked at Dionix as she pounded against the barrier.

Iris Sister (Abby): (Y/N)! NO!!

Dionix looked at Iris Sister as he focused his energy to try and make the walls around Iris Sister to flatten her. But an influx of power canceled the command as Dionix didn't know why it stopped. Dionix then looked to see his real body on the ground away from where he was.

D. Purple Guardian (Dionix): Damn that Mira... He interrupted what I was doing. The fusion isn't complete... (Y/n) is still inside this body...!

Hearing that, Iris Sister looked as she remained hopeful that her brother was still trying to protect her from where (Y/n) was in his body.

Iris Sister (Abby): (He's still in there... Trapped. If he can see I'm in danger, he's conscious enough to fight back. But with his body taken over by Dionix's energy, it's hard for him to siphon energy to regain his power... I'm trapped here thanks to my brother's worries... But he's having to focus on keeping Dionix from using his power against me... How do we break him out...??? Last time, it was filling his body with Next Purple's power... But that was because (Y/n) brought the box out. We don't have that now because of being controlled by Dionix...)

A paper suddenly appeared in front of Iris Sister as it was Soejammy communicating with "Sorry it took me so long to get back! I was attacked at my home! So, the story kept going on its own without me inputting things to keep you all safe! I can tell what you're thinking through where I'm at. If you need to communicate with me, just think about it!" Seeing all of this, Iris Sister was ecstatic in getting some communication back with Soejammy.

Iris Sister (Abby): (THANK YOU!!! Okay! So, you saw all that happened? Chronos, Dionix???)

The note changed quickly as Soejammy was trying to answer as fast as he could saying "Of course I did. And I see the predicament with the box being trapped inside of (Y/n)'s inventory... This is quite the pickle we're in... But I do know a way out of this. And it might help with everyone outside." Iris Sister looked at the note as she was confused.

Iris Sister (Abby): ("Everyone outside"??? What does he...)

Looking at the CPUs, Mira, and IF, who was on the roof due to Jammy saving her, Iris Sister shook her head as this was getting hard due to Dionix getting control of (Y/n)'s next powerful form. Looking at Iris, Jasper, Grif and Simmons, they didn't look like they would be able to help much.

Iris Sister (Abby): (What am I supposed to do??? What does Jammy even mean???)

As if realizing something, Iris Sister looked to the sky as she remembered that they were in the MRS. Meaning (Y/n)'s real body is on the outside. If damage reflected him outside, what if something could enter the MRS the same way!

Iris Sister (Abby): (I think I know how we can help (Y/n)!!! Thanks for the help!!! I can take care of this from here!!)

With giving the word to Iris Sister, the note bursted up into flames. Hoping to get into contact with Oracle, Iris Sister began to establish a link. When a link was established, Oracle's voice came through.

Oracle (Communicator): ABBY!!!

Iris Sister (Abby): Yeah! I get it! (Y/n) is taken over by Dionix. What's happening out there???

Where Oracle was, they could see a dark aura coming out of (Y/n)'s body as his crystal was shifting from the blue glow to a dark color.

Oracle (Communicator): (Y/n) needs to separate from Dionix! The connection is making (Y/n) convulse in pain! The power Dionix and (Y/n) have combined in his current state is too much!

Iris Sister (Abby): Then if we're going to get (Y/n) back, we need to counter it!

Oracle (Communicator): HOW?!

Iris Sister (Abby): Faith! (Y/n) needs faith right now!! Get everyone in the room, gather around (Y/n) and give him your energy to fight back for control!

Oracle (Communicator): Wouldn't that mean we're giving Dionix power?!

Histoire (Communicator): Wait, no! This can work!

Coming in over the communicator Histoire from the Hyper Dimension could be seen as a video feed came up.

Histoire (Hyper) (Communicator): From reports when Kurome had infected the CPUs' mind with her own negative energy to be our enemies, when they were given supercharged Share Energy, they were able to break the spell she had over them and entered their Next Forms!

Washington (Communicator): Will it work though...?

Iris Sister (Abby): It has to!! This is our only chance to try and knock some sense into (Y/n)! I can't lose him again!

Hearing what Iris Sister said, Plutia stood up and sat next to (Y/n)'s body as she held his hand. Seeing Plutia do this, Peashy held his other hand. Shadow lied down on (Y/n)'s stomach as he whimpered in wanting to help (Y/n) in any way he could in wanting to protect him. Both Histoires were next as they took one side of (Y/n)'s shoulder. The group went around (Y/n)'s body as they began to help focus giving (Y/n) energy.

(F/n) (Communicator): Don't you dare die on us man! You're too important to us!

Emma (Communicator): Come back to us, (Y/n)...!

Avdol (Communicator): (Y/n) had saved my life not once, but even tried to protect me from an attack from Ivory when defending me. Like the Joestars that I worked with, (Y/n) has honor in protecting those who need the help. I plan to give what I have back to him.

Washington (Communicator): Even when this kid struggled with his memories being broken and shattered, he fought with EVERYTHING he had. Not to mention, he helped me find Grif and Simmons, came to our help, all without ever being asked to do it. This is ONE person the world needs.

After everyone gathered around (Y/n)'s body, he still released the dark aura around his body with his crystal threateningly changing from black to blue. Sweating hard as his body and mind seemed to be in agonizing pain.

Histoire (Communicator): (Y/n), with all you've done for us, we give you our strength. Come back. Come back to us alive.

With that being said, a glow began to happen as Share Energy was being flowed into the Crystal of Hope slowly. In the MRS, Iris Sister could see Dionix laughing, but soon weakened by the positive energy being filled into the body with a blue hue.

D. Purple Guardian (Dionix): Ngh!? Wh-Where did all the strength I felt go!? Ngh...!

D. Purple Guardian raised his hand as Iris Sister looked at the barrier as it glowed slightly before shattering. The hand of D. Purple Guardian had raised the hand to destroy the barrier, something Dionix wouldn't have done.

Iris Sister (Abby): Yes, it's working!

Looking at the CPUs, she looked at Purple, Black, White and Green Heart with a plan.

Iris Sister (Abby): Alright you four! It's showtime!

Black Heart (Data): HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?

Iris Sister (Abby): You know what I mean! It's time you sang your hearts out to (Y/n) and wake him up!

Green Heart (Data): I don't think a song would help him like that...

Iris Sister (Abby): You never know though! Memories are tied to the music you sing! Something in that song has to give way to something! Do you trust me?!

Looking at Iris Sister, Purple Heart closed her eyes and reverted back to being Neptune. This surprised the other three in seeing her willingly go back to her normal form.

Neptune: Abby hasn't given us a reason not to trust me. She's been nothing, but supportive this whole time. I trust her in this.

Looking at Neptune, White Heart looked at D. Purple Guardian as he felt weaker as time went on.

White Heart (Data): (Y/n) looked out for EVERYONE we know and love and did his best to right the wrongs that happened when he was there. (Y/n) has done MORE than what was EVER required of him when he wasn't even familiar in our world. And now like us, he needs us like we needed him when we were controlled by the enemy.

White Heart closed her eyes and reverted back to being Blanc once more. Green Heart looked at D. Purple Guardian as she reminisced on the memories she shared with (Y/n) and his family as she powered down as well.

Vert (Data): If they trust this, so will I if it means getting MY brother back.

Looking at her allies, Black Heart sighed as she reverted back to normal as well.

Noire (Data): With a majority vote, I can't argue. But I can't stand seeing (Y/n) controlled like this... I can't stand seeing this happen...

Iris Sister soon got her guitar ready as she reverted back to normal. Abby soon got her boombox ready with the song she downloaded before this moment to have a plan ready.

Abby (Future): Get ready to sing your hearts out, because (Y/n)'s going to need to hear EVERYTHING you got!

Hitting the play button, a song begins to play with her strumming to the beat of the song to signal them to get ready. A flashback played out as while (Y/n) was outside talking with Nepgear, Abby had made the CPUs sing the song that is about to be played together. Helping them to be in sync with each other.

Noire (Data): I STILL can't believe we're doing this...

Blanc (Data): Do you want to save (Y/n) or do you not?

Very (Data): It's either help (Y/n) or Dionix kills (Y/n) from the inside out.

Noire (Data): I do! Of course, I want to help (Y/n)! I didn't expect THIS to be done! This is so embarrassing...

Neptune: Well, get those Loner vocals going! Because we're starting with me!

Brandishing her weapon, Neptune took charge while D. Purple Guardian focused to summon his sword and block Neptune's. Dionix tried to get in the way, but Abby used her guitar to push her enemy away. Closer inspection of Abby's guitar, it was also made to be a weapon should the focus for a song be needed in battle.

Neptune: Out of nowhere, I feel my feet taken clean off of the ground by the flying purple winds. Sparkle! With a brand-new feeling of excitement in my heart!

In the song, memories of Neptune could be seen showing up as it showed (Y/n) saving her when she was in danger up to the moment when both (Y/n) and Neptune finished the rest of the drones off. Appearing from behind Neptune, Noire switched out with Neptune to take the next part as she began pushing D. Purple Guardian back. Swinging her blade while committing to thrusts.

Noire (Data): Gripping my sword lightly, I'll slash apart this entangling darkness around us. Break out! I'll recreate my dreams from nothing

Next showed memories of Noire as it showed the bond they formed while they fought against the Chaos Fenrir and discovering about the Chaos Mist. Getting behind D. Purple Guardian, Blanc and Vert got ready as Noire backed off to not get in the way of their attacks. Blanc was the first to make her move.

Blanc (Data): Can you feel my heartbeat as it rises and falls with no clear end near?

Blanc swung her hammer down as D. Purple Guardian grunted in having to experience such heavy weight. The next memory to be seen was the short bond Blanc and (Y/n) made and even the tournament fight (Y/n) had set up along with saving Rom and Ram from Dr. Kinja.

Vert (Data): Riding on the clouds to the future I still wished for from the bottom of my heart, I'll go!

Vert was next as she quickly switched with Blanc to deliver her own fast strikes to throw D. Purple Guardian off balance. A memory of Vert surfaced in (Y/n) as it was with him and Vert talking about his family and asking if Vert would like to have him as a brother.

D. Purple Guardian (Dionix): WH-WHAT ARE THESE MEMORIES!? NGH!!!

With D. Purple Guardian being thrown for a loop, the Goddesses kept their assault as they got ready for another attack together.

Goddess Quartet: I'm never leaving your side, I'll stay right here next to you. I'll blow all of those pesky fears far, far away!

Crossing each way with D. Purple Guardian, the four CPUs would keep their target occupied as the memory of facing the Chaos CPUs surfaced in having been one of (Y/n)'s toughest battles by himself.

Neptune: Even if these young wings are all we get, we can still fly higher!

Neptune led the next charge as she performed her Cross Combination attack. As the sword left D. Purple Guardian's hands, the CPUs began their next assault. Seeing things were getting out of hand, DCD tried to intervene again, but Purple Sister and Mira intercepted her while IF from above created a fire wall from above to keep the enemies away. What followed was the CPUs using their efforts to send D. Purple Guardian flying with each of their attacks to keep him unbalanced in their effort to keep him dazed.

Goddess Quartet:When we wish to protect, we feel our strength rising! We won't be afraid any longer, so let's fight! Take my hand and let's see how close we can get to those shining crystals in the boundless sky above, FLY HIGH!

During all of this, (Y/n) on the inside of his mind began to wake up to the song he was hearing with the memories surfacing around him. Showing him what was going on outside as he still felt weak, not being able to have strength to do anything, but watch as D. Purple Guardian's rage could be seen and tried to counter his draining power by fueling his rage to his body. When heading to Vert to attack her, Blanc slammed her hammer to the ground to make rocks sprout out and cut him off to focus on her instead.

Blanc (Data): Every time I so much as look at you, your sweet smile sends my heart to the glowing stars... Catchy! What's in my head?! I must just be deceiving myself!

The memory of spending time with Blanc surfaced again as (Y/n) and Blanc had read books together to spend time and talk about what they liked in each book they read. Even if it was to rest a little and just enjoy a quiet time without anyone being loud. Making D. Purple Guardian snapped out of his thoughts, Vert used Sylhet Spear to begin her next attacks.

Vert (Data): Most of the time, I feel happiest when we're playing even the simplest of games... Popping! I'm asking you to, so just come on!

