Chapter No. 33. Unbelievable.

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Chapter No. 33. Unbelievable.

After getting out of our G-chairs, we gathered at the food station to enjoy a supper of soy sausages, mixed vegetables, baked potato and white wine. I decided to diplomatically find out why none of them had come to my bunk for love making.

"You ladies must be tired of late," I said, trying like hell to not smile. "None of you have come to my bunk for release."

I could tell that they were flustered, which I found hard to believe from all the teasing they subjected me to, but I did not expect to hear their unbelievable excuse.

"We're sorry about that," Natale said. "To be honest, we're virgins."

Both of my eyebrows shot up and I had to bite my lip to avoid grinning. "You've got to be kidding me! Right?"

She sighed. "No . . . we had to prove we were virgins when they recruited us."

I squinted at her. "How did they do that?"

"It's the hymen thing . . . you know."

"Ah, I don't think that's an ironclad proof of virginity."

She huffed. "It was good enough for them. I think it's because they wanted us to give birth to a new human population if we found a habitable new Earth and they wanted us to be untainted."

I really had to bite my tongue on that one. "I'm not refuting your claim, but I find it hard to believe that you four nice looking women never achieved coitus before you reached your twenties."

She smiled. "Oh, we've done that. It's just not with a man."

I wanted so much to laugh my ass off, but I decided to avoid any emotion, considering the situation I was presently in. If it was awkward before it was downright ludicrous now.

"Well," I said after I got control of myself. "I understand your . . . reluctance."

"We really appreciate your patience with us," Sharon said before sighing and lowering her eyes. "We're not much fun, are we?"

I didn't quite know how to reply to that, so I decided to take the complimentary course of diplomacy. "I value your expertise in the science branches you're in. You've proven your mettle and dedication to help me find out what to do with Earth." I smiled. "And as for fun, I do enjoy having you with me. You're a pleasure to work with."

"We're not much for volunteering," Janet said, frowning. "We prefer that you order us to do things."

"Yes," Natale butted in. "We will do anything you wish. We're here to serve and obey you."

"We are yours to do with as you wish," Bridget said flashing a subtle ornery grin.

I waited a few minutes before I replied to that. "I appreciate your loyalty, but there are no rules or laws out here. We are no longer guided by NASA regulations. We're free to do what we want."

"No, you're free to do what you want," Sharon said, pointing at me. "We're here to obey you, no matter what."

I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm having trouble understanding why you would say that. You have just as much rights as I do."

"That's not true," Janet said. "We wouldn't be here if you hadn't revived Sharon and me." She pointed at Natale and Bridget. "And they wouldn't be here if you hadn't rescued them."

"We owe you our lives," Natale said.

"Just accept us as your assistants," Janet said. "We'll do whatever you want forever."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

She smiled. "It's obvious that we're not aging even when we aren't in hyperspace. It looks as if we'll be together for the long run, whatever that entails. We're resigned to that and accept you as our leader."

They raised their glasses in unison to give me a toast. "To Ryan, our Lord and Ruler!"

At this point, I was dumbfounded. They were acting like they had been drinking too much wine. So, I simply smiled. However, I had this feeling that they were playing me like a cheap violin. I decided to play along and see where it was taking me.

Which for the next couple of days was nowhere in particular. When the time came to drop out of hyperspace, we strapped in and braced for the burn. As soon as it was finished and the wheels started back up, we headed to the command station.

"This is a K7.5-Ve class main sequence dwarf," Janet said after swiping her hand over her holographic keyboard. "It's only about fifteen percent of the Sun's luminosity."

"There's a massive Jupiter type gas giant orbiting at roughly 0.4 AU," Sharon said. "There's another smaller gas giant orbiting at 0.56 AU. There's a good possibility that it has a habitable moon."

"Okay, let's do a burn to take us in orbit around the moon," I said.

"Ah, that's going to be tricky," Janet said. "We'll have to get more accurate data on the moon's orbital configuration."

"Okay. Maybe you'll know more about it then."

After several hours of work, Janet finally had a report that was interesting to say the least. "There is a habitable moon orbiting the smaller gas giant. It definitely has oxygen in its atmosphere and a strong chlorophyl peak in its spectra. I have a burn calculation that will put us in orbit in twenty-four hours."

I stood up. "Okay, let's do it."

We strapped in and suffered a fifteen-minute burn that put us on course for orbital insertion around the moon. I decided to go for a run and then shower before supper. That was a mistake because it meant that the women could tease me.

I had just gotten out of the shower and was about to dress when Natale and Bridget showed up to catch me in the altogether.

Of course, they had to whistle.

"Look at those muscles!" Janet said, scanning her eyes up and down my body. "You're a hunk!"

"You certainly are well endowed!" Bridget exclaimed with a broad grin.

"Come on ladies, give me a break," I said with a sheepish grin.

"What's the matter, are you embarrassed by us ogling you?" Natale asked, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Not really, but you're acting like schoolgirls."

"We are essentially schoolgirls!" Bridget exclaimed after propping her fists on her hips.

"Yeah," Natale added. "We were first year rookies at the academy."

"How'd you gals get degrees in your fields if you were newbies?"

"We gained those degrees in advanced programs at the university," she replied.

Their eyes continued to scan up and down my exposed flesh and they continued to whistle.

I didn't waste any time getting some clothes on. "You ladies are being ornery."

"No, we're just girls trying to have fun," Bridget said.

I waved a dismissive hand at them and they laughed me to scorn.

I joined Janet and Sharon at the command station.

Janet gave me a taunting grin. "Those two have you in their crosshairs."

"Yeah, Ryan." Sharon said with a smirk. "Their hormones are on steroids!"

That made me chuckle, but I suppressed any more energetic emotional responses. "I wonder if going through hyperspace isn't responsible for that."

They giggled.

"Nah, it's just that our libidos are higher than a kite."

"Hey," I said, holding my hands out, palms up. "I'm available to take care of that."

They both became serious.

"Yes, we realize that, but we're not sure if we will satisfy you," Janet said.

"We're not experienced in love making like you are," Sharon said.

I wanted to bust out laughing, but I controlled that urge and gave them a more serious expression. "I don't expect anything from you. I'm just trying to be receptive to your needs. I'm the only male here, but I am not here just to derive pleasure from you. Our situation is awkward but it's the only situation we currently have."

Janet turned to Sharon. "We're fortunate that he survived with us."

"Yes, he's polite and kind," Sharon said with a serious expression.

"That's why we will do anything you ask of us," Janet said to me. "We trust you to do the right thing."

I sighed. "Thank you, but I rely on you to help me do the right thing."

I really didn't buy their story about being virgins, but it didn't matter. I was stuck with them in an awkward situation. My best plan of action is to go along for the ride.

My ride was about to take a left turn.

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