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Hello my name is Pikachulover. This is my story when I become a Poke'mon.

One day, I woke up and everything looked bigger than me. I didn't know if I shrunk or everything became huge. I looked at my hands, which were now yellow paws. "Ahhhh!" I screamed. I moved towards my mirror and saw myself with a yellow body, tiny yellow paws, long ears with black tips, black eyes, red cheeks, a tiny triangle-shaped nose, a tiny mouth and a lightning bolt-shaped tail. I knew exactly what I was, I was a Pikachu! Was it a dream or was it real life?

My mom went upstairs and saw me as a Pikachu. "Honey, are you okay? I heard you scream" she asked, when she spotted me. "It's me mom! I said jumping into her arms, but all she heard me say was, "Pika pika pi!"" What's a Pikachu doing in here?" she said confused. "Mom it's me i'm the Pikachu!" I said, but all I said was "Pika pi! Pika pika pikachu!"

She carried me outside, "Officer Jenny!" she yelled. Officer Jenny from Pallet Town came over. "Yes mam" she said. "My daughter is missing! All I could find was this Pikachu in her room. She couldn't have went on a journey because her Poke'mon are still here" my mom replied. "But I am your daughter" I said confused, but all I they could hear was, "Pika! Pikachu!" My mother put me down on the ground. I became so angry that I used thunderbolt. "Peek- a-choo!" I yelled. Officer Jenny and my mom were shocked. "Did I do that?" I said, but all that came out was, "Pika Pika!"

Officer Jenny went into my room and found no clues at all. "That's strange I don't see any clues of your daughter being kidnapped and leaving a Pikachu here?" Officer Jenny said, "Maybe the Pikachu can help?" Officer Jenny reached her arms towards me, but I freaked out and ran out of my room. "Wait Pikachu!" Officer Jenny yelled chasing me. My mom blocked the door, so I had no choice, but to jump out the window.

I landed on all fours on the ground. I turned around and saw Officer Jenny and my mother burst out the door and spotted me. I began running on all fours. Then, I realized that I was going too fast, I was using agility. I ran down a steep hill and began to loose my balance and rolled down hill heading for a cliff. I couldn't stop rolling that I fell down the cliff. I held on to the rocks. Officer Jenny and my mother saw me and held out their arms. "Grab on Pikachu! We'll save you" Officer Jenny cried. "Help me!" I yelled, but it turned out to be,"Pika pi!" Suddenly the rock I was holding on to fell and I began to fall down with it. "No Pikachu!" they yelled. 

On the ground were a herd of Pikachu. They saw me and they began to gather leaves and made a big leaf pile under me. I landed in the pile of leaves, I was saved! "Are you alright?" said one Pikachu. "Yeah!" I said, "wait you can understand me and I can understand you?!" "Well of course we can?! Did you hit your head on a rock?" said another Pikachu. "Uh! No! I didn't! Thanks for saving me!" I said. "Hey! I've never seen you around here before?" said the leader of the Pikachus. "Yeah! Did you used to be a trainers Pikachu?" said the littlest pikachu. "No!I wasn't" I said, trying not to tell them that I was a trainer myself. "Anyways I'm Thunder" said the leader of the pikachus, "what's your name?" "I'm M-" I stopped trying not to tell them my real name,"well I don't really have a name?" I felt bad lying to my new friends, but I had to keep my true self a secret. "Hm! How about we call you Lightning" Thunder said. "Okay sure!" I said. Suddenly, i began to feel drowzy, then I fell to the ground,  exhausted.  A couple moments later, I passed out. "Lightning!" all the Pikachu's gasped, running towards me.

All the Pikachu's started to rub their red cheeks  on me storing electricity in mine.

Note: I am very excited for Poke'mon sun and moon. 

I want to get  Poke'mon moon!

Release Date: November 18,2016

My partner is going to be Litten, a fire type. 

Male: Inferno or Ash

Female: Amber

What are you going to call your partner?

Lunala and Solgaleo look amazing! 

Who  is your favorite legendary in Gen 7?

I love Lunala!

Fact: Doesn't Drampa look like Falkor from neverending story. Totally going to name it, Falkor if I catch it in the game.

Hope you enjoyed the story. More parts coming soon.

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