Vert began attacking as she swung her spear from left to right. D. Purple Guardian dodged the attack while Vert committed to a couple thrusts before digging the blade of her spear to the ground to then use it as a makeshift pole to swing around and deliver a powerful kick. Memories of Vert and Young Abby surfaced as (Y/n) was happy in spending time with the two as his sisters. Letting go of her spear, Vert moved aside for Noire to slice past D. Purple Guardian as she landed on the spear to launch off from.

Noire (Data): This passing scenery is starting to feel like a little too much now.

As Noire delivered a few kicks against D. Purple Guardian as she executed her Chain Tornado, an attack that involved lighting fast slices to delay the damage as it would soon take effect against D. Purple Guardian afterwards. D. Purple Guardian tried to retaliate, but Blanc fired her Gefahrlichtern to force D. Purple Guardian to dodge the attack and back up. D. Purple Guardian was going to say something to have missed him. This was not the real attack as it was a set up for Noire. A setup that (Y/n) committed to as his memories of sparing with Noire and spending time with her at the beach surfaced in his memories. Neptune leaped in as she landed on Blanc's hammer to signal her to be launched at D. Purple Guardian. Launching Neptune, the girl herself began to spin fast toward D. Purple Guardian as multiple slices were done to him. Getting down into a stance, Neptune summoned her sheath as she put her blade away into it while D. Purple Guardian tried to retaliate.

Neptune: Keep your eyes on the map so we may reach the future that I keep wishing for from my heart!

Neptune draws her blade out as if it was a quick draw strike. A move Guardian used against Dionix in his first battle as the sword sliced at D. Purple Guardian's chest. Chronos was dealing with Future Abby and IF as they kept him at bay while he and Abby were time stopping each other to fight at their own speeds for short times. Mirasashiro and Purple Sister struggled slightly against DCD, but with Mira being mechanical, he was not a living being and could not be controlled by the Chaos Mist, thus protecting Purple Sister from being affected should DCD have thrown any of her power at Purple Sister. Inside of (Y/n)'s mind, strength was returning to (Y/n) slowly with more familiarity he gained from his memories. Hearing the voices of the four closest people he had connections to, was bringing his mind back to the surface slowly.

Goddess Quartet: Every time I see your face, I start recalling all of the important moments that we had together.

Getting together once more, Neptune and Vert teamed up while Noire and Blanc teamed up. Neptune and Vert moved quickly as Vert picked up her spear once more as the two quickly passed through D. Purple Guardian fast to attack consecutively in building up damage. Noire and Blanc worked together as Noire kicked D. Purple Guardian into the air while Blanc punched him back down hard to the ground. The familiar damage and the attacks being dealt kept giving every reason for (Y/n) to surface still as the memories of the school fight he had with them surfaced while being embraced by them in the end in knowing they were there for him. Just like they are now.

Neptune: If we step together, we'll overtake the winds and start flying high!

With how the CPUs were dealing with D. Purple Guardian, their current forms would not be enough to handle D. Purple Guardian. Not on their own that is. With the help they were getting on the outside, they were giving their hopes and beliefs to (Y/n) as it was keeping D. Purple Guardian in a weakened state. That weakened state would only get weaker the more (Y/n) surfaced in the depths of his mind. With Abby having taught the CPUs to sing as a team, the synergy between the four of them worked perfectly as Abby shared how to boost their power by being in perfect sync like this as it boosted their energy output.

Goddess Quartet: When I hold you closer, it feels as if though the future we will for can become anything! Take my hand and let's tear up the earth 'till we've made it to the very end, we are not gonna stop, FLY HIGH!

D. Purple Guardian was holding his head at this point as Dionix's mind could not take the surfacing mind that belonged to (Y/n). With two minds trying to inhabit a body, it would be hard for him to control the body he was in from the pain and resisting mind that belonged to (Y/n). Chronos could see past the firewall as D. Purple Guardian was struggling greatly as he glared at Abby for her disruption of his plans with her interference. Knowing they are at the climax of the song, the four CPUs begin to focus on everything they have into the next attack they can do together as a team. Using the song was indeed boosting their power, but in a world where Share Energy was very limited due to not being in their own world, they were running out of energy and fast.

Goddess Quartet: You keep making my heartbeat hard, I can feel it now, all your love, it's shining brighter than any star ever could!

With the beginning of the climax, their Share Energy output was up to a point where they were like in their CPU forms, but only with the boosted output they had. The four then rushed in as they separated to attack from all four sides of D. Purple Guardian. This involved starting by delivering a kick from each that would send D. Purple Guardian skyward.

D. Purple Guardian (Dionix): URRRRRRGH!!!

Launching into the air, each CPU attacked as they passed by D. Purple Guardian as Noire and Vert would use the boosted energy they have to create platforms of Share Energy to execute the team formation known as Guardian Force.

Neptune:I'm never leaving your side-

Noire (Data): ♩-I'll stay right here next to you-

Blanc (Data): ♩-I'll blow all of those-

Vert (Data): -pesky fears far, far away!

Neptune: Even if these young wings are all we get, we can still-

With the setup complete, Noire and Vert began to move in lightning speed formation as they delivered blinding speed attacks as the two would send their enemy up further into the sky. Blanc soon came diving down as she front flips to swing her hammer down right on D. Purple Guardian's chest to send him plummeting towards the ground.

Goddess Quartet: -fly higher! When we wish to protect, we feel our strength rising! We won't be afraid any longer, so let's fight! Take my hand and let's see how close we can get to those shining crystals in the boundless sky above, FLY HIGH!!!

Neptune soon dived past Blanc as Neptune had an outstretched hand. When reaching the final climax to the song, energy began to surge around D. Purple Guardian's body as memories as Dionix's mind was pounding from (Y/n) surfacing faster. A blinding light could be seen as D. Purple Guardian's body lit up as it soon reverted him back to (Y/n)'s normal form. Once the song was done, Dionix breathed hard as he looked at the CPUs.

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): Y-You C-CPU... Bitches...! You dare...rob me of my ultimate power...!?

Neptune began to chuckle softly as the four CPUs fell to the ground in exhaustion from the attacks they had to commit while they had the power.

Neptune: Talk about being downsized, you look just as weak as when (Y/n) first came to our world...~ Hehe...~

Trying to joke around, the CPUs were in a tight spot as Dionix tried to move his body, but with (Y/n) surfacing faster, Dionix held his head as he punched himself to send (Y/n) back down.


Wanting to try and get up, the CPUs couldn't move after using so much of their energy for that one maneuver as Abby had switched back to using Black Viper in her fight against Chronos. IF was getting badly injured as she used the last healing item that was on her. Mirasashiro was tossed into a wall by DCD while Nepgear, who had reverted back to her normal form by now, was kicked in the stomach by DCD. DCD then grabbed Nepgear by her hair and pulled on it, making her shed tears from the pain she felt. Seeing all this happening, Iris looked to Jasper.

Iris (Data): Jasper, whatever happens, you can't come in. You can't leave this spot.

Jasper (Data): Honey??

Iris (Data): Grif, Simmons. Do NOT let Jasper follow me.

Gripping her sword, Jasper saw Iris holding her sword more with a tear shedding itself out before she began to run in. Jasper tried to reach after Iris, but Grif and Simmons held him back.

Jasper (Data): IRIS!!!

Iris soon approached Dionix as she called out to him.

Iris (Data): DIONIX!!!

Looking at Iris, Dionix had a really annoyed look on his face.

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): Tch...! Not another BITCH to come and fight...!

Iris (Data): Yeah? Well, this "BITCH" has a personal score to settle with you. For attacking my family, for attacking my friends and ESPECIALLY attacking MY SON!!!

Dionix laughed as he struggled to keep his control.

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): Yeah??? And what is a human like you going to-

To shut Dionix up, Iris had approached him and punched him in the face with all the strength she could use. The punch left a noticeable mark on the left side of his face that would bruise from the attack.

Iris (Data): Are you done trying to act tough? Or are you ready to fight?

(Y/n) inside his own mind, heard his mother's voice and looked to see her. What he didn't know was the fact it wasn't what was happening, it was a memory of what he experienced before all of this. It was one of his true memories. The moment he sees the blade piercing through her stomach, it makes him feel anger and pain from watching it happen right in front of him. Dionix held his head as (Y/n) was trying to wrestle control back away from him. Fighting through it, Dionix picked up his sword once more and pointed it at Iris.

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): You want to act tough??? I'LL PIERCE THIS SWORD THROUGH YOUR MISERABLE STOMACH!!!

Iris (Data): That WON'T be happening here.

Drawing her blade, Iris got into a stance as (Y/n) saw the memory of the battle playing out.

(Y/n) (Inside mind): No...!

Dionix then charged at Iris as he was a little sloppy in his attacks. But not sloppy enough to a point it was one-sided for Iris. Iris blocked the attacks sent at her, while attempting to strike back as well. Seeing the battle vs seeing the memory, the memory kept playing the part where Iris gets stabbed through the stomach. Making (Y/n) go into a panicked state of mind. When hearing the clang of sword resonates, Dionix had countered against Iris as she was knocked back. Dionix began to try and rush towards Iris in plans to stab her in the stomach, but Iris' eyes glowed for a moment before she swung her sword and pushed it out of the way.

Iris (Data)?: Not this time!

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): WHAT!?

Doing a spinning thrust kick, Iris countered Dionix and got him onto his back in the snow. Iris kept her guard up in watching Dionix for any sudden attack. With how close it was, (Y/n) wasn't taking ANY chances as he needed to stop this now.

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): Y-You bitch...!

Getting up, Dionix began to channel his energy to make a spear-like weapon in his hands to prepare to throw it. But in his mind, (Y/n) grabbed his wrist as a projection of him could be seen right behind Dionix.

(Y/n) (Mind): NO!! I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT!!! NOT TO MY MOM!!!


(Y/n) (Mind): I have more control than you think, OLD MAN!!! GIVE ME BACK MY BODY!!! GIVE ME BACK MY FREE WILL!!!

Dionix and (Y/n) began to struggle with each other as both were fighting for control over the body.


(Y/n) (Mind): NO!!! If I let you do as you wish, more than your CLAN will be wiped out!!! THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WILL BE IN FLAMES!!! I WON'T STOP FIGHTING AGAINST THIS!!!

As the struggle was happening, a swirling vortex began to surround Dionix as projections of Purple Guardian and Iris Guardian began to show themselves. The other sides of (Y/n) when achieving their power.

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): WHAT!? WHAT TRICKERY IS THIS!?

Purple Guardian (Mind): No tricks! We exist because of (Y/n) and his own will!!

Iris Guardian (Mind): We may just be other versions of (Y/n), but where he fights, so do we! There may be many more after us! But we are ONE and we will never surrender to someone like you!!!


Taking control of Dionix's hands, (Y/n) turned the energy spear towards him and then thrusted the spear into him instead. Making the tip go into the wound given by Iris. But with Dionix resisting, only the tip was in for now.

(Y/n)/Dionix (Data): GAAAAAAH!!!

(Y/n) (Mind): I can do this all day!!! You're at MY MERCY NOW!!! GET OUT OF MY BODY, OR ELSE!!!

Dionix coughed up blood as the blood trickled down on the spear. The spear was being pushed in further as Dionix was struggling more due to him only feeling the pain.

Purple Guardian (Mind): What's it going to be? You'll die if you don't leave our body.

Iris Guardian (Mind): If you choose to stay, I don't mind destroying you myself~!

Dionix grit his teeth as he grunts in pain of feeling the spear go deeper into him. Not wanting to risk his own life, Dionix soon released his power and sent his soul back to his own body. The swirling vortex suddenly stops as (Y/n) coughed up blood and pulled out the spear. About half of the spear's tip was covered in blood as (Y/n) soon fell to the ground in exhaustion and pain. Seeing this, Iris soon began to rush over to (Y/n) as she held him in her arms and shook him.

Iris (Data)?: (Y/N)! (Y/N)!! Look at me!!!

(Y/n) fluttered open his eyes, but his eyes looked weak with Iris trying to then put pressure on (Y/n)'s chest to stop the bleeding.

(Y/n): H-Hey m-mom... D-Did I make you worry over me again...? I'm sorry...

