chapter 6

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The next morning, I woke up early while everyone was still asleep. I walked towards the pond and got a drink of water. Then, I saw something behind a bush. It was a black journal and it had a dark blue pen inside of it. I walked towards it and opened the book in the one particular page that the pen was in. It had something written on it. I read:

Dear diary,                                                                                     August 21,2016

Today, I had captured a new Pokemon. It was a Pikachu! When I went into the forest I discovered one single Pikachu resting infront of me in the long thick green grass. I knew that Rhydon had the advantage against an electric type Pokemon like Pikachu. It was the perfect time to catch it at 6:00 in the morning. I felt like an early bird catching a worm, but instead It was like the early trainer catches a pokemon. I am going to train this Pikachu and level it up and make it evolve into a Raichu. With my Pokemon by my side I will be unstoppable!

                                                                                                         Goodbye for now diary,

                                                                                                                 Gerald Goodman

"Gerald Goodman, so that's who caught that Pikachu, yesterday" I thought. I closed the diary and hid it inside the bush to keep it safe and went to sleep beside it.  Bolt ran towards me and jumped on me. "Wake up , Lightning!" he yelled in my ear. He startled me awake. "Why are you sleeping all the way over here?' he asked me curiously. "Uh!" I tried to say something, but I was too drowzy I couldn't speak right. "Uh! Ok? Well nevermind, we're missing breakfast, hurry up! I'm starving." Bolt replied. We ran towards the others and began eating breakfast.

It was another boring day," I hope something surprising and interesting happens someday?" I thought.  That night, I slept holding my new diary under my arm behind the bushes. At that moment, a huge shadow flew towards me in the sky and landed infront of me. My ears perked up and I woke up.

 All I saw were big orange colored feet before the creature punched me and knocked me out. It brought me to it's pack, I was still holding on to my diary. The big creature landed on the soft grass below and set me down to a tree. It tied a rope around my yellow body and paws. I finally awaken and I saw a herd of Charizard, Charmeleon and Charmander infront of me.  What were they going to do to me? What did they want from me? I clutched on to my diary. 

"Hey! Let me go!" I yelled to the Charizard, Charmeleon and Charmander. "No! You annoying pest!" the leader roared. "Who are you?" I asked him. "I am Inferno" he answered, introducing himself to me. "Now stop talking you rat!" he shouted. "Who are you calling a rat?!" I hollored. "You!" he yelled in my ear, so loud I swear he just made me deaf in one ear. I kept my mouth shut after that. Knowing that if I spoke, I wouldn't know if I was yelling at it. I did not want the Charizards to use flamethrower and burn me into nothingness. I grew starving but, the group and Charmander, Charmeleon ,and Charizard teased me with delicious looking treats. I licked my chops, just looking at the food. 

That night, I heard that my stomach was growling. A Charmander woke up and grabbed an oran berry for me to eat.  The Charmander used cut on the rope to untie me, so I could eat. "Here you go?" he said, giving me the berry. "Thank you!" I thanked the Charmander, taking the berry and ate it. 

"What is your name?" I requested. "My name is Blaze" the Charmander answered. "Oh, nice to meet you, Blaze. I've never heard of a wild Charmander, Charmeleon, or even a wild Charizard, before" I replied.  "That is because we were abandoned from our trainers" Blaze replied. "Oh! Who would do such a thing to their Pokemon?" I asked. "Bad trainers, that's who!" Blaze, the Charmander answered, "you should never trust any trainers!" "Well not all trainers are bad" I replied. "Oh really! How do you know that? Are you a trainers Pikachu?" Blaze asked, suspiciously.

 "No,  I'm not! I'm just telling you that not all trainers are bad, most of them are good, you'll see" I answered. "Really! We could all get trainers again one day?" Blaze replied, happily. "Yes!" I answered. "Thank you! You know what, I'll let you go, hurry go!" Blaze yelled t ome letting me go. The snoring Charizards and Charmeleon were about to wake up, but before they woke up, I  was gone. "What! Where did our prisoner go!" Inferno yelled, starring at the only Charmander, who was the first to wake up. "I don't know? It must have escaped right before I woke up" Blaze lied for me.

I ran all the way back to where my Pikachu friends territory was. I was back and I sat behind the bush, where I found the journal yesterday and turned to an empty page and wrote:

Dear diary,                                                                                               August 22, 2016

My name is Pikachulover, and I am now going to write about my journey of being a Pikachu. I just found you yesterday behind a bush and tonight, at I think 8:39 PM, I was Pokenapped by a herd of Charizard and their pre- evolutions; Charmanders and Charmeleon, but I was rescued by a Charmander named Blaze, who I befriended. I hope I will meet him again and I hope all those abandoned starter Pokemon will find a new and better trainer, someday. 

                                                                                                                Goodbye for now,



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