Chapter 4: Kamen Rider Woz vs Another Zi-O/Finding the Autobots

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(At Batcave, Oracle, Bat 10, Mega Man.EXE, Santiago and Fernando are seen looking at the hologram of the world map and suddenly they see an underground base in Mission City.)

Mega Man.EXE: Guys, give a look at that.

Fernando: An underground base?

Bat 10: We need to send a team.

Santiago: How about Thomas, Giuseppe, Oliver, Laura, Hiro, Timothy, Rachel and Daniel?

Mega Man.EXE: Lucas, stay here.

Fernando: Santiago, Kevin, Tomago, Rogue and I will investigate the underground base.

Bat 10: Be safe.

(Some minutes later at Mission City, the heroes are seen looking around Mission City.)

Fernando: Okay guys, I guess this is where we got the... AAAAAAAAAAH.

(Fernando falls in a trapdoor, and then the others look at it.)

Hiro: Uh-Oh...

(Then everyone except for Noah falls down, and then Noah feels a familiar presence.)

Noah: It's been a long time, Kuro.

Kuro: So this is where you've been hiding lately.

Noah: (pulls out a driver) Well, certainly not from you, of course.

Beyondriver: Beyondriver!

(Then Noah pulls out a ridewatch while Kuro does the same.)

Ridewatch: Woz!

Ridewatch: Another Zi-O!

Noah/Kuro: Henshin!

Beyondriver: Action! Touei! Future Time! (Chinese-themed electronic music) Sugoi! Jidai! Mirai! Kamen Rider Woz! Woz!

Anotherdriver: Zi-O!

Woz: Rejoice! The reader of the past and the future. The prophet who will write the proper timeline. And his name is Kamen Rider Woz! This is the first page of a new history!

A. Zi-O: You will not win this time, Noah!

Woz: Try me, Kuro!

(They charge at each other and Kamen Rider Woz hits Another Zi-O with a flying kick in the face, and then he dodges his punch before punching his face. Then Another Zi-O grabs him from behind.)

A. Zi-O: You still haven't changed, huh?

Woz: You think so?

(Kamen Rider Woz breaks free from Another Zi-O's grip, and then he kicks him away before pulling out another ridewatch.)

Ridewatch: Shinobi!

Beyondriver: Action! Touei! Future Time! (Traditional Japanese music) Dare ja? Ore ja? Ninja! Futurering Shinobi! Shinobi!

(Kamen Rider Woz changes forms and then he charges at Another Zi-O, who charges at him as well. Kamen Rider Woz punches his chest, and then he kicks his face, blocks his attacks and punches his chest again before kicking him away. Then he uses another ridewatch.)

Ridewatch: Quiz!

Beyondriver: Action! Touei! Future Time! (Brass music followed by correct answer beeping) Fashion! Passion! Question! Futurering Quiz! Quiz!

(Then Another Zi-O tries to attack him, but Kamen Rider Woz dodges the attack like it was nothing, and then he hits him without any problem. Another Zi-O tries again, but Kamen Rider Woz blocks the attack again and kicks him away before pulling one more ridewatch.)

Ridewatch: Kikai!

Beyondriver: Action! Touei! Future Time! (Drum roll followed by triumphant rock music) Dekai! Hakai! Gōkai! Futurering Kikai! Kikai!

A. Zi-O: I will destroy you!

(Then Kamen Rider Woz kicks Another Zi-O in the belly, and then Another Zi-O tries to punch him, only for Kamen Rider Woz to grab his fist and slam him into the wall.)

(Meanwhile the heroes are seen sliding a ramp and then they go into three directions. Timothy gets hit by something.)

Timothy: Damn it. That hurts.

(They keep sliding, now on ice, and Laura/Wolverine slides a tall ice ramp and goes up in the air.)

Wolverine: I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky.

(Back to Kamen Rider Woz, he is seen still fighting Another Zi-O as he pulls out another ridewatch.)

Ridewatch: Ginga!

Beyondriver: Action! Touei! Finaly Time! (Space-themed music) Gin-gin gira-gira galaxy! Uchuu no kanata no fantasy! WozGingaFinaly! Finaly!

(Kamen Rider Woz changes forms again.)

A. Zi-O: I will not be defeated by you!

Woz: Bring it on!

(Then Kamen Rider Woz slashes Another Zi-O three times.)

Woz: Take this!

(Kamen Rider Woz slashes Another Zi-O again. The Another Rider charges at him, but gets kicked away. Then Another Zi-O charges at Woz again, and they have a brief clash.)

A. Zi-O: I will not rest until every version of you is extinct!

Woz: I will defy fate!

A. Zi-O: I don't think so!

Woz: Really?

(Then Kamen Rider Woz kicks Another Zi-O away again.)

Beyondriver: Finaly Beyond the Time! Chou Ginga Explosion!

(Then Kamen Rider Woz teleports himself and Another Zi-O into deep space before delivering a kick with his foot covered in violet, blue, and yellow energy resembling a spiral galaxy, destroying him.)

(Back to the Underground, the heroes are seen dusting off, and then Hiro and Thomas get excited.)

Thomas: Whoo, cool.

Hiro: Who's ready for round two?

(Everyone else sweatdrop, and the two smile nervously.)

Hiro: Uh... okay, we'll be more careful.

(Rogue shakes her hair to get all snow off and looks for Fernando.)

Rogue: Darling? Where are you, sugar?

????: (muffled) Your boobs are over my face.

(Then she looks down to see Fernando, and then she gets off him, grabs his hand to help him up.)

Rogue: (blushes) Sorry, sugar.

Fernando: It's alright, baby.

(Then they start making out while Gogo Tomago looks for Kevin before turning to Hiro.)

Tomago: Hiro, did you see Kevin?

Hiro: Uh... you're sitting on his face.

(Then Tomago sees Kevin, stands up and blushes as Kevin gets up and dusts off.)

Tomago: (blushes) Sorry about that.

Kevin: It's alright.

(Then four minutes later, they finally reach the underground base, and then some Autobots come in.)

????: Humans? What brings you here?

Santiago: We were here just to investigate your base.

(Suddenly a grown up Jack Darby comes in along with Arcee.)

Jack: For a second, I thought you were... you know.

Arcee: He meant Decepticons.

(To be continued)

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