Iris (Data)?: You have NOTHING to be sorry for!! Everything is going to be okay! Just look at me!!

Mirasashiro gets up as he sees Nepgear in danger and then sees Iris holding (Y/n) to keep him from passing out. Sending what drones he had left on supply, Mira sent them to heal (Y/n) while he charged in and activated an ability to grow in size. Mirasashiro grabbed DCD as he then slammed her into the school wall and then into the building itself. Mira grunts in pain as he shifts back to his normal height with static electricity around his body.

Mirasashiro (Data): Damn... I'm near my limit...

Nepgear: Mira...

Mirasashiro (Data): Focus on (Y/n)... He needs more help than I do. I have microbots slowly repairing my functions...

Nepgear looked at Mira and then to (Y/n) and saw Iris was near him.

Nepgear: Okay! But I'm coming right back once I help (Y/n)!

Mirasashiro did his best to get comfortable as he let the microbots do their work slowly. Nepgear rushed up as she began to cast her healing ability on (Y/n) to close the wound as much as she could. Although Nepgear was able to heal the wound, her power gave out as her healing ended. The result was a scar being left behind where the sword Iris made and the damage of the spear remaining. Seeing the permanent damage that was on (Y/n)'s body from the claw mark and now the damage on his chest, Iris began to cry tears as the damage was permanent unless medical treatment could be done to erase the wounds. A loud shout began to echo throughout the area as Dionix got up from where he was as he looked over to where Iris and Nepgear are. Before he decided to rush towards them, Dionix looked to see the CPUs that were drained of their energy.


Dionix began to rush towards the CPUs as the four struggled to get up on their feet. With Dionix being at full power, the CPUs began to struggle GREATLY against Dionix as each was getting thrashed by him. With everyone still filling (Y/n) with energy outside, he could hear the worried cries of those around him. Vert's left arm became broken from a hard kick Dionix delivered, Blanc's head began to bleed after being sent into the air and then sent back down to the ground, Noire being dealt blow for blow as she was then kicked hard from behind with her twin tails coming undone. As for Neptune, Neptune tried to do her best to put up a fight, but Dionix didn't have to do much in dodging as her attacks were weak.

Dionix (Data): Pathetic.

Dionix then grabbed Neptune by her hair as she was then lifted into the air. Neptune's cry could be heard as she struggled to get free from Dionix holding her in the air and by her hair no less. Without mercy, Dionix began to attack Neptune repeatedly. Over, and over, and over, and over again. Plutia could see Neptune being put in such a situation that her own anger was beginning to fuel into (Y/n)'s body as his crystal was filling up with her energy now. Dionix held a bruised and beaten Neptune in the air as she whimpered in pain from the attack and her hair being held.

Dionix (Data): Any last words, you want to spit out?

Neptune breathed as it was hard to focus on anything. But Neptune's gaze looked towards (Y/n) and then Abby, but Abby couldn't do anything as she was on her own. IF had been taken down by Chronos as the firewall was gone. Nepgear desperately wanted to save her sister, but protecting (Y/n) and Iris was important as Dionix could easily change targets.

Dionix (Data): None? Very well then...

Dionix began to charge up a punch infused with his energy as Neptune saw Dionix about to commit to killing her. When Dionix had charged enough energy, Dionix smiled as he then threw his fist towards Neptune.

Dionix (Data): DIE!!!

With the last ounce of her energy and a little adrenaline, Neptune made a cry as she said one name out of instinct.

Neptune: (Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!!!!!!

The echoing voice of Neptune reached (Y/n)'s ears as his eyes opened up with the symbol of the Sharicite appearing in them. Moving at lightning speed, (Y/n) catches the punch Dionix was throwing at Neptune with his palm. The glare (Y/n) showed great anger towards Dionix, but with control, making Dionix flinch in seeing (Y/n) had recovered very fast.

Dionix (Data): YOU?! BUT HOW DID-!?

Before Dionix could say anything, (Y/n) threw a punch of his own as it was mere centimeters away from Dionix's face as he was then sent flying into the fences nearby with a loud crash. Neptune had fallen to the ground due to Dionix letting go of her hair as (Y/n) crouched down to begin healing Neptune with his energy. Neptune's condition was healed with some power restored to her as (Y/n) began trying to get to everyone else he could heal. Blanc had to have a bandage wrapped around her hair with his coat acting as a pillow to let her rest due to getting a concussion, Vert with having (Y/n)'s shirt torn to make a sling to help Vert's arm and (Y/n) just let Noire rest in having done enough for him for now after handing her blue ribbons that had fallen out. Next was IF as he vanished and then appeared next to IF with lightning speed as he began to heal her wounds with his more powerful healing ability, courtesy of Compa's teachings. IF's eyes opened up as she held her head.

IF (Captain): Shiiiiiiiiit... My head...

(Y/n): Don't move a lot. You're in no shape to move or fight right now.

IF looked at (Y/n) as she widened her eyes if this was a dream.

IF (Captain): (Y/n)??? Is that you??? Like, REALLY you???

(Y/n): Yeah. Go help assist Mira. Get him to safety over with my mom. I have some...scores to settle.

IF looked at her Nephew and nodded her head to help Mira and get him out of the combat area. Looking at Chronos, (Y/n) glared as Abby was struggling against him. Abby was in whip mode for Black Viper as each attack was a fast-flowing strike. Instances of them would be almost as teleporting due to time stop. Knowing he can't go that fast as them, (Y/n) closed his eyes and summoned out Sapphire Spirit to gain a boost in power and speed. Once (Y/n) felt the movement of battle, he rushed in as Chronos had dodged an attack by Abby and was going in for a counter. Right before the attack hits, two feet are planted to the side of Chronos as he looked to see it was (Y/n) who interfered and launched him into the school.

Abby (Future): Brother!

(Y/n): Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Abby (Future): Better late than never! If I may ask, mind giving me a top off on energy?

(Y/n): Of course.

Channeling his energy, Abby was able to transform back into Iris Sister as she sighed.

Iris Sister (Abby): Muuuuuuuuuch better~ Thanks bro.

(Y/n) gave a thumbs up as part of the school wall was destroyed to reveal Chronos and soon DCD with her clothing in a damaged condition. (Y/n) and Iris Sister got into stances to focus on them, but a roar came from Dionix as (Y/n) had to go back-to-back with her.

(Y/n): So, got any plans for a 3v2? I'm up for any ideas right now.

Iris Sister (Abby): Well, two or three plans maybe?

(Y/n): Fire away.

Iris Sister (Abby): One, you and I stick together and take turns fighting some of the enemies.

(Y/n): That's suicide.

Iris Sister (Abby): Two, we sing together on a song. Though, you might not know it.

(Y/n): I'll just wing it.

Iris Sister (Abby): Three... I commit to a song that can give us a tremendous boost in power, but will leave us weakened for a while...

(Y/n) looked at his sister with a shocked expression.

(Y/n): Let's leave that as a last resort for now. Might come in handy and I can protect you if you need time for it.

Iris Sister (Abby): Then door number 2 it is then. Ready to sing your heart out and get through this alive?

(Y/n): Sis, I was BORN ready for this moment.

The two shared a laugh as they focused on their enemies. Johnathan was conscious still as the bleeding had stopped due to the suit's feature to stop any bleeding. By administering Adrenalin, Johnathan was back on his feet, but only with one arm to work with.

Johnathan: (L/NNNNNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!!!

(Y/n): That idiot can still fight??? Jesus... He's like a walking battle-tank...

Iris Sister (Abby): How did you even ignore that scream in your time...?

(Y/n): Trust me, I'm not even used to it...

As the two stood back-to-back, (Y/n) grabbed his crystal as the energy fueled into the crystal allowed him to transform into Iris Guardian as he got both his blade that had become another whip sword and Black Viper out to wield.

Iris Guardian (Y/n): But I'm just VERY eager to take him down a peg or two~

With the fight now soon to become a 4v2, Iris Sister faced Chronos and DCD, while Iris Guardian faced Dionix and Johnathan. With the stage set, Iris Sister began the music that she was going to use.


As Iris Guardian was about to get into a stance, he gasped slightly as a shadow covered his eyes slightly with an aura. A smirk formed as he looked at Dionix.

Iris Guardian (Y/n)?: You're gonna want to stick around~ Because things will get VERY interesting here, child~

Dionix (Data): What!? You dare call me a "child"!?

Iris Guardian began to chuckle before getting into a stance. When the song was about to begin, Iris Sister began to charge towards her opponent. Auras began to appear as the song began to boost their power.

Iris Sister (Abby): I won't stop striking straight ahead. Right at the center at full power. At full throttle I'll break through (any limits)!

Clashing blades with Chronos, the two hold their ground before DCD intervenes and separates the two. Dionix and Johnathan began to chase after Iris Sister by going around Iris Guardian. Before they could land an attack on her, Iris Guardian appeared to block their attacks. What began as a singular song, soon surprised many others.

Iris Guardian (Y/n)?/(Iris Sister): What we're holding is justice in different forms, but (now, be brave!)

Pushing back against Dionix and Johnathan, it soon sent them both flying with Iris Guardian giving chase to them. By delivering a double strike, both crashed to the ground and then up into the sky.

Both: It's time to combine them!

With the added power coming from Iris Guardian, the strength and speed of both Iris Sister and Iris Guardian was tripled in compatibility with the synergy of the song. Iris Sister looked at Iris Guardian as a smirk was on his face as he helped continue the song with her.

Iris Guardian (Y/n)?/(Iris Sister): I resisted (the frustration of) being chewed up (and dominated). I felt that's what your heart is saying (Wow×3).

With having no time to even ask questions, Iris Guardian began to help defend Iris Sister in her stupor of confusion when Chronos and DCD tried to attack her from behind. Seeing that answers will be given, Iris Sister continued the song to keep their newfound power in check.

Iris Sister (Abby)/(Iris Guardian?): This iron hammer (iron hammer) loaded with our utmost feelings!

As the synergy kept getting stronger, an aura of a figure was beginning to manifest as it looked like a silhouette. When Neptune regained some of her senses, she looked at the aura that was forming behind Iris Guardian. An aura that was made out of pure Share Energy. What began to surprise her the most, including Iris Sister and those who caught sight of this, was the image of Iris (L/n)!!! But not just any image, even her voice could be heard during this with Iris Guardian copying her!!!

Both: Together, as one! Let's bring it down!!

When the form of Iris moved, Iris Guardian moved with her as if the movements were linked to her. Dionix and Johnathan rushed at Iris Guardian for a pincer attack. Chronos and DCD followed the same strategy as their partners for Iris Sister.

Both: I trust! In this blooming courage (Shakin' hands)! I don't want to just clench my fist (Shakin' hands)!

With the synergy of the song between the two, the Iris siblings were handling their enemies with ease. Iris Guardian would block and dodge everything that Johnathan or Dionix threw at him. Dodging to Dionix's right, Iris moved to make Guardian grab Dionix's arm to swing him around to slam into Johnathan.

Iris Sister (Abby): But open (my hand) and hold yours too...!

Time stopped as Chronos was about to strike at Iris Guardian, but Iris Sister latched her Black Viper around his leg to pull him back to slam into the preparing DCD that tried to prepare an attack. Time resumed as the attack was interrupted and caused a big impact to the ground.

Both: I believe! In this blooming courage (Shakin' hands)! Even if our beliefs differ (Shakin' hands)!

Iris Sister (Abby): Come on (right now); if it's for someone else's sake.

The movements with Iris and Iris Guardian were in perfect sync as each movement Iris made, Guardian copied it. They were a combination of fast movements that were made up of both hands and feet to have an onslaught going to punish Johnathan. Sensing danger, Iris/Guardian soon jumped into the air as Dionix accidentally crashed into Johnathan and damaged them both.

Both: We'll bark out "Even if that's so!"

Neptune watched on as she looked at Iris/Guardian and the energy form of Iris herself. Staring wide eyed at seeing this and looking at IF when she approached her.

IF (Captain): Neptune...? Please tell me I'm not imagining things...?

Neptune: You're not. Because I'm seeing Iris as well. But... How...?

IF (Captain): I... I don't know either. You got me just as confused as you are right now...

Continuing to watch the fight, Iris Sister was too preoccupied with the fight to even notice what was going on with Iris/Guardian. Iris smirked as she seemed to be having fun as she continued the next verse while dodging an attack by Dionix.

