Episode 19

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(Soren POV)

Stay over at Planeptune with the Nep Sisters. Unexpectedly an adult Peachy appear out of nowhere! Peashy started living with them for over three weeks. Only thing Peashy remembers is her name, but luckily I was here to explain who she is and where Peashy came from.

Day Time

Soren: For now just let her be here for awhile.

Histoire: If you say so. 'Does possess knowledge of our world after all. Only makes sense'.


Age: 16-18

Peashy: Hey, So. Let's play. Hehehe.

Soren (smile): Sure.


After we grab Nepgear from Leanbox....both Vert and her were being a little to relax and friendly. Almost a yuri moment. Arrived at Lastation with everyone as Peashy hang out with CPU Candidates while rest of us are at the computer room.

Neptune laughs that Noire got hacked.

Soren: Really Nep?

Neptune: To me it was funny.

Noire (annoyed): What so funny? I miss the joke?

Neptune: You were bragging remember? Lastation security is the awesomeness in the whole world! Then derp. You got hack! To funny! Hahaha!

I facepalm.

Blanc: Hardly crying over spill milk. Just make sure it doesn't happen again. Simple.

Noire: Now I'm gonna who do this and tear them from limb from limb!

Neptune: Uh-oh. Noire is in rage mode.

Vert: Conveniently I summon here to deal with this very situation.

Skip to 0:35


Soren: While she does her thing. I'm gonna go ahead and suit up just in case.

Time Skip-Couple of minutes later brought to you by a Meme

The girls and I head towards an abandoned warehouse where the hacker is at. Went inside as I took a peek.......... Okay, that sounds dirty.

Fiction (whisper): He's in there. How about we bust the door and do some interrogation. I'll play good cop while-


Noire straight up bust the door open without letting me finish! They have their weapons out and pointed at that tin cane.

Noire: Don't you move an inch! Hands in the air.

Fiction: And wave around act like-


Fiction: Ow! Did you have to smack back of my head, Noire?!

Noire: Be serious!

Fiction: Meh. Fine. I'm doing this for me.

Noire roll her eyes with hint of annoyance.

Noire: Turn around slowly!

As the flamboyant robot turned his chair around to face toward us.

Fiction (whisper): one hundred credits say that robot is flamboyant.

Neptune (whisper): I'll take that bet!

Noire: Fez up. You're the hacker are you?

He sigh.


Anonydeath: Oooh! Don't talk like we're strangers, sister!

Everyone except is dumbfounded of his posture and voice.

Anonydeath: Call me Anony. Okay, girlfriend!

Neptune comically fell onto the ground.

Neptune: Whaaaat?! A flamy robot?! But you look so manly!

Fiction: Hah! I called it! You owe one hundred credits!~

Neptune (>_<): Dang it!

Noire: I swear you act like a wise ass one more time I'll cut you! I know you'd can heal!

I gulp.

Anonydeath: My metal gear maybe my solid snake. But my heart is maiden as it comes.

Fiction: 'Must resist making jokes or Noire will kill me'!

Blanc: Oh wow. He's a walking stereo type.

Vert: I bet he has a cervic wedding gifts and great advice too. How charming.

Anonydeath: Guilty as charged, sweetie. I thought you were all boobs and no brains. But maybe not.

Vert scoff. That she felt insulted.

Fiction: Whoah, Whoah, dude. Not nice to say to the beautiful blonde that I don't know.

Secret identity. Not gonna reveal to the public just yet, readers. Yes, I broke the fourth wall. That's my new ability that manifested. Now I can do like Deadpool. But he does it better.

The talk went on as canon until.......well....... show holographic screen photos of Noire sewing clothes and stuff.

Fiction: 'Uh-oh'. Time to play the video, guys.

Skip to 1:31


(3rd POV)

Soren is trying his damn best not laugh because her scream was absolutely priceless!

Fiction: 'I can't. If I do. I'll die'! Pfft. Hehehe.

Noire: Don't you dare or else!!

Fiction (scared): Y-yes, ma'am.

Anonydeath: Oh wow. Aren't you whip. Soren was it?

Fiction: Wait what? How-oooooh......shit.

Noire couldn't take it anymore as she snap! Transform into her goddess form to attack Anonydeath!

BH: You know what! Fine!! Go ahead and publish them! All it cost you is your life!!!

Anonydeath: Heaven or hell. Let's rock!

Anonydeath launch all the screens at them, Fiction summon Diend Driver while fires couple of shots.

Fiction: Always wonder if I can do this so....

Fiction: Henshin!

Kamen Ride: Diend!

Diend: It works!! Yeeess! My first Rider Henshin!

AttackRide: Blast!

Fire multiple shots at the images then inserted another card into his Diend Driver.

Diend: Girls, get down!

Neptunia immediately got down, Diend unleash a powerful blast wiping every screen in the room.

Diend: Whoah! That is wicked!

Blanc: You can do that?!

Vert: Thats certainly new.

Neptune: Can I take a turn?!

Noire: Uh, hello!

Diend: Hello.

Noire: Not now! He's escaping!

Diend: I'm on it!

Fiction uses the Rider super human speed to catch up to Anonydeath. Although it seems Peashy and rest of the girls already caught him.

Diend: 'Aw man. Wish I can use these powers whenever there's more action'.


Soren is laying on the couch while Noire and Uni have their sister bonding time to talk it out. He knows Uni wouldn't think less of Noire after she found out about her big sister secret hobby. Yet....Soren thought if he had a younger sibling. Curious he or she would be like.

Soren: 'All this questions and no answers who or what I am. Where I'm from. Thought I was a Meta-Human or Mutant. Deep down not be the case at all'.

He sighs.

Soren: 'Maybe later on I should travel other worlds to discover myself and find my parents. And hopefully that nightmare doesn't come true'.


Soren is with everyone to find Plutia has arrived. Part of him is happy and terrified.

Soren: 'Oh, no'.

Chapter End

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