Chapter 4:: One Game

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Chapter 4// One Game

I clutch two drinks tightly in my hand as I walk down the street towards Jesse’s house, grumbling slightly under my breath.

I stopped off at the Beach Café early this morning to get the beverages: I brought a mango smoothie for Jesse, and a chocolate frappe for Jennifer. I don’t even know if she likes them, but I thought it was worth a shot. Everyone loves chocolate right? The condensation from the cups runs onto my numbing fingers and I long to rub them dry on my jeans. I’m not in the best of moods today, thanks to my annoying little sister Tammy, but I need to put that behind me before I enter Jesse’s house. I know he asked me not to come, but I just can’t ignore the fact that his mother said she’d appreciate any help. I’m going to be there for her, no matter what Jesse says.

I walk up the driveway and towards the door. I’m less scared about entering than I was yesterday, but I’m still feeling quite anxious. Yesterday’s introduction was so awkward, and it’s fairly evident that I’m not welcome in Jesse’s home. I can only hope that Jennifer has a job or something that I can do to keep my mind off everything. I slide the second drink into the crook of my arm so I can ring the bell. However with my balance and stability, it’s not surprising in the least that it slips just as I reach up. I grab it quickly before it can fall, realising with a huff that the drinks are too big for me to balance them both in one arm. How else can I press the darned doorbell? I bite my lip and release an irritated sigh, clutching the drinks firmly in my hand as I lean my face close to the button.

Face it is.

I lean forward and press my cheek as hard as I can to the button, but before I have a chance to hear the two notes play, the door swings open.

“What are you doing?”

Slowly I pull back from the doorbell to look at Jesse, attempting to keep my face straight and salvage the little dignity I have left. Jesse looks as gorgeous as ever, his dirty blonde curls styled messily and eyebrow raised skywards. His eyes look at me weirdly, like I’m a crazy person, and I bet at this moment I don’t look too far from it. I close my eyes and exhale, fighting back the impulse to laugh. I’m pretty sure Jesse wouldn’t find it very funny.

“How long have you been stood there?”

“Long enough to see you kiss my doorbell,” Jesse replies. His voice isn’t friendly, but it’s not stone cold like yesterday which is a relief. “Why are you here? I told you not to come.”

“I bought drinks,” I offer weakly, lifting the smoothie up towards him. Jesse frowns as he looks at it, and I push it closer towards him, trying to put across the message that it’s for him. My hands are shaking slightly and I can feel my cheeks burning. Even if he does hate me, I still like him. Of course I’ll still act like a giggly pre-teen girl when he’s around. To my surprise, Jesse grabs the smoothie. I was expecting him to reject it for a minute there.

“Nice try,” He grunts, “This doesn’t make up for anything though. Just so you know.”

“I know.”

“Well in that case…thanks,” He grumbles in a low voice. His bare feet make soft thuds against the floor as he walks away, not bothering to close the front door. Is he allowing me inside? I take a hesitant step into the hallway, almost expecting him to turn and start yelling at me again like yesterday, but he doesn’t. “Mom’s upstairs again,” He calls back, taking a loud slurp from his smoothie. “She might be asleep so be quiet when you enter. You came early today.”

“Not that early,” I frown, “It’s eleven.”

Jesse glances back at me with a blank expression. “That’s early.”

Can’t argue with that logic.

Shrugging, I slip off my ballet pumps and make my way up the stairs. If what Jesse suspects is true and Jennifer is asleep, then I’ll have nothing to do until she wakes up. I could clean up around here I guess, but to be honest everything looks pretty spotless around here anyway. Maybe Jesse’s Dad has done the cleaning recently. I hesitate as I stand in front of Jennifer’s door, taking a second to neaten my hair before I ease it open. Slowly I peer inside, but to my disappoint I see only a curled up figure under the covers. She’s asleep, great. What do I do now?

I hesitate before closing the door and making my way back downstairs. I glance longingly at my shoes- would it be wrong just to leave? Shouldn’t I do something to help her out? As if answering for me, my phone vibrates in my back pocket and I whisk it out quickly, grateful for the distraction.


“Lois, where are you?” Tammy hisses from the other end of the line.