Iris/Guardian: Whether you're my enemy or my rival, there has to be some reason. A great cause that makes you clench your teeth and strike out (in determination)!

Meeting together with each other, Iris Sister and Iris/Guardian began to fight side by side with each other. When Johnathan came in swinging his sword down, Iris moved Iris/Guardian's body to roll across Iris Sister's back to kick Chronos behind her while Iris Sister blasted Johnathan away.

Iris Sister (Abby)/(Iris/Guardian): There's neither good nor evil, in my single strike of certain love this weight (of resolution) becomes my spirit!

Taking Iris Sister's hand, Iris/Guardian swung her to swing at DCD in retaliation before sending Iris Sister into the air. Using the momentum from the swing, Iris Sister launched a few energy blasts before using her whip sword to pull DCD back to her and thrust a punch to DCD's abdomen to send her crashing to the ground.

Iris/Guardian/(Iris Sister): If the gears (of fate) were just a little (out of sync). I felt like we could've been friends... for sure (Wow ×3).

Dodging an attack by Dionix, Iris/Guardian flipped to grab Dionix by his head and flipped their enemy to slam him to the ground before sending a flurry of kicks. Following up, Iris/Guardian fueled energy to their fist before slamming it into Dionix's face and sending him spiraling across the snow.

Iris Sister (Abby)/(Iris/Guardian): I won't falter (I won't falter) over these intertwined hands.

Both: "If only we could meet in a different way," I choke out.

Upon reaching the next vantage point of the song, the synergy between Iris/Guardian and Iris Sister increased further. The energy fluctuated as the auras got bigger upon reaching this point.

Both: I trust! Still, our hearts (Shakin' hands)! These bonds invisible to the eye (Shakin' hands)!

Iris Sister and Iris/Guardian moved faster than before as both decided to kick one enemy each. DCD for Iris Sister and Johnathan for Iris/Guardian. The two sent their enemies crashing into each other as two whips were wrapped around the enemies. Together, the two swung their enemies to crash into the baseball fence outside and then to the wall of the school before slamming the both of them to the snow. Their enemies looked up after being able to open their eyes as Iris/Guardian and Iris Sister floated slightly above them before sending a charged blast together that sent them further into the ground by force.

Iris Sister (Abby): Are (an inseparable) duet of our pulses!

Iris/Guardian and Iris Sister went after their own enemies again to keep the pressure going as their speeds became blinding during this moment to leave afterimages.

Both: I believe! Even if our fates differ (Shakin' hands)! Don't tear your hand away (Shakin' hands)!

Chronos and Dionix were both at a disadvantage being by themselves in combat. Chronos tried to stop time during this, but with how fast Iris Sister was going, he was no match even for her speed in stop time.

Iris Sister (Abby): Come on (right now); to "Then, what should I do...?"

Both: Keep replying with "Even if that's so!"

Closing in on their enemies, both sent a punch full of energy that caused Chronos and Dionix to crash into the school together, leaving a smoke cloud that rose to the sky. The electricity in the air was getting intense as all eyes were on the two, rather, be it three at the image of Iris having been behind Guardian the whole time as they took similar stances.

Iris/Guardian: Take my hand and hold it tight. Sad words like that cut through the sky...

The stance made IF widen her eyes as during one time when she and Iris had trained one time, Iris took that similar stance in their spar together before shedding a tear before they began to initiate the climax of the song.

Iris Sister (Abby): Cruelty is joking and laughing at us... Even so, together, let's sing...!

At the moment, Dionix, Chronos, DCD and Johnathan all began to rush them with dark energies coursing through their bodies in an attempt to rush them together, but with reaching the moment for this song, their battle had come to an end. Snapping their fingers together, Iris Sister and Iris/Guardian soon created a dome together before launching to rush in with energy built up to create walls to push back against their enemies.

Both: I trust! In this blooming courage (Shakin' hands)! I don't want to just clench my fist (Shakin' hands)!

The overwhelming force the two had now then created barriers around them. Together, each began to kick the ball that held their enemies in the dome that would slam into the walls or be received by each other. Each attack caused the ball to go faster and harder in causing more impacts.

Iris Sister (Abby): But open (my hand) and hold yours too...!

The light that was being generated in that dome began to shine straight out as the ball with the trapped enemies soared into the air rapidly.


Appearing above in the sky, Iris/Guardian and Iris Sister began to fall from the sky in having teleported to meet them head on. Dispelling the sphere of energy, the two began to rapidly attack their enemies as a cone of flames began to form from the rapid descent back down towards Earth.

Both: I believe! In this blooming courage (Shakin' hands)! Even if our beliefs differ (Shakin' hands)!

As Johnathan looked, the image of Iris soon was seen with the anger in her eyes towards him and Dionix as he growled in anger.


Iris glared at Johnathan as she made Guardian reach out to grab him by his throat and punch him as hard as they could back to the dome. Seeing all of this, the others began to evacuate to get away from the blast area to avoid any harm to themselves.

Iris Sister (Abby): Come on (right now); we'll pierce the heavens

The energy they built up soon began to focus on their palms as all their energy was then thrusted into a beam to send the three into the dome. As the energy built up in the dome, so too did the end of their song.

Both: Before our eyes with "Even if that's so!"

With the finish of the song, the energy closes up to keep the energy inside with Iris/Guardian and Iris Sister having their backs to the dome before it explodes. A beam of light shooting back into the sky as a recoil to the contained energy to release the built-up power from the attack Iris/Guardian and Iris Sister. Both siblings breathed hard as they looked at each other with a smile. For Iris Sister though, she saw Iris floating behind Iris Guardian before the synergy between them faded along with the song. Once the song ended, Iris Guardian felt his strength leave him as he slumped over with Iris Sister catching him. With his energy spent, Iris Guardian reverted back to being (Y/n) once more.

(Y/n): Ngh... Ouch...

Iris Sister reverted back to her normal form as she was also tired from the intense synergy she had felt too.

Abby (Future): Guess we're BOTH spent... Ha ha...

The two siblings looked at each other and smiled, but it didn't last for long as a familiar yell rang out across the area. Looking, it was Johnathan! Although his armor was badly damaged, his head bleeding and his right arm being gone, his eyes were filled with absolute rage.

Johnathan: (L/NNNNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!!

(Y/n): Doesn't this asshole know when to stay down!?

Abby (Future): There's no possible way a normal person could withstand all that and get back up...!

Looking in the story, Soejammy's eyes widened at a small detail hidden as Johnathan had activated a shield to use most of his power to generate a shield secretly in the dome. Soejammy pounds his desk with his fist as he didn't see that coming. Johnathan looked at Abby and (Y/n) as his rage filled his eyes while he held his sword in his hand.

Johnathan: Don't you DARE move!! I'M FINISHING YOU BOTH WITH THIS MOVE!!!

Looking at the fight, Iris was about to plan on trying to intervene, but Neptune, IF and Nepgear focused on keeping her back.

Iris (Data): What are you doing!?

IF (Captain): Iris...! You can't do this...!!

Iris (Data): That's my son in there!!

Nepgear: We know! But it's too dangerous!

Neptune cried out her own personal tears as Johnathan began to rush towards (Y/n) and Abby. Closing her eyes, but couldn't stop from hearing anything as she focused on Iris' safety too. (Y/n) and Abby watched as Johnathan rushed towards them as they had used up most of their energy.

(Y/n): D-Damn...!

Abby (Future): Onii-Chan...!

Moving to get in front of her brother, Abby began using herself as a shield in wanting to protect him.

(Y/n): No! What are you doing!?

Abby (Future): Protecting the family I have, even if it means with my life.

(Y/n): No! Abby!!

Before anyone knew it, the blade began to pierce through flesh as a cry could be heard being in pain. But the sound didn't come from Abby, it was from the sounds of a man. When (Y/n) looked, it was his father who had his back to Abby and him.

Jasper (Data): Ngh...!

(Y/n): DAD!?

Jasper (Data): Ah...!

Iris (Data): JASPER!!!

The sound of steel cutting through flesh could be heard as Johnathan looked at Jasper.

Johnathan: Move out of the way, you dead man!!! You should be dead already!!!

Jasper looked at Johnathan as he grabbed onto the sword with his hands. Even though the sword was sharp, Jasper held tightly on the blade with droplets of blood going to the snow.

Jasper (Data): Yeah... I should be dead. But you know... A Father can't stand it when his family is in danger. I won't let you hurt my son... Not after all the good he has tried to do for everyone.

Johnathan: Augh...! I'm surrounded by idiots...! I'll just cut through you and-

Johnathan tried to pull on his sword, but it barely budged. Jasper grunted with each attempt Johnathan tried to do.

Johnathan: What the hell!? Why can't I-!?

Jasper (Data): "Why can't I pull my sword from an already dead carcass?" Is THAT what you want to say?

Johnathan looked at Jasper as there was anger in his eyes. Jasper took one of his hands cut by the blade and splattered blood in front of Johnathan's eyes.


Jasper (Data): Yeah. That was my point.

Reaching for Johnathan, Jasper grabbed Johnathan by the hair and yanked him by his hair hard.


Jasper (Data): Oh, come on. Stop being such a damn crying little bitch.

Johnathan looked at Jasper and could see a serious look in Jasper's eyes.

Jasper (Data): You never had to complain about any fight you were in up till now. Why should "dirty fighting" be any different from what my wife has told me about you? You don't get to say ANYTHING for what you've been doing to MY family!

Johnathan looked at Jasper as he was then punched in the face and then head butted.

Johnathan: AUGH!!!

Jasper (Data): You know, I WANTED to live a quiet life with my family. We went through, SO MUCH just to have moments of peace. My wife fighting everyone that upsets her, my son taking abuse from those around him, I hated seeing them like this!

Jasper then pulled the sword out of his stomach as he yelled in pain as he held his stomach to mitigate the pain he felt.

Jasper (Data): But you? Oh, I hear stories about you from (Y/n) and his friends. When my wife brought them to the mall, she got to see first-hand what you're like.

Jasper tossed the sword away from them as he looked at Johnathan. Johnathan was on his knees holding his pain back as Jasper tightened his fist and punched the area where Johnathan lost his arm. Making Johnathan yell in agonizing pain as his anguish could be heard in an echo.

Jasper (Data): Now that's just sad. You can't even take a blow to your wound like that? Haaaaa... You're just pathetic for a man.

Johnathan: SHUT UP!!!

Johnathan soon threw a punch towards Jasper's wound and did it as hard as he could.


Johnathan looked at Jasper as he stared back. Unfazed by the punch to his wound.


Jasper (Data): Huh... You really are weak. Your punch has no force to it. In fact, it's like a mosquito bit me.

Johnathan: WHAT!?

Jasper (Data): Your punches. They're weak. If I got to say, my wife packs more than a punch. And trust me, when she goes wild, she goes wild. Some may not know this, but my wife secretly taught my body to handle pains. And I got to say, only her attacks seem to work on me now.

(Y/n) and Abby looked at each other and then to their mother.

(Y/n): Mom, just WHAT did you do to Dad to make him like this???

Iris (Data): What DIDN'T I do to him??

(Y/n) looked at his mother with a look and just sighed.

(Y/n): We're talking about that later. But now... DAD! JUST STOP! YOU'RE LOSING BLOOD!

Jasper looked at his hand as he was losing much blood from this and held his head.

Jasper (Data): Not now son... I have a point to make.

(Y/n) looked at his father as Jasper soon punched Johnathan in the face.

Jasper (Data): I know the wound I received hurt. A sword like that? It hurt a lot. But the difference is, I can handle the pain just a little more.

Jasper then took Johnathan's head and then kneed him in the face, breaking Johnathan's nose.

Johnathan: Augh!

Johnathan kept writhing in agony as (Y/n) watched his father beat Johnathan down by himself in his damaged state.

Jasper (Data): Son...

(Y/n) looked at his father with his back to him. Standing there without looking back at his son.

Jasper (Data): Don't let this punk ever get to you like this. If anything, he should be nothing to you. You've been through more hardships than he has. If someone should humiliate him in such a way in setting a prime example, let it be me.

(Y/n) looked at his father as cracks formed inside of his mind. Seeing an image of his father being hurt and talking to him. (Y/n) held his head in feeling the memories hit him hard.

