Episode 22

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(Soren POV)

While Neptune goes through her canon event. I've been searching for Peashy everywhere I can think of. Haven't slept in days......felt guilty not able to prevent it because I thought since that Peashy Variant is an adult it wouldn't matter. Damn! Miscalculated the outcome. Really fuck up this time! Swung onto a rooftop only lost balance after taking a step and fell on the ground. Slowly gotten back up and shrugged off the drowsiness.

Day Time


Fiction: Tired. I'm so tired. But I can't stop. I can't give up. Gotta keep looking for her. It's the least I can do for her. Peashy. Where are you?


I answer the call within my mask.

Fiction: Go for Fiction.

PS: "It's me, Nepgear. Just to let you know a new nation has been form. We're headed over there right now".

Fiction: I'm on my way

PS: "What's wrong? You sounded tired? Are you okay"?

Fiction: Yeah. Yeah. I'll meet you there.

Time Skip-Fifteen minutes later brought to you by Female Kamen Rider Saber Superhero Senki

We return to R-18 Island to find Anonydeath on top of the gun battery as tanks shot yellow balloons. I'm riding on Ventus Keyblade Rider from "Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep".

Fiction: Yellow Balloons?

Suddenly heard an familiar flamboyant voice.

Anonydeath: Hello there! My beloved CPUs and superhero!

Fiction: Anonydeath!

Anonydeath: Bingo! Humbling welcome to the brand new nation of Eden!

We flew down as Black Heart hover closer av bit towards Anonydeath.

Anonydeath: Goodness. Is that my dear Noire?

BH: This can't be. I confirmed no more than three days ago that you were behind bars!

Anonydeath: Yes, I know. You were kind of enough to visit me while I was serving time. Well technically you visit my double.

So he pulled a Doctor Doom Bot on us?

BH: How dare you play games with me! I'll capture you and end this right now!

He giggle.

Anonydeath: Oh, that just won't do. This is a sovereign nation after all. And that means no violence, you silly girl. Those are the rules.

BH: As if I recognize a nation created by a criminal. You don't even have a goddess.

She materializes her weapon ready to take him on.

BH: Enough! Just come along quietly.


My Spider-Sense went off detecting an incoming danger.

Fiction: Oh shit! Noire move!

BH: What are-

Girl: Aaaaaah!


BH: Gaagh!

A girl crashes down from above onto Noire.

Fiction: 'Ouch. That's gotta hurt. That was what? The second time it happen to her'?

PH: Noire! Are you alright!?

Dust cloud clear revealing......Yellow Heart sat on top of Black Heart!

YH: Oww. Flying is a lot harder than I thought it be.

PH (surprised): Is that?


Yellow Heart saw us and gave a friendly smile.

YH: Yep! That's just what I am! And my name is..... What was it? Huh. Oh, that's right! My name is Yellow Heart! It's nice to meet you!

*YH boob jiggle sfx*


H (Surprised): My goodness those are gigantic.

WH: Verts in danger of losing her identity right now.

GH: What in the world are you talking about!? It isn't the size that matters is the shape that counts.

She gasp of realization.

GH: Oh no! I sound just like a whining little loser who said the same words to me!

WH: Can't say I sympathize.

(3rd POV)

Yellow Heart gotten off of Noire and mention that she's here to capture Anonydeath. Yellow Heart did not like this, flies back toward him between Anonydeath and our heroes.

YH: No way! I won't let you!

Yellow Heart flew straight at Black Heart. Fiction in Megaman StarForce mode instantly appear in front of his girlfriend to protect her with Captain America Shield knocking them a feet away.

PS: Whoa! She really pacts a punch!

Yellow Heart materializes her claw gauntlets swing around her right arm ready for a fight.

YH: You stay away!

She flew fast speeds ready for another punch.


Megaman: StarForce!

*Transformation sfx*

Megaman: Ice Pegasus!

Yellow Heart: You can transform! That's so awesome!

Megaman: Time for you to chill out! Magician's Freeze!

He imprisoned Yellow Heart within his massive ice.

Anonydeath: That's new. You must've level up since the last time I saw you, So-So.

Megaman: Your next. You're gonna pay for what you did! You bastard!