“I’m at Jennifer’s house, why?” I reply, already a little peeved by my bratty younger sister. Tammy is a moody, annoying fourteen year old brunette, and we argue a heck of a lot. She’s quite high maintenance, she’s vegetarian because she thinks it makes her look hipster and she has a bad tendency to barge into my room at any time she pleases. Wouldn’t you find her annoying too?

Don’t lie, you totally would.

“I need someone to drop me off at Darcie’s again,” She whines, “Can you please drive me?”

“You saw her the other day Tammy,” I groan, “I’m busy. Where’s Everett or mom?”

“Everett is out at the beach,” She grumbles, “Mom is shopping. It’s not fair, everyone forgets about me in this house. No-one cares what I want-“

It’s about now that I begin to tune out: unfortunately for my poor ears I’ve heard this whining about a million times before. There’s another thing about Tammy. She’s a whiner, and she spends most of her time at other people’s houses rather than her own. Why, I don’t know. I suppose she just can’t wait to be shot of us.

“Can’t you walk?” I interrupt exasperatedly, suddenly sick of the dull drone in my ear.


I roll my eyes, “Walk. She only lives a mile away, it would only take you twenty minutes if you walk fast.”

Tammy sounds completely disconcerted by the idea that she might actually have to do something for herself. “Um,” She hesitates, “I think I’ll just wait until mom gets back home. Bye Lois”

“Bye, Tam.” I hang up, rolling my eyes at her antics. I don’t think I was ever that bad at 14, but if I was…well then I feel so sorry for Mom and Dad. I spin on my heel, but halt suddenly as I bump into something hard and warm. Ouch. I rub my injured arm and squint up at Jesse, unsurprised to see him glaring stonily down at me, as if it’s somehow my fault that he was stood right behind me.

“Watch where you’re going,” He grumbles dozily, running a hand through his tousled dirty blonde hair. It strikes me that it’s curly and messy today, unlike the usually styled locks. I prefer his hair natural, if I’m to be honest, but he looks hot either way so I’m not complaining. “Is my mom asleep?”

“Yeah,” I nod awkwardly, taking a step backwards. “Is there anything I can do to help while she’s in bed?" I twist my fingers together as Jesse frowns, seemingly taken aback by the question.

“I, uh, don’t think so,” He scratches the back of his head. “Just wait for a bit I guess. My friend Ben should be over any second now. I guess you can stay with us until she wakes up.” My eyes bug at this- I thought Jesse hated my guts, and now he’s offering that I can wait with them? Okay, so that might not seem like the kindest offer in the world to a stranger, but I’ll take what I can get. I ran over his mom and he doesn’t mind me being in the same house with him by choice? I think that’s quite a step. As if reading my mind, Jesse’s eyes narrow. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not even close to forgiving you. I just need you to help mom out if she wakes up, seeing as I’m entertaining a guest.”

Feeling slightly less special now.

“Okay,” I nod shyly, walking slowly towards the kitchen. “I’ll just go wash the, er, cat or something.”

Wash the cat?!

“We don’t have a cat…”

“I know,” I grimace, “Such a shame.”

Walk away quickly before you embarrass yourself even more.



It doesn’t take long until Ben arrives.

I’ve just finished loading the dishwasher and wiping over the counter tops for the tenth time when the doorbell rings. For fifteen minutes, I’ve been hiding away in the kitchen with the excuse of chores, and questioning whether or not I should just get out of here as quickly as I can. Am I interrupting Ben and Jesse’s guy time if I stay? Should I just stay put in the kitchen? I don’t get a chance to decide for myself before the two boys barge into the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge. Jesse grunts in acknowledgment at me, whereas Ben is a little more polite. He and my brother have been good friends for quite a while, so he grins when he spots me stood there.

“Hey Lo,” He greets, “What are you doing here?”

“She’s the one who ran over my mom,” Jesse replies stiffly, his mouth stuffed with grapes as he rifles through the fridge for something more to eat. Ben’s mouth drops as he turns to look at me, and it’s all I can do to blush and avoid his shocked gaze. Ben Drake is the definition of adorable. His eyes are wide and caramel brown, and he’s just friendly and laidback to everyone. He’s been best friends with Jesse for as long as I can remember, and I know Everett met him on the basketball team in sophomore year. Ben is like a teddy bear; everyone loves him and I just want to give him a hug.