Jasper (Data): Son, I saw how you let your rage explode. I don't know why, but you had a good reason to get angry. But my son, you mustn't draw on that anger alone.

Jasper coughed in feeling some of his failing strength, but continued.

Jasper (Data): You may get angry, but you have your reasons. But those reasons alone cloud your judgment and make you lose sight of what you're protecting. Your anger is justified. Everyone gets angry. But unlike me, I know what I'm protecting.

Jasper looked at Johnathan as he took his head and then slammed Johnathan's head into the snow.

Jasper (Data): Use your anger to guide your fists. But instead of letting yourself be controlled, use that anger as a driving force. To not only protect you, AND give you strength to withstand ANYTHING that should harm you.

Standing up, Jasper looked towards his son as (Y/n) widened his eyes in seeing the empty look in his father's eyes.

Jasper (Data): Just promise me, you'll try. And when I say "try", give your all in keeping yourself in control... We're not... Always going to be there...for you...

Losing the feeling in his body, Jasper then began to fall as his body impacted the snow. (Y/n) and Abby's eyes widen in the sudden sight of Jasper falling as Iris begins to feel her tears come out to cry.


The sound of Iris' cries could be heard by everyone as Jasper passed away... (Y/n) looked at his father as Johnathan began to laugh.

Johnathan: Pretentious prick.

Feeling his anger, (Y/n) bursted from the ground as he grabbed Johnathan by the throat and slammed him down. (Y/n) felt his energy explode from his rage as he cloaked Johnathan with his hand to the throat and generated a blade into his hand.


Johnathan: Guh...! Go ahead and kill me...! It's not like it will bring him back!!

(Y/n): RAAAAAAGH!!!!

(Y/n) punched Johnathan in the face as he then raised his blade into the air with all the intent he wanted to do.

Abby (Future): (Y/N)! NO!!!

Thrusting the sword down, there was silence in the air before (Y/n) got up while breathing hard. Johnathan looked back up at (Y/n) as he looked to his right to feel his cheek being cut by the grazing in looking at it.

(Y/n): I want you dead. SOOOOO, much...! But seeing you like this, I won't even feel content in seeing you dead after all of this. You killed my father, but if I strike you down now... It won't give me the feeling of peace after what happened tonight. In fact, I WANT to finish you off by myself. No tricks, no advantages... You, me, 1v1... Until that happens, my victory against you won't satisfy me for killing my father. Get the f**k out of my mind. Get OUT of my memories. Because I'm done here.

(Y/n) looked at Johnathan as energy surrounded him as his real mind exited the system and left his past self on the ground. With the battle ended, Chronos looked at the mess as he and DCD soon left the memory as well.

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom.

Time began to speed up as the others watched all of this happen. The group saw the memories fly by as some events could be seen as the same, while some were different. When the MRS made a sound, it soon created a field that then popped Neptune, Nepgear, Captain IF and Abby back to the real world.

Histoire (Hyper): Neptune! Nepgear!

Oracle: Abby!

The three were received in well in regards for their safe return, but Captain IF sighed as she leaned against the wall.

Captain IF: What? I don't get a welcome back? Haaaaa...

When pulling out a cigarette, she was about to light it, but then a fire lit the end up for her. Avdol and Washington joined her by the wall and leaned against it.

Avdol: This might not be much, but "welcome back."

Washington: You did great there. Even if you had temporary powers for the time being.

Captain IF looked at both Avdol and Washington and smiled at them while taking in a puff of smoke before letting it out.

Captain IF: Damn... I really needed that.

Some chuckles could be heard as Mira and Adult Neptune looked at the screen.

Mirasashiro: Hold on. Something isn't right.

Gaining the attention from everyone, Adult Neptune addressed the situation.

Adult Neptune: (Y/n)... Hasn't come out of the MRS yet.

Location: Inside MRS, Data Corridor.

Looking around, (Y/n) could see he had returned to the data rooms in the MRS, but was alone where he was.

(Y/n): Back here again??? Where is everyone?

When (Y/n) began to walk, he soon felt a presence behind him as he could see a shadowy figure just a yard from where he was.

(Y/n): Who are you? You were there when Kiyoshi and I-

???: Abby...

(Y/n): Huh?

???: Her Abby.

(Y/n) became on guard when hearing this as he got into a stance and wanted to summon his blade. A light tried to form, but was soon dispelled in keeping his weapons sealed.

(Y/n): What? Why can't I-

???: No weapons. You...and me...

(Y/n) looked at the figure before him as the shroud of darkness surrounding him began to fade. In the shroud, (Y/n)'s eyes widened open as he saw someone unexpectedly.

(Y/n): D-Dionix?!

???: No... Not him... You...

As the darkness cleared completely, the form wasn't Dionix. Looking at the individual, they had the same scar on the right side of (Y/n)'s face. They even had the same clothes as (Y/n). This was indeed, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Why... Why do you look like me...?

???: You still don't get it...? You don't feel... My anger...? MY RAGE!?

The area shook around (Y/n) as some particles of data fell from around the area.


A wave of pressure pushed out of the other (Y/n) that sent the current one flying into a wall.

(Y/n) (Current): GAH!!!


(Y/n) (Current): Ngh...! The hell are you talking about...!? They were helping us!

(Y/n) (Rage): Helping them, you mean!!! Do you really know the truth of why you're here!? DO YOU!?

Being grabbed, (Y/n) was slammed against the data wall by his own rage that broke the wall.

(Y/n) (Rage): You say they're helping us, BUT I CALL IT MAKING US FORGET OUR PAIN!!!

(Y/n) (Current): Dad died because he was trying to save us! Teaching us to not lose control!! We couldn't handle the pain!!

(Y/n) (Rage): YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!! Rather... You don't KNOW MY PAIN!!!

Placing a hand on the current (Y/n)'s head, he began to scream in seeing images come to his mind as he saw images of stuff that didn't happen for him, one was familiar with Iris being stabbed in the stomach. The others outside saw the alarms going off on the MRS as they saw all of this happening to (Y/n) and couldn't do anything to help him.

(Y/n) (Current): S-STOP!!!


The more the current (Y/n) saw these images, the more he felt he was fading in this feeling. Will out hero be able to withstand the force of his other self? Find out...


???: Hey, you two, don't you think that this has gone on long enough?

Hearing the voice, the Rage side of (Y/n) stopped transferring his memories to the current side of him.

(Y/n) (Rage): WHAT!?

A hand reached out of the crystal and grabbed the Rage by his neck and moved to slam him down on the ground. When opening his eyes, the Rage widened his eyes when he could see Iris had pinned him down. In fact, seeing Iris before them was surprising for both (Y/n)s due to seeing Iris in the data rooms of the MRS.

Iris: Haaaaa. Finally, I can just relax here.


(Y/n) (Current): Don't be asking me. I'm just as confused as you.

Iris: I'll explain, but you, young man, need to calm the hell down.

The Rage looked Iris as he growled at her.

(Y/n) (Rage): "Calm"??? You want me to be "CALM"?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I BEEN THROUGH!?

Iris: I do. In fact, I had front row seats this whole time. Shutting yourself off from your friends, blaming yourself for the mistakes of others, telling yourself you should have been stronger. I SAW it all.


A monitor popped up as it showed the events of what the current (Y/n) went through as it showed the altered fight of the Chaos CPUs to the portal back home. The perspective had been from Iris as she looked to (Y/n) and placed her hands on his head to send her own energy into her son. By doing so, she found a back door to enter the MRS and thus enter without anyone noticing.

(Y/n) (Current): What... Did we just see?

Iris: My memories. Rather, what I want you to see since this is the MRS, memories are everything here.

(Y/n) (Current): But you should be on Earth mom... How did you even get in here???

(Y/n) (Rage): Because... I know one answer to that. But then again, YOU don't remember what even happened.

The current (Y/n) faced towards his rage self with annoyance in his eyes.

(Y/n) (Current): Stop speaking in riddles and tell me then! I'm sick of people beating around the bush when I want answers!

Iris: Because... your TRUE memories.

(Y/n) looked at his mother with shock and surprise in his eyes.

(Y/n) (Current): My...TRUE memories...?

Iris: That night, when you went to the dance... The fight didn't happen there. It was at a park... That night, you gained incredible power... But it was a drastic turn in your life and Abby's... Your Father and I... We both died in your arms...

(Y/n) shook his head as he took a few steps back in denial.

(Y/n) (Current): No... That's a lie...! Only Dad-!

(Y/n) held his head as the pounding information in his head filled as the clouds around his mind cleared more. Like in a snap, (Y/n) was forced to remember the event as the scene echoed. It showed (Y/n) holding his mother's blade and then crying about having lost her. A new scene came up as it showed (Y/n) talking to his Histoire in the Hyper dimension with an empty tone, with no life behind it.

(Y/n) (Memory): Histoire...? Can you make some upgrades to my Mother's blade...?

Histoire (Memory): Huh? Why do you want to upgrade it...?

(Y/n) (Memory): I don't wish to tell you right now... All I care about is if the sword can be upgraded to handle my power to the fullest...

Histoire (Memory): Okay... What specifications do you wish to imbue the blade...?

(Y/n) (Memory): To be fueled by my energy and transform it. I want it to be a mix of close quarters combat while having a versatile range to switch back and forth when I want. I want the sword to act as a whip whenever I desire to reach further distances.

The events skipped to the making of the blade as 3 days passed by. When the blade was presented to (Y/n) he held it into the air as it transformed into-

Histoire (Memory): Do you wish to give your Mother's blade?

(Y/n) (Memory): With its form and color, it shall be the weapon that will retaliate against any danger. I will call it: Black Viper.

(Y/n) began to breathe hard as he was in a cold sweat with his hands and knees on the ground.

(Y/n) (Rage): Our blade we got from Mother was going to strike fear BACK at our enemies! A way to teach them not to mess with our family!! But you had to FORGET ALL OF IT!!!

(Y/n) (Current): Stop it...! I didn't want that...!

The rage of (Y/n) quickly grabbed his weaker self and slammed him into the wall.


Iris: ENOUGH!!!

Iris soon got in between both versions of (Y/n) to separate them before things escalated.

Iris: If you're looking to blame someone, it's me! I CAUSED the amnesia to happen!!!

Both (Y/n)s and everyone outside looked at Iris as Ivory held a fist tightly together. Iris sighed as she looked at her sons.

Iris: I'm the reason you lost your memory in the first place. I'm the reason the amnesia is still in place. It happened when you entered the Ultra dimension...

Showing a manifestation of another screen, it showed Iris' perspective as she was on the sidelines with Ivory in watching the fight. Both Guardian and Johnathan finished their fight as (Y/n) was losing power. Looking at Ivory, Iris then rushed toward Guardian as a light glowed and initiated a status effect on the communicator.

Iris: By interacting with you, I was able to decide what effect you received only once. It took a lot out of me to make that happen in doing so.

(Y/n) (Rage): That doesn't explain how you're here.

Iris: Son... Is it not clear what you just saw? Heh... Knowing you can see Ivory, it's not surprising to see her for you.

(Y/n) (Rage): Stop speaking in damn rid-

(Y/n) (Current): I do...

Looking at the current (Y/n), he looked his mother in the eyes with tears about to fall.

(Y/n) (Current): You're dead... Aren't you...

Iris looked at (Y/n) as she sighed in having to answer the truth. A glow surrounded her body as it was of Share Energy.

Iris (Spirit): Yeah... Like Ivory, I became something close to something like her...

(Y/n) (Rage): HOW!? You're not a CPU!!!

Iris looked at the rage (Y/n) as she slapped him hard on the face.

Iris (Spirit): Sorry, but you really need to chill before you make me lose my temper.

The rage (Y/n) grunted as he had to hold himself back from yelling. Iris then projected another screen that showed the moment with Dionix and her struggling as Next Purple sent her wave of energy to strike at D. Guardian. When the wave passed into D. Guardian, the wave continued as the energy began to be absorbed into Iris. This supercharged her as it then skipped to when she passed away. During the time when (Y/n) closed his eyes, the energy in Iris entered (Y/n)'s crystal as it glowed with an iris glow for a moment before the cries of (Y/n) could be heard.

