Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning to see Bolt right in my face. "HEY!" he yelled in my ear. I could still hear the ringing from two days ago when Inferno yelled in my eardrum. Having big ears to have a very good sense of  hearing is cool, but when someone screams in them they never stop ringing. I flinched because it really hurt, but I didn't want to speak back to him because I wouldn't know if I would yell at him or not. It was even worse than yesterday, when I didn't notice the ringing that often.

We walked out of the bushes and met all the other Pikachu. "Do you know that it is the first day of Pokeschool?" Bolt asked. "Uh! What's Pokeschool?" I asked. The ringing has finally stopped, so I could finally speak to Bolt. "You don't know what Pokeschool is?"Bolt questioned, surprised and confused at the sametime. "Uh! No?!" I told him. 

"Well Pokeschool is when all the young Pokemon go to a school located in this forest" Bolt described. "Huh? A school for Pokemon?" I thought. "Come on!" Bolt replied, excitedly. 

We waited next to the river waited for someone. "What are we waiting for exactly?" I asked. "Lapras" Bolt replied. "Lapras?" I interrogated. "Yes! He always takes us to the Pokeschool, if Pokemon can't walk there" Bolt replied. "Oh!" I responded.  

At that moment, Lapras arrived and he stopped infront of us and all the young Pikachu  crawled onto its back. When everyone was on Lapras, he took us to the Pokeschool. 

"Hello students! Welcome back!" a Farfetch'd responded to every student that past him. "Good morning, Mr. Farfetch'd!" Bolt replied. "Good morning, Bolt, welcome back" the Farfetch'd spoke. Bolt went into a huge garden that they called the Pokeschool and I followed him. All the young Pokemon sat on tree stumps and used logs as desks. I sat next to Bolt and another young Pikachu about Bolts age named Luckyshock, who wasn't very good at battling yet, but was pretty lucky.

A Charmander walked towards me and started to speak shyly, "my name is Gogo and this is my sister, Spitfire and my brother, Zippo" Two Charmanders walked towards us. "Hello!" Spitfire spoke in a happy tone. "Hi!" Zippo spoke excitedly. "You must be new here" Spitfire responded. "Yup, I'm new!" I replied. "Why did they call you, Spitfire?" Bolt asked, Spitfire. "Because I spit fire when I get angry" she explained. "Oh, that makes sense"Bolt replied, looking scared.

"Attention class!"  the Farfetch'd yelled, banging his celery stalk on the log to get everyones attention. Everyone sat down and looked at Mr. Farfetch'd. "Today is the first day of class and we already have a new student with us today, named Lightning!" he started, "stand up Lightning!" I stood up infront of the class. "Now sit down!" he told me. I sat back down on the tree stump and continued to listen to Mr. Farfetch'd. 

We were in a class with a Jolteon named Jolt. He was teaching us how to battle right. "Hydro! Come on up!" he called out to a Squirtle. Hydro walked towards Jolt  and he looked nervous. "Now Hydro use water gun on me!" Jolt demanded. "Ok?" he said shyly, using water gun very lightly and slowly. "Come on Hydro! I know you can do better than that!" Jolt encouraged Hydro.

 Hydro began to use water gun on Jolt, but he dodged it. Jolt was wearing a whistle around his neck like a coach should and he blew on it. "Now Hydro use watergun and take down these targets!" Jolt demanded, spitting the whistle out of his mouth. "Yes sir!" Hydro yelled acting like a soldier. Hydro used water gun and took down all ten targets. 

"Great job, Hydro! 10 out of 10! You passed!" Jolt shouted. Hydro looked so happy and he punched the front-side of his shell with his fist, looking strong. Jolt made all of us go up and we all passed the practice round. "Tomorrow is when the real hard stuff come in" Jolt responded, and everybody groaned tiredly. 

The next class was a dodging class with Mr. Tauros. A Charmander offered to go first. "Okay Hot Shot! Your ready?!" Mr. Tauros yelled in a country accent, stomping his left front hoof at the ground getting ready to charge . "Yes sir!" Hot Shot yelled. Tauros started to charge at the Charmander, but he jumped into the air and landed on Tauros' back. "YEE-HAW! RIDE EM COWMON!!!" Hot shot yelled, in a country accent. 

Tauros tried to get Hot Shot off him, but he still wouldn't get off. Then, Hot Shot did a flip off his back and bowed to the audience, who went wild. It was like a rodeo show in Texas. Tauros stopped and grinned at Hot Shot. "Great job, you passed!" Tauros yelled out, "who's next!?" 

Everyone just starred at him jaw-dropped and frightened. After everyone went they were all in pain and on the ground moaning and some on trees, when Tauros kicked them up there. Everyone failed except for Hot Shot, Bolt and I. "You three are pretty quick and strong!" Tauros yelled, "you were the only three who passed my class so far this year!" Bolt and I just used agility to dodge Tauros, while Hot Shot did the most amazing show of the whole year.

After Pokeschool, Lapras took us back home and all the young Pikachu, Bolt and I were exhausted. My paws were aching, but I managed to get to my diary. I wrote:

Dear diary,                                                                                                  August 25, 2016

Today, was the first day of Pokeschool and it was exhausting. I wonder how tiring it will be tomorrow. I think Pokeschool is even worse than regular school. You start everything on the first day and your teachers will exhaust you more than regular human teachers. They will also make you write three whole page front and back essays about what you learned in each class; and my paws are already hurting.

                                                                                                                Goodbye for now, 


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