Ben begins to chuckle at my guilty expression. “Gee Lois, way to make friends.”

“Tell me about it,” I crack a small smile, “I’m in debt to his entire family for the rest of my existence.”

“Too right you are,” Jesse grumbles with his mouth full, still peering dramatically in the fridge. “We have no edible food left,” He announces, slamming the fridge door dramatically. “Do you want to order pizza instead bro?” He looks at Ben expectantly and Ben nods.

We live in a society where pizza gets to your door before the police, you know. Of course pizza is the logical option.

“Barbeque chicken and pepperoni please,” He smirks mischeviously, glancing sideways at me. “What about you Lois?”

Instantaneously, mine and Jesse’s protests begin to clamber for dominance.

“I don’t need any-“

“No way is she having any of my-“

“Jesse,” Ben rolls his eyes as he interrupts us both, “Dude. She needs some pizza.”

Jesse scowls. “Fine,” He purses his lips, throwing his hands up in surrender, “But she’s buying.” He shoots a sarcastic smirk at me, and I frown. Here I was thinking I was so lucky to be allowed to wait with them until Jennifer wakes up, and now I have to pay for their food? I open my mouth to protest, but shut it quickly as I realise this is one of the ways I may be able to get back on Jesse’s good side. Ben looks disapproving of Jesse’s compromise, and I certainly am, but all I do is sigh in reply. Why am I such a good person?

“Fine, but I’m getting fries as well.”

I’m on a seafood diet. I see food. I eat it.

Jesse cocks an eyebrow, shrugging. “Deal.”


He is so judging me right now.

“Who’s up for x-box?” Ben asks, breaking the tension.

I shrug, following the two boys as they make their way to the living room. Once again, I can’t help but be slightly overwhelmed by the quality of interior decoration here: it looks like a celebrity’s house or something; everything screams expense. The carpet is thick and creamy, and honestly I just want to rub my face on it, there’s a grand piano in the corner and the fireplace looks like something you’d see in a vintage interior magazine. This is the kind of room which makes me feel poor, even though I’m far from it. Typical me, as I gaze around the room I run straight into the couch. A blunt, intense pain shoots through my toe and I yelp, bringing up my leg to cradle my foot. Ouch, oh holy cheesus ouch! Is it just me or does stubbing your toe seem to be the worst kind of pain?

“So clumsy,” Jesse sniggers at me.

“Not clumsy,” Ben argues, laughing. “The floor just hates her, the couch is a bully and the wall just moves to get in the way.” Jesse cracks up at this, lifting a hand to give Ben a high five.

Some people just deserve a high five, huh?
Yeah maybe a high five in the face.

With a chair.

Coated in steel.


I scowl and take a seat, still cradling my sore big toe. Jesse and Ben sober up from their laughter, choosing the couch opposite to me, with a better view of the TV screen as they load up the x-box. “So what games have you played on the x box?” Ben asks me curiously, running his fingers over the buttons of his controller possessively. I’m quite obviously the odd one out here: there’s only two controllers. Maybe we’ll take turns. I bite my lip in doubt.

“I like Call of Duty.”

Jesse’s eyebrows shoot upwards in shock. “Really?”

Wow, stereotypes these days. Is it just that impossible that a girl might like video games as well?


“I have Everett as a brother,” I remind them. “He needs the competition to improve.”

“Wait…so you’re better than Everett?” Ben asks me, mouth agape in surprise, and I shrug shyly. I don’t particularly like to brag about my COD abilities seeing as all of my girlfriends think it’s weird that I play. Plus, it’s kind of mine and my brother’s special thing: we play that particular video game together for hours. I grew up playing on his Xbox with him, so I’m kind of used to the levels now.

“Dude,” Ben laughs, turning to Jesse. “She needs to play Billie someday. I have the feeling they’d get along.” Jesse nods in agreement, still eyeing me dubiously after my statement. What is he looking at? Does he think I’m lying?

“Billie Reagan?” I question curiously and Jesse nods, clearing his throat.

“She’s the best girl we know at COD. She’s amazing: she can beat any of us guys at any level. You should play her, we’ll see how you hold up.” Billie is one of the girls in our grade who hangs out with Everett and Jesse’s crew. She’s popular, quirky and commonly known as one of the guys. She has a black bob and brown eyes, she’s on the soccer team and she has a well-known witty personality. A lot of boys admire her, but the only girl she tends to get along with is Sophie, her best friend.

“I’m not that good,” I chew my lip, “Don’t go thinking I’m a champion or anything.”

“Okay, well then let’s put you to the test,” Ben yawns, “You. Me. Let’s play a game.”

I bite my lip. I’m not the biggest fan of competitions: I always seem to mess up in front of people. What if they laugh at me if I can’t beat Ben? They’ll think I’m bluffing.

“You scared?” Jesse cocks a smug eyebrow.

“No,” I reply calmly, but my teeth are gritted beneath my pursed lips. “One game. That’s all.”


“I can’t believe you beat me at COD,” Ben shakes his head in shame, stuffing another slice of pizza into his mouth. “I practically live on my x-box. How is this fair?” His mouth is full, words slurring together. Jesse has been in a constant bad mood since I won the game against Ben, unable to admit that he was wrong and I actually was as good as I said I was. He must really hate me pretty badly if he wants me to fail and embarrass myself in front of them. Then again, I can’t really blame him.

Jennifer woke up a little while ago and I made her some lunch. She’s upstairs now, watching The Bachelor re-runs. I offered to help her with anything else, but she just told me to load the dishwasher and then I could relax for a bit. She even smiled at me. Albeit, it was an awkward half-smile, but we’re getting more comfortable which is better for me as I’m trying to get stuff done. I think she appreciates that I’m trying to make it up to her, even though I don’t really have a choice.

“Well so much for working out this morning,” Jesse sighs, patting his stomach shamefully. I watch with a slightly intimidated eye: it’s rare that I ever do any exercise to be honest, but I tend to eat quite healthily which is why I manage to somehow maintain my tall and slender figure. Heather always complains about it to me, but I’d much prefer to have her body: she has curves and bumps in all the right places whereas me….I have a boyish and skinny tall figure. I have basically no butt, and my bra size isn’t the biggest to say the least.

Jesse, however, is basically the opposite of me: he does so much exercise that it hurts to watch. His main strengths are swimming and football, but name a sports team and he’s probably on it. I guess that’s why he and Everett are friends- they’re basically on all of the sports teams together.

“Thank you Lois,” Ben says through his last mouthful of pizza, closing the empty boxes. All that’s left now are a few grease stains and a few scraps of ham, but I’m too full to move. I nod simply, swallowing my last bite slowly to savour the taste. I love ham and pineapple pizza. Jesse nods at me, but doesn’t look me directly in the eye. Seems that my smoothie and my pizza treats today didn’t go down as well as I’d hoped. He just doesn’t want me around him.

“I’m going to go and check on your mom and then I should probably head back home,” I say, collecting the boxes together. “I’ll be back tomorrow at about two thirty: I have my job first.”

“You work at the beach café, don’t you?” Ben inquires, lifting his feet off the coffee table to stand up and help.


“What’s your discount?” Ben asks me cheekily.

I shoot him an amused look. “Twenty percent off. Bye Ben.”

I escape into the kitchen to chuck the pizza boxes into the recycle bin. Then, without saying anything to the smirking boys leaning against the couches watching me, I dash upstairs to check on Jennifer. She smiles awkwardly at me as I walk in. “Hi,” I greet, grateful for the attempt at friendliness, “Everything okay here? Is there anything you want doing?”

“I’m okay thank you,” Jennifer replies, “And I don’t feel as tired and dizzy anymore. I think my concussion is better.” She smoothens out the white sheets around her, the empty lunch tray sat neatly on her lap. I dash over to collect it, trying to avoid paying attention to her pale cheeks and bruised arm. I did this to her, it hits me with a pang.

I wince at the mention of her injury. “That’s good.”

“I’m fed up of this stuffy room though,” Jennifer sighs as she glances around her bedroom. “I might ask Jesse to wheel me to the park tomorrow. You can come too if you like.”

“I’d love to. Thank you for inviting me.”

Well this should be interesting.

Hi guys, some people seem to be under the impression that Hamilton is set in Canada- where medical treatment is free. Actually, it's set in the Massachussets- I did state that in Chapter 1, I just wanted to remind people so they didn't get confused :)

Also, I know you all hate Jesse so much right now, but he'll get better, I promise ;D

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