Iris (Spirit): With what happened with Dionix, since I was caught in that same attack as Dionix was, my spirit somehow entered the crystal and made me into a being of pure Share Energy. Like how Ivory survived her death from Arfoire in her time. Just surprising that something similar can happen to a human like me.

Both (Y/n)'s looked at their mother as she was even troubled by it.

Iris (Spirit): Believe me when I say this, being as a spirit is somewhat unsettling. I'm still even trying to get used to how I am now really.

(Y/n) (Rage): If you've been here this whole TIME... Why...? Why didn't you say ANYTHING to us...!?

Iris (Spirit): Because it was the life you needed to continue without me. At least, what I thought when you matured. Had I known you take a drastic turn and go off on your own, I would have tried to do something... But I didn't just leave most things to how they played out. I had my... "personal" interventions.

Iris then began to show her interactions slightly with (Y/n) in his damaged state during his fight with Noire of the Ultra dimension, along with using her energy to gain control of (Y/n)'s body when he was poisoned by the Share Energy. It would then show her brushing (Y/n)'s hair softly when sleeping and then deciding to enter the MRS to help him.

Iris (Spirit): Everything I did was to help you. Even when you were in your memories, I was there. Even when you were with Abby in here~ Got to say, she matured as a woman~ Hehe~

The current (Y/n) was surprised by hearing his mother say that to him.

(Y/n) (Current): Oh man...! Can we not talk about that?! I'm still in shock of even SEEING her older!

Iris (Spirit): Sorry~ Just had to see your actual surprised expression to all of this~ Not every day you get to see your two children grow up, or rather, get more serious~

(Y/n) (Current): Mother, please stop... I think the others are watching through the MRS...

Iris (Spirit): Of course, when I saw your "future" self had multiple of these transformations, I felt it was a little... Unfair to see given you only had 2.

(Y/n) (Current): What does that have to do with anything???

(Y/n) (Rage): Get to the point!

Iris looked at the rage as she smirked.

Iris (Spirit): Iris Special Clothesline Punishment~

Widening their eyes both versions of (Y/n) hugged each other and yelled in fright. (F/n), however, was in a corner sulking at being reminded of the punishment treatment.

Iris (Spirit): Never gets old~ To answer your question, I may have had a little... "Involvement" with that~

Both (Y/n)'s looked at their mother and saw the image of the fight with Future Guardian. When seeing Neptune in danger, Purple Guardian was going to go rushing in to save her, but Iris temporarily merged with Purple Guardian as their energies were fusing together. Iris had seen that Future Guardian focused his energy and tried to make crystallized forms of the Sharicite and power him up using his energy. I'm attempting to do the same way, Iris used her energy stored in her and fed it to the palm of Purple Guardian to make it the magenta-colored crystal to turn him into Iris Guardian.

(Y/n) (Current): You were the cause of that too???

Iris (Spirit): Of course! Your girlfriend super charged my body so much on Share Energy, it was about time I gave some back to ya. I didn't think it would make a new form for ya. Who knew it would be out of inspiration because of me~?

Iris had a bright smile on her face, but soon sighed.

Iris (Spirit): Son... I don't want you having this...thought for revenge to drive you. It won't lead you to where you want.

(Y/n) (Rage): You died in my arms...! I had to watch you die and shoulder that burden...!

Iris (Spirit): And a burden you should never carry. I never taught you to seek revenge. Just only to make good about the things that make you smile.

Iris walked over to the rage as she got down on her knees and began to hug him.

(Y/n) (Rage): What are you doing?! Stop that!

Iris (Spirit): (Y/n)... All I want is you to be happy. But I don't want you closing yourself off... Remember how you were BEFORE coming to the Ultra dimension...

Flashes of (Y/n) in his rage and anger for revenge could be seen as he would be planning every step, every counter and how to execute his plans.

Iris (Spirit): That isn't my son I love... And that's not who I want to see growing up to be like... I want the Son that was so cheerful, so passionate, so kind and the spirit to never give up. That is the son I have heard and spoke about when he was stuck here. Not what I see now. If you continue down this path, you will kill EVERY last bit of what makes you your own person... You'll become just like Dionix. Cold, heartless, willing to kill many for his goals. That's not what I want. Is that what you want? Is that what Abby wants from her brother...?

The rage side of (Y/n) looked at his mother as he tried to escape from her, but when thinking about it, he just couldn't fight what was building up.

Iris (Spirit): I'm sorry... That I couldn't be there for you when you needed me the most... I'm sorry...

The rage that had been building up from the suffering, began to vanish as the energy soon began to enter the current (Y/n) as he looked at his mother.

(Y/n): What happened...?

Iris (Spirit): If I had to say... Your anger has been quelled... At least, for now anyway...

(Y/n): What now?

Iris (Spirit): We get you out of here. You have some friends and others waiting for you.

The two smiled at each other as they were about to begin trying to find the exit, but then a huge blast then sent them flying into a wall.

(Y/n): AUGH!!!

Iris (Spirit): Ngh!!

Seeing the explosion through the video feed, the group was about to wonder why they were being attacked, when Chronos showed himself again.

Chronos: Well, well, well! What do we have here?

(Y/n): Ngh... Chronos...

Iris (Spirit): Oh, great... This dickwad...

Looking at Iris, Chronos began to chuckle at the surprise before him.

Chronos: I thought something was going on here. So, you lived through the necklace, huh? Clever little sneak!!!

Chronos suddenly appeared in front of Iris and then kicked her down the hall. (Y/n) saw this and grew angry at seeing his mother get hurt.

(Y/n): Chronos!!! Your fight is with me!!!

(Y/n) instantly got up and then tried striking behind Chronos. Though, the attack would hit nothing as a fist drove into (Y/n)'s stomach.

(Y/n): Guh...!

The punch sent (Y/n) into the air slightly, but then slammed down after the quick intercept by Chronos.

Chronos: Stay down and learn to never get back up.

Chronos began to walk towards Iris as she stood up and looked at Chronos.

Chronos: To think, I would see YOU here.

Iris (Spirit): Heh. If I surprise you, then I know I'm doing something right. But saying that you CAN see me and TALK to me, that strikes up a very good notion to take note of.

Chronos: And that is?

Iris (Spirit): The fact that you can see me, there must be something special about you since I'M dead.

Chronos didn't say anything as Iris smirked while looking at him.

Iris (Spirit): Oh? Cat got your tongue? Where did all that bravado go? You're coming here talking high and mighty, but you're basically getting nervous. Am I right~?

Chronos didn't say anything as he suddenly appeared in front of Iris and choke slammed her to the wall.

Chronos: You are just as annoying as the you in the Ultra dimension. The fact that you're even here annoys me more!!!

Iris coughs from being slammed to the wall like that as she chuckles.

Iris (Spirit): The fact that I'm even getting a rise out of someone who is supposed to be from the future AND be deadly in stopping time? You're not even threatening in my eyes with me already being dead~

Chronos was about to raise a fist, but a blast of energy came from behind him with an energy sword lodging itself into his left shoulder. The pain caused Chronos to let go of Iris as he looked to see (Y/n) with an angry look on his face.

(Y/n): Get your hands off my Mother!

(Y/n) took Chronos' arm as he then threw him down the corridor of the data area. (Y/n) got in front of Iris as he summoned out his blades.

(Y/n): I already lost her once. I'm not losing her again.

Chronos: You will die trying.

Growling, (Y/n) began to charge and circle around Chronos. Taking chances, he would go in and attempt to strike from behind. In an instant, he was sent flying into a wall and coughed up blood.

Chronos: Pathetic.

(Y/n) gripped his swords and charged in once more as he sent a few slashes of his energy towards Chronos. Chronos effortlessly dodged the attack as he then appeared suddenly in front of (Y/n).

Chronos: Worthless.

Kicking (Y/n) into the air, Chronos then spiked him down to the floor.

Chronos: You're not even as entertaining as your future self.

(Y/n): Ugh... Kuff...

(Y/n) tried to get up, but he was then kicked in his stomach. Being launched as he rolled against the ground and was on his back near his mother.

Iris (Spirit): (Y/N)!!

(Y/n) struggled as he wanted to get up, but he was still trying to recover from the fight not too long ago in the final memory.

(Y/n): Damn...

Chronos began to walk up to (Y/n) as he chuckled.

Chronos: Look at you. So helpless, so weak, so damn useless. You're nothing, but filled with the intentions of someone they wish they could be. A hero, a protector, a friend that helps others. Nothing more than just some made up person in some deluded man's world. You're nothing just like this space! 0s and 1s!!!

(Y/n): Don't ever know when to shut up? You're giving me a headache...

Chronos growled as he appeared in front of (Y/n) and held him in the air.

Chronos: The faster I END you, the faster ALL of this ENDS!!

(Y/n): Guh...! Ngh...!

Chronos was about to throw a punch at (Y/n), but Iris soon came in and jumped onto his back and caused Chronos to let go of (Y/n).

Iris (Spirit): GET OFF MY SON!!!

(Y/n): MOM!!!


Iris (Spirit): Fine! But you're going to regret what you wish for!!!

Turning into pure energy, Chronos was thrown into a few walls as the area shook slightly. The MRS was even affected by the increase of energy in the system as some electrical surge was happening. Tossing Chronos into the air and then slamming him down, the spirit of Iris soon rushed to (Y/n) as he raised his arms from a dome of light beginning to engulf him as he let out a yell. Plutia, who had been looking at the monitor, looked towards (Y/n) as his real body began to mutter two words.

(Y/n) (Real Body): Neptune... Plutia...

(Y/n)'s hands open up in showing he wanted to hold onto something. Taking Neptune by her hand, Plutia took her to (Y/n).

Neptune: Plutie?! What are you-

Plutia: (Y/n) wants us to hold his hands. Please Neppy...?

Looking at the MRS and seeing (Y/n)'s face in pain, Neptune decided to listen to Plutia and sit down on the other side of (Y/n) as they held his hands. Back in the MRS, (Y/n) had his arms up as he soon looked around him. Looking around, he could see the memories Iris and (Y/n) had as he looked at one of them as it was of him and his mother. It was when (Y/n) was six as he was on top of Iris' shoulders as they saw a parade.

Iris (Spirit): Boy does this take me back... Remember that day when we saw the parade?

(Y/n) looked to his right and saw his mother.

(Y/n): Mom?

Iris (Spirit): It was the first parade you EVER went to. Seeing firecrackers lighting up, seeing the dragon in the streets, and even getting your hat addiction by having a straw hat for the first time. You broke that 1,500 Yen hat, ya little shit. Still waiting for that money by the way.

(Y/n): I was SIX, Mom. What do you expect?

Iris (Spirit): Surprisingly...? Nothing that much. Not much there to begin with.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

(Y/n): Wooooooooow. Thanks for the boost in my personality.

Iris (Spirit): That was a boost? I was trying to peg you down a little.

Iris soon began to laugh as she ruffled (Y/n)'s hair with her son having a look on his face of not being amused.

(Y/n): Ha ha... Very funny. But why are we here Mom?? Chronos is still here with us!! We gotta get out of here and-!

Iris stopped as she took a few steps forwards as she looked at the memory she had with her son. Smiling as a few tears escape her eyes before looking back at (Y/n).

(Y/n): H-Hey... Why are you crying? Come on, there's no time for that! What's that saying you told me before? "If you got time to cry, you got time to do shit!" Come on! We can still get out of here!

Iris still cried as she shook her head before approaching her son and getting down onto one knee. Iris then wrapped her arms around (Y/n)'s head as she brought him in for a hug.

(Y/n): Wh-What are you doing, Mom...?

Iris (Spirit): Doing one last thing as your parent. Something I wish you with the best of luck for~

(Y/n) chuckled softly as he tried to pry his way out of his mother's hold.

(Y/n): We can hug like this AFTER getting out of here... Please, Mom, let go of me...

Iris held her son still, not listening to (Y/n) as her body began to glow slightly.

(Y/n): Mom, let go of me and-

(Y/n) widened his eyes and gasped as Iris began to slowly disappear.

(Y/n): Mom! You're disappearing! Why?!

Iris (Spirit): Giving you something that came from my interference~ The form you gained while recovering your memories, it's going to be yours now~

Iris still smiled in her hug with (Y/n) as her son tried to get away from her.

