Chapter 8 My family is gone!

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Chapter 8 My Home Is Gone!

Seeing Asada China take out the camera.

After all, Shiraishi was not determined enough, and he couldn't help asking.

"What's this? Is it a camcorder?"

Has the Shinto shrine removal method of the shrine been so advanced with the times?

The old abbot never said!

Lingming Temple is not without props for spiritual removal.

For example, the lighted zen stick, the lighted rosary, the lighted bowl, the lighted Buddha image, the lighted diamond pestle, the diamond bell ...

Are some common magic instruments.

However, I have never seen an Apple iPhone that has been turned on, or a bicycle that has been turned on!

Asada's words, really confirmed Shiraishi's idea.

"It's not a camcorder. It's just baptized. It can only capture ghosts."

The shrine surely has kept pace with the times.

I can light up the camera!

Shiraishi suddenly realized, a little annoyed.

I can be considered a future person, although only a few years in the future ...

Why didn't you think about it, to light up the daily electronic equipment and inject mana?

Really lost the face of his peers.

Sure enough, live to learn to learn.

Shinto has advanced with the times, and Buddhism cannot fall behind.

When I go back today, I will try to light my bike.

Not to mention killing a few evil spirits.

Improve the stability a little, so that this bike has been used for many years, it is not that difficult to ride ...

"Come on, Shiraishi, wait for you to use this camera to film the whole process of my spiritual removal."

Qianda Qianna smiled and handed the camera to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi took over the baptized camera that combines Shinto and technology, feeling a little heavy.

This is the crystallization of civilization in the new era!

In addition, Shiraishi naturally agreed to Asada's request.

Cannibalism is short, and manpower is short.

Anyway, after eating a meal of Asada China, Shiraishi could not find a reason for refusal.

Hold the camera.

Asada Chiina checked it out and there was no problem.

Only then did the formal layout of the site begin.

There is indeed something to learn from the detoxification of Shinto.

Face the "jealous ghost" who wanders everywhere, not confined to square inches.

Asada China uses a cherry blossom spice as an auxiliary material and a gloomy wood chip as a main ingredient.

The smoke generated by the back incense will not rise, but will sink.

This weird phenomenon was called by the ancients: deadly incense.

Without knowing what the jealousy was.

Asada China intends to use this kind of retro cherry blossom to attract wandering jealousy.

Later, Asada China used various Shinto charms to arrange around the open space to deal with the jealous ghost attracted by the fragrance.

Among them, the methods and raw materials used by these Shinto charms ...

Shiraishi is all clear.

This time it does not seem to be from the book.

It was Chida Asana who explained it personally, and after a little analysis, he understood it.

Chida Asana was not told to Shiraishi.

It 's about the "buddies" in front of the camera ...

It turned out that this unscrupulous witch asked Shiraishi to hold a video camera in order to shoot the video of the spirits and publish it on the video website!

After discovering this, Shiraishi was dumb.

Is this the new age of witches?

Fortunately, it's just recording and not broadcasting.

Otherwise Shiraishi doesn't know how to face this camera.

When Shiraishi is messy under the night sky.

Asada China had already set up the scene, clapped her hands, and smiled to the camera.

"Well, now the preparations are done, and the time has come to midnight.

"Although it is not the heaviest moment of the day, most of the ghosts have also become active.

"Our purpose is to get rid of spirits, so we can start attracting spirits! First, light the incense ..."

Asada China lit the smoke back.

His expression was sober.

It seems to want to create the thrill of a few little girls hiding in a dark room and playing with pen fairy together.

It's just that Shiraishi can't see how frightening.

Instead, I want to take a bag of seeds and look at it while simmering.

Suddenly, Shiraishi's inspiration moved.

Turned his head.

I saw the street in front of the clearing, the limit reflected by the light of the street lamp, and then a shadow one or two steps forward.

A figure came out slowly.

That's a man's figure, he walked very slowly, very slowly.

Seems thinking, seems confused, I don't know where to go, and there is no place to go.

He was wrapped in a dirty suit jacket, and one of his precious leather shoes was missing, looking like a downcast tramp.

Is it normal?

not normal.

Only when Shiraishi opened his eyes, he could see him.

At the same time, he could hear the subtle sorrows on him, the grieving grievances, and the humming spirit pollution.

"Why, why, why, why ..."

"You have a home, a lover, a child, a relative, a friend, a physical and mental home ..."

"I have nothing, nothing, nothing ...."

"It's always been this way, it's always been the same, it's never changed, I'm abandoned, abandoned, abandoned, untrusted, not respected, not valued ..."

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe ..."


Shiraishi brow frowned.

From this jealous ghost.

He probably guessed why Nishimura was brutally killed.

Probably because of "going home".

Just because Nishimura had a warm home, he was jealous and cruelly killed by jealous ghosts.

The reason is too simple.

Unbelievably simple-just for such a ridiculous reason, Mr. Nishimura died?

Because of this.

It can better reflect the danger of jealous ghosts!

If you don't deal with it, the next victim is always possible!

The jealousy was clearly attracted by the scent of the retro fragrance.

Step by step, slowly, slowly.

Seeing Shiraishi anxious.

Hurry up, get on your way, what ink?

If it weren't for Asada's home.

Bai Shixiu had already gone up and sent the jealous ghost donor back to the West to make atonement before the Buddha.

Asada Chisana on the side, she looked as if she was facing an enemy.

Has been watching nervously the jealous ghost walked towards the position of fragrant incense.

When she reached a certain place, she waved her hands suddenly.

"Bound soul!"


Several amulets on the ground, covered with thin soil, lit up soft colors of various colors, interwoven to form a net-like spirit, and bound the jealousy in it.

Shiraishi's eyes brightened.

Oh handsome.

This light and shadow effect is dazzling a thousand times more than your own moves!

Why did n't the old abbot teach himself this trick?

Hmm ... the old abbot seems to have never taught Shiraishi.

This is probably the monk.

Do n't teach anything, say a word or two of Zen machine, and let the apprentice realize it.

Shiraishi shouted and adjusted the camera.

Chida Asada has begun to fight with jealousy.

The soul-binding net wrapped the jealous ghost in it, a piece of rune paper was thrown out, and the spiritual power on it was scattered into a special light and shadow effect.

The scene seemed that Asada Chinana had the absolute upper hand.

Just then, the jealousy held his head and squatted on the ground.

That hard, husky, harsh.

It sounded like the stone was scratching fiercely on the glass.

"Witch, do you have a home?"

"Home? Of course." Chida Asada is obviously a fledgling little witch.

She just said this on the camera. It was the first time she came out alone to deal with evil spirits ...

Even Shiraishi is clear.

Generally speaking, after the evil spirits have spoken, if they get a response, the chance of a counterattack will greatly increase.

Just like when Shiraishi went over that fire ghost last night.

If that sentence was answered at that time, the fire ghost was not purified on the spot.

Then, the latter will start to change his face, exposing the sloppy face.

"Hehe, hehehe ... but I'm different ..."

Sure enough, I only heard the sound of jealous ghost crying and laughing.

Senada Asada noticed that she was wrong, throwing more spells, she shoved a lot, just like no money.

Shiraishi sees all distressed.

These spells are magical and are the charms of the Great Shrine.

How much can I sell if I sell it!

Unfortunately, the effect is not obvious.

At least it didn't prevent the envious ghost from moving.

The jealous ghost slowly stood up, and the soul-binding net on his body finally torn and fell off after a long struggle.

Its body shape, also from a middle-aged person, swelled, twisted, and roared.

"My home is gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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