Flies toward Anonydeath to capture him except the ice shatters as a blur knock him away. Quickly reposition himself to see Yellow Heart freed herself from the ice.

Megaman: No way! 'Damn. She's really tough'. Uh.

His eyes began to blur a bit almost seeing multiple Yellow Heart do to lack of sleep. Soren is almost at his limit. Shook his head to shrug off.

PH: Soren, we'll-

Megaman: No! I got this!

WH: 'What's with Soren'?

Megaman immediately block Yellow wannabe wolverine class with Battle Card Double Sword.

YH: I won't let you hurt him!

Megaman: He's deceiving you!

YH: Shut up! I don't want to hear it!

Yellow Heart kicks Megaman gut hard and crashes onto the tress.

Megaman: K-krgh.

YH (smirk): Hmph. Not so-

Megaman: StarForce!

*Transformation sfx*

Megaman: Green Dragon!

Spin around creating a massive tornado with dozens of leaves that Yellow Heart dealing good damage.

YH: Aaahh!

*Transformation sfx*

Megaman: StarForce! Fire Leo!

Megaman: Atomic Blazer!


YH: Aaaghn!

Yellow Heart rolls through the ground getting hit by that powerful attack.

GH: As I expected of our darling.

Plutia: Uuuhh....So looks really tired.

End Theme


Megaman reverted back into Fiction collapses on the ground.

Harem: Soren!

Fiction: N-ngh.

Tried to get back up, but he couldn't due to an his exhaustion. Yellow Heart got up. Instead of being mad, she's amazed how strong Fiction is.

YH: That was awesome! Can you do again!? C'mon, get up!

Fiction: 'No fucking way! She tank my attacks! Just how strong is she? Or is it my attacks were weak because of my exhaustion'?

CPUs in their HDD get between them not letting Yellow Heart get near their boyfriend who can't even fight now. The battle went on like in canon while Soren can only watch from the sidelines.


Yellow Heart reverted into her human it reveal to be none other than Peashy!

Peashy: Wow, that hurt! Although I through it was fun! Hehehe!

CPUs except Soren are surprise its actually Peashy who was Yellow Heart.

PH: P-Ko?

She walks out of the water to find somebody.

Peashy: Hey, big sis! Papa!

Purple Heart gasp. Rei and Anonydeath walk toward the brainwashed Peashy.

Anonydeath: Over here sweety! We're right here! Great job, my little Peashy. C'mon big sis Rei. You praise her too.

Rei: What? Umm...good girl, Peashy.

PH: P-Ko, what are you doing with those two? Wait... don't tell me. No. No. You couldn't be!

Peashy glares at Purple Heart.

Peashy: You leave me alone. I hate people who are mean to my big sis and papa. I hate them so go away!

White Heart and Green Heart carry the exhaust hero with Black Heart beside them.

Fiction: Peashy, listen. Your brainwashed. Their just using you. You have to-

Peashy: Shut up! I don't want to hear it!

Pulls his mask off revealing his face.

Soren: It's me. It's Soren. Remember? You have too! This isn't you!

Peashy: Hmph. I admit your a good fighter, but I hate people who hurt the people I cared about. If you ever try to hurt big sis and papa. I'll make sure you'll stay down!

Rei and Anonydeath announce she's this nation aka Eden CPU also known as Yellow Heart. Rei reads the papers.

Rei: Yellow Heart seeks the unrestricted circulation of the domestic produce adult only content from every nation.

Eden troops surrounded the group as Rei keeps reading.

Rei: If you do not consent and submit this verdict. We will consider an act of war!

BH: Come on! Your insane! You really think some brand new country with hardly any shares hope to beat our alliance!?

Anonydeath: Oh, yes. We are quite reckless are we-

Soren: You son of-

A red Aura emanate Soren body and his eyes became cold.

Soren (anger): I won't let you get away with this! I'll obliterate you and this so called country to take Peashy back if I have too.

Those words sent chills through everyone's spine and for Anonydeath circuits.

CPUs: !

WH: Sorry, babe.

White Heart gut punch his gut hard to knock him unconscious because their worried he'll go berserk again.

PH (worried): 'Peashy'.

To be continued

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