(Y/n): If you sacrifice the energy you received, you'll disappear!!! Stop Mom!!! PLEASE!!!

Iris pulled back and placed a hand on (Y/n)'s cheek and smiled while looking into his eyes. The tears on (Y/n)'s face could tell he wasn't okay with this.

Iris (Spirit): (Y/n), you got to be strong now. Remember what you promised me about Abby?

(Y/n) widened his eyes as more tears began to fall from him as Iris was about to let go of her Son based on his request, but (Y/n) suddenly held her tightly in his hug.

(Y/n): I... I'm going to miss you...

Iris looked at (Y/n) and held him back as her form began to glow brighter as she shimmered.

Iris (Spirit): I'm going to be with you, always~

With that, Iris' spirit shattered into particles of light as (Y/n) couldn't hold back his sadness anymore. The particles of light began to converge to (Y/n)'s Crystal of Hope. Once the last bit of energy that was inside of Iris fuel the power of the Crystal of Hope, Neptune and Plutia felt a surge of energy as they felt their power begin going into (Y/n) and his crystal. The mixture of purple and magenta was being shown in the crystal. Chronos could hear (Y/n) and his cries as he got up and became annoyed.


Firing a blast into the dome, the light began to glow brighter as the crying stopped. Instead, the data corridor began to shake as (Y/n) began to focus all his emotions. All of his emotions are facing Chronos with what he had to say to him.

(Y/n): CHRONOS!!! YOU'VE PISSED ME OFF FOR THE LAST TIME!!! I don't know who you are, but I will be the last person you see and free my family from your interference!!! No more holding back EVERYTHING!!!

(Y/n) began to yell as the dome began to change to mixtures of purple and magenta interchanging in the dome.

(Y/n): I made a PROMISE to my Mom, that promise is protecting my Sister, Abby, from you and anyone who harms her! But with how you've hurt my friends, my FAMILY...!

(Y/n) opened his eyes as they were purple in one eye and magenta in the other.


Feeling the surge of energy, (Y/n) expanded the dome as it sent Chronos flying. Neptune and Plutia were also sent flying away by (Y/n) as they were drained of their power. Shadow transformed into Shadow Wolf to catch Neptune, while Mirasashiro caught Plutia.

Mirasashiro: What's happening?!

Adult Neptune: (Y/n) is-

Histoire (Both): Evolving???

The dome grew brighter and brighter as when it shattered, Guardian stood where he was when he transformed. Though, he wasn't Iris or Purple Guardian. Chronos got up and looked towards Guardian, who had a calm stride in his step. Not being hasty and being extremely calm after transforming.

Chronos: That form, what IS that?!

Guardian (Y/n)?: This form is not one you should face.

Each step Guardian made, echoed with each calm step he took.

Chronos: You dare challenge me, brat?!

Upon closer examination, Guardian had new gear on along with a hat that was formed during the transformation. A straw hat as he lifted his head to show his glare at Chronos.

Guardian (Y/n)?: If you choose to fight, I will not hold back. Not to the likes of you.

Chronos growled in annoyance by seeing Guardian so calm, collected, unfazed unlike before. Chronos soon stopped time as everyone looked to see that Guardian had been frozen in place due to Chronos' power. Using the opportunity to get in close, Chronos wanted to end this fast.

Chronos: Gain all the power you want! You will never be a match for my power of time!!!

When Chronos got in close, he was about to punch Guardian, but a rattle could be heard.

Chronos: What?!

Looking down, the fingers of Guardian twitched as this baffled Chronos.

Chronos: D-Did his fingers just twitch?! N-No! That's not possible!!!

Getting nervous, Chronos separated from the new Guardian as he took a closer look. Everything on Guardian was different from his gear as his hair was more controlled by being in a short braid. Clothes could be seen as it looked like the top was left open to show his chest a little, while wearing a type of Samurai Gi included with the straw hat. Guardian didn't look to have a weapon on him during this moment in stopped time. The calmness in his eyes showed the deepest determination. It even looked like that although his armor looked thinner, it looked to have been made with quite a bit of durability to withstand blows.

Chronos: Tch...! I hesitated, I won't have enough time to finish him off...!

Separating, Chronos moved back a few steps before time resumed and Guardian moved, but suddenly stopped in his tracks to stay where he was.

Guardian (Y/n)?: You stopped time, didn't you?

Chronos hitched his breath while Guardian stared him down. Calmly judging and planning his move to execute the best strategy.

Chronos: Tell me something, (L/n)... Did you see me in the world of stopped time...?

Looking at Chronos, Guardian said nothing. Feeling he had a right to not speak to Chronos' question.

Chronos: Answer me! Did you or did you NOT see me?!

Guardian kept quiet as he stared at Chronos.

Chronos: ANSWER ME!!!

Guardian (Y/n)?: Talk as much as you want. The battle had already started, and you are nowhere closer to your proclamation of defeating me. If I had to guess, you're hesitating.

Chronos tightened his fist as his armor made that known with it scraping against each other.

Guardian (Y/n)?: If I touched a nerve, I would apologize. But I will not be doing that today.

Chronos: Why are you so calm in all of this?! Answer me!!!! You're not Purple or Iris Guardian!!! WHO ARE YOU?!

Guardian stared at Chronos with his purple and magenta eyes.

Guardian (Y/n)?: The Guardian you know is not who I was before. Purple and Iris Guardian are not the same as me. They are here. We are one. And you, Chronos, will know the wrath of the two combined that will take you down. For my name, you can call me, Violet Guardian.

Chronos looked at Violet Guardian as he looked before gasping.

Chronos: N-No...! Did you learn how to fuse your powers?!

Violet Guardian (Y/n): I would take credit for that, but I didn't do this alone. Before I was born, Neptune and Plutia fed me their energy, giving me the strength and balance to even their abilities. They're power is mine, and they have mine in return.

Chronos growled in anger as he stopped time once more and was about to move, when seeing the twitching of Violet Guardian.

Chronos: (There he goes again...! He's twitching in the world of stopped time...! It has to be a fluke. He can't match me here!!!)

Chronos began to charge in as he prepared a fist laced with energy and plans to punch through Violet Guardian's stomach. When getting closer, the twitching stopped as a form of flowing movement happened with Violet Guardian that caused him to block Chronos' attack.

Chronos: WHAT?!

Before Chronos knew it, Violet Guardian kicked him in the head and sent him flying into a wall of the data corridor. Time resumed like normal as Violet Guardian looked at himself and clenched his fists tightly.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): I can the world of stopped time...

Everyone was stunned in seeing Violet Guardian turn the battle around on Chronos. Violet Guardian's enemy got up as Chronos looked him dead in the eyes.

Chronos: How is it possible for you to move in the stopped time?! Explain yourself!!

Violet Guardian looked at Chronos and clenched his fists.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): I don't have to tell you anything. You are losing your edge in this fight the more you keep using your time abilities. The pleasantries have come to an end... The real fight shall begin now.

Gathering his energy to his hands, Violet Guardian brought them up and clapped his hands together. Using the energy that was built up, it began to create a weapon specifically for him. With the energy used, Violet Guardian began to create a pole at first, before it curved at the top to make a scythe. With the weapon in Violet Guardian's hands, he began to spin it around at the sides before cutting into the ground with the blade before looking at Chronos. The blade had turned from energy to a physical weapon with the Planeptune symbol split in half. Two distinct colors to the Planeptune symbol that were purple for Neptune and magenta for Plutia.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Your death is nigh. If a God can't punish you for your atrocities, I shall be the reaper that brings you to hell myself. You WILL be punished for your crimes.

Chronos clenched his teeth and glared at Violet Guardian before pulling his blades out.


Violet Guardian (Y/n): Bring it.

While the two readies themselves for battle, both Chronos and Violet Guardian rushed towards each other. Caught onto his scythe, Violet Guardian tore a piece of data from the ground and swung it to collide into Chronos. The debris of data threw Chronos off balance as he took a kick to his stomach to fly down the hall. Before Chronos could reorient himself, Violet Guardian suddenly appeared to axe kick Chronos in the head to slam him into the floor hard and bounced off it. This set up a combo for Violet Guardian to begin swinging his scythe in fast succession from left to right, over the shoulder swings and barrel roll spins to attack Chronos. The blade retracts back in as to slam the pole into the ground to valet over Chronos and swing the pole on slamming him down.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Surrender.

Chronos: Not a chance!

Frowning, Violet Guardian focused on his pole as it now began two short swords before landing on the ground. Chronos and Violet Guardian began to exchange attacks as each strike from them was countered by the other. When Chronos attempted to stop time, Violet Guardian kept still as much as possible before Chronos approached to attack. Violet Guardian was able to defend himself from within the world of stopped time before pushing Chronos away for time to resume once more.

Chronos: This confirms it! You can see the world of stopped time!!

Violet Guardian (Y/n): I will say, I too am surprised by this. But if there was anything that had to do with my future self, his forms consisted of powers focused on certain aspects of their abilities. With myself as Violet Guardian, I have the speed of Purple Heart and versatility of Iris Heart. I think when their two powers combined, it gave me a third ability focused on this form alone. One that my future self didn't have to face you with. Having borrowed time to face you and your time powers.

Chronos: Even if you can move, I have others that I can use that can help bend to my favor!

Chronos was about to restart time once more, but something happened to stop any alterations of time rewinding. Waves of energy were being transmitted to Chronos as it was coming from Violet Guardian.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Not going to happen on my watch. Time Prison.

The area went gray as chains and clocks wrapped around them appeared. Chronos felt his power of time halt as he looked at Violet Guardian.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): You are trapped in my prison of time. You are no longer able to rewind time as you wish.

Chronos: WHAT!? THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! Unless-!!

Looking to the sky of the MRS, Soejammy had planned a 1v1 fight between Violet Guardian and Chronos in advance with careful thinking of seeing what had transpired.

Soejammy: Not happening that easily. No cheap tricks for you to use on my watch.

Chronos growled in anger as he focused his energy to stopping time.

Chronos: If I can't rewind time here, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU STAY FROZEN IN TIME!!!

When time froze once more, Chronos charged and threw his blade at Violet Guardian. Violet Guardian had to move to dodge the incoming blade as he changed his weapon into a shield to defend himself. The incoming attack caused Violet Guardian to be knocked back, but was soon halted in the frozen time. Chronos kept moving as he was about to strike down on Violet Guardian, but then time resumed to allow Violet Guardian to dodge the incoming strike.

Chronos: Grrr! This is why I made every plan to ensure your death! You, out of EVERYONE ELSE, is the biggest worry!! You and your forms!!!

Violet Guardian (Y/n): But that's what began to lead me to getting stronger. By interfering with my history, you not only changed my life, but you thrusted my path to lead to greater strength. I didn't come here by choice. You set me down this path yourself. You caused this mess by trying to gain an advantage in the past and thought you could get away with it. Look who's the fool now for trying to mess with the past.

Chronos growled as he began to fire blasts of energy from his palms. This led to Violet Guardian to block the incoming attacks and deflect them away. One flew towards Violet Guardian as he then swung his shield to send the attack back at Chronos. The blast blinded Chronos' vision before Violet Guardian came in with a hammer to send Chronos flying.

Chronos: Swords, poles, scythes, shields, and now hammers?! What weapon is your main!?

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Like I told you, I have Iris Heart's versatility. Time may be my special power, but I have Purple Heart's speed included with Iris' own power. From this, ANYTHING I can think of, I can make as a weapon with my power.

Summoning chains next, Violet Guardian began to swing the chain he had as it clinked against the ground on either side of him. Violet Guardian flipped into the air before flinging the chain at Chronos. The chain was blocked by Chronos' arm as it wrapped around him. Violet Guardian pulled as to make Chronos get closer to him and kick him in the head, Chronos went flying before being pulled back for more like that of a paddleball. The process repeated itself before the chain snapped and sent Chronos into a spiraling roll against the ground. Violet Guardian focused the chains back into a scythe as he spun his weapon around before getting into his starting stance.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Had enough?

Chronos got up slowly and was breathing hard from the attacks he received. In the moment he began fighting Violet Guardian, he had been on the receiving end of all the attacks. Not to mention the preparations set up by Soejammy to keep the fight the way it was with no alterations by Chronos.

Chronos: Just because you gained power, doesn't mean I'm done yet. Just you wait, (L/n)... This battle, between us, is NOT over yet.

