Chapter 2: First Fight

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(Outside the solar system, the Union Spaceship is seen heading towards the Earth, and inside of it, Ozpin scans it and smirks at it.)

Ozpin: Yes, it's perfectly normal.

Superman: Alright, I'll send Cyborg, Raven, Team RWBY and Team JNPR along with some Atlesian Soldiers to New Orleans.

(At Batcave, the heroes are looking at the hologram of the world map and detect red dots.)

Lucas: Multiple enemies heading to New Orleans.

Riley: (smirks) Let's kick some ass.

Bulk: I always wanted to fight those Union Villains.

Kaede: Indeed. Let's get going.

Kevin: Santiago, Fernando, Lucas, Bulk, Riley, Francis, Kaede, Anna and Oliver. Let's go.

Fernando: But we need a team name.

Bulk: How about...

Laura: Hyperdimension Network Heroes.

Lucas: Yes. Let's go, Hyperdimension Network Heroes!

Riley: Oh yeah!

(Then they teleport to New Orleans to save people from the Union.)

(At New Orleans, the citizens are doing their business until they saw a blue light at the center of the city. It's Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Cyborg, Raven and the Atlesian Soldiers. The citizens are shocked by their appearance as the Atlesian Soldiers aim their weapons at them.)

Cyborg: Citizens of New Orleans, don't panic. We want you to evacuate this city and there will be no harm done. We're just helping you.

Citizen 1: (glares) Who are you people? Aliens?

Citizen 2: (glares) You don't belong in here!

(Then Raven uses her telekinesis to kill both citizens.)

Ruby: Now, do as we say or face the consequences!

Citizen 3: We're not leaving this place.

Yang: Leave now, or we'll make you.

Citizen 4: You call yourselves as heroes? We already have true heroes around here?

(Raven chokes the fourth citizen and glares at him.)

Raven: Who. Is. It?

????: It's us, daughter of Trigon.

(Then they turn to see the Hyperdimension Network Heroes as the citizens cheer for them.)

Cyborg: Who are you?

Mega Man.EXE: We are the Hyperdimension Network Heroes. We are here to save the people from you so-called heroes and your nonsense.

Jaune: WE are heroes. Now stand down or die!

O. Prime: You're not worthy of being heroes. You're nothing but villains. Francis, Santiago, Fernando, now!

Progrisekey: Jump!

G. Memories: Cyclone! Joker!

Zero-One Driver: Authorise!

(Then the Satellite Zea shoots a beam and a Grasshopper appears behind Francis.)

Francis/Fernando/Santiago: HENSHIN!

Doubledriver: Cyclone! Joker!

Zero-One Driver: Progrise! To-bia ga rise! Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick!

W: Now, count up your sins!

Zero-One: There's only one who can stop you, and that's me!

(Cyborg angrily points at the heroes.)

Cyborg: (to Atlas Soldiers) KILL THEM ALL!

(Then Bat 10 turns to his teammates.)

Bat 10: It's hero time!

(Then Bat 10 uses his Omnitrix and becomes Humungosaur.)

Bat 10 (Humungosaur): Humungosaur!

(Then Bat 10 in his Humungosaur form, punches various Atlas Soldiers while Gutsman.EXE grabs one of them and breaks his back.)

A. Soldier: MY BAAAAACK!

Gutsman.EXE: Bane did the same thing to the original Batman once.

(Kamen Rider Zero-One draws his attache calibur and fights against Regime Raven.)

Zero-One: I can see why my father hated you.

Raven: Who is your father?

Zero-One: I thought you already knew that.

Raven: Son of Slade, huh? I'll make sure nobody will mourn for your death.

Zero-One: You're the one who will die so young.

Zero-One Driver: Rising Impact!

(Then Kamen Rider Zero-One jumps to the sky and does a Rider Kick, killing Raven.)


Jaune: You'll pay for this, you son of a bitch!

(Jaune charges at Kamen Rider Zero-One, only for Shinken Red to block his attack.)

Shinken Red: Never thought there would be an evil version of me.

U. Jaune: What? You are...

(Shinken Red pierces Jaune's heart, bringing him down.)

Shinken Red: That's right. I am you, but much better.

(Mega Man.EXE and Kamen Rider Double are seen fighting against Team RWBY as Ruby sees her Jaune being defeated by his counterpart.)

W: Your Jaune is weak compared to ours.


(Suddenly someone touches Ruby and she screams in pain before falling down. Then Ruby's teammates see Rogue.)

Yang: What did you do to my sister?

Rogue: I drained 75% of her vital energy.


(Weiss charges at Rogue, who suddenly disappears in rose petals.)

Weiss: What?

Rogue: Oh, I almost forgot. I absorbed her powers too.


(Yang furiously charges at Rogue who touches her and drains her vital energy and powers.)

Rogue: Wrong move, honey.

(Then Rogue's fists burn and she punches her repeatedly.)


(Then she uppercuts her to the sky.)

Rogue: Easy win. I'm too much.

(Krypto Knight is seen fighting Cyborg and starts acting cocky)

K. Knight: Come on, Tin Man. My Cyborg could do better than that!

Cyborg: What did you just call me?

K. Knight: I called you Tin Man.

(Enraged, Cyborg tries to shoot him down, but Krypto Knight survives and rips off his cannon arm.)


K. Knight: Nobody messes with the Hyperdimension Network Heroes.

(Suddenly the Psycho Rangers come in.)

Pyrrha: Retreat! Retreat!

(Then the surviving Union Heroes retreat to the spaceship and Blake glares at the heroes.)

Blake: We will avenge Raven, and your world will belong to Superman.

(Suddenly the Psycho Red Ranger kicks Blake away.)

Psycho Red: Don't interfere with our fight. (to the HNH) Shall we commence?

(Suddenly Kamen Rider Agito comes in.)

Agito: You'll be dealing with me, Psycho Rangers.

Psycho Blue: Ohohoho! This is getting interesting.

(First Psycho Yellow tries to take him down but fails as Kamen Rider Agito punches her and kicks her away. Psycho Black follows the suit but also been defeated by him. Psycho Silver was also not as lucky as he was kicked and knocked down by him. As Psycho Pink and Psycho Black prepared to attack him together, Kamen Rider Agiti takes out his sword. They engage but Kamen Rider Agito was in the favor as he manages to knock away their weapons and kick both of them away. Then the other three Psycho Rangers manage to pin him down but they were no match against Kamen Rider Agito's strength. Finally Psycho Red decides to take him down himself as they both end up into a hand to hand combat which Kamen Rider Agito easily knocks him down before reverting back to normal and turns to the heroes.)

????: By the way, I'm Noah Kaminari.

(Then Noah channels his fighting spirit into his power.)


(Noah becomes Kamen Rider Agito again, but in his burning form.)

Agito: Let's do this!

(Kamen Rider Agito is Firestorm and Psycho Red is the Flash.)

Agito: Had enough yet?

(Suddenly the other Psycho Rangers get up.)

Agito: I guess that's a "no".

(Then the sun shines over Kamen Rider Agito and he changes to his Shining Form.)

Agito: Come on, I can take you all down at once.

(Then Kamen Rider Agito draws his Shining Caliber and slashes the Psycho Rangers down.)

Agito: I'll finish you!

(Then Kamen Rider Agito charges the Shining Caliber with white energy.)

Agito: Die!

(Then Kamen Rider Agito kills each one of the Psycho Rangers with a powerful slash.)

Agito: I did it.

(Then the citizens cheer for the heroes.)

K. Knight: We rock.

O. Prime: Indeed, nobody messes with me.

Rogue: Same here.

W: If they come here again, we'll break them down.

(To be continued)

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