Chapter 67: How Long Can the Cherry Blossoms Bloom

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Chapter 67: How Long Can the Cherry Blossoms Bloom

Cherry blossoms in the cold wind, the petals are occasionally blown up and falling down.

The picture is beautiful--

If you match the surrounding withered cherry trees, and the witch in white, standing under this tree.

That scene is even more amazing, and it can be used as a computer desktop.

Asada China reached out and took off a cherry blossom petal, approached the tip of her nose, and could smell the faint aroma.

Even if it's been several minutes.

She was still slightly dizzy.

Just now, such a cherry tree turned out to be full of cherry blossoms just because Bai Shisang touched its trunk with his palm.

Even when the wine was seen playing too, leaning against the cherry tree, she sat under the tree and looked up.

Looking at the branches of light pink flowers.

For a moment, a teardrop fell from the corner of the eye.


If you say that, the least surprised is Shiraishi.

Pick up the camera and take a look at the scene just taken.

Want to see how Miko Asada filmed.

Facts have proved that Asada's shooting skills are pretty good, and the shooting angle is very good. She just shot the scene in which Shiraishi showed a blossoming flower and the girl looked up.


Shiraishi used to look at the lyrical part of anime, film, video and other works, and felt that it was a bit meaningless.

Why is this feeling?

Shiraishi groaned.

Suddenly realized.

Shoot too fast?

If it is a day-long style, the girl should talk to the wine seeing donor after the appearance, and make some preparations. It is best to be angry and angry again.

At the next critical moment, Shiraishi stepped forward and the lens focused.

With one palm, all flowers bloom.

The girl froze, looked up, and wept.

Then the mourning dissipated and almost became a Buddha.

During this period, there can be a short period of recall killing.

At the last moment before the obsession disappeared, Shiraishi stepped forward again and sent the girl on the road.

In the end, the donor saw the regretful cry and runny nose, and the nasal tears mixed together.


That last paragraph is awkward.

Too exaggerated, just a few tears.

Think of it this way, the plot will become more profitable.

Be aware of this.

Shiraishi also has some regrets.

I blame myself for getting rid of my spirits too much, and getting into the habit of not letting ghosts talk.

Save time and rush home.

However, now it is for shooting video, the purpose is video effect.

Still should wait a few tens of seconds, and then shot better.


After all, this is a video recorded on the scene of Chuling, not an act. The girl whistle has gone to Bliss.

No way to do it again.

It's a pity that Shiraishi, who wants to have a show, is a bit regretful.

Fortunately, thankfully.

Asada Miko took the handsome side of the little monk.


"Shiraishi, how do you feel?"

At this time, Asada China also watched the cherry trees, and came over to ask.

"Little monk is not very satisfied." Shiraishi told the truth.

"What can be dissatisfied with this?"

Asada China said stunnedly.

Obviously the program effect has exploded?

This is reality.

Not anime or movie special effects!

Watching the moment when the cherry trees and the winter are blooming.

Asada China nearly burst into tears.

So beautiful!

In this scene, if you edit it, slow it down, and add some music.

Definitely fire, fire, super fire!

Of course, there will definitely be some people questioning this, this may be a special effects scene.

However, as soon as they come to Yoyogi Park.

See this blooming cherry tree.

I will definitely close my mouth and respect the miracle!

Well, here comes the problem.

It takes time for video clips to be released.

If you want to add some special effects and make it more delicate, you need to consider it.

Even if it's all simple operations, Asada China estimates that it will not be released until Friday night or Saturday morning ...

By then, will this cherry tree be withered?

Regarding this question, Asada China naturally asked the founder of this matter.

"Shiraishi, how long can this cherry tree last?"

"do not know."

Asada China asked an interesting question.

Shiraishi looks at the cherry trees.

One glory and one dry, own set.

If you want to change this number, change the laws of nature, and make the plants turn dry, it will take great mana naturally.

Almost two years ago, Shiraishi showed a flowering grass with flowers.

It took three hundred units of mana.

The cherry tree is much larger than the grass, so it should take more mana?

So this time, Shiraishi Hide injected 5,000 units of mana.

Sure enough, it succeeded.

Bai Shixiu opened Tianyantong and glanced.

Five thousand units of mana caused the cherry tree to bloom, and it only consumed two thousand units.

There are 3,000 units of mana left, accumulated in the heart of the cherry tree!

Follow the comparisons you get from the four-faced monster.

The mana of 3,000 units is approximately equal to the magic power obtained by 3,000 years of practice!

With these mana supports.

Although I don't know how many mana will be consumed by this cherry tree every day.


"Should have it for decades." Shiraishi guessed.


Asada China thought that Shiraishi was a monk.

It is very tall and can be comparable to the mother-in-law of Asada's mother-in-law with a high school age of less than eighteen!

However, now Asada China noticed it.

Not a monk.

Those who can cause such miracles, not to mention the mother-in-law priest Asada, I am afraid that the highest net priest in Meiji Jingu Shrine may not be able to do it!

This is no longer a human category.

This is something that ghosts and gods can do.

Baishi Mulberry ...

Is a god monk!

Literally a monk!

What to do, I feel my legs are shaking, I can't help but kneel down to the big brother.

Just hesitating in Chida Asada.

What posture should I use to kneel in front of Shiraishi, and ask the boss to fly.

Shiraishi's warm voice suddenly sounded.

"By the way, Ms. Asada, can I take a look at the mana in your body with Skyeye."


Asada China froze and took a half step back.

Looking at Shiraishi, the latter looked sincere and seemed to be upright.

"I'm curious about the power of Shinto. I want to know ..."


The red halo climbed to the ears, and Asada China scolded, hugged the camera directly, stuffed her little backpack, and ran away.

Looking at the back of Qianda Qianna howling, Shiraishi was helpless.

If you don't agree, don't agree, scold me for doing something abnormal.

Hmm, Shiraishi was asking for Asada China from an academic point of view.

Shiraishi just wanted to understand.

What is the speed of priests and witches?

Compared with the priests and witches, what is the result of your own practice speed?

Such a simple idea.

As for perspective.

It's really impolite.

However, I requested it beforehand ...

As a bottom line monk.

Shiraishi will never look away.

Only the mana in the body is observed, and nothing can be seen.


Shouldn't Asada China think that her witch suit can block Shiraishi's heavenly eyes?

In this way, wouldn't the request that I just made ask Qianda Chenna to take off her clothes and let her see through Tiantiantong?


Think of it this way, it's a bit abnormal.

A little awkwardly rubbed his short hair.

Shiraishi thinks.

I have to apologize to Miko Asada later.

If you want to understand in the future, you should find a male clergyman to understand it.

As for now, Shiraishi walked in front of Jiu Jian Zuo Tai.

He was still staring at the cherry trees.

Don't know what to think.

Shiraishi smiled.

"See the donor, everything is over.

"Now the tram is not out of service. Pay the price and the monk will take you to the station."

Thanks for the hunger rewards of Juyi, just waiting for one person! !! Thanks to Xiaoxiaoyu, Stealth Dragon, and Baili in Z! !!

(End of this chapter)

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