Looking to the sky, he smirked and called out to DCD.

Chronos: DCD!!! ERASE THE MRS!!!

Violet Guardian (Y/n): What??

Nodding her head, DCD was in the real world at Chronos' computer as she pressed a button.

MRS: MRS self-destruct sequence initiated. Purging all data requisitions and information.

Violet Guardian looked at Chronos and glared at him.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): A back-up plan???

Chronos: Better get a move on. You can chase after me, or get out. Your choice.

Chronos began to fly as he needed to get some distance away from Violet Guardian.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): He thinks I'm gonna follow him. I'll have my chance in the future. Right now, I need to escape!

Looking behind him, Violet Guardian could see the floor and data begin to erase as it began to rush towards him.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Time to go!

Violet Guardian began to run at full speed while beginning to fly to keep his speed up away from the approaching erasure of data. A screen came up on the screen as Adult Neptune was finally able to reach Violet Guardian.

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): (Y/n)!!

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Where is the exit at?

Mirasashiro (Outside MRS): We're trying to locate it now! It's difficult as we just got communications back after they initiated the self-destruct of the MRS! Bastards! They messed with time, and they don't want their hard work to be erased again!

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): Not important right now! (Y/n) stay away from erasing data or you'll be lost with it!!

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Don't need to tell me that twice.

Flying as fast as he can, Violet Guardian noticed a wall coming down in the data corridor as he had to turn right to head down another corridor instead.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Everything looks the same here. I can't make sense of anything!

Flying down the hall, bursts of data began to shoot through the walls as Violet Guardian summoned shields in each of his hands to block each side of him. A burst of data collided with Violet Guardian as he tumbled against the ground before recovering to keep flying. Violet Guardian kept going as the ceiling was coming down from above him too as he created his scythe to boost forward and create another end for a scythe. Beginning to flip forwards, Violet Guardian began using this tactic to slice the falling ceiling parts to ensure he didn't get hit by them and soon made his scythe disappear when it was done.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Guys! I'm running out of time here!

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): We found the exit! Sending you the map now!

Mirasashiro (Outside MRS): Hurry (Y/n)!

Getting data fed into his visor, Violet Guardian began to boost to find distance away from the data being erased. Arriving at the point, it was a replica of the MRS as Violet Guardian looked at it.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Is this it???

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): Yup! Like how you came in, you also have to exit as well.

Mirasashiro (Outside MRS): All you have to do is turn it on and get yourself out of there.

Violet Guardian looked at the device as he had an annoyed look on his face.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Oh, great. Only ONE problem.

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): What's that???

Violet Guardian (Y/n): You failed to teach me about having to do this BEFORE I entered here.

There was silence from Adult Neptune and Mirasashiro before both voices began to come through the mic indiscriminately in a panic to try and explain what to do. Violet Guardian sighed as he looked around himself and saw the ever-approaching erasure of all data as he stayed close to the machine.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): Come on... I didn't fight through hell and back just to be done in by this, right? Come on, something has to work.

While the others began trying to figure out how to extract Violet Guardian, he was trying to figure that out too. When every attempt so far has failed, Violet Guardian looked behind him and could see most of the MRS had been erased around him. Violet Guardian was frustrated as he couldn't get out in time or find a way to keep delaying the inevitable now.

Violet Guardian (Y/n): (Mom... I'm sorry I couldn't get out in time...)

Closing his eyes, Violet Guardian waited for his death. A glowing hand floated itself to the machine as with a push of a button, the MRS began to return sequence as Violet Guardian looked at the machine. Looking to his right, he could see the form of Iris as she smiled at him.

Iris (Spirit): Didn't think I was just gone yet, did ya~?

With that, Iris soon vanished, and Violet Guardian was thrusted back to the real world. Iris was left there as she looked around in the disintegrating data of the MRS as she looked at one final memory. A family photo with her, Jasper, Abby and (Y/n). She held onto that photo as a teardrop escaped from her.

Iris (Spirit): Live, my Son... Be happy, and never let your spirit be broken like that again~

When the erasure was finished, so too was the spirit of Iris. Erased from within the system itself.

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom

Time: (Flow of time resumed.) Morning.

With a bright flash of light, the MRS began to spark and surge as the MRS began to catch fire. Everyone backed away from the machine as (Y/n) finally woke up to encase the machine in a spherical barrier to toss it out of the window. The MRS flew before it exploded in the sky. (Y/n) took a few deep breaths as he leaned against a chair before sitting on the ground.

(Y/n): Damn... Talk about being right at the explosion... Am I ri-

Before (Y/n) could finish his sentence, Neptune, Shadow, Peashy, and Plutia dog-piled on (Y/n) and caused him to go flat on the ground.

Neptune: OOOOOOOOO! You GOT to stop scaring us like that! You know how many close calls you've had now?! At this rate, you're going to break MY record!!!

(Y/n): That's something to not be proud of, Neppy...

Shadow: Bark! Bark!

Peashy: Onii-Chan is a meanie making me worried!

Plutia: I'm soooooo glad you're okaaaaaaay~ Mmmmm~

Plutia got the closest as she hugged (Y/n) more as he sweats.

(Y/n): Plutia, P-Ko, Shadow, Neptune... Everyone is watching. Stop. Please?

Neptune: You're not getting out of this one, lover boy! I've been missing cuddles from you this ENTIRE time! Plutie, move over!

Neptune tried to work her way closer while Peashy puffed her cheeks.

Peashy: Onii-Chan's headpats are mine!

Neptune: Nep-what?! Nu-uh! I'm the girlfriend and those are mine!

Plutia: I want headpats toooooooo.

Shadow: Bark! Yip!

Shadow plows through the girls as he gets (Y/n)'s hand to make him pet Shadow.

(Y/n): The husky has spoken.

Neptune: Shadow!

Shadow took joy in taking the headpats for himself as it looked like Shadow enjoyed taking it from Neptune.

Neptune: The dog is making fun of me now!

The others just chuckled or laughed in seeing all of this happen. Hearing the sound of birds, Emma looked outside and could feel the wind along with the sound of the birds now.

Emma: Hey! Time isn't frozen anymore!

(F/n): Huh? Hey, wait. Yeah! I can hear the birds and the wind is back also!

Avdol: But how?

Washington: Remember the MRS? This whole mess began with Chronos. With it gone, so too is the frozen time we were stuck in.

Avdol: I see. Forgive me, I'm still trying to get used to... My new surroundings.

Washington: You'll get used to it soon. Don't worry.

Captain IF looked at Abby as they smiled.

Captain IF: So glad THAT is over.

Abby: Which part? The one where you have powers? Or the MRS problem?

Captain IF: The MRS problem, of course! It was cool while having powers, but I can't see myself doing that EVERY battle... That power the other IF gets made me so exhausted every time I used it. Haaaa... But... I still wonder though...

Abby: You're thinking about what I'm thinking?

Before Captain IF could say anything, a portal opened up as Washington with the Reds and Blues were alarmed along with Avdol to be ready for an attack by their enemies. When the group expected to be attacked, Doctor Compa appeared through the portal first.

Doctor Compa: Please tell me (Y/n) is okay here??? Because things are getting out of hand.

Captain IF: Oh boy, aren't you a sight for these sore eyes.

Captain IF hugged Doctor Compa and kissed her. Compa and IF of the Ultra dimension widened their eyes and looked at each other.

IF (Ultra): Oh my god, Neptune was right about this one.

Compa (Ultra): Awww~ So cute~

Captain IF and Doctor Compa separated as Captain IF looked at the good doctor herself.

Captain IF: Don't worry~ (Y/n) is safe. We even got his memories fixed and everything~ You wouldn't believe what we had to-

Doctor Compa: No time for that! I'm sorry, but I couldn't keep her calm any further!

Captain IF looked at Doctor Compa as she tilted her head.

Captain IF: Huh? "Her"? You mean Abby?

Doctor Compa: No! I'm talking about-

Coming through the portal, Doctor Compa and Captain IF were pushed to the side as they stumbled before regaining their balance.

???: Where is my son?! I swear! If his brains are scrambled from that device, I will kick someone's ass!!

Everyone looked at the portal with (Y/n) being surprised the most. He suddenly got up and went wide eyed in shock of who he saw. It was the last person (Y/n) expected to see.

(Y/n): M-Mom?

At the portal, stood Iris (L/n). She was in normal clothing as she had left her apron in the Hyper dimension from not needing it.

Iris: (Y/n)!

Rushing over to her son, Iris got onto her knees as she held (Y/n) closely to her with tears in her eyes.

Iris: I'm so glad you're okay...!

Iris looked at her son as she held his head in her hands.

Iris: (Y/n), please tell me you remember me? Do you at least remember your sister?

(Y/n) was still shocked to see his mother right before him. It had only been moments that he saw his mother in the MRS, but didn't know what to even think.

(Y/n): I... I have my memories, Mom. B-But what about you??? The MRS, the events? Ah! Abby! Where is-?!

???: Onii-Chan!!

Rushing through the portal, the younger version of Abby ran as she bumped her head onto a table. She yelped as she fell on her butt to begin crying.

(Y/n): Abby?!

Hearing (Y/n)'s voice, Abby looked at him and got up with tears in her eyes and began to run to where he and Iris were as she jumped into him.

Abby (Younger): Onii-Chan! ONII-CHAN!!

Abby was crying as she held her brother tightly with her tiny hands. (Y/n) looked at the older Abby as she smiled and decided to hang out with Oracle to begin other plans in this timeline. For now, (Y/n) hugged his little sister while Iris held them both.

Iris: I'm so glad you're safe... I was so worried when you disappeared, and then told you had your memories gone...

(Y/n): I-I'm fine, Mom. But what about you? You were in the MRS and-

Iris: The "MRS"??? Jeez, talk about a lame knock-off name of the IRS... Please tell me they didn't scramble your head???

(Y/n) looked at his mother and then to Adult Neptune as she and Amira looked at the MRS as all data had been erased. (Y/n) had a look of pain in his eyes as Iris noticed this.

Iris: Hey... What's wrong? Are you okay?

Looking at his mother, (Y/n) wanted to say something, but held his tongue as he gave a half-truth to his mother.

(Y/n): Just... Just glad I have the best mother that looks out for me. That's all.

Iris looked at her son and smiled as she held him more along with his sister. The older Abby wanted to join in for the hug, but didn't feel right jumping into such a moment with them. (Y/n) looked at Abby and used his energy to create a bubble around future Abby to bring her over to them.

Abby (Future): Hey! I've been in a bubble for too long during this chapter for a third time! Let me out of here and-

Before she could say anything else, the energy around Abby suddenly disappeared while (Y/n) held the older Abby in for the family hug with tears falling from his eyes. The older Abby wanted to protest, but she decided to go along with it as (Y/n) wasn't going to let her out of this.

Iris: Who... Is this Son?

(Y/n) looked at Iris as he smiled what he could. As he didn't care and just wanted to be with his family.

(Y/n): You... Might want to sit down for this Mom. Trust me, it's a LONG story.

With returning to the embrace of his family, the scene cuts to black to signal the end of that moment.

Dimension: Soejammy's world.

Location: Soejammy's office.

With wrapping up the part, Soejammy breathed as he slouched into his chair and looked at the screen with sweat running down his face.

Soejammy: Damn... That took WAY more than what I could do... Augh...

Looking at the computer, the keys began to click on their own as Soejammy became alarmed by this and looked at the computer. It was a message from Chronos. A message saying "That was very impressive. You adapted well to what was before you and even worked to nullify my time powers. I must admit, that was very clever." Soejammy was about to type back, but Chronos continued with "Don't even type a SINGLE word. I am the one speaking right now. You may have thwarted my plans, but you only delayed them for now. Rest up. Because this marks the end for this Arc."

Soejammy: "Arc"??? What does he mean by-

A couple words began to appear as it showed Soejammy what Chronos meant. With seeing this, Soejammy knew this was not the last Chronos would try to interfere with him and the world he is trying to protect.

Soejammy: Time to rest. I'm going to need it...

Soejammy got up as he began to find a place to relax in the chaos of his house as the ending titles were shown at the bottom of the chapter itself.

Chapter 8: End.

Amnesia Arc: End.

Word count for chapter: